NSERC SPG Grant Recipients

Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Congratulations to four Water Institute members who were recipients of National Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) 2014 Strategic Project Grant (SPG) Competition announced last week. The Water Institute members who were awarded grants are:
  • Bruce MacVicar, Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering: “Assessing and restoring the resilience of urban stream networks”,
  • Neils Bols, Professor Emeritus, Biology: “Developing in vitro methods for identifying feed additives from new resources to support aquaculture in the face of climate change”, 
  • Mark Servos, Professor, Biology : “Recovery of fish populations in response to major infrastructure investments at municipal wastewater treatment plants”, 
  • Zhongwei Chen, Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering: “Advanced multi-functional free-standing graphene film based fuel cell catalysts”.