As part of our WaterTalk lecture series Ståle Navrud, professor of environmental and resource economics, presents, "How to value marine and coastal ecosystem services for policy use."
Coffee and light refreshments will be provided.
More information
The Norwegian Coastal Administration (NCA) is in charge of planning and implementing local and regional preventive measures to avoid oil spills from ships, and they regularly carry out cost-benefit analyses (CBAs) of these measures. However, NCA recognized that these CBAs were incomplete as the monetary assessment of benefits excluded non-market benefits in terms of avoided damages to marine and coastal ecosystem services (ES), and decided to fund an extensive research program into their economic values. The results from an extensive internet survey show that the monetary value of these ES impacts could potentially be very large, and affect the outcome of CBAs of preventive measures. Thus, incorporating regional unit values for different levels of marine and coastal ES damages from oil spills in their CBAs will have policy implications in terms of improved ranking of preventive measures to maximize public welfare of NCAs current budget, and could justify increased budgets for measures avoiding loss in these ES.
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