Dr. David A. Stephenson
Technical Specialist, Ford Global Powertrain Manufacturing Engineering

This talk with a brief review of the historical development of current commercial machining analysis programs, and the current use of these methods within the North American automotive industry. Following this introduction, applications which cannot currently be addressed with available capabilities will be discussed, including full stress analysis of large tooling assemblies, analytical stability analysis, modeling of coolants, and MQL air flow modelling. Specification of input material data and correlation with production measures, which are perennial problems in applications work, will also be reviewed. The talk will conclude with a question and answer period.
David A. Stephenson is a Technical Specialist at Ford Global Powertrain Manufacturing Engineering in Livonia, MI. He is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and a Fellow of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME). He has served as a journal technical editor for both societies, and served on the ASME Manufacturing Science and Engineering Division Executive Committee from 2002 to 2007. He received the ASME Blackall Machine Tool and Gage Award in 1994, the SME Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award in 1994, and the M. Eugene Merchant Manufacturing Medal of SME/ASME in 2004. He received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in mechanical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1981 and 1983, respectively, and his PhD from the University of Wisconsin in 1985.
Prof. Yusuf Altintas
Professor, The University of British Columbia

The aim of NSERC CANRIMT research is to develop science based models of machining operations, machine tool vibrations and control.NSERC CANRIMT 1 focused on the development of digital machining models for virtual testing and optimization while CANRIMT focuses on the sensor assisted machine tool monitoring, composite machining and adaptive tooling techniques. NSERC CANRIMT consists of 18 professors from 8 Canadian Universities complemented by 10 Canadian and International companies. More than 120 graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are trained by CANRIMT academics. The talk will overview the research themes and accomplished, industry friendly technologies by the CANRIMT researchers.
Professor Altintas obtained his Bachelor from Istanbul Technical University (1975), M.Sc. (1980) from University of New Brunswick and Ph.D. (1987) from McMaster University in Canada. He worked as a machine tool manufacturing engineer in Turkey (1977-1978), process development engineer in Pratt & Whitney Canada in Montreal (1980-1981), and the principal engineer of Canadian Institute of Metalworking at McMaster University in Hamilton (1981-1982). He joined University of British Columbia and founded Manufacturing Automation Laboratory in 1986. He conducts research on metal cutting, machine tool vibrations, control and virtual machining. He has published over 185 archival journal and 100 conference articles with ~ 24,200 citations with h index of 79 (Google Scholar), and a widely used “Manufacturing Automation: Principals of Metal Cutting Mechanics, Machine Tool Vibrations and CNC Design. 1st ed. 2000, 2nd ed.:2012 with Chinese (2003,2020) and Turkish (2017) Editions. His research laboratory created advanced machining process simulation (CUTPRO), virtual part machining process simulation (MACHPRO) and open-modular 5 axis CNC system (Virtual CNC), which are used by over 300 companies and research centers in the field of machining and machine tools worldwide.
Professor Altintas is the fellow of Royal Society of Canada, CIRP, ASME, SME, CAE, EC, Tokyo University, P&WC, AvH and ISNM. He received Pratt & Whitney Canada’s (P&WC) university partnership (1997), APEG BC’s Meritorious Achievement (2002), APEG BC R.H. McLachlan (2010), UBC Killam Teaching Prize of Engineering (2011), Gold Medal of Engineers Canada (2011), SME Albert M. Sergent Progress Award (2012), NSERC Synergy Award, ASME Blackall Machine Tool and Gage best journal paper award, the special scientific award ofRepublic of Turkey in Science and Engineering (2013), Georg Schlesinger Production Engineering Award (Berlin, 2016), and ASME William T. Ennor Manufacturing Technology Award (USA, 2016). He holds an Honorary Doctorate Degrees from Stuttgart University (2009) and Budapest University of Technology (2013), and holds Honorary Professor title from BEIHANG University in Beijing. He is the president of CIRP (International Academy of Production Engineering Researchers) for term 2016 – 2017. He is designated as the Distinguished University Scholar of Engineering at the University of British Columbia (2017).
He currently directs NSERC CANRIMT Machining Research Network across Canada, and holds the NSERC – P&WC – Sandvik Coromant Industrial Research Chair Professorship to develop next generation Digital Machining Twin Technology. He is also founding president of MAL Manufacturing Automation Lab. Inc. ( which develops digital machining technology.