The mentorship program’s purpose is to provide undergraduate and MAcc School of Accounting and Finance students who are interested in pursuing a PhD with an opportunity to learn more about an academic career in audit & assurance, cybersecurity, accounting information systems (AIS), or related fields. Specifically, the program will expose students to the research and teaching responsibilities of accounting professors in one (or more) of these areas and provide students with valuable information about benefits and costs of pursuing a PhD in the applicable area(s).
This program is co-sponsored by ISACA Toronto Chapter.

Learning about an audit academic career
While I expected that the timeline for completing a research paper could be quite long, I didn’t expect that publishing a research paper can also be a long process with a lot of back and forth for peer reviews. I also didn’t expect that a paper could be flat out rejected – it’s hard to imagine putting in all the effort and resources into completing a project but being rejected by journals. I also think it’s interesting that the research doesn’t seem to be reaching the senior and associate levels in accounting firms.