Welcome to UWCISA


The key objectives of the centre are to stimulate relevant research, support the development/delivery of educational materials, communicate about important information integrity (II) and information systems assurance (ISA) issues and related centre activities, and promote interaction among II and ISA educators and practitioners.

The University of Waterloo Centre for Information Integrity and Information Systems Assurance (UWCISA) is sponsored by the School of Accounting and Finance at the University of Waterloo, Chartered Professional Accountants Canada (CPA Canada), ISACA Toronto Chapter, and The Institute of Internal Auditors Canada. Its objectives are to improve the quality of research and education in the II and ISA area at the University of Waterloo, throughout Canada and in developing economies. This centre will foster a close and continuing working relationship between the school and its sponsors.     

Sponsored by

UWCISA sponsor logos: CPA Canada, ISACA Toronto Chapter, IIA Canada and UW SAF


We are pleased to announce that the Special Issue “2023 Research Symposium on Information Integrity & Information Systems Assurance” has now been published. The issue is available on ScienceDirect.

The explosion of interest in data analytics has led to the development of software such as Alteryx, which offers many powerful capabilities in no code/low code format.

For more information, visit Online Hands-on Workshop on Alteryx - December session.

The explosion of interest in data analytics has led to the development of software such as Alteryx, which offers many powerful capabilities in no code/low code format.

For more information, visit Online Hands-on Workshop on Alteryx - November session.
