Water Institute member and visiting fellow contribute to Journal of Environmental Quality special section on phosphorus

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The September-October 2019 issue of the Journal of Environmental Quality contains a special section “Celebrating the 350th Anniversary of Discovering Phosphorus – For Better or Worse”. The special section, which comprises 22 papers, includes articles that address historical and emerging challenges and opportunities in phosphorus research, the myriad of challenges associated with efficient phosphorus use, place-based solutions for effective phosphorus management, and cross-disciplinary collaborations in phosphorus stewardship for food and water security.

Dr. Merrin Macrae, Water Institute member and professor in the Department of Geography and Environmental Management, (co)authors 2 papers in the special section:

Dr. Helen Jarvie, recent Water Institute RBC Visiting Fellow and principal scientist at the UK’s Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, (co)authors 3 papers in the special section:

See the full list of articles in the special section here.