Alteryx is a low-code, drag-and-drop tool that can automate data preparation and analytics on large data sets. It has applications spanning descriptive, prescriptive, and predictive analytics.
This workshop, a collaboration between UWCISA and Haventree Bank, will provide a hands-on demonstration of how to use Alteryx to provide insights in an internal audit context focused on internal controls and fraud detection. This requires software installation.
- Apply for an independent learner license for Alteryx Designer and then download and install the software.
- The Dropbox for this workshop contains three files: The first file is a short slide deck I intend to use to kick off the workshop. The other two files are the case and data file you will need during the workshop.
- Please download the case and associated data file. Please read the case ahead of time to familiarize yourself with the scenario and think about some of the risks that are present prior to coming to the workshop.