What is Emerging Technologies?
The Emerging Technologies focus area emphasizes research, education and knowledge transfer, and interaction initiatives at UWCISA, particularly attuned to topics such as:
- the implications of emerging technologies on financial reporting, audit processes, tax preparation, and compliance management, aiming to enhance accuracy, efficiency, and transparency,
- the development of new accounting frameworks and standards to accommodate the integration of emerging technologies, and
- assessing the impact of emerging technologies on data security, privacy, and ethical considerations within the financial sector.
Led by

Theo Stratopoulos, PhD
UWCISA Associate Director Data Analytics and Emerging Technologies
Education and Knowledge Transfer
Disseminating Best Practices, Sharing Material (Workshops / Conferences)
Developing Courses, Workshops, Cases and Other Teaching Material
Courses and Programs
Access to Robotic Process Automation Tools
- Theo Stratopoulos arranged an academic partnership with UiPath, the leading RPA software provider, to give SAF students access to the software and teaching material.
Master’s Research Paper
- The MAcc Program at the University of Waterloo offers students the option to complete a Master's Research Paper (MRP) instead of a 4th elective course, over the 8 months (Jan-Aug) of the program.
- In 2024, one student is completing an MRP in the emerging technologies area: Ella Koay, as supervised by Theo Stratopoulos.
Prompt Engineering
- Under the leadership of Malik Datardina and Efrim Boritz, UWCISA has developed a workshop on prompt engineering.
- The first offering was in-person on June 3 and the second offering was online on July 29.
- A third offering will be held online on October 30.
Amassing and Disseminating Knowledge
Large Language Models
- Theo Stratopoulos and Victor Wang will be the guest editors of the International Journal of Accounting Information Systems for a special issue on Artificial Intelligence, with a focus on Large Language Models, in Accounting.
- This special issue aims to explore the transformative impact of AI and LLMs on accounting practice and research. A call for papers was placed July 17, 2023 and the special issue will be published in 2025.
Practitioner Resources
Article on AI Technologies
- Upon invitation from Think Twenty and based on a survey of CPAs, Efrim Boritz prepared an article AI Technologies with Implications for Assurance Services (PDF).
- The article, released in Spring 2023, summarizes for CPAs and other practitioners UWCISA’s survey research that pertains to AI-related technologies and tools.
Engaging with Profession, Students, Public
Emerging Technologies Advisory Group
- The aim of this initiative is to organize a team of industry experts and meet periodically to discuss/identify emerging technologies and how they will affect our curriculum.
- Theo Stratopoulos is one of the co-team leaders of this initiative.