Towards Reconciliation: 10 Calls to Action for Natural Scientists

Monday, March 15, 2021 1:00 pm - 1:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

In this upcoming virtual event, the 10 Calls to Action to natural scientists to enable reconciliation in their work will be discussed. The authors have witnessed examples where natural scientists treat Indigenous communities with blatant disrespect or with ignorance of Indigenous rights. These 10 Calls to Action challenge the scientific community to recognize that reconciliation requires a new way of conducting natural science, one that includes and respects Indigenous communities, rights, and knowledge leading to better scientific and community outcomes. 

While broadly discussing the paper’s 10 Calls to Action, the talk will focus primarily on three of the 10 Calls: 

  • Call 2: We call on natural scientists to recognize that generating knowledge about the land is a goal shared with Indigenous peoples and to seek meaningful relationships and possible collaboration for better outcomes for all involved. 
  • Call 3: We call on natural scientists to enable knowledge sharing and knowledge co-production. 
  • Call 5: We call upon natural scientists to provide meaningful opportunities for Indigenous community members, particularly youth, to experience and participate in science. 


Elder gudia mary jane johnson

Mary Jane (Gùdia) Johnson

An Elder from Kluane First Nation

lawrence ignace

Lawrence Ignace

Policy analyst who is Anishinaabe

Hedi Swanson

Heidi Swanson

Professor and Water Institute member at the University of Waterlo

Presentation co-produced by:

Mary Jane (Gùdia) Johnson, an Elder from Kluane First Nation, Lawrence Ignace, a policy analyst who is Anishinaabe, Heidi Swanson, a professor at University of Waterloo, Kate Ballegooyen, Resource Manager for Kluane First Nation, and Carmen Wong, ecologist for Kluane National Park and Reserve, Yukon.

Please register to recieve a link for this event.