The Water Institute’s External Advisory Board commenced its biannual meeting Tuesday, October 18 under the leadership of Chair Professor Joan Rose, Homer Nowlin Chair in Water Research from Michigan State University.
The board, established in 2013, is an advisory panel comprised of leading academics and practitioners in the water sector from the United States, Canada, Australia, Switzerland, Germany, China, Singapore and The Netherlands. This year, two new members were welcomed, Samantha Lawson, Chief Administrative Officer of the Grand River Conservation Authority and Nicola Crawhall, CEO of the Canadian Water Network.
The board plays a crucial role in reviewing the Water Institute’s progress against its strategic goals, objectives and plans, and provides advice and recommendations to the Institute’s Senior Management Committee, which is chaired by the Vice-President, Research & International and includes the 6 Faculty Deans.
In this first of two meetings, the Board received updates on the Institute’s strategies and initiatives and will gather again next week to make recommendations by leveraging its wide-ranging expertise.
“We value the feedback and input from the Board members enormously. Their recommendations provide important directions for the Water Institute to increase its profile, network and scientific and societal impact,” said Roy Brouwer, Executive Director of the Water Institute.

Photo: (L to R) Charmaine Dean, Julie Grant, Kevin Boehmer, Joan Rose, Roy Brouwer, Mark van Loosdrecht, Georg Teutsch, Tove Larson, Samantha Lawson, Narasimman Lakshminarasimman, Zhongbo Yu, Ana Deletic, Nancy Goucher, Robyn Kurtes, Nicola Crawhall, Wu Jern Ng.