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Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, VMPT 2020 has been cancelled.

Abstract Submission Instructions

To submit an abstract to VMPT 2020:

  1. Register an account for the VMPT 2020 Softconf Conference Portal.
  2. Within the User Console, click "Make a new submission".
  3. Enter the title of your submission into the "Title of Submission" field.
  4. Specify the author(s) in the "List of Authors" section.
  5. Select the most relevant "Theme" for your submission and indicate also your "Presentation Preference" between oral or poster presentation.
  6. Enter the abstract for your submission in the "Abstract" field.
  7. Click the "Save" button to submit your abstract.

You should receive an email from confirming your abstract submission. If you do not receive a confirmation email, you may check manually by logging into the VMPT 2020 Softconf Conference Portal and clicking the "Your current Submission(s)" link.

Full Paper Submission Instructions

  1. After the abstracts have been reviewed, authors will receive an email indicating whether or not they have been invited to submit a paper.
  2. Papers must be prepared as per the Word VMPT 2020 template as either a full paper (maximum 6 pages) or extended abstracted (2 pages, highlighting methodology and results). If submitting an extended abstract, a Statement of Intent must also be submitted indicating the authors' intent to submit the work to a journal, including the journal name.
  3. To make the full paper submission, revise the original abstract submission on the VMPT 2020 Softconf Conference Portal and upload the paper (and statement of intent if necessary) as attachments in PDF format.

Please note that received papers will not be published in proceedings. They will, however, be made available to the conference participants. No copyright transfer is requested from the authors but, by submitting a paper to VMPT, authors implicitly give permission to VMPT 2020 to make the paper available to the conference participants, either through electronic download or a USB memory stick.

Key Dates

Paper Submission

Abstract: February 7, 2020
Full Paper: February 29, 2020
Final Decision: April 7, 2020

Conference Registration

Early Bird Deadline: March 31, 2020
Final Deadline: May 8, 2020




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