Announcement & Call for Papers
14th Biennial Symposium on Information Integrity and Information Systems Assurance
With special PD sessions/workshops on topics TBA
Fall 2025 (from Sept 25th to Sept 27th, 2025)
Hybrid (Details TBA)
In-person Location Toronto, Canada (Details TBA)
Research papers and panels are invited from academe and practice addressing IS/IT topics related to risk, control, and assurance, with preference given to papers and panels on such topics affecting sustainability reporting and disclosure. However, papers on other relevant IS/IT topics such as the following will be considered.
- Cybersecurity/privacy
- IT Governance
- Data Analytics
- Information Integrity/Misinformation
- Machine Learning and AI
- Crypto Currencies/Assets
- Blockchain technology
- Cloud computing/Outsourcing/SOC
- Virtual Reality
- Internet of Things
- Mobile/ubiquitous computing
- Audit Automation
Both private sector and public sector issues are of interest. All research methods are welcome. Papers will be subject to blind peer review by academics and practitioners. Selected papers will be published in the International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (IJAIS) subject to editorial review and approval.
Submission deadline is June 1, 2025.
A submission fee of CDN$75.00 is required for paper submissions.
If you have an idea for a panel or workshop please contact Prof. J. Efrim Boritz. There is no submission fee for panel and workshop proposals.
Conditions of submission for papers:
- authors must disclose whether their paper is under review elsewhere;
- papers must be submitted with a 300-500 word summary addressing the practical implications of the research;
- authors of submitted papers must agree to review at least one other submitted paper;
- papers must adhere to the editorial style of IJAIS; and
- papers must be submitted a blind copy in MS Word format NOT pdf to facilitate electronic review and commentary by reviewers.
For more information contact Prof. J. Efrim Boritz.
Notice of acceptance will be sent by July 15, 2025.
Papers accepted subject to revision must be revised by August 31, 2025.
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