Water Institute students launch Water Researchers of Colour database

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

A new initiative launched by two Water Institute students seeks to raise awareness and celebrate people of colour in water-related disciplines. The creators kindly provided the following information on their important initiative.

The Water Researchers of Colour database is a resource adding to numerous efforts in the last year to raise awareness of people of colour in the multiple disciplines intersecting with water. Among minoritized researchers, Black and Indigenous individuals in particular have been underrepresented and face unique barriers in public and professional life. Those at the intersections of multiple identities, including race, gender, sexuality, and gender expression face exacerbated barriers to participation and success.  Social media has provided an effective platform for researchers of colour to share their research and stories. Recognizing that success, this database will elevate researchers of water both in and outside of academic in the following ways:

  • Increase visibility of these researchers to their peers (both minoritized and not) up and down the career ladder
  • Increase opportunities for connection and networking among people of colour who may feel alone in their field
  • Increase recognition of the excellence of research conducted by these individuals 
  • Facilitate nominations and recruitment of these individuals for awards, leadership positions, and paid positions

Entries to the Water Researchers of Colour database can be made here.

The published Water Researchers of Colour database can be found here.

For any inquiries about the database please contact the creators Tyler Hampton (tyler.hampton@uwaterloo.ca) and Danyka Byrnes (danyka.byrnes@uwaterloo.ca)