
General – Research 

Thought Leadership, Funding Specific Research Projects 


Research Ranking 

  • Activities during current fiscal period (cumulative): Our global rank in AIS research productivity per the BYU rankings is #8 at the end of 2022. It is important to recognize that the BYU rankings are based on a small set of 12 accounting journals that omit the top tier MIS journals such as MIS Quarterly and ISR, and other highly rated accounting information systems journals such as IJAIS that members of the Centre have published in. 
  • BYU Main University Rankings for Accounting Information Systems 2023

Research Symposium 

Call for proposals: research grants

General – Education and Knowledge Transfer 

Disseminating Best Practices, Sharing Material (Workshops / Conferences) 

Developing Courses, Workshops, Cases and Other Teaching Material 


CPD Service


  • Activities during current fiscal period (cumulative): A workshop was held on December 7, 2022 on the impact of AI on the Accounting Profession.  A paper on this workshop is forthcoming in the fall 2023 issue of JIS and posted on SSRN.

System & Organization Controls 

  • Activities during current fiscal period (cumulative): A workshop is being considered on SOC reports and competencies for conducting SOC-related consulting and assurance engagements.

Non-Financial Reporting 

  • Activities during current fiscal period (cumulative): A workshop is being considered on Business Model Reporting and Assurance.

General – Interaction

Engaging with Profession, Students, Public

Alliances and Relationships - CPA Canada

  • Activities during current fiscal period (cumulative): We have an alliance with CPA Canada which is a founding sponsor of UWCISA.
  • We participated in several initiatives that are discussed in the Assurance section.

Alliances and Relationships - IIA

  • Activities during current fiscal period (cumulative): We have a partnership with IIA Canada and the Toronto Chapter of IIA. We participated in several initiatives that are discussed in the Internal Audit section.

Alliances and Relationships – ISACA

  • Activities during current fiscal period (cumulative): We have an alliance with the Toronto Chapter of ISACA and have been seeking to expand this to other Canadian chapters through the good offices of the Toronto Chapter

Alliances and Relationships - AICPA 

  • Activities during current fiscal period (cumulative): Efrim Boritz is a member of the AICPA Trust Services Information Integrity Task Force and the Cybersecurity Task Force.  

Alliances and Relationships - IJAIS

  • Activities during current fiscal period (cumulative): We have an alliance with the IJAIS (International Journal of Accounting Information Systems) through its co-sponsorship of the Symposium and related special symposium issue of the IJAIS. 

Alliances and Relationships – AIS

  • Activities during current fiscal period (cumulative): We have an alliance with the AIS (Accounting Information Systems) section of the AAA which relates to JIS (Journal of Information Systems). Efrim Boritz and Theo Stratopoulos were the co-senior editors of JIS from 2020 to 2022 and continue handling papers submitted during that time during 2023.

Alliances and Relationships - SET 

  • Activities during current fiscal period (cumulative): We have an alliance with the SET (Strategic and Emerging Technologies in Accounting) section of the AAA which relates to the JETA (Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting).  

Alliances and Relationships – CAAA 

  • Activities during current fiscal period (cumulative): The CAAA (Canadian Academic Accounting Association) was a symposium sponsor in 2017, 2019, and  2021. 

Alliances and Relationships - Virtual International Collaborative for Education 

  • Activities during current fiscal period (cumulative): Development of international network of centres with similar purposes continues. We have agreed to create a virtual international center for education (VICE) whereby we will share course offerings among center members.

Website and Social Networks

  • Activities during current fiscal period (cumulative): Ann Bisch and Laila Rohani manage our website and social media  outreach. During 2023 we have been expanding our social media presence. These activities can be seen at the following links.

UWCISA Facebook 

UWCISA LinkedIn 

UWCISA Twitter 

UWCISA Instagram


  • Activities during current fiscal period (cumulative): UWCISA Blog is being maintained by Malik Datardina.
  • Board members are encouraged to comment and share.
  • UWCISA: Official Blog

Annual Report 

  • Activities during current fiscal period (cumulative): The annual report for 2022 is posted on our website.
  • Previous reports are also posted online. 
  • UWCISA Annual Reports