Nandita Basu featured on CBC Quirks and Quarks radio show

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Nandita Basu
Water Institute member Nandita Basu, a professor in the Departments of Earth and Environmental Sciences and Civil and Environmental Engineering, was featured on the June 26 airing of CBC's Quirks and Quarks radio show in the “Listener Question Show” edition, where they find the experts to answer the listeners' questions.  

During this episode, Basu addressed the question “Will capturing energy out of the environment with solar and wind have negative consequences?”  

“The short answer to that question is “no,” says Basu. “The reason for that is both wind and solar are renewable forms of energy. However, wind farms can change air circulation patterns and cause a slight rise in temperature around the wind farms, but this is not a huge problem.” 

Quirks & Quarks is the award-winning radio science program of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, hosted by Bob McDonald. The program is heard by a national audience in Canada of nearly 800,000 people, and by thousands more around the world on the weekly podcast. 

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