As part of the Water Institute's WaterTalks lecture series, Bernhard Becker, Sr. Advisor / Researcher, Deltares | RWTH Aachen University will present: Recent advances in optimization models for water systems.
This event will be offered in person in DC1302 from 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Speaker bio
Bernhard Becker works at Deltares (Delft, the Netherlands) in the field of optimization and control of water systems and is product manager of the open-source optimization software RTC-Tools. Becker holds a PhD degree in civil engineering from RWTH Aachen University (Germany) and he is affiliated as external lecturer at RWTH Aachen University.
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Recent advances in optimization models for water systems
The fact that multiple operational conditions must be satisfied makes water management a challenging task: Dam operators have to determine reservoir release and turbine dispatch given inflow forecasts and uncertain future conditions such as floods and droughts; polder managers should choose which pumps or sluices to operate given energy costs, capacity and tides; flood control authorities take over control of operations in case of flood conditions. Operational decisions become very complex, with multiple dimensions of interactions. To that end, mathematical optimization techniques can help to support decisions and resolve conflicts. An optimization model aims to support operators by finding an operational scheme (decisions taken over time) that best meets one or more operational goals under given boundary conditions.

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