2013 Water Institute Workshop Recipients Selected

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Water Institute is pleased to financially support the development of workshops or small symposia that enhance interdisciplinary water research, facilitate university-government-private sector partnerships and build knowledge and capacity to address emerging water management issues.  
The Water Institute’s third call for workshop proposals closed in November 2012 with seven strong applications received. The Water Institute is pleased to announce support for the following workshops during 2013:

Water for Wellbeing in Marginalized Communities proposed by: Susan Elliott, School of Public Health and Health Systems; Corinne Wallace, Institute for Water, Environment & Health (United Nations University); Susan Watt, Social Work (McMaster University); Vic Neufeld, Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatists (McMaster University). 

Healthy Climates: Governance in the Water, Energy Food and Climate Security Nexusproposed by: Larry Swatuk, School of Environment, Enterprise and Development; Simon Dalby, Geography and Environmental Studies (Wilfrid Laurier University); James Orbinski, School of International Policy and Governance (Centre for International Governance Innovation); Jespal Panesar, Environment and Resource Studies.  

Thinking about Water: What, Why and How We Teach to Engage the Next Generation of Interdisciplinary Water Leaders proposed by Sarah Wolfe, Environment and Resource Studies.