Water Institute delegation represents Waterloo at Singapore International Water Week

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

waterloo reps at booth

The Water Institute booth at the Canada pavilion has received a steady stream of visitors at Singapore International Water Week. From left, Water Institute representatives Kevin Boehmer and Roy Brouwer with Ian Rowlands, Interim Associate Vice-President, International, University of Waterloo.

The Water Institute has been actively developing partnerships this week with water colleagues from around the world at Singapore International Water Week

From July 10-14, the Institute has represented University of Waterloo interdisciplinary water research and education by hosting a booth at the Canada pavilion, attending a variety of key events and presentations, and coordinating a "Biofiltration as a Potential Green Pretreatment for RO Desalination" presentation.

Waterloo representatives were also present on July 11 to honour Waterloo distinguished professor emeritus John Cherry's acceptance of the prestigious Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize.

Read more and watch a video about Cherry's award and the significance it holds for the field of groundwater research.

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