Neil Thomson recognized for outstanding contributions to the National Ground Water Association

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Neil ThomsonWater Institute member Neil Thomson, a professor in Waterloo's Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, has been awarded the 2020 Keith E Anderson Award for scientists and engineers who make outstanding contributions to the National Ground Water Association (NGWA).

NGWA awards, given annually, represent the highest quality in standards and business practices. Award recipients are recognized for outstanding contributions through service, innovation, research, safety, and outstanding projects of scientific and technological importance affecting the growth and well-being of the groundwater industry.

Thomson is the director of the Soil and Groundwater Remediation Group and has over 30 years of research experience. He provides expert technical assistance on topics that include conceptual site model development; groundwater flow and fate analysis; and remedial alternative selection, design, and monitoring.

The award is scheduled to be presented during Groundwater Week in Las Vegas in December.