Member publications

The following is a collection of water-related papers and book chapters that Water Institute members have contributed to, ordered by date released online. Note: Authors cited are Waterloo faculty and students. See the original article for the full list of authors.


Assessment of environmental and socioeconomic drivers of urban stormwater microplastics using machine learning in Scientific Reports, co-authored by, Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Stephanie Slowinski and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Multi-stable isotope tracing of elevated sulfate export from a forested headwater wetland following an induced flood pulse event inJournal of Hydrology, co-authored by Feridoun Rezanezhad, Merrin Macrae, Chris Parsons, Sherry Schiff and Philippe Van Cappellen.

The effect of sub-boiling temperatures on mass transfer from former manufactured gas plant residuals in Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, co-authored by Neil Thomson.

How efficient are bioretention cells in controlling phosphorus and nitrogen enrichment of urban stormwater? Insights from the international stormwater best management practice database in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Mahyar Shafii, Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Flood adaptation policy alignment with resident perceptions of resilience in Vancouver, British Columbia in Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, co-authored by Daniel Henstra and Jason Thistlethwaite.

Hydrologic outputs generated over the Great Lakes with a calibrated version of the GEM-Hydro model in Scientific data, co-authored by Juliane Mai and, Bryan Tolson.

New wideband large aperture open-ended coaxial microwave probe for soil dielectric characterization in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, co-authored by Richard Kelly.

Integrating Gravity, Magnetic, and Magnetotelluric Data Over Devon Ice Cap, Canadian Arctic, to Investigate the Subglacial Geology in Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, co-authored by Christine Dow.

Recent advances in non-noble metal-based electrocatalysts for hybrid water electrolysis systems in Carbon Energy, co-authored by Zhongwei Chen.

Challenges in assessing the effects of environmental governance systems on conservation outcomes in Conservation Biology, co-authored by Derek Armitage.

Trust, hope, and collective action in fragile political settings: A qualitative comparative analysis of water user groups in Tunisia in World Development, co-authored by Dustin Garrick.

Bayesian Optimization-Enhanced Reinforcement learning for Self-adaptive and multi-objective control of wastewater treatment in Bioresource Technology, co-authored by Wayne Parker.

Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for Nitrite Detection in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, co-authored by Mark Servos.

Analytical study of nonlinear consolidation effect on contaminant transport in an aquitard coupling diffusion and adsorption in Advances in Water Resources, co-authored by Walter Illman.

A systematic scoping review of the collaborative governance of environmental and cultural flows in Environmental Reviews, co-authored by Nathanael Bergbusch, Kelsey Leonard and Simon Courtenay.

Balancing Efficiency and Inequality in a Non-Linear Multi-Regional Water Allocation Optimization Model in Environmental and Resource Economics, co-authored by Iban Ortuzar and Roy Brouwer.

Nature's role in residential development: Identifying leverage points for climate change planning in Ontario, Canada in Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, co-authored by Derek Robinson.

Sediment dynamics of watershed urbanization and river restoration: Insights from 10 years of research in small gravel-bed rivers in Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, co-authored by Bruce MacVicar.


How efficient are bioretention cells in controlling phosphorus and nitrogen enrichment of urban stormwater? Insights from the international stormwater best management practice database in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Mahyar Shafii, Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Modeling nitrous oxide emission from full-scale hybrid membrane aerated biofilm reactors (MABR) in Water Research, co-authored by Wayne Parker.

Implementing differential recovery corrections enhances accuracy of mass balances on microplastics in wastewater treatment in Water Research, co-authored by Wayne Parker.

Effect of the presence of a tailings dam beach on breach outflow and erosion during overtopping failure in Engineering Geology, co-authored by Stephen Evans.

Long-term monitoring reveals improvements in nitrogen removal and energy efficiency with MABR upgrade at full scale in Journal of Water Process Engineering, co-authored by Wayne Parker.

Detection of microplastics by microfluidic microwave sensing: An exploratory study in Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Phillippe Van Cappellen and Carolyn Ren.

Knowledge mobilization, wildfire risk, and sustainable tourism in UNESCO biosphere reserves in Tourism Geographies, co-authored by Brent Doberstein.

Factors and mechanisms driving among-lake variability of mercury concentrations in a benthivorous fish in the canadian subarctic in Chemosphere, co-authored by Brian Laird.

Shifting cold regions streamflow regimes in North America affect flood frequency analysis in Hydrological Sciences Journal, co-authored by Donald Burn.

Development of an agent-based First Nation land use voting model: Experiments in policy adoption at Curve Lake First Nation, Canada in Land Use Policy, co-authored by Derek Robinson.

Assessment of active heterotrophs and hydrolytic enzyme activities as indicators of hydrolysis rates in anaerobic digestion of mixed primary and waste activated sludges in Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, co-authored by Wayne Parker.

Using national hydrologic models to obtain regional climate change impacts on streamflow basins with unrepresented processes in Environmental Modelling and Software, co-authored by Andrea Brookfield.

Improving the graph model to investigate a water allocation dispute in China involving strength of preference and unknown preference in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Keith Hipel.

Social, ecological and governance perspectives of small-scale fisheries wellbeing in marine protected areas of Malaysia in Science Talks, co-authored by Prateep Nayak.

Marine protected areas governance, social norms, and social networks in Marine Policy, co-authored by Jeremy Pittman and Derek Armitage.

A First Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Agricultural Peatlands in Canada: Evaluation of Climate Change Mitigation Potential in Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, co-authored by Maria Srack.

Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for the Detection of Reactive Oxygen Species in ACS Nano, co-authored by Mark Servos.

Restoring small water bodies to improve lake and river water quality in China in Nature Communications, co-authored by Nandita Basu.

A Streamlined Model-Based Strategy for Screening Wildfire Impact Scenarios Related to Peak Flood Flows: Hazard Prevention in Data-Limited Regions in Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, co-authored by James Craig and Bryan Tolson.

Land Snow Surface Temperature Estimation Using an Optimized Near Real-Time Passive Microwave Algorithm in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, co-authored by Richard Kelly.

Antarctic Wide Subglacial Hydrology Modeling inGeophysical Research Letters, co-authored by Christine Dow.

Groundwater electro-bioremediation via diffuse electro-conductive zones: A critical review in Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, co-authored by Marios Ioannidis.

Origin of Enhanced Oxygen Evolution in Restructured Metal–Organic Frameworks for Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis in Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, co-authored by Zhongwei Chen.

Using otolith δ18O to assess habitat selection and growth in young-of-the-year Arctic charr in Fisheries Research, co-authored by Michael Power.

Sequence independent immune effects of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) dsRNA complexed with phytoglycogen nanoparticles in freshwater crayfish in Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, co-authored by Brian Dixon.

The first satellite measurements of HFC-125 by the ACE-FTS: Long-term trends and distribution in the Earth's upper troposphere and lower stratosphere in Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, co-authored by Matthew Schmidt.

Multiple environmental tracers combined with a constrained Bayesian isotope mixing model to elucidate nitrate and sulfate contamination in a coastal groundwater system in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Randy Stotler.

Effective stakeholder engagement for decision-relevant research on food-energy-water systems in Environmental Science and Policy, co-authored by Leah Jones-Crank.

Evaluating manganese removal in groundwater using pilot scale biofilters: The role of filter media characteristics during start-up inWater Research, co-authored by Sigrid Peldszus and Peter Huck.

Interactions between phosphate and arsenic in iron/biochar-treated groundwater: Corrosion control insights from column experiments in Water Research, co-authored by Carol Ptacek and David Blowes.

Arctic tundra soil depth, more than seasonality, determines active layer bacterial community variation down to the permafrost transition in Soil Biology and Biochemistry, co-authored by Michael Hall and Josh Neufeld.

The potential of the water-energy-food nexus approach in advancing the sustainable development goals: A PRISMA-based systematic review  in Environmental Science and Policy, co-authored by Leah Jones-Crank.

Balancing efficiency and inequality in a non-linear multi-regional water allocation optimization model in Environmental and Resource Economics, co-authored Iban Ortuzar and Roy Brouwer.

A systematic scoping review of the collaborative governance of environmental and cultural flowsin Environmental Reviews, co-authored by Nathanael Bergbusch, Kelsey Leonard and Simon Courtenay.

The social costs of pesticides: a meta-analysis of the experimental and stated preference literature in Scientific Reports, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Current Research Trends on Microplastic Pollution in Gulf Region in Frontiers of Environmental Science, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad.

Identifying sulphurous water discharge from legacy oil and gas wells using spectral band analysis of aerial and satellite imagery in Geomatica, co-authored by Colby Steelman.

Nanoparticle transport in partially saturated porous media: Attachment at fluid interfaces in Advances in Water Resources, co-authored by Marios Ioannidis.

Secondary mineral formation and trace-element reservoirs in weathered waste rock: Integration of quantitative mineralogy and conventional mineralogical techniques in Journal of Geochemical Exploration, co-authored by David Blowes.

Emerging contaminants: A One Health perspective in Innovation, co-authored by Janusz Pawliszyn.

Resolution enhanced sea ice concentration: a new algorithm applied to AMSR2 microwave radiometry data in Annals of Glaciology, co-authored by Andrea Scott.

Shifting cold regions streamflow regimes in North America affect flood frequency analysis in Hydrological Sciences Journal, co-authored by Donald Burn.

Rethinking responses to the world’s water crises in Nature Sustainability, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.


Dietary exposure of stormwater contaminants in biofilm to two freshwater macroinvertebrates in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Rebecca Rooney.

Advancing mechanistic understanding of cohesive sediment transport: Integrating flume experiments, field measurements, and modelling approaches in a gravel-bed river in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Mike Stone.

Active and passive sampling techniques in headwater streams to characterize acesulfame-K, pharmaceutical and phosphorus contamination from on-site wastewater disposal systems in Canadian rural hamlets in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Carol Ptacek.

Understanding water–rock interaction in crystalline shield fluids using calcium isotopes in Applied Geochemistry, co-authored by Shaun Frape and Randy Stotler.

“If I was in charge”: A qualitative investigation of water security, gender-based violence and wellbeing in Kenya in Wellbeing, Space and Society, co-authored by Susan Elliott.

Genomic surveillance of Canadian airport wastewater samples allows early detection of emerging SARS-CoV-2 lineages in Scientific Reports, co-authored by Trevor Charles.

Coupling solid phase microextraction to integrated optical sensors with microfluidic open interface in Green Analytical Chemistry, co-authored by Janusz Pawliszyn.

A robust numerical method for the generation and propagation of periodic finite-amplitude internal waves in natural waters using high-accuracy simulations in Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, co-authored by Marek Stastna.

Physicochemical perturbation increases nitrous oxide production from denitrification in soils and sediments in Biogeosciences, co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen.

Tailings storage facilities in China: Historical failure incidents, existing status, and database-driven quantitative risk assessment in International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, co-authored by Stephen Evans.

Do linear clearings in boreal peatlands recover? Comparing taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional plant diversity in Botany, co-authored by Maria Strack.

Socio-Economic Profile and Vulnerabilities Assessment in Small-Scale Fisheries of Lower Gangetic Flood Plain Wetland: An Initiative Towards Achieving Wetland Ecosystem Sustainability and Community Well-Being in Sustainability (Switzerland), co-authored by Prateep Nayak.

A First Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Agricultural Peatlands in Canada: Evaluation of Climate Change Mitigation Potential in Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, co-authored by Maria Strack.

The Airborne Cryospheric SAR System (CryoSAR): Characterizing Cold Season Hydrology Using Ku and L-Band Polarimetric SAR Observations in International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), co-authored by Richard Kelly.

Enhancing Sea Ice Type Classification from AI4Arctic Dataset Based On Regional Loss Representations in International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), co-authored by Andrea Scott and David Clausi.

Treating Waste with Waste: Activated Bauxite Residue (ABR) as a Potential Wastewater Treatment in ACS Omega, co-authored by Maricor  Arlos.

Surface-Interface Engineering of Electrocatalysts for Two-Electron Water Oxidation Reaction to Produce H2O2 in Advanced Functional Materials, co-authored by Zhongwei Chen.

Honeycomb-Structured IrOx Foam Platelets as the Building Block of Anode Catalyst Layer in PEM Water Electrolyzer in Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, co-authored by Yimin Wu.

The role of emerging scientists in restoration ecology: insights from a SER2023 conference workshop in Restoration Ecology, co-authored by Stephen Murphy.

Origin of Enhanced Oxygen Evolution in Restructured Metal–Organic Frameworks for Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis in Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, co-authored by Zhongwei Chen.

The syndemics of food and water insecurities on emotional distress and overall wellbeing in Ghana: Findings from a cross-sectional study in Water Security, co-authored by Susan Elliott.

An Integrated Spatial Fuzzy-Based Site Suitability Assessment Framework for Agricultural BMP Placement in Environmental Quality Management, co-authored by Keith W. Hipel and Peter Deadman.

An overview of social-ecological impacts of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation and climate change on Galapagos small-scale fisheries in Ocean and Coastal Management, co-authored by Jeremy Pittman.

Potential phosphorus mobilization from riparian vegetation following freezing in Journal of Environmental Management, co-authored by Helen Jarvie and Merrin Macrae.

Tracking the Filling, Outburst Flood and Resulting Subglacial Water Channel From a Large Canadian Arctic Subglacial Lake in Geophysical Research Letters, co-authored by Christine Dow.

Graph theoretic methods for assessing the effects of a background shear current on internal solitary waves in Journal of Fluid Mechanics, co-authored by Marek Stastna.

Laurentide Ice Sheet configuration in southern Ontario, Canada during the last glaciation (MIS 4 to 2) from stratigraphic drilling and LIDAR-based surficial mapping in Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, co-authored by Martin Ross.

On the definition of the marginal ice zone: a case study with SAR and passive microwave data in Environmental Research Communications, co-authored by Andrea Scott.

Impact of organic matter constituents on phosphorus recovery from CPR sludges in Water Environment Research, co-authored by Wayne Parker.

Seasonal- and event-scale stream DOC synamics in northern hardwood-dominated headwater catchments of contrasting forest harvest history in Water (Switzerland), co-authored by Micheal Stone and Monica Emelko.

Assessing the influence of climate controls on grapevine biophysical responses: a review of Ontario viticulture in a changing climate in Canadian Journal of Plant Science, co-authored by Richard Petrone and Merrin Macrae.

Sorption Behavior of Trace Organic Chemicals on Carboxylated Polystyrene Nanoplastics in ACS ES and T Water, co-authored by Maricor Arlos.

Building resilience in Africa’s smallholder farming systems: contributions from agricultural development interventions—a scoping review in Ecology and Society, co-authored by Helena Shilomboleni.

Challenges in assessing the effects of environmental governance systems on conservation outcomes in Conservation Biology, co-authored by Derek Armitage.

Amphibious structures for smart flood risk reduction and climate change adaptation in The Routledge Companion to Smart Design Thinking in Architecture & Urbanism for a Sustainable, Living Planet, co-authored by Elizabeth English.

Pixel-Level Sea Ice Concentration Retrieval from Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery and Ancillary Data via Regional Loss Representations in Oceans Conference Record (IEEE), co-authored by David Clausi and Andrea Scott.

Going underground: Changing climate and flow seasonality may increase subsurface flow contribution and modify dissolved nutrient export from agricultural catchments in Journal of Great Lakes Research, co-authored by Nandita Basu and Merrin Macrae.

Environmental effects on fish immune systems in Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology, co-authored by Brian Dixon.

Decolonisation, tourism, and progressing the SDGs in The Elgar Companion to Tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals, co-authored by Bryan Grimwood.

Climate Change Implications for Tourism in The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Tourism, Second Edition authored by Daniel Scott.

A global dataset of gross nitrogen transformation rates across terrestrial ecosystems in Scientific Data, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Arsenic redox disequilibrium in geogenic contaminated groundwater: Bioenergetic insights from organic molecular characterization and gene-informed modeling in Water Research, co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen.

Constraining seasonal and spatial ambient and urban groundwater contributions to streamflow across a mixed land-use regional-scale Precambrian Shield watershed in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Merrin Macrae.

Statistical characteristics of aquitard hydraulic conductivity, specific storage and porosity in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Walter Illman.

On the three-dimensional structure of instabilities beneath shallow-shoaling internal waves in Journal of Fluid Mechanics, co-authored by Marek Stastna.

Large eddy simulation analysis of a model reactive tracer through spatial filtering in Physics of Fluids, co-authored by Marek Stastna.

Exploring the Satellite-Derived Lakes Variables for Climate Studies in International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), co-authored by Claude Duguay.

Pipe Failure Risk Statistics from over Ten Million Pipe-Years of Records in Pipelines 2024: Planning and Design - Proceedings of Sessions of the Pipelines 2024 Conference, co-authored by Kumaraswamy Ponnambalam.

Age Is a Misunderstood Predictor of Pipe Failure Risk in Pipelines 2024: Planning and Design - Proceedings of Sessions of the Pipelines 2024 Conference, co-authored by Kumaraswamy Ponnambalam.

Pipe Diameter Is a Dominant Factor in Pipe Failure Risk in Pipelines 2024: Planning and Design - Proceedings of Sessions of the Pipelines 2024 Conference, co-authored by Kumaraswamy Ponnambalam.

Levels and trends of persistent organic pollutants in human populations living in the Arctic in International Journal of Circumpolar Health, co-authored by Brian Laird.

Identification of Omitted Pollutants in Environmental Water via In Situ Thin-Film Microextraction in Analytical Chemistry, co-authored by Janusz Pawliszyn.

Reply to Beltaos (2024). Letter to the Editor regarding “Paleofloodscapes: Application of sediment source fingerprinting to track flood regime change over space and time at the Peace-Athabasca Delta, Canada” in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Roland Hall.

A review of the major chemical and isotopic characteristics of groundwater in crystalline rocks of the Canadian Shield in Chemical Geology, co-authored by Randy Stotler and Shaun Frape.

Weather-aware autopilot: Domain generalization for point cloud semantic segmentation in diverse weather scenarios in ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, co-authored by Jonathan Li.

Reconstructing SARS-CoV-2 lineages from mixed wastewater sequencing data in Scientific Reports, co-authored by Jozef Nissimov & Trevor Charles.

An efficient reduced order model for nonlinear transient porous media flow with time-varying injection rates in Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, co-authored by Robert Gracie.

Riparian vegetation influences aquatic greenhouse gas production in an agricultural landscape in Ecological Engineering, co-authored by Maren Oelbermann.

Examining the role of community health workers amid extreme weather events in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review in Public Health, co-authored by Warren Dodd.

Water fetching and musculoskeletal health across the life-course in Sub-Saharan Africa: A scoping review in PLOS Global Public Health, co-authored by Susan Elliott.

Guiding sustainable transformations in food systems in Nature Reviews Earth and Environment, co-authored by Kumaraswamy Ponnambalam.

Patterns and mechanisms of repeat drainages of glacier-dammed Dań Zhùr (Donjek) Lake, Yukon in Arctic Science, co-authored by Christine Dow.

Simulations of shoaling large-amplitude internal waves: Perspectives and outlook inflow, co-authored by Marek Stastna.

Misidentified subglacial lake beneath the Devon Ice Cap, Canadian Arctic: A new interpretation from seismic and electromagnetic data in Cryosphere, co-authored by Christine Dow.

Assessing potential impacts of climate change on China’s ski season length: a data-constrained approach in Theoretical and Applied Climatology, co-authored by Daniel Scott.

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance separation by NF and RO membranes: a critical evaluation of advances and future perspectives in Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology, co-authored by Xianshe Feng.

Ontogenetic shifts in isotope-inferred trophic ecology of Atlantic bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus in Atlantic Canada in Marine Ecology Progress Series, co-authored by Michael Power.

Evaluating the Use of the Penman–Monteith and Priestley–Taylor Algorithms for Modelling Peatland Evapotranspiration Using the Cold Regions Hydrological Model in Ecohydrology, co-authored by Richard Petrone.

Sustainable finance, water governance, and water policy objectives in Ontario municipalities in International Journal of Water Resources Development, co-authored by Rob de Loë.

How fast is “flashy”? Hydraulics of flood hydrographs in small urban rivers in River Flow - Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, 2022, co-authored by Bruce MacVicar.

Understanding the impacts of hydraulic uncertainties on urban flood mapping in River Flow - Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, 2022, co-authored by Bruce MacVicar.

Predicting response of channel width along an urbanizing river channel in River Flow - Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, 2022, co-authored by Bruce MacVicar.

Modelling bedload particle travel lengths in rivers with different hydrologic regimes in River Flow - Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, 2022, co-authored by Bruce MacVicar.

Multicompartment Examination of Micropollutant Partitioning in Replicate Artificial Streams Highlights the Limitations of Assessing Water Matrices Alone in ACS ES and T Water, co-authored by Mark Servos.

Relative energy and perceived impact of vessel-generated waves in fetch-limited environments in Lake and Reservoir Management, co-authored by Chris Houser.

Selenite Stable Isotope Fractionation during Abiotic Reduction by Sodium Sulfide in Environmental Science and Technology, co-authored by Carol Ptacek and David Blowes.

Diploid and triploid Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) exhibit differential immunological responses to acute thermal stress Journal of Fish Diseases, co-authored by Paul Craig and Brian Dixon.

Investigation on Well Interferences of Infill Well Fracturing in Shale Gas Reservoirs Across Sichuan Basin in Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, co-authored by Maurice Dusseault.

New policy and regulatory reforms for Ontario Conservation Authorities in Canadian Water Resources Journal, co-authored by Bruce Mitchell.

Microplastic Mass Quantification Using Focal Plane Array-Based Micro-Fourier-Transform Infrared Imaging in Environmental Engineering Science, co-authored by Wayne Parker and Alexander Wong.

Topographic and hydrological controls on partial and full surges of Little Kluane Glacier, Yukon in Journal of Glaciology, co-authored by Christine Dow.

Repeated subglacial jökulhlaups in northeastern Greenland revealed by CryoSat  in Journal of Glaciology, co-authored by Christine Dow.

An updated review of the post-glacial history, ecology, and diversity of Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) and Dolly Varden (S. malma) in Environmental Biology of Fishes, co-authored by Michael Power.

The importance of consensus science to managing phosphorus in the environment: SERA-17 and the legacy of Andrew Sharpley in Journal of Environmental Quality, co-authored by Merrin Macrae.

News media coverage of hurricane events and Caribbean tourism: a critical analysis of the last 40 years in Current Issues in Tourism, co-authored by Daniel Scott.

A global dataset of gross nitrogen transformation rates across terrestrial ecosystems in Scientific Data, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Wastewater-based surveillance of SARS-CoV-2: Short-term projection (forecasting), smoothing and outlier identification using Bayesian smoothing in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Mark Servos.

Geothermal Energy Extraction-Induced Ground Movement Monitoring by InSAR and Its Implication for Reservoir Management in Journal of Energy Engineering, co-authored by Jonathan Li.

Advancement of a Blended Hydrologic Model for Robust Model Performance in Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, co-authored by Juliane Mai, James R. Craig and Bryan A. Tolson.

The contribution of water-energy-food nexus governance to sustainability: A case study of Singapore in Environmental Science and Policy, authored by Leah Jones-Crank.

Environmental drivers of food webs in charr and trout-dominated cold-water lakes in Fish and Fisheries, co-authored by Michael Power.

The AutoICE Challenge in Cryosphere, co-authored by Andrea Scott and David Clausi.

Wastewater Treatment for Nutrients and Pathogens in a Demonstration-Scale Outdoor Constructed Wetland System in Water (Switzerland), co-authored by David Blowes and Carol Ptacek.

The ever-changing tree of life in Nature Microbiology, authored by Laura Hug.

Riverine concentrations and export of dissolved silicon, and potential controls on nutrient stoichiometry, across the land–ocean continuum in Great Britain in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Hele Jarvie.

An initial assessment of winter microclimatic conditions in response to seismic line disturbance in a forested peatland in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by Maria Strack.

Variable soil moisture responses to rainfall events in fields under different management practices in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by Merrin Macrae.

Comammox Nitrospira among dominant ammonia oxidizers within aquarium biofilter microbial communities in Applied and Environmental Microbiology, co-authored by Josh Neufeld.

Improving the Estimation of Lake Ice Thickness with High-Resolution Radar Altimetry Data in Remote Sensing, co-authored by Claude Duguay.

IceGCN: An Interactive Sea Ice Classification Pipeline for SAR Imagery Based on Graph Convolutional Network in Remote Sensing, co-authored by David Clausi.

Awareness and perceptions of contaminants in the Dehcho and sahtú regions of the Northwest Territories International in Journal of Circumpolar Health, co-authored by Kelly Skinner and Brian Laird.

Thermo-adaptive interfacial solar evaporation enhanced by dynamic water gating in Nature Communications, co-authored by Michael Tam.

3D imaging photocatalytically degraded micro- and nanoplastics in Nanotechnology, co-authored by William A. Anderson and Boxin Zhao.

Cobalt as a potential limiting factor for heterocyst frequency in nitrogen-limited Aphanizomenon and Dolichospermum: Evidence from experimental and field studies in Freshwater Biology, co-authored by Sherry L. Schiff.

Advancing Evaluation of Microplastics Thresholds to Inform Water Treatment Needs and Risks in Environment and Health, co-authored by Philip Schmidt, William B. Anderson and Monica Emelko.

Monitoring Poly(methyl methacrylate) and Polyvinyl Dichloride Micro/Nanoplastics in Water by Direct Solid-Phase Microextraction Coupled to Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry       in Analytical Chemistry, co-authored by Janusz Pawliszyn.

Urban Stormwater Phosphorus Export Control: Comparing Traditional and Low-impact Development Best Management Practices in Environmental Science and Technology, co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen.

What makes a convivial community tool? Investigating grassroots ecological restoration in Ecology and Society, co-authored by Stephen Murphy.

Developing a transdisciplinary tool for water risk management and decision-support in Ontario, Canada in Environmental Research Communications, co-authored by Michael Wood, Horatiu A Rus and Jason Thistlethwaite.

Microbial communities change along the 300 km length of the Grand River for extreme high-and low-flow regimes in Canadian Journal of Microbiology, co-authored by Sherry  Schiff and Josh Neufeld.

A multi-case institutional analysis of water–energy–food nexus governance in Sustainability Science, authored by Leah Jones-Crank.

Oxygen consumption rate during recovery from loss of equilibrium induced by warming, hypoxia, or exhaustive exercise in rainbow darter (Etheostoma caeruleum) in  Journal of Fish Biology, co-authored by Paul Craig.

Updated review on contaminant communication experiences in the circumpolar Arctic in International Journal of Circumpolar Health, co-authored by Brian Laird and Kelly Skinner.

Sequential thin film microextraction and overcoated thin film microextraction devices for characterization of sparkling wine aroma profiles and partitioning equilibria in Food Chemistry, co-authored by Janusz Pawliszyn.

Potential drivers of changing ecological conditions in English and Welsh rivers since 1990 in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Helen Jarvie.

Evaluating a public–private data-sharing platform for improving flood insurance availability and affordability in Canada in Regional Environmental Change, co-authored by Jason Thistlethwaite and Daniel Henstra.

Removal of PFAS by hydrotalcite: Adsorption mechanisms, effect of adsorbent aging, and thermal regeneration in Water Research, co-authored by Anh Pham.

PACAP binds conserved receptors and modulates cytokine gene expression and protein secretion in trout cell lines in Fish and Shellfish Immunology, co-authored by Brian Dixon.

Innate and adaptive immune response of Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) naturally infected with Yersinia ruckeri in Fish and Shellfish Immunology, co-authored by Brian Dixon.

Developing a tile drainage module for the Cold Regions Hydrological Model: lessons from a farm in southern Ontario, Canada in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, co-authored by Merrin Macrae and Richard Petrone.

Subglacial Discharge Accelerates Dynamic Retreat of Aurora Subglacial Basin Outlet Glaciers, East Antarctica, Over the 21st Century in Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, co-authored by Christine Dow.

Pilot-scale evaluation of cascade anaerobic digestion of mixed municipal wastewater treatment sludges in Water Environment Research, co-authored by Wayne Parker.

Toward a Unified Understanding of Estimating Evapotranspiration: The Linkage Between Three Effective Parsimonious Models in Water Resources Researc, co-authored by Richard Petrone.

Venlafaxine exposure alters mitochondrial respiration and mitomiR abundance in zebrafish brains  in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, co-authored by Mark Servos and Paul Craig.

SARS-CoV-2 viral titer measurements in Ontario, Canada wastewaters throughout the COVID-19 pandemic in Scientific data, co-authored by Mark Servos.

Antimicrobial Assay of Metal Ions Using Yeast and Its Relevance to Food Preservation in ACS Food Science and Technology, co-authored by Michael Tam.

Stabilizing Solid Electrolyte Interphase on Liquid Metal Via Dynamic Hydrogel-Derived Carbon Framework Encapsulation in Advanced Materials, co-authored by Zhongwei Chen.

Legacy copper/nickel mine tailings potentially harbor novel iron/sulfur cycling microorganisms within highly variable communities in Applied and environmental microbiology, co-authored by David Blowes and Laura Hug.

Fate of 15 PFAS in Two Full-Scale Wastewater Sludge-Handling Systems: An Interstage Mass Balance Analysis in ACS ES and T Water, co-authored by Anh Pham and Wayne Parker.

Mollisol Erosion-Driven Efflux of Energetic Organic Carbon and Microflora Increases Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Cold-Region Rivers in Environmental Science and Technology, co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen.

Wetlands as integral parts of surface water–groundwater interactions in the Athabasca Oil Sands Area: Review and synthesis in Environmental Reviews, co-authored by Richard Petrone and Jonathan Price.

Circadian regulation of electrolyte and water transport in the rat kidney in SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, co-authored by Anita Layton.

Assessing Ice Break-Up Trends in Slave River Delta through Satellite Observations and Random Forest Modeling in Remote Sensing, co-authored by Andrea Scott.

Climate Driven Trends in Historical Extreme Low Streamflows on Four Continents in  Water Resources Research, co-authored by Donald Burn.

Simulations of buoyant flows driven by variations in solar radiation beneath ice cover in Physical Review Fluids, co-authored by Marek Stastna.

Impact of turbidity on the gill morphology and hypoxia tolerance of eastern sand darter (Ammocrypta pellucida) in Journal of Fish Biology, co-authored by Paul Craig and Michael Power.

The impact of secondary operating temperature on in-line coagulation/flocculation and fouling of membranes used in tertiary treatment in Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology, co-authored by Wayne Parker.

Climate change versus winter sports; can athlete climate activism change the score? In International Review for the Sociology of Sport, co-authored by Daniel Scott.

Pan-Canadian review of community-based monitoring projects and their capacity to enhance environmental monitoring programs for cumulative effects assessments in Facets, co-authored by Simon Courtenay.

Citizen science monitoring of beach and dune erosion during Hurricane Fiona in Physical Geography, co-authored by Chris Houser.

Advancing Evaluation of Microplastics Thresholds to Inform Water Treatment Needs and Risks in Environment and Health, co-authored by Philip Schmidt, William B. Anderson and Monica Emelko.

Texas water markets: Understanding their trends, drivers, and future potential in Ecological Economics, co-authored by Dustin Garrick.

Drinking water QMRA and decision-making: Sensitivity of risk to common independence assumptions about model inputs in Water Research, co-authored by Philip Schmidt and Monica Emelko.

Impacts of caffeine on fathead minnow behaviour and physiology in Aquatic Toxicology, co-authored by Mark Servos.

A comparative study of data input selection for deep learning-based automated sea ice mapping in International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, co-authored by Andrea Scott and David Clausi.

Predictability of decaying stratified turbulence in  Physics of Fluids, co-authored by Michael Waite.

Four Years of Meander-Bend Evolution Captured by Drone-Based Lidar Reveals Lack of Width Maintenance on the White River, Indiana, USA in Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface    co-authored by, Quinn Lewis.

Catalytic and biocatalytic degradation of microplastics in Exploration, co-authored by John Honek, Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Philippe Van Cappellen and Juewen Liu.

A mass-balance approach for predicting lake phosphorus concentrations as a function of external phosphorus loading: Application to the Lake St. Clair - Lake Erie System (Canada - USA) in Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management, co-authored by Serghei Bocaniov and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Composition of Stream Dissolved Organic Matter Across Canadian Forested Ecozones Varies in Three Dimensions Linked to Landscape and Climate in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Fariba Amiri and Monica Emelko.

Mineral formation explains the high retention efficiency of dissolved reactive phosphorus in a residential stormwater pond in Environmental Science: Advances, co-authored by Mahyar Shafii and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Climate change, biodiversity loss, and Indigenous Peoples’ health and wellbeing: A systematic umbrella review in PLOS Global Public Health, co-authored by Warren Dodd and Susan Elliott.

Bridging the gap between the water-energy-food nexus and compound risks in Environmental Research Letters, co-authored by Leah Jones-Crank.

Polar Research Data Management: Understanding Technical Implementation and Policy Decisions in the Era of FAIR Data in Springer Polar Sciences, co-authored by Ellsworth LeDrew.

Ecosystem impacts of an invasive charophyte (Nitellopsis obtusa) interpreted in a multiple stressor context using paleolimnology in Lake and Reservoir Management, co-authored by Roland Hall.

Advancing ski tourism transformations to climate change: A multi-stakeholder participatory approach in diverse Canadian destinations in Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights, co-authored by Daniel Scott.

Assessment of hydraulic and thermal properties of the Antarctic active layer: Insights from laboratory column experiments and inverse modeling in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Walter Illman.

Electrochemical techniques for uranium extraction from water in Chemical Engineering Journal, co-authored by Mark Servos.

Rapid screening of drugs in environmental water using metal organic framework/Ti3C2Tx composite coated blade spray-mass spectrometry in Journal of Hazardous Materials, co-authored by Janusz Pawliszyn.

Soil respiration induces co-emission of greenhouse gases and methylated selenium from cold-region Mollisols: Significance for selenium deficiency in Environment International, co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen.

Assessing the impact of hurricane Fiona on the coast of PEI National Park and implications for the effectiveness of beach-dune management policies in Journal of Coastal Conservation, co-authored by Chris Houser.

Inverse modeling of frequency domain-based one-dimensional soil water flow in layered soils in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Walter Illman.

Competing in the Planning Marketplace: An Analysis of Qualifications Demanded by Municipal Planning Recruiters in Journal of Planning Education and Research , co-authored by Daniel Henstra.

Widespread seawater intrusions beneath the grounded ice of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, co-authored by Christine Dow.

Informing the Exposure Landscape: The Fate of Microplastics in a Large Pelagic In-Lake Mesocosm Experiment in Environmental Science and Technology, co-authored by Rebecca Rooney.

Tracking SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern in wastewater: an assessment of nine computational tools using simulated genomic data in Microbial genomics, co-authored by Jozef Nissimov  and Trevor Charles.

Carbon Stocks and Fluxes From a Boreal Conifer Swamp: Filling a Knowledge Gap for Understanding the Boreal C Cycle in Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, co-authored by Maria Strack.

Injection Temperature Impacts on Reservoir Response during CO2 Storage in SPE Journal, co-authored by Maurice B. Dusseault.

Creating landscape-appropriate habitat restoration strategies: success of a novel nesting habitat design for imperiled freshwater turtles in Restoration Ecology, co-authored by Chantel Markle.

Seasonal hydrology and gas transport in a composite cover on sulfide tailings in Canadian Geotechnical Journal, co-authored by Carol Ptacek and David Blowes.

The Role of Rotated Potential Mixing Protocols on the Behavior of a Conservative Reagent in Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, co-authored by Neil Thomson.

Simulating net ecosystem exchange under seasonal snow cover at an Arctic tundra site in Biogeosciences, co-authored by Richard Kelly.

Treatment of phenolic-wastewater by hybrid technologies: A review in Journal of Water Process Engineering, co-authored by Xianshe Feng.

The importance of groundwater to the upper Columbia River floodplain wetlands in Canadian Water Resources Journal, co-authored by Rebecca Rooney.

Modified competitive Langmuir model for prediction of multispecies PFAS competitive adsorption equilibria on colloidal activated carbon in Separation and Purification Technology, co-authored by Anh Pham.

Emerging contaminants: A One Health perspective in Innovation, co-authored by Janusz Pawliszyn.

Comparing sensitivities of groundwater head to variations in hydraulic parameters under boundary conditions of river stage rise and tidal variation in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Walter Illman.

Hydro-sedimentological drivers of fine sediment ingress in a gravel-bed river in Catena, co-authored by Michael Stone.

Environmental drivers of increased ecosystem respiration in a warming tundra in Nature, co-authored by Maria Strack.

Streamflow Depletion Caused by Groundwater Pumping: Fundamental Research Priorities for Management-Relevant Science in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Andrea Brookfield.

Microparticles in Wild and Caged Biota, Sediments, and Water Relative to Large Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharges in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, co-authored by Mark Servos.

Evaluation of Hydraulic Conductivity Estimates from Various Approaches with Groundwater Flow Models in Groundwater, co-authored by David Rudolph and Walter Illman.

Framework to Quantify Uncertainty in Microplastic Concentrations in Wastewaters and Sludges Incorporating Analytical Recovery Information into Data Analysis in Analytical Chemistry, co-authored by Philip Schmidt, Wayne Parker, and Monica Emelko.

Hydrology Predominates Over Harvest History and Landscape Variation to Control Water Quality and Disinfection Byproduct Formation Potentials in Forested Pacific Coast Watersheds in ACS ES and T Water, co-authored by Monica Emelko.

Pumping-induced Well Hydraulics and Groundwater Budget in a Leaky Aquifer System with Vertical Heterogeneity in Aquitard Hydraulic Properties in Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), co-authored by Walter Illman.

Characterizing Subglacial Hydrology Within the Amery Ice Shelf Catchment Using Numerical Modeling and Satellite Altimetry in Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, co-authored by Christine Dow.

Net evolution of subglacial sediment transport in the Quebec–Labrador sector of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, co-authored by Martin Ross.

Three-dimensional time-resolved Lagrangian flow field reconstruction based on constrained least squares and stable radial basis function in Experiments in Fluids, co-authored by Zhao Pan.

Justice and moral economies in “Modular, Adaptive, and Decentralized” (MAD) water systems in Water Security, co-authored by Dustin Garrick.

Analysis of Uncertainty and Sensitivity in Tailings Dam Breach-Runout Numerical Modelling in Mine Water and the Environment, co-authored by Stephen Evans.

Enigmatic persistence of aerobic methanotrophs in oxygen-limiting freshwater habitats in The ISME journal, co-authored by Sherry Schiff and Josh Neufeld.

Complex adaptive systems-based framework for modeling the health impacts of climate change in Journal of Climate Change and Health, co-authored by Keith Hipel.

Risks from solar-powered groundwater irrigation in Science, co-authored by Dustin Garrick.

Sustainability of snowmaking as climate change (mal)adaptation: an assessment of water, energy, and emissions in Canada’s ski industry in Current Issues in Tourism, co-authored by Daniel Scott.

A comprehensive floc model for simulating simultaneous nitrification, denitrification, and phosphorus removal in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Wayne Parker.

Value of long-term isotope monitoring of an index lake for tracking changes in lake water balances across a northern freshwater landscape in Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, co-authored by Roland Hall.

A multi-model evaluation of probabilistic streamflow predictions via residual error modelling in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by James Craig, Bryan Tolson and Juliane Mai.

MMSeaIce: a collection of techniques for improving sea ice mapping with a multi-task model in Cryosphere, co-authored by Andrea Scott and David Clausi.

Impact of freeze-thaw cycles on greenhouse gas emissions in marginally productive agricultural land under different perennial bioenergy crops in Journal of Environmental Management, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Maren Oelbermann.

Widespread agrochemicals differentially affect zooplankton biomass and community structure: Comment in Ecological Applications, co-authored by Rebecca Rooney.

Principles for the consideration of intersectionality in place-based disaster risk governance in islands in Sustainable Development, co-authored by Derek Armitage and Jeremy Pittman.

Climate Change and the Future of Ski Tourism in Canada’s Western Mountains in Tourism and Hospitality, co-authored by Daniel Scott.

Impact of dry density and incomplete saturation on microbial growth in bentonite clay for nuclear waste storage in Journal of Applied Microbiology, co-authored by Josh Neufeld.

The effects of Pediococcus acidilactici MA18/5M on growth performance, gut integrity, and immune response using in vitro and in vivo Pacific salmonid models in Frontiers in Immunology, co-authored by Brian Dixon.

Impact of freeze-thaw cycles on greenhouse gas emissions in marginally productive agricultural land under different perennial bioenergy crops in Journal of Environmental Managementco-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Maren Oelbermann.

Solid-liquid distribution of SARS-CoV-2 in primary effluent of a wastewater treatment plant in MethodsX, co-authored by Mark Servos.

Struvite application to field corn decreases the risk of environmental phosphorus loss while maintaining crop yield in Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, co-authored by Merrin Macrae.

PACAP sequence modifications modulate the peptide antimicrobial activity against bacterial pathogens affecting aquaculture in Fish and Shellfish Immunology, co-authored by Brian Dixon.

Development of a probabilistic agricultural drought forecasting (PADF) framework under climate change in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, co-authored by Daniel Scott.

Styrene-ethylene-butylene-styrene (SEBS) melt-blown fibers for oil spill remediation and oil barrier geotextiles in Polymer, co-authored by Tizazu Mekonnen.

Is groundwater running out in the Western Cape, South Africa? Evaluating GRACE data to assess groundwater storage during droughts in Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, co-authored by Andrea Brookfield.

Mass transfer fundamentals in pervaporation, perstraction and sorption: A unified approach in Chemical Engineering Research and Design, co-authored by Xianshe Feng.

The complex basal morphology and ice dynamics of the Nansen Ice Shelf, East Antarctica in Cryosphere, co-authored by Christine Dow.

Environmentally induced snow transmittance variations in the photosynthetic spectral domain: Photobiological implications for subnivean vegetation under climate warming conditions in Remote Sensing, co-authored by Gladimir Baranoski.

Influence of landscape position and climatic seasonality on soil water and gas conductivity properties in agricultural soils in Canadian Journal of Soil Science, co-authored by David Rudolph.

Mapping current and future flood exposure using a 5 m flood model and climate change projections in Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, co-authored by Daniel Henstra and Jason Thistlethwaite.

Environmental and management drivers of carbon dioxide and methane emissions from actively-extracted peatlands in Alberta, Canada in Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, co-authored by Maria Strack.

Challenges in measuring fine sediment ingress in gravel-bed rivers using retrievable sediment trap samplers in River Research and Applications, co-authored by Michael Stone.

Active feeding of downstream migrating juvenile pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) revealed in a large Barents Sea River using diet and stable isotope analysis in Journal of Fish Biology, co-authored by Michael Power.

Groundwater vulnerability in the Yukon and Northwest Territories, Canada in Hydrogeology Journal, co-authored by David Rudolph.

Gender identities, water insecurity, and risk: Re-theorizing the connections for a gender-inclusive toolkit for water insecurity research in Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, co-authored by Susan Elliott.

Forward modelling of synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) backscatter during lake ice melt conditions using the Snow Microwave Radiative Transfer (SMRT) model in Cryosphere, co-authored by Claude Duguay.

Using land cover information in assessing the ecosystem health of streams in Landscape Ecology, co-authored by Adam Yates.

Using media framing to explore the food-energy-water nexus: The case of the Rio Negro Basin in Uruguay in Society and Natural Resources, co-authored by Leah Jones-Crank.

Climatic controls on the water balance of a pilot-scale oil sands mining pit lake in the Athabasca oil sands region, Canada in International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, co-authored by Richard Petrone.

The apparent temperature sensitivity (Q10) of peat soil respiration: A synthesis study in Geoderma, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Impacts of temperature and turbidity on the gill physiology of darter species in Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology -Part A : Molecular and Integrative Physiology, co-authored by Paul Craig and Michael Power.

Habitat-dependent metabolic costs for a wild cold-water fish in Aquatic Sciences, co-authored by Michael Power.

Non-microcystin extracellular metabolites of Microcystis aeruginosa impair viability and reproductive gene expression in rainbow trout cell lines in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Brian Dixon.

Sporadic diurnal fluctuations of cyanobacterial populations in oligotrophic temperate systems can prevent accurate characterization of change and risk in aquatic systems in Water Research, co-authored by Monica Emelko and Kirsten Müller.

Municipal perspectives on managed retreat and flood mitigation: A case analysis of Merritt, Canada after the 2021 British Columbia flood disaster in Climatic Change, co-authored by Johanna Wandel.

Conceptualizing and evaluating the role of a data platform as an entry-point for strengthening flood risk governance in Canada in International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, co-authored by Jason Thistlethwaite and Daniel Henstra.

Residual wave vision U-Net for flood mapping using dual polarization Sentinel-1 SAR imagery in International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, co-authored by Jonathan Li.

Membranes impregnated with bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate for enhanced VOC/N2 separation in Journal of Membrane Science, co-authored by Xianshe Feng.

Method choice affects estimates of diet and niche breadth for small stream fish in Hydrobiologia, co-authored by Michale Power.

Real-time evaluation of signal accuracy in wastewater surveillance of pathogens with high rates of mutation in Scientific reports, co-authored by Trevor Charles.

The influence of turbulence and inertia in radial fracture flow in Journal of Fluid Mechanics, co-authored by Robert Gracie.

Synthesis of a Novel Cellulose Nanofiber-Based Composite Hydrogel with Poly(methyl methacrylate-co-methacrylic Acid) for Effective Water Removal from Liquid Fuels in Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, co-authored by Michael Tam.

Evaluating Effective Particle Size Distributions of Cohesive Sediment under Varying Shear Stress and Bed Configurations in a Rotating Annular Flume in Water (Switzerland), co-authored by Michael Stone.

Road salt-induced salinization impacts water geochemistry and mixing regime of a Canadian urban lake in Applied Geochemistry, co-authored by Jovana Radosavljevic, Stephanie Slowinski, Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Mahyar Shafii, and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Dominance of net autotrophy in arid landscape low relief polar lakes, Nunavut, Canada in Global Change Biology, co-authored by Michael Power.

Advancement and perspectives of hyporheic zone hydrology: Technology, theory and environmental implication in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad.

Influences of urban stormwater management ponds on wetlandscape connectivity in Canadian Water Resources Journal, co-authored by Michael Drescher, Rebecca Rooney and Jeremy Pittman.

The apparent temperature sensitivity (Q10) of peat soil respiration: A synthesis studyin Geoderma, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Emergence and spread of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern in Canada: a retrospective analysis from clinical and wastewater data in BMC Infectious Diseases, co-authored by Mark Servos.

Simulation of breaching of laboratory-scale earth dams by overtopping with XBeach in Coastal Engineering, co-authored by Stephen Evans.

Effect of dietary supplementation of probiotic on growth, survival, and immune-related biomarkers in Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) challenged with Vibrio anguillarum in Aquaculture, co-authored by Brian Dixon.

Urban-use pesticides in stormwater ponds and their accumulation in biofilms in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Rebecca Rooney.

Effects of soil heterogeneity and preferential flow on the water flow and isotope transport in an experimental hillslope in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Edward Sudicky.

Microbiological and geochemical characterization of As-bearing tailings and underlying sediments in Journal of Hazardous Materials, co-authored by Carol Ptacek and David Blowes.

New insights into pesticide occurrence and multicompartmental monitoring strategies in stream ecosystems using periphyton and suspended sediment in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Rebecca Rooney.

Identification of marine microplastics based on laser-induced fluorescence and principal component analysis in Journal of Hazardous Materials, co-authored by Dongqing Li.

A feature perturbation weakly supervised learning network for airborne multispectral LiDAR pointcloud classification in International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, co-authored by Jonathan Li,

Recent developments, challenges, and future research directions in tomographic characterization of fractured aquifers in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Walter Illman.

Assessing the impact of distributed snow water equivalent calibration and assimilation of Copernicus snow water equivalent on modelled snow and streamflow performance in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by Bryan Tolson.

A new approach to understanding fluid mixing in process-study models of stratified fluids in Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, co-authored by Marek Stastna.

Rapid Spread of Omicron Sub-Lineage as Evidence by Wastewater Surveillance in Water (Switzerland), co-authored by Mark Servos.

Rendering the Bluish Appearance of Snow: When Light Transmission Matters in IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, co-authored by Gladimir Baranoski.

Estimating Groundwater Pumping for Irrigation: A Method Comparison in Groundwater, co-authored by Andrea Brookfield.

Perceptions of climate change risk and sustainable adaptations in the Swedish ski industry in Journal of Sustainable Tourism, co-authored by Daniel Scott.

Is snowmaking climate change maladaptation? In Journal of Sustainable Tourism, co-authored by Daniel Scott.

Road salt-induced salinization impacts water geochemistry and mixing regime of a Canadian urban lakein Applied Geochemistry, co-authoredd by J. Radosavljevic, S. Slowinski, Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Mayhar Shafii and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Climate change, biodiversity loss, and Indigenous Peoples’ health and wellbeing: a systematic umbrella review protocol in Systematic Reviews, co-authored by Warren Dodd and Susan Elliott.

Performance of biological ion exchange resin and gravity-driven ceramic membrane hybrid process for surface water treatment in Separation and Purification Technology, co-authored by Sigrid Peldszus.

Implementing an adaptive, two-tiered SARS-CoV-2 wastewater surveillance program on a university campus using passive sampling in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Wayne Parker and Mark Servos.

Multi-dimensional approach for interpreting the structure of barrier island morphology in Geomorphology, co-authored by Chris Houser.

Investigation of NiCoOx catalysts for anion exchange membrane water electrolysis: Performance, durability, and efficiency analysis in Journal of Energy Storage, co-authored by Zhongwei Chen.

Generative deep learning for probabilistic streamflow forecasting: Conditional variational auto-encoder in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by John Quilty.

A rapid high-resolution multi-sensory urban flood mapping framework via DEM upscaling in Remote Sensing of Environment, co-authored by Jonathan Li.

Co-precipitation of iron and silicon: Reaction kinetics, elemental ratios and the influence of phosphorus in Chemosphere, co-authored by Lu Huang, Chris Parsons, Stephanie Slowinski and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Short communication: Perception of coastal barrier landscapes and implications for selection of landscape morphometrics in Geomorphology, co-authored by Chris Houser.

Stable aqueous dispersions of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) polymer for barrier paper coating in Progress in Organic Coatings, co-authored by Tizazu Mekonnen.

Declining geoengineering efficacy caused by cloud feedbacks in transient solar dimming experiments in Journal of Climate, co-authored by Christopher Fletcher.

Analysis of colloidal activated carbon alternatives for in situ remediation of a large PFAS plume and source area in Remediation, co-authored by Anh Pham.

Weakly supervised learning for pixel-level sea ice concentration extraction using AI4Arctic Sea Ice Challenge Dataset  in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, co-authored by Andrea Scott and David Clausi.

A new analytical method for estimating hydraulic parameters of a nonlinear consolidated aquitard with variable drawdown in adjacent aquifers in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Walter Illman.

Potential of GNSS-R for the Monitoring of Lake Ice Phenology in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, co-authored by Claude Duguay.

Globally coordinated acoustic aquatic animal tracking reveals unexpected, ecologically important movements across oceans, lakes and rivers in Ecography, co-authored by Michael Power.

The surficial geology record of ice stream catchment dynamics and ice-divide migration in the Quebec-Labrador sector of the Laurentide ice sheet in Quaternary Science Advances , co-authored by Martin Ross.

Investigating wastewater treatment plant effluent and pharmaceutical exposure on innate cytokine expression of darters (Etheostoma spp.) in the Grand River watershed in Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part - B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, co-authored by Mark Servos and Paul Craig.

A Novel High-Resolution In Situ Tool for Studying Carbon Biogeochemical Processes in Aquatic Systems: The Lake Aiguebelette Case Study in Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, co-authored by Tonya DelSontro.

Snowmobiling and climate change: Exploring shifts in snowmobile activity using a temporal analogue approach in Ontario (Canada) in Tourism and Hospitality co-authored by Grant Gunn.

Insights from the Compilation and Critical Assessment of Breach and Runout Characteristics from Historical Tailings Dam Failures: Implications for Numerical Modelling in Mine Water and the Environment, co-authored by Stephen Evans.

Surface charging and electrophoretic behavior of conductive polymer micro-droplets in conductive polymer liquid solutions in Analyst co-authored by Dongqing Li.

Spatial optimization of nutrient reduction measures on agricultural land to improve water quality: A coupled modeling approach in Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, co-authored by Roy Brouwer, Rute Pinto, Jorge Garcia-Hernandez, Xingtong Li, Merrin Macrae and Predrag Rajsic.

Development of Tsunami Frequency-Fatality Numbers (F-N) Curve for Coastal Communities Subjected to Cascadia Subduction Earthquakes in ASCE Inspire 2023: Infrastructure Innovation and Adaptation for a Sustainable and Resilient World - Selected Papers from ASCE Inspire 2023, co-authored by Stephen Evans.

Tacking Fugitive Methane Emissions at WRRFs – Global Lessons in WEFTEC 2023 - 96th Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference, co-authored by Wayne Parker.

From seasonal to year-round nitrification – Performance evaluation of North America’s largest MABR installation in WEFTEC 2023 - 96th Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference co-authored by Narasimman Lakshminarasimman and Wayne Parker.

Catalytic degradation of microplastics in Exploration, co-authored by John Honek, Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Philippe Van Cappellen and Juewen Liu.

Four decades of lake surface temperature in the Northwest Territories, Canada, using a lake-specific satellite-derived dataset in Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, co-authored by Andrea Scott.

Practical Guide to Measuring Wetland Carbon Pools and Fluxes in Wetlands, co-authored by Tonya DelSontro.

Rewetting increases vegetation cover and net growing season carbon uptake under fen conditions after peat-extraction in Manitoba, Canada in Scientific Reports, co-authored by Maria Strack.

Impact of wastewater treatment upgrade and nitrogen removal on bacterial communities and their interactions in eutrophic prairie streams in FEMS Microbiology Ecology, co-authored by Simon C Courtenay.

Arctic marginal ice zone interannual variability and change point detection using two definitions (1983-2022) in Environmental Research Letters, co-authored by Andrea Scott.

WaterFormer: A coupled transformer and CNN network for waterbody detection in optical remotely-sensed imagery in ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, co-authored by Jonathan Li.

Atlantic cod individual spatial behaviour and stable isotope associations in a no-take marine reserve in Journal of Animal Ecology, co-authored by Michael Power.

A preliminary model for optimal control of moisture content in unsaturated soils in Computational Geosciences, co-authored by Roberto Guglielmi.

Integrating hydrological connectivity and zooplankton composition in Arctic ponds and lakes in Freshwater Biology, co-authored by Michael Power.

A combined laboratory and field-based experimental approach to characterize the heterogeneity of granular aquifers in Hydrogeology Journal, co-authored by Randy Stotler.

Humility bearing witness in global health in Equity in Global Health Research, by Susan Elliott.

Was there a nonglacial episode in the western Hudson Bay Lowland during Marine Isotope Stage 3? In Quaternary Research (United States), co-authored by Martin Ross.

Basal conditions of Denman Glacier from glacier hydrology and ice dynamics modeling in Cryosphere, co-authored by Christine Dow.

The evolving story of catadromy in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) in ICES Journal of Marine Science, co-authored by Michael Power.

Implications of Reynolds Averaging for Reactive Tracers in Turbulent Flows in Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, co-authored by Marek Stastna.

Effects of Substituting Activated Carbon with Titanium-Dioxide-Coated Cenospheres in Conventional Aquarium Filters in Environments - MDPI, co-authored by Norman Zhou and Mark Servos.

Assessing the potential for ice flow piracy between the Totten and Vanderford glaciers, East Antarctica in Cryosphere, co-authored by Christine Dow.

The dependence of evaporative efficiency of vegetated surfaces on ground cover mass fractions in vegetated soils in mesic ecosystems in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by Richard Petrone.

Transitioning toward “deep” knowledge co-production in coastal and marine systems: examining the interplay among governance, power, and knowledge in Ecology and Society, co-authored by Derek Armitage.

Calibration of Uncertainty in Sea Ice Concentration Retrieval With an Auxiliary Prediction Interval Estimator in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, co-authored by Andrea Scott.

December 2023

Machine learning based classification of lake ice and open water from Sentinel-3 SAR altimetry waveforms in Remote Sensing of Environment, co-authored by Claude Duguay.

Microbial methane cycling in a landfill on a decadal time scale in Nature Communications, co-authored by Laura Hug.

'We are all women here in Canada': Intimate bargains in WASH spaces in Social Science and Medicine, co-authored by Abraham Nunbogu and Susan Elliott.

Geochemistry and mineralogy of legacy tailings under a composite cover in Applied Geochemistry, co-authored by Carol Ptacek and David Blowes.

Immune response induced by coinfection of the sea louse Caligus rogercresseyi and the intracellular bacteria Piscirickettsia salmonis in vaccinated Atlantic salmon in Journal of Fish Diseases, co-authored by Brian Dixon.

Three-dimensional structure of cold-water gravity currents in Physical Review Fluids, co-authored by Marek Stastna.

Temporal shifts in the marine feeding of individual Atlantic salmon inferred from scale isotope ratios in Ecology and Evolution, co-authored by Michael Power.

Otolith-inferred patterns of marine migration frequency in Nunavik Arctic charr in Journal of Fish Biology, co-authored by Michael Power.

Examining water risk perception and evaluation in the corporate and financial sector: a mixed methods study in Ontario, Canada in Environmental Research Communications, co-authored by Michael Wood, Horatiu Rus and Jason Thistlethwaite.

Exploring the effects of one-time biochar application with low dosage on soil health in temperate climates in Soil Security, co-authored by Maren Oelbermann.

Carbon’s social cost can’t be retrofitted to water in Nature, co-authored by Dustin Garrick.

Spatial optimization of nutrient reduction measures on agricultural land to improve water quality: A coupled modeling approach in Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, co-authored by Roy Brouwer, Rute Pinto, Jorge Garcia Hernandez, Merrin Macrae and Predrag Rajsic.

November 2023

Phosphorus release and recovery by reductive dissolution of chemically precipitated phosphorus from simulated wastewater in Chemosphere, co-authored by Wayne Parker.

Geomorphic Process Chains in High-Mountain Regions—A Review and Classification Approach for Natural Hazards Assessment in Reviews of Geophysics, co-authored by Stephen Evans.

Thermochemical water-splitting structures for hydrogen production: Thermodynamic, economic, and environmental impacts in Energy Conversion and Management, co-authored by Ioannis Chatzis.

Fabrication and characterization of superhydrophobic melamine foam for effective separation of immiscible and emulsified oil/water mixtures in Journal of Porous Materials, co-authored by Xianshe Feng.

Leveraging deep learning for automatic recognition of microplastics (MPs) via focal plane array (FPA) micro-FT-IR imaging in Environmental Pollution, co-authored by Wayne Parker and Alexander Wong.

Vadose zone water stable isotope profiles for assessing groundwater recharge: Sensitivity to seasonal soil sampling in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Randy Stotler.

Contrasting Impacts of Agricultural Intensification and Urbanization on Lake Phosphorus Cycling and Implications for Managing Eutrophication in Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Mahyar Shafii, Nandita Basu, Roland I. Hall and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Geostatistical inverse modeling to characterize the transience of streambed hydraulic conductivity in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Walter Illman.

Spatiotemporal dipole variations of spring snowmelt over Eurasia in Atmospheric Research, co-authored by Richard Kelly.

Bayesian extreme learning machines for hydrological prediction uncertainty in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by John Quilty.

Inertial and turbulent flow in hydro-mechanically coupled KGD-like fractures in International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, co-authored by Robert Gracie.

Subglacial discharge accelerates future retreat of Denman and Scott Glaciers, East Antarctica in Science advances, co-authored by Christine Dow.

Stable microbial community in compacted bentonite after 5 years of exposure to natural granitic groundwater in mSphere, co-authored by Josh Neufeld.

New Evidence for the Role of Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase-Activating Polypeptide as an Antimicrobial Peptide in Teleost Fish in Antibiotics, co-authored by Brian Dixon.

High-Resolution Large-Eddy Simulations of Flow in the Complex Terrain of the Canadian Rockies in Earth and Space Science, co-authored by Richard Petrone.

Numerical Study of Coupled Water and Vapor Flow, Heat Transfer, and Solute Transport in Variably-Saturated Deformable Soil During Freeze-Thaw Cycles in Water Resources Research, co-authored by David Rudolph.

Surface material of acoustic transmitters influences the inflammatory response of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) during long-term implantation in Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, co-authored by Michael Power and Brian Dixon.

Widespread increases in soluble phosphorus concentrations in streams across the transboundary Great Lakes Basin in Nature Geoscience, co-authored by Nadita Basu.

CF-YOLO: Cross Fusion YOLO for Object Detection in Adverse Weather with a High-Quality Real Snow Dataset in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, co-authored by Jonathan Li.

The effect of shear-dependent flocculation on the multimodality of effective particle size distributions in a gravel-bed river during high flows in Journal of Soils and Sediments, co-authored by Mike Stone.

GLAcier Feature Tracking testkit (GLAFT): a statistically and physically based framework for evaluating glacier velocity products derived from optical satellite image feature tracking in Cryosphere, co-authored by Christine Dow.

Towards reducing the high cost of parameter sensitivity analysis in hydrologic modeling: a regional parameter sensitivity analysis approach in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, co-authored by Juliane Mai and Bryan Tolson.

Filter operation effects on plant-scale microbial risk: Opportunities for enhanced treatment performance in AWWA Water Science, co-authored by Philip Schmidt, William B. Anderson and Monica Emelko.

Speaking the same language: Aligning project designations to clarify communication in restoration ecology in Environmental Reviews, co-authored by Stephen Murphy.

Gold Nanoparticles Synthesized Using Various Reducing Agents and the Effect of Aging for DNA Sensing in Langmuir, co-authored by Juewen Liu.

Exploring the factors that contribute to the successful implementation of antimicrobial resistance interventions: a comparison of high-income and low-middle-income countries in Frontiers in Public Health, co-authored by Shannon E. Majowicz.

Uncertainty Analysis of Sea Ice and Open Water Classification on SAR Imagery Using a Bayesian CNN in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), co-authored by Andrea Scott and David A. Clausi.

Radarsat Constellation Mission Derived Winter Glacier Velocities for the St. Elias Icefield, Yukon/Alaska: 2022 and 2023 [Vitesses hivernales de glaciers dérivées de la Constellation Radarsat pour le champ de glace St. Elias, au Yukon et en Alaska: 2022 et 2023] in Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, co-authored by Christine Dow.

October 2023

The effect of PACAP administration on LPS-induced cytokine expression in the Atlantic salmon SHK-1 cell line in Fish and Shellfish Immunology Reports, co-authored by Brian Dixon.

Waveform classification and index sharing based-effective intensity data extraction of airborne laser bathymetry in International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, co-authored by Jonathan Li.

Real-time lead detection device based on nanomaterials modified microwave-microfluidic sensor in Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, co-authored by Carolyn Ren.

Public Attitudes Toward Policy Instruments for Flood Risk Management in Environmental Management, co-authored by Daniel Henstra & Jason Thistlethwaite.

Multi-sectorial assessment of phosphorus in Ontario, Canada: Mapping flows and analysis of the potential for recovery and reuse in Resources, Conservation and Recycling, co-authored by Jorge Garcia Hernandez and Roy Brouwer.

An Assessment of the Toxicity of Pesticide Mixtures in Periphyton from Agricultural Streams to the Mayfly Neocloeon triangulifer in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, co-authored by Rebecca Rooney.

Microbiome Interconnectedness throughout Environments with Major Consequences for Healthy People and a Healthy Planet in Microbiology and molecular biology reviews: MMBR, co-authored by Trevor Charles.

A 20-year satellite-reanalysis-based climatology of extreme precipitation characteristics over the Sinai Peninsula in Earth System Dynamics, co-authored by Chris Fletcher.

NIRvP as a remote sensing proxy for measuring gross primary production across different biomes and climate zones: Performance and limitations in International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, co-authored by Jonathan Li.

Compost and biosolids increase long-term soil organic carbon stocks in Canadian Journal of Soil Science, co-authored by Maren Oelbermann.

Thermoplastic elastomer melt-blown fiber mats for oil spill remediation: Fabrication, oil uptake, and gel formation studies in Separation and Purification Technology, co-authored by Tizazu H. Mekonnen.

The diversity of pool-riffle morphologies in Geomorphology, co-authored by Bruce MacVicar.

Nitrate sources and transformation processes in groundwater of a coastal area experiencing various environmental stressors in Journal of Environmental Management, co-authored by Randy L. Stotler.

Internal nutrients dominate load and drive hypoxia in a eutrophic estuary in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, co-authored by Simon Courtenay.

Inexpensive and rapid fabrication of PDMS microfluidic devices for biological testing applications using low cost commercially available 3D printers in Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, co-authored by Carolyn Ren.

Methane cycling microbial community characteristics: Comparing natural, actively extracted, restored and unrestored Boreal Peatlands in Wetlands, co-authored by Laura Hug and Maria Strack.

Factors influencing the home range of freshwater fishes in Ecology of Freshwater Fish, co-authored by Michael Power.

Exploring water quality as a determinant of small-scale fisheries vulnerability in Sustainability (Switzerland), co-authored by Prateep Nayak.

Hydraulic Tomography Estimates Improved by Zonal Information From the Clustering of Geophysical Survey Data in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Walter Illman.

COVID-19 brought the water struggles in Ghana into our homes in Canada: Collective emotions and WASH struggles in distant locations during health emergencies in Health and Place, co-authored by Susan Elliott.

Trade-offs in nutrient and sediment losses in tile drainage from no-till versus conventional conservation-till cropping systems in Journal of Environmental Quality, co-authored by Merrin Macrae and Helen Jarvie.

Intra-annual patterns in biofilm communities and cellulose decomposition in a headwater stream network with spatially variable groundwater inputs in Aquatic Ecology, co-authored by Adam Yates.

In-situ production of cellulose nanocrystal-alginate hydrogel beads and dye removal in fixed bed adsorption column in ACS ES and T Water, co-authored by Michael Tam.

The impact of surface melt rate and catchment characteristics on Greenland Ice Sheet moulin inputs in Cryosphere, co-authored by Christine Dow.

Attention to the needs of women and girls in WASH: An analysis of WASH policies in selected sub-Saharan African countries in Global Public Health, co-authored by Susan Elliott.

Assessment of seasonality and normalization techniques for wastewater-based surveillance in Ontario, Canada in Frontiers in Public Health, co-authored by Mark Servos.

September 2023

Diploid and triploid Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) have altered microRNA responses in immune tissues after infection with Vibrio anguillarum in Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part D: Genomics and Proteomics, co-authored by Brian Dixon and Paul Craig.

Utilization of epoxy thermoset waste to produce activated carbon for the remediation of nano-plastic contaminated wastewater in Separation and Purification Technology, co-authored by Tizazu Mekonnen.

Efficacy of urban road salt reduction strategies on public supply well quality in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by David Rudolph.

The PAVICS-Hydro platform: A virtual laboratory for hydroclimatic modelling and forecasting over North America in Environmental Modelling and Software, co-authored by James Craig and Bryan Tolson.

The influence of microtopography on soil carbon accumulation and nutrient release from a rewetted coastal peatland in Geoderma, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad.

Extracting resources from abandoned mines in Science (New York, N.Y.), co-authored by Carol Ptacek and David Blowes.

A semi-automated, GIS-based framework for the mapping of supraglacial hydrology in Journal of Glaciology, co-authored by Christine Dow.

Terminus change of Kaskawulsh Glacier, Yukon, under a warming climate: Retreat, thinning, slowdown and modified proglacial lake geometry in Journal of Glaciology, co-authored by Christine Dow.
Cultural water and Indigenous water science in Science, co-authored by Dustin Garrick.

Evaluation of Legacy Forest Harvesting Impacts on Dominant Stream Water Sources and Implications for Water Quality Using End Member Mixing Analysis in Water (Switzerland), co-authored by Micheal Stone and Monica Emelko.

Transport and Attenuation of an Artificial Sweetener and Six Pharmaceutical Compounds in a Sequenced Wetland-Steel Slag Wastewater Treatment System in Water (Switzerland), co-authored by Caro Ptacek and David Blowes.

Source or sink? Meta-analysis reveals diverging controls of phosphorus retention and release in restored and constructed wetlands in Environmental Research Letters, co-authored by Nandita Basu.

The Bahamas at risk: Material stocks, sea-level rise, and the implications for development in Journal of Industrial Ecology, co-authored by Simron Singh and Michael Drescher.

Nanomaterials enabled and enhanced DNA-based biosensors in Journal of Materials Chemistry B, co-authored by Juewen Liu.

Testing the Predictive Power of Hydro-Economic Supply-Side Input-Output Models Under Different Water Availability and Economic Conditions Over Time in a Transboundary River Basin in Water Economics and Policy, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Is scientific evidence enough? Using expert opinion to fill gaps in data in antimicrobial resistance research in PloS one, co-authored by Shannon Majowicz.

Predicting changes in soil organic carbon after a low dosage and one-time addition of biochar blended with manure and nitrogen fertilizer in Frontiers in Soil Science, co-authored by Maren Oelbermann.

Wastewater surveillance monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and dynamics of transmission and community burden of COVID-19 in Emerging Microbes and Infections, co-authored by Mark Servos.

Phosphorus dynamics in agricultural surface runoff at the edge of the field and in ditches during overbank flooding conditions in the Red River Valley in Canadian Water Resources Journal, co-authored by Merrin Macrae.

iWetland: A Community Science Platform for Monitoring Wetland Water Levels in Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, co-authored by Chantel Markle.

August 2023

Mercury bioaccessiblity in freshwater fish species from northern Canada in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Brian Laird.

A new IBL model for quasi-unidirectional gravity-driven flow over topography in European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids, authored by Serge D’Alessio.

Mucoadhesive cellulose Nanocrystal-chitosan nanocomposite for the delivery of hydrophobic compounds in JCIS Open, co-authored by Brian Dixon and Michael Tam.

Epistemic justice in flood-adaptive green infrastructure planning: The recognition of local experiential knowledge in Thorncliffe Park, Toronto in Landscape and Urban Planning, co-authored by Luna Khirfan.

Evolution of ecosystem-scale surface energy fluxes of a newly constructed boreal upland-fen watershed in Ecological Engineering, co-authored by Richard Petrone and Jonathan Price.

A commentary on women's contributions in hydrology in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Nandita Basu.

Large-stream nitrate retention patterns shift during droughts: Seasonal to sub-daily insights from high-frequency data-model fusion in Water Research, co-authored by Helen Jarvie.

DNA-based biosensors in TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry, co-authored by Juewen Liu.

From vulnerability to viability: A situational analysis of small-scale fisheries in Asia and Africa in Marine Policy, co-authored by Derek Armitage, Prateep Nayak and Simron Singh.

Direct solid-phase microextraction-mass spectrometry facilitates rapid analysis and green analytical chemistry in TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry, co-authored by Janusz Pawliszyn.

Effects of groundwater inputs on algal assemblages and cellulose decomposition differ based on habitat type in an agricultural stream in Hydrobiologia, co-authored by Adam Yates.

Intersex manifestation in the rainbow darter (Etheostoma caeruleum): Are adult male fish susceptible to developing and recovering from intersex after exposure to endocrine active compounds? In Aquatic Toxicology, co-authored by Mark Servos.

Omicron COVID-19 Case Estimates Based on Previous SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Load, Regional Municipality of Peel, Ontario, Canada in Emerging Infectious Diseases, co-authored by Mark Servos.

Environmental optima for common diatoms from Ontario lakes along gradients of lakewater pH, total phosphorus concentration, and depth in Journal of Paleolimnology, co-authored by Roland Hall.

Restratification in Late Winter Lakes Induced by Cabbeling in Geophysical Research Letters, co-authored by Marek Stastna.

Predictive MPC-Based Operation of Urban Drainage Systems Using Input Data-Clustered Artificial Neural Networks Rainfall Forecasting Models in Hydrology, co-authored by Kumaraswamy Ponnambalam.

Comparative Valuation of Three Ecosystem Services in a Canadian Watershed Using Global, Regional, and Local Unit Values in Sustainability (Switzerland), co-authored by Alain-Désiré Nimubona and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Quantifying seasonal, depression focused recharge in the context of public supply well vulnerability in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by David Rudolph.

Scope and applicability of social–ecological resilience to antimicrobial resistance in The Lancet Planetary Health, co-authored by Shannon Majowicz.

Uncertainty in phosphorus fluxes and budgets across the US long-term agroecosystem research network in Journal of Environmental Quality, co-authored by Merrin Macrae.

Impact of cross-linking agents on the adsorptive performance of cellulose nanocrystal–alginate hydrogel beads in Cellulose, co-authored by Michael Tam.

Nitrogen and Phosphorus Treatment Can Be Sustainable During on-Site Wastewater Disposal in Groundwater, co-authored by Sherry Schiff.

High Voltage: The Molecular Properties of Redox-Active Dissolved Organic Matter in Northern High-Latitude Lakes in Environmental Science and Technology, co-authored by Sherry Schiff.

Flux and stable isotope fractionation of CO2 in a mesic prairie headwater stream in Journal of Water and Climate Change, co-authored by Randy Stotler and Andrea Brookfield.

Joint Flood Risks in the Grand River Watershed in Sustainability (Switzerland), co-authored by Kumaraswamy Ponnambalam.

Region-Based Sea Ice Mapping Using Compact Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery with Learned Features and Contextual Information in Remote Sensing, co-authored by David Clausi.

Comparing Physical Collection and Environmental DNA Methods for Determining Abundance Patterns of Gammarus Species along an Estuarine Gradient in Diversity, co-authored by Simon Courtenay.

Removal of chloride ion from drinking water using Ag NPs-Modified bentonite: Characterization and optimization of effective parameters by response surface methodology-central composite design in Environmental Research, co-authored by Pu Chen.

The Evolution of Remote Sensing Education in Canada’s Universities and Colleges: Decades of Innovation and Expansion in Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, co-authored by Ellsworth LeDrew.

Editorial: Cleaning litter by developing and applying innovative methods in European seas in Frontiers in Marine Science, co-authored by co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Uncovering water quality and evaluating vulnerabilities of small-scale fisheries in Chilika Lagoon, India in Frontiers in Marine Science, co-authored by Prateep Nayak.

A decision framework for the management of established biological invasions in Facets, co-authored by Rebecca Rooney and Brendon Larson.

An Overview of Shoreline Mapping by Using Airborne LiDAR in Remote Sensing co-authored by Jonathan Li.

The Influence of Microtopography on Soil Carbon Accumulation and Nutrient Release from a Rewetted Coastal Peatland in Geoderma, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad.

Multi-sectorial assessment of phosphorus in Ontario, Canada: Mapping flows and analysis of the potential for recovery and reuse in Resources, Conservation and Recycling, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Long-term phosphorus mass-balance of Lake Erie (Canada-USA) reveals a major contribution of in-lake phosphorus loading in Ecological Informatics, co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen.

A comparative analysis of the partitioning behaviour of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in liquid and solid fractions of wastewater in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Paul Craig and Mark Servos.

Unsaturated Transport and Targeted Binding of Pluronic-Coated Nanoparticles: Lysimeter Experiments in Journal of Environmental Engineering (United States), co-authored by Neil Thomson.

A review of the nature and source of nutrient impairment in small streams: a desk based characterisation for targeted mitigation measures in Hydrobiologia, co-authored by Helen Jarvie.

Factors Affecting the Adsorption of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) by Colloidal Activated Carbon in Water Research, co-authored by Anh Pham.

A novel approach to determining the hydrodynamic resistance of droplets in microchannels using active control and grey-box system identification in Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, co-authored by Carolyn Ren.

High performance aqueous asymmetric supercapacitors developed by interfacial engineering wood-derived nanostructured electrodes in Materials Today Advances, co-authored by Michael Tam and Yimin Wu.

Learning from hydrological models’ challenges: A case study from the Nelson basin model intercomparison project in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Bryan Tolson and James R. Craig.

Experimental and numerical studies of dynamic variation of liquid water and water vapor flow in the vadose zone in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Walter Illman.

Mapping vessel traffic patterns in the ice-covered waters of the Pacific Arctic in Climatic Change, co-authored by Grant Gunn.

Exploring “big picture” scenarios for resilience in social–ecological systems: transdisciplinary cross-impact balances modeling in the Red River Basin in Sustainability Science, co-authored by Derek Armitage.

Subglacial Freshwater Drainage Increases Simulated Basal Melt of the Totten Ice Shelf in Geophysical Research Letters, co-authored by Christine Dow.

Wind redistribution of snow impacts the Ka- and Ku-band radar signatures of Arctic sea ice in Cryosphere, co-authored by Claude Duguay.

Stable isotopes and foraging behaviors support the role of antipredator benefits in driving the association between two marine fishes in Oecologia, co-authored by Michael Power.

Gendered dimensions of social wellbeing within dried fish value chains: insights from Sri Lanka in Ocean and Coastal Management, co-authored by Derek Armitage.

Practical Framework for Evaluation and Improvement of Drinking Water Treatment Robustness in Preparation for Extreme-Weather-Related Adverse Water Quality Events in ACS ES and T Water, co-authored by Sigrid Peldszus and Peter M. Huck.

An Upscaled Model of Fill-And-Spill Hydrological Response in Water Resources Research, co-authored by James R. Craig.

Dietary Intake Estimated From a 24-Hour Recall Questionnaire in the Dene and Métis Communities of the Northwest Territories, Canada in Current Developments in Nutrition, co-authored by Kelly Skinner and Brian Laird.

Targeted delivery of nanoparticles to a heterogeneous crude oil zone in an unsaturated porous medium in Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology, co-authored by Neil Thomson.

Ecosystem responses of shallow thermokarst lakes to climate-driven hydrological change: Insights from long-term monitoring of periphytic diatom community composition at Old Crow Flats (Yukon, Canada) in Science Progress, co-authored by Roland Hall.

Ecological Drivers of Mercury Bioaccumulation in Fish of a Subarctic Watercourse in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, co-authored by Michael Power.

β-Cyclodextrin functionalized adsorbents for removal of organic micropollutants from water in Chemosphere, co-authored by Wayne Parker.

Intermittent Generation of Internal Solitary-Like Waves on the Northern Shelf of the South China Sea in Geophysical Research Letters, co-authored by Kevin Lamb.

Co-production of knowledge and strategies to support climate resilient fisheries in ICES Journal of Marine Science, co-authored by Derek Armitage.

Human rights, COVID-19, and barriers to safe water and sanitation among people experiencing homelessness in Mexico City in Frontiers in Water, co-authored by Susan Elliott.

Interaction of operating HRT and temperature on fouling of tertiary membranes treating municipal wastewater in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Wayne Parker.

Co-management at a crossroads in Canada: issues, opportunities, and emerging challenges in fisheries and marine contexts in Facets, co-authored by Derek Armitage.

Ecological restoration research in Canada: who, what, where, when, why, and how? In Facets, co-authored by Stephen Murphy.

Hierarchical Modeling of Aggregate Mining Conflict in Ontario, Canada in Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing co-authored by Keith Hipel.

Comparative Analysis of Empirical and Machine Learning Models for Chla Extraction Using Sentinel-2 and Landsat OLI Data: Opportunities, Limitations, and Challenges in Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, co-authored by Claude Duguay.

A sixfold urban design framework to assess climate resilience: Generative transformation in Negril, Jamaica in PloS one, co-authored by Luna Khirfan.

Water Back: A Review Centering Rematriation and Indigenous Water Research Sovereignty in Water Alternatives, co-authored by Kelsey Leonard.

Passive Microwave Sea Ice Edge Displacement Error over the Eastern Canadian Arctic for the period 2013-2021 in Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, co-authored by Andrea Scott.

Hydrologic and Landscape Controls on Dissolved Organic Matter Composition Across Western North American Arctic Lakes in Global Biogeochemical Cycles, co-authored by Sherry Schiff.

Habitat preferences of young-of-year spotted gar (Lepisosteus oculatus) in Rondeau Bay, Lake Erie in Canadian Journal of Zoology, co-authored by Michael Power.

I feel the pains of our past water struggles anytime I turn on the tap: Diaspora perceptions and experiences of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WaSH) gendered violence in Ghana in Social Science and Medicine, co-authored by Susan Elliott.

Simultaneous nitrification, denitrification, and phosphorus removal from municipal wastewater at low temperature in Bioresource Technology, co-authored by Josh Neufeld and Wayne Parker.

Sulfate Land Application Enhances Biodegradation in a Petroleum Hydrocarbon Smear Zone in Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, co-authored by Neil Thomson.

July 2023

Cleaning litter by developing and applying innovative methods in European seas in Frontiers in Marine Science, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

High throughput and automated solid-phase microextraction and determination by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry for the analysis of mycotoxins in beer in Food Chemistry, co-authored by Janusz Pawliszyn.

Composite membranes with multifunctionalities for processing textile wastewater: Simultaneous oil/water separation and dye adsorption/degradation in Separation and Purification Technology, co-authored by Xianshe Feng.

Insight into direct phosphorus release from simulated wastewater ferric sludge: Influence of physiochemical factors in Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, co-authored by Wayne Parker.

A field-validated equilibrium passive sampler for the monitoring of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in sediment pore water and surface water in Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, co-authored by Anh Pham.

Potential Vorticity Generation in Breaking Gravity Waves in Atmosphere, co-authored by Michael Waite.

Editorial: Sources, sinks, and emissions in aquatic systems: the past, present, and future under global change in Frontiers in Environmental Science, co-authored by Tonya DelSontro.

Unsupervised Bayesian Subpixel Mapping Autoencoder Network for Hyperspectral Images in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, co-authored by Alexander Wong.

Managed retreat from high-risk flood areas: exploring public attitudes and expectations about property buyouts in Environmental Hazards, co-authored by Daniel Henstra and Jason Thistlethwaite.

June 2023

Sex matters: Gamete-specific contribution of microRNA following parental exposure to hypoxia in zebrafish in Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part D: Genomics and Proteomics, co-authored by Paul Craig.

Understanding common population markers for SARS-CoV-2 RNA normalization in wastewater – A review in Chemosphere, co-authored by Mark Servos.

Size and temperature drive nutrient retention potential across water bodies in China in Water Research, co-authored by Nandita Basu.

Performance of simple low-cost edge-of-field filters for mitigating P losses in surface runoff from agricultural fields in Agricultural Water Management, co-authored by Helen Jarvie and Merrin Macrae.

Knowledge co-creation through Indigenous arts: Diversity in freshwater quality monitoring and management in Journal of Great Lakes Research, co-authored by Simon Courtenay.

Collaborative watershed analysis: A ‘groupthink’ assessment of cumulative effects in Journal of Great Lakes Research, co-authored by Simon Courtenay.

Functional Profiling and Evolutionary Analysis of a Marine Microalgal Virus Pangenome in Viruses, co-authored by Jozef Nissimov.

Conservation philanthropy: Growing the field of research and practice in Conservation Science and Practice, co-authored by Dustin Garrick.

An Interdisciplinary Water Risk Assessment Framework for Sustainable Water Management in Ontario, Canada in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Olaf Weber, Michael Wood, Horatiu Rus and Jason Thistlethwaite.

Carbon's social cost can't be retrofitted to water in Nature, co-authored by Dustin Garrick.

Extended pilot test of a cross-injection in situ denitrification system for pre-emptive treatment of municipal well water in Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, co-authored by Dave Rudolph.

Diavik Waste-Rock Project, Northwest Territories, Canada: Predicting Field-Scale Waste-Rock Drainage Quality from Humidity-Cell Experiments in Economic Geology, co-authored by David Blowes and Carol Ptacek.

Bedfast and floating-ice dynamics of thermokarst lakes using a temporal deep-learning mapping approach: Case study of the Old Crow Flats, Yukon, Canada in Cryosphere, co-authored by Claude Duguay.

The resource (in)sufficiency of the Caribbean: analyzing socio-metabolic risks (SMR) of water, energy, and food in Frontiers in Climate, co-authored by Simron Singh.

Sources of exposure to lead in Arctic and subarctic regions: a scoping review in International Journal of Circumpolar Health, co-authored by Brian Laird and Kelly Skinner.

May 2023

Antigen presentation in vertebrates: Structural and functional aspects in Developmental and Comparative Immunology, co-authored by Brian Dixon.

BasinMaker 3.0: A GIS toolbox for distributed watershed delineation of complex lake-river routing networks in Environmental Modelling and Software, co-authored by Brian Tolson, James Craig, Juliane Mai and Nandita Basu.

Novel insights into the cytokine network of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss using cell lines and primary leukocyte populations in Fish and Shellfish Immunology, co-authored by Brian Dixon.

Recent advances in integrated hydrologic models: Integration of new domains in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Andrea Brookfield.

Applied Geochemistry Presents its 2022 Excellence-in-Review Awards in Applied Geochemistry, co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen.

Assessing social vulnerability and identifying spatial hotspots of flood risk to inform socially just flood management policy in Risk Analysis, co-authored by Jason Thistlethwaite, Daniel Scott and Daniel Henstra.

Loss of Selenium from Mollisol Paddy Wetlands of Cold Regions: Insights from Flow-through Reactor Experiments and Process-Based Modeling in Environmental Science and Technology, co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen.

Environmental Impacts on Skin Microbiomes of Sympatric High Arctic Salmonids in Fishes, co-authored by Josh Neufeld.

Surfactant-Assisted Label-Free Fluorescent Aptamer Biosensors and Binding Assays in Biosensors, co-authored by Juewen Liu.

A Random Forest in the Great Lakes: Stream Nutrient Concentrations Across the Transboundary Great Lakes Basin in Earth's Future, co-authored by Nandita Basu and Anita Layton.

Memory and Management: Competing Controls on Long-Term Nitrate Trajectories in U.S. Rivers in Global Biogeochemical Cycles, co-authored by Nandita Basu.

An Analytical Method to Estimate Groundwater Depletion of an Aquitard Due To Variable Drawdowns in Adjacent Aquifers in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Walter Illman.

Response of dissolved organic carbon dynamics to salinity in a Constructed Fen Peatland in the Athabasca Oil Sands region in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by Jonathan Price and Maria Strack.

Shear instability in mode-2 internal Kelvin waves in Environmental Fluid Mechanics, co-authored by Marek Stastna.

Dense pulses formed from fissioning internal waves in Environmental Fluid Mechanics, co-authored by Marek Stastna.

Determining the Source and Mechanism of River Salinity: An Integrated Regional Study in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad.

Relationship between soil CO2 fluxes and soil moisture: Anaerobic sources explain fluxes at high water content inGeoderma, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Merrin Macrae and Philipe Van Cappellen.

Tannic acid-coated cellulose nanocrystals with enhanced mucoadhesive properties for aquaculture in Carbohydrate Polymers, co-authored by Michael Tam.

Effects of juvenile thermal preconditioning on the heat-shock, immune, and stress responses of rainbow trout upon a secondary thermal challenge in Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology -Part A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology, co-authored by Brian Dixon.

A potential source of low-manganese, arsenic-safe drinking water from Intermediate Deep Aquifers (IDA), Bangladesh in Groundwater for Sustainable Development, co-authored by Shaun Frape.

Assessing the performance of marine plastics cleanup technologies in Europe and North America in Ocean and Coastal Management, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Can cash incentives modify groundwater pumping behaviors? Evidence from an experiment in Punjab in American Journal of Agricultural Economics, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Evaluation of the methane paradox in four adjacent pre-alpine lakes across a trophic gradient in Nature communications, co-authored by Tonya DelSontro.

Universal early warning signals of phase transitions in climate systems in Journal of the Royal Society, Interface, co-authored by Christopher Fletcher.

Stepwise cluster ensemble downscaling for drought projection under climate change in International Journal of Climatology, co-authored by Daniel Scott.

Lake surface temperature retrieved from Landsat satellite series (1984 to 2021) for the North Slave Region in Earth System Science Data, co-authored by Andrea Scott.

Collective intelligence for addressing community planetary health resulting from salinity prompted by sea level rise in Journal of Climate Change and Health, co-authored by Keith Hipel.

Migration of the shear margins at Thwaites Glacier: Dependence on basal conditions and testability against field data in Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, co-authored by Christine Dow.

Regional-scale reactive transport modelling of hydrogeochemical evolution in a karstic carbonate aquifer in Hydrogeology Journal, co-authored by Richard Jackson and David Rudolph.

Seasonal, environmental and individual effects on hypoxia tolerance of eastern sand darter (Ammocrypta pellucida) in Conservation Physiology co-authored by Paul Craig, and Michael Power.

Testing the predictive power of hydro-economic supply-side Input-Output models under different water availability and economic conditions over time in a transboundary river basin in Water Economics and Policy, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

April 2023

A wastewater-based risk index for SARS-CoV-2 infections among three cities on the Canadian Prairie in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Mark Servos.

Geochemical and mineralogical investigation of cemented crusts in the tailings cover at Long Lake Gold Mine, Sudbury, Canada in Journal of Hazardous Materials, co-authored by Carol Ptacek and David Blowes.

Chemical and biological tracers to identify source and transport pathways of septic system contamination to streams in areas with low permeability soils in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Carol Ptacek.

An analytical model for solute transport in a large-strain aquitard affected by delayed drainage in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Walter Illman.

Biological Filtration is Resilient to Wildfire Ash-Associated Organic Carbon Threats to Drinking Water Treatment in ACS ES and T Water, co-authored by William B. Anderson and Monica Emelko.

Microbially mediated carbon dioxide removal for sustainable mining in PLoS biology, co-authored by Jenine McCutcheon.

Impact of climate change on catchment nutrient dynamics: insights from around the world in Environmental Reviews, co-authored by Helen Jarvie and Merrin Macrae.

Moral economies for water: A framework for analyzing norms of justice, economic behavior, and social enforcement in the contexts of water inequality in Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, co-authored by Dustin Garrick.

Reestablishment of peatland vegetation following surface leveling of decommissioned in situ oil mining infrastructures in Restoration Ecology, co-authored by Maria Strack.

The analysis of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in wastewater sludges and biosolids: which adsorbents should be used for the cleanup of extracts? In Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology, co-authored by Wayne Parker and Anh Pham.

Determination of hydraulic parameters of non-linear consolidation clay layers by type curve method in Frontiers in Earth Science, co-authored by Walter Illman.

Investigation of the formation of NDMAUFC across biofilters in AWWA Water Science, co-authored by Peter Huck.

Effects of freeze-thaw cycles on methanogenic hydrocarbon degradation: Experiment and modeling in Chemosphere, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Modeling multi-year phosphorus dynamics in a bioretention cell: phosphorus partitioning, accumulation, and export in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Mahyar Shafii, Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Philippe Van Cappellen.

March 2023

Realizing the value in “non-standard” parts of the qPCR standard curve by integrating fundamentals of quantitative microbiology in Frontiers in Microbiology, co-authored by Philip Schmidt, Monica Emelko and Mark Servos.

Estimating Settlement carbon stock and density using an inventory approach and quantifying their variation by land use and parcel size in Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, co-authored by Derek Robinson.

A quantile-based encoder-decoder framework for multi-step ahead runoff forecasting in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by John Quilty.

Comparison of travel-time and geostatistical inversion approaches for hydraulic tomography: Synthetic modeling study on data density and well configuration issues in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Walter Illman.

Steady-state density-driven flow and transport: Pseudo-transient parameter continuation in Advances in Water Resources, co-authored by Walter Illman.

Pluralizing energy justice: Incorporating feminist, anti-racist, Indigenous, and postcolonial perspectives in Energy Research and Social Science, co-authored by Kelsey Leonard.

A systems perspective on water markets: barriers, bright spots, and building blocks for the next generation in Environmental Research Letters, co-authored by Dustin Garrick.

Boundaries of benefit sharing: interpretation and application of substantive rules in the Lake Malawi/Niassa/Nyasa sub-basin of the Zambezi Watercourse in International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, co-authored by Larry Swatuk.

Duration of extraction determines CO2 and CH4 emissions from an actively extracted peatland in eastern Quebec, Canada in Biogeosciences, co-authored by Maria Strack.

Double diffusive instability with a constriction in Physics of Fluids, co-authored by Marek Stastna.

Phragmites australis invasion and herbicide-based control changes primary production and decomposition in a freshwater wetland in Wetlands Ecology and Management, co-authored by Rebecca Rooney.

Recent advances in label-free optical, electrochemical, and electronic biosensors for glioma biomarkers in Biomicrofluidics, co-authored by Sushanta Mitra.

Impact of regulatory policies on green bond issuances in China: policy lessons from a top-down approach in Climate Policy, co-authored by Olaf Weber.

Assessing the performance of marine plastics cleanup technologies in Europe and North America in Ocean and Coastal Management, co-authored by Roy Brouwer and Yichun Huang.

February 2023

Biological Filtration is Resilient to Wildfire Ash-Associated Organic Carbon Threats to Drinking Water Treatment in ACS EST Water, co-authored by William B. Anderson and Monica Emelko.

Functionality of methane cycling microbiome during methane flux hot moments from riparian buffer systems in Science of the Total Environment co-authored by Maren Oelbermann.

The impact of climate change on monthly baseflow trends across Canada in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Andrea Brookfield.

Disconnectivity matters: the outsized role of small ephemeral wetlands in landscape-scale nutrient retention in Environmental Research Letters, co-authored by Nandita Basu.

Spatio-temporal variability of porewater phosphorus concentrations in streambed sediments of an agricultural stream in Journal of Hydrology co-authored by Adam Yates.

Who owns the map? Data sovereignty and government spatial data collection, use, and dissemination in Transactions in GIS, co-authored by Peter Johnson.

Disentangling runoff generation mechanisms: Combining isotope tracing with integrated surface/subsurface simulation in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Edward Sudicky.

Negotiations over the Provision of Multiple Ecosystem Services in Environmental and Resource Economics co-authored by Alain-Désiré Nimubona.

Editorial: The cold regions in transition: Impacts on soil and groundwater biogeochemistry in Frontiers in Environmental Science, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Standard Water Generating Vials for Lipophilic Compounds in Analytical Chemistry co-authored by Janusz Pawliszyn.

The structure of a magnitude-frequency relation for debris flows conditioned by earthquake shock in Analytical Chemistry, co-authored by Janusz Pawliszyn.

How much finance is in climate finance? A bibliometric review, critiques, and future research directions in Research in International Business and Finance, co-authored by Olaf Weber.

Uncertainty-Incorporated Ice and Open Water Detection on Dual-Polarized SAR Sea Ice Imagery in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, co-authored by Andrea Scott and David Clausi.

Presence of Access Roads Results in Reduced Growing Season Carbon Uptake in Adjacent Boreal Peatlands in Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, co-authored by Maria Strack.

From concern to action: the founding of the Wellington Water Watchers and the battle against water bottling in Ontario, Canada in Local Environment co-authored by Robert Case.

Vulnerable Waters are Essential to Watershed Resilience in Ecosystems, co-authored by Nandita Basu.

Climate change and the future of the Olympic Winter Games: athlete and coach perspectives in Current Issues in Tourism co-authored by Daniel Scott.

From conflict to collaboration: Atewa Forest governance in Natural Resources Forum, co-authored by Larry Swatuk.

Costs and benefits of improving water and sanitation in slums and non-slum neighborhoods in Dhaka, a fast-growing mega-city in Ecological Economics, co-authored by Roy Brouwer, Susan Elliott and Jennifer Liu.

Reconciling Theory and Practice in Higher Education Water Economics Courses in Applied Economics Teaching Resources, authored by Roy Brouwer.

January 2023

Satellite-derived multivariate world-wide lake physical variable timeseries for climate studies in Scientific Data, co-authored by Claude Duguay.

The Galapagos small-scale fishing sector collaborative governance network: Structure, features and insights to bolster its adaptive capacity in Regional Studies in Marine Science, co-authored by Jeremy Pittman and Peter Deadman.

Esterification of lignin with long chain fatty acids for the stabilization of oil-in-water Pickering emulsions in International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, co-authored by Tizazu Mekonnen.

New opportunities for low-cost LiDAR-derived snow depth estimates from a consumer drone-mounted smartphone in Cold Regions Science and Technology, co-authored by Richard Kelly and Christopher Fletcher.

Cobalt single atom anchored on N-doped carbon nanoboxes as typical single-atom catalysts (SACs) for boosting the overall water splitting in Chemical Engineering Journal, co-authored by Zhongwei Chen.

The compounding impacts of Cyclone Idai and their implications for urban inequality in International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, co-authored by Brent Doberstein.

Estimation of groundwater contributions to Athabasca River, Alberta, Canada in Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, co-authored by Edward A. Sudicky.

Geostatistical analysis of high-resolution hydraulic conductivity estimates from the hydraulic profiling tool and integration with hydraulic tomography at a highly heterogeneous field site in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Walter Illman.

Climate related changes to flood regimes show an increasing rainfall influence in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Donald H. Burn.

Wild fish responses to wastewater treatment plant upgrades in the Grand River, Ontario in Aquatic Toxicology, co-authored by Mark Servos.

Subsurface mobility of land applied greenhouse nutrient feed water and environmental implications in Journal of Environmental Management, co-authored by David Rudolph.

Seasonal Acceleration of Petermann Glacier, Greenland, From Changes in Subglacial Hydrology in Geophysical Research Letters, co-authored by Christine Dow.

Spatiotemporal Variability of Groundwater Iodine in the Northern Arid Basins: Significance for Safe Water Supply in Environmental Science and Technology, co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen.

Gold Nanoparticles Synthesized Using Various Reducing Agents and the Effect of Aging for DNA Sensing in Langmuir, co-authored by Juewen Liu.

Fluvial Deposition and Land Use Change Control Selenium Occurrence in Mollisols of Cold Region Agroecosystems in Environmental Science and Technology, co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen.

Factors impacting antimicrobial resistance in the South East Asian food system and potential places to intervene: A participatory, one health study in Frontiers in Microbiology, co-authored by Shannon Majowicz,

Exact solutions for flow through porous media with the Klinkenberg effect in AIP Advances, co-authored by Marek Stastna.

Mixing dynamics at river confluences governed by intermodal behaviour in Nature Geoscience, co-authored by Quinn Lewis.

Awareness and use of the Society for Ecological Restoration's International Principles and Standards for the Practice of Ecological Restoration in Canada in Restoration Ecology, co-authored by Stephen Murphy.

Quantifying the vertical water exchange of dominant tree species in a reclaimed landscape in the Athabasca oil sands region, Alberta in Ecohydrology, co-authored by Richard Petrone and Matthew Jonathan Price.

Editorial: The Cold Regions in Transition: Impacts on Soil and Groundwater Biogeochemistry in Frontiers in Environmental Science, co-autored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad, and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Delineation of the spatial variability of carbonate and sulfide minerals in mine waste-rock piles using geostatistics in Minerals Engineering co-authored by Carol Ptacek and David Blowes.

December 2022

Shifts in soil phosphorus fractions during seasonal transitions in a riparian floodplain wetland in Frontiers in Environmental Science, co-authored by Merrin Macrae.

Does Local Confucian Culture Affect Corporate Environmental, Social, and Governance Ratings? Evidence from China in Sustainability (Switzerland), co-authored by Olaf Weber.

Industry Perspectives on Water Pollution Management in a Fast Developing Megacity: Evidence from Dhaka, Bangladesh in Sustainability (Switzerland), co-authored by Jennifer Liu, Roy Brouwer and Susan Elliott.

A guiding framework for needs assessment evaluations to embed digital platforms in partnership with Indigenous communities in PLoS ONE, co-authored by Kelly Skinner.

Longevity of colloidal activated carbon for in situ PFAS remediation at AFFF-contaminated airport sites in Remediation, co-authored by Anh Pham.

Evolution of a stratigraphic model in a fluvial deltaic wedge: implications for groundwater resource protection in an oil and gas-bearing region in the Upper Cretaceous Dunvegan Formation, Northwest Territories, Canada in Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, co-authored by Colby Steelman.

Rates and timing of chlorophyll-A increases and related environmental variables in global temperate and cold-Temperate lakes in Earth System Science Data, co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen.

Why vaccines fail against Piscirickettsiosis in farmed salmon and trout and how to avoid it: A review in Frontiers in Immunology, co-authored by Brian Dixon.

Wastewater Surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 RNA in Canada in Facets, co-authored by Mark Servos.

Runoff and discharge pathways of microplastics into freshwater ecosystems: A systematic review and meta-analysis in Facets, co-authored by Rebecca Rooney.

Addressing conservation practice limitations and trade-offs for reducing phosphorus loss from agricultural fields in Agricultural and Environmental Letters, co-authored by Helen Jarvie.

Forward modelling of synthetic aperture radar backscatter from lake ice over Canadian Subarctic Lakes in Remote Sensing of Environment, co-authored by Claude Duguay and Grant Gunn.

Migration behaviour of LNAPL in fractures filled with porous media: Laboratory experiments and numerical simulations in Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, co-authored by Walter Illman.

Current status and future prospects of biofuel production from brown algae in North America: Progress and challenges in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, co-authored by Ioannis Chatzis.

Optimization of biofilm conductance measurement with two-electrode microbial electrochemical cells (MECs) in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Hyung-Sool Lee.

Public preferences for marine plastic litter management across Europe in Ecological Economics, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Estimates, spatial variability, and environmental drivers of mercury biomagnification rates through lake food webs in the Canadian subarctic in Environmental Research, co-authored by Brian Laird and Heidi Swanson.

Three-dimensional hydraulic tomography analyses to investigate commingling issues of reproducibility, data density, and geological prior models in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Walter Illman.

Fish and macroinvertebrate assemblages reveal extensive degradation of the world's rivers in Global Change Biology, co-authored by Adam Yates.

What is the future of water quality trading? In Contemporary Economic Policy, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Saturated hydraulic conductivity in northern peats inferred from other measurements in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Jonathan Price and Maria Strack.

Temporal stability of polymorphic Arctic charr parasite communities reflects sustained divergent trophic niches in Ecology and Evolution, co-authored by Michael Power.

Collaborative watershed analysis: A ‘groupthink’ assessment of cumulative effects in Journal of Great Lakes Research, co-authored by Simon Courtenay.

Surface modification, topographic design and applications of superhydrophobic systems in Chemistry - A European Journal co-authored by Michael Tam.

Chromatic and numerical approaches for the monitoring of corn plants under moderate water stress in Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering authored by Gladimir Baranoski.

Stalactitic rhodochrosite from the 25 de Mayo and Nueve veins, Capillitas, Catamarca, Argentina: Physical and chemical variations in Journal of Geosciences (Czech Republic), co-authored by James R. Craig.

Regional-scale reactive transport modelling of hydrogeochemical evolution in a karstic carbonate aquifer in Hydrogeology Journal co-authored by Richard Jackson and Dave Rudolph

Industry perspectives on water pollution management in a fast developing megacity: Evidence from Dhaka, Bangladesh in Sustainability, co-authored by Jennifer Liu, Roy Brouwer and Susan Elliott.

Improving predictions of solute transport in a laboratory sandbox aquifer through high-resolution characterization with hydraulic tomography in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Walter Illman.

Dissolved inorganic carbon export from rivers of Great Britain: Spatial distribution and potential catchment-scale controls in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Helen Jarvie.

Carbonate mineral dissolution and photosynthesis-induced precipitation regulate inorganic carbon cycling along the karst river-reservoir continuum, SW China in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen.

Synchronous pyrolysis and activation of poly (ethylene terephthalate) for the generation of activated carbon for dye contaminated wastewater treatment in Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, co-authored by Tizazu Mekonnen.

RNA in municipal wastewater reveals magnitudes of COVID-19 outbreaks across four waves driven by SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern in ACS ES and T Water, co-authored by Mark Servos.

Water purification and electrochemical oxidation: Meeting different targets with BDD and MMO anodes in Environments – MDPI, co-authored by Norman Zhou and Mark Servos.

Two-eyed seeing: Embracing the power of Indigenous knowledge for a healthy and sustainable Ocean in PLoS biology, co-authored by Kelsey Leonard.

Upscaling hillslope-scale subsurface flow to inform catchment-scale recession behavior in Water Resources Research, co-authored by James R. Craig.

Pulling the rabbit out of the hat: Unravelling hidden nitrogen legacies in catchment-scale water quality models in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by Nandita Basu.

Integrated asset management of urban water and wastewater systems in AWWA Water Science, co-authored by Mark Knight.

Ion-exchange treatment of perfluorinated carboxylic acids in water: Comparison of polystyrenic and polyacrylic resin structures and impact of sulfate on their performance in ACS ES and T Water, co-authored by William B. Anderson, Sigrid Peldszus, and Peter Huck.

Isotopic and traits-based trophic diversity of Canadian Beaufort Sea benthic communities in relation to food supply in Arctic Science, co-authored by Heidi Swanson and Michael Power.

Selecting a single powdered activated carbon against multiple threats: taste & odour and benzene in Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology, co-authored by Sigrid Peldszus.

November 2022

Multi-tracer approach to understand nitrate contamination and groundwater-surface water interactions in the Mediterranean coastal area of Guerbes-Senhadja, Algeria in Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, co-authored by Randy Stotler.

Elevating the role of water resilience in food system dialogues in Water Security, co-authored by Dustin Garrick.

Energy spectra and vorticity dynamics in a two-layer shallow water ocean model in Journal of Physical Oceanography, co-authored by Francis Poulin.

Slow-onset events (SOEs) and future sustainability in Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, co-authored by Keith Hipel.

Probabilistic spatiotemporal seasonal sea ice presence forecasting using sequence-to-sequence learning and ERA5 data in the Hudson Bay region in Cryosphere, co-authored by Andrea Scott.

RavenR v2.1.4: An open-source R package to support flexible hydrologic modelling in Geoscientific Model Development, co-authored by James R. Craig.

Flood risk assessment data access and equity in Metro Vancouver in Canadian Water Resources Journal, co-authored by Daniel Henstra and Jason Thistlethwaite.

Is snowmaking climate change maladaptation? In Journal of Sustainable Tourism, co-authored by Daniel Scott.

Antarctic basal environment shaped by high-pressure flow through a subglacial river system in Nature Geoscience, co-authored by Christine Dow.

October 2022

Public preferences for marine plastic litter management across Europe in Ecological Economics, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

A critical review of microplastic degradation and material flow analysis towards a circular economy in Environmental Pollution, co-authored by William A. Anderson, Trevor Charles, Steven Young and Boxin Zhao.

Nutrient and suspended solid concentrations, loads, and yields in rivers across the Lake Winnipeg Basin: A twenty year trend assessment in Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, co-authored by Adam Yates.

Long-term annual soil nitrogen surplus across Europe (1850–2019) in Scientific Data, co-authored by Nandita Basu.

Abnormal neurobehavior in fish early life stages after exposure to cyanobacterial exudates in Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, co-authored by Brian Dixon.

Impact of measured and simulated tundra snowpack properties on heat transfer in Cryosphere, co-authored by Richard Kelly.

Living in relationship with the Ocean to transform governance in the UN Ocean Decade in PLoS biology, co-authored by Kelsey Leonard.

Two-dimensional simulations of flow in ice-covered lakes with horizontal variations in surface albedo in Physical Review Fluids, co-authored by Marek Stastna.

Markets and misfits in adaptive water governance: how agricultural markets shape water conflict and cooperation in Ecology and Society, co-authored by Dustin Garrick and Rob De Loë.

Review article: Global monitoring of snow water equivalent using high-frequency radar remote sensing in Cryosphere, co-authored by Richard Kelly.

Semi-supervised sea ice classification of SAR imagery based on graph convolutional network in International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), co-authored by David Clausi.

Regional upscaling of Chlorophyll-A Retrieval from small eutrophic lakes via Sentinel-2 in International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), co-authored by Claude Duguay.

Removal and degradation of microplastics using the magnetic and nanozyme activities of bare iron oxide nanoaggregates in Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, co-authored by Juewen Liu.

Groundwater circulation and origin of salinity in a multi-aquifers system in Mine Water and the Environment, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad.

Boundaries of benefit sharing: interpretation and application of substantive rules in the Lake Malawi/Niassa/Nyasa sub-basin of the Zambezi Watercourse in International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, co-authored by Larry Swatuk.

From concern to action: the founding of the Wellington Water Watchers and the battle against water bottling in Ontario, Canada in Local Environment, co-authored by Robert Case.

Fish and macroinvertebrate assemblages reveal extensive degradation of the world's rivers in Global Change Biology, co-authored by Adam Yates.

Toward just and effective climate action in International Political Economy Series, co-authored by Larry Swatuk.

Climate Finance: Lessons from development finance in International Political Economy Series, co-authored by Larry Swatuk.

Better understand past, present and future climate variability by linking water isotopes and conventional hydrometeorology: summary and recommendations from the International Atomic Energy Agency and World Meteorological Organization in Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, co-authored by Keith Hipel.

Impaired cellulose decomposition in a headwater stream receiving subsurface agricultural drainage in Ecological Processes, co-authored by Adam Yates.

The global carbon sink potential of terrestrial vegetation can be increased substantially by optimal land management in Communications Earth and Environment, co-authored by Jonathon Li.

Long-term annual soil nitrogen surplus across Europe (1850-2019) in Scientific data, co-authored by Nandita Basu.

Use of stable isotopes for assessing urbanization impacts on freshwater fishes in Frontiers in Environmental Science, co-authored by Michael Power.

Effects of long-term climate trends on the methane and CO2 exchange processes of Toolik Lake, Alaska in Frontiers in Environmental Science, co-authored by DelSontro.

Using boundary-layer coordinates to compute unsteady laminar two-dimensional viscous and convective flows in AIP Advances, authored by Serge D'Alessio.

Quantifying relative contributions of source waters from a subalpine wetland to downstream water bodies in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by Rebecca Rooney and Richard Petrone.

Negotiations over the Provision of Multiple Ecosystem Services in Environmental and Resource Economics, co-authored by Alain-Désiré Nimubona.

Sea-Ice Mapping of RADARSAT-2 Imagery by Integrating Spatial Contexture With Textural Features in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, co-authored by David Clausi.

Large Fractionation in Iron Isotopes Implicates Metabolic Pathways for Iron Cycling in Boreal Shield Lakes co-authored by Sherry L. Schiff and Josh Neufeld.

Awareness and use of the Society for Ecological Restoration's International Principles and Standards for the Practice of Ecological Restoration in Canada in Restoration Ecology, co-authored by Stephen Murphy.

Semantic Segmentation of Coastal Zone on Airborne Lidar Bathymetry Point Clouds in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, co-authored by Jonathan Li.

Effects of winter pulsed warming and snowmelt on soil nitrogen cycling in an agroecosystem: A lysimeter study in Frontiers in Environmental Science, co-authored byFereidoun Rezanezhad and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Wastewater to clinical case (WC) ratio of COVID-19 identifies insufficient clinical testing, onset of new variants of concern and population immunity in urban communities in Science of the Total Environment co-authored by Mark Servos.

Nanocomposite membranes for organic solvent nanofiltration: Recent advances, challenges, and prospects in Chemosphere, co-authored by Xianshe Feng.

Ensemble and stochastic conceptual data-driven approaches for improving streamflow simulations: Exploring different hydrological and data-driven models and a diagnostic tool in Environmental Modelling and Software, co-authored by John Quilty.

A perspective on applied geochemistry in porous media: Reactive transport modeling of geochemical dynamics and the interplay with flow phenomena and physical alteration in Applied Geochemistry, co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen.

Metal and pH-Dependent Aptamer Binding of Tetracyclines Enabling Highly Sensitive Fluorescence Sensing in Biosensors, co-authored by Juewen Liu.

Restoration, reclamation, and rehabilitation: on the need for, and positing a definition of, ecological reclamation in Restoration Ecology, co-authored by Stephen Murphy.

Dense pulses formed from fissioning internal waves in Environmental Fluid Mechanics, co-authored by Marek Stastna.

Passive Disposable Microwave Sensor for Online Microplastic Contamination Monitoring in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, co-authored by Carolyn Ren.

Quantifying the vertical water exchange of dominant tree species in a reclaimed landscape in the Athabasca oil sands region, Alberta in Ecohydrology, co-authored by Richard Petrone and Jonathan Price.

Pore-Scale Heterogeneities Improve the Degradation of a Self-Inhibiting Substrate: Insights from Reactive Transport Modeling in Environmental Science and Technology, co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen.

River metabolic fingerprints and regimes reveal ecosystem responses to enhanced wastewater treatment in Journal of Environmental Quality, co-authored by Helen Jarvie and Merrin Macrae.

Microclimatic Effects of a Perched Peatland Forest Gap in Boundary-Layer Meteorology, co-authored by Richard Petrone.

Managing urban flood risk: An expert assessment of economic policy instruments in Journal of Urban Affairs, co-authored by Daniel Henstra and Jason Thistlethwaite.

Freeze-thaw cycles alter soil hydro-physical properties and dissolved organic carbon release from peat inFrontiers in Environmental Science-Biogeochemical Dynamics, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad.

September 2022

Commentary: Prescribed future pathway for Ontario conservation authorities: Regulatory impacts and implications in Canadian Water Resources Journal, co-authored by Bruce Mitchell.

Enhancements to explicit stochastic reservoir operation optimization method in Advances in Water Resources, co-authored by Kumaraswamy Ponnambalam.

Amorphous silica dissolution kinetics in freshwater environments: Effects of Fe2+ and other solution compositional controls in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Philippe van Cappellen.

Retention of phosphorus in soils receiving bunker silo effluent, in Journal of Environmental Management, co-authored by Merrin Macrae.

Identification and characterization of a novel peptide from rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with antimicrobial activity against Streptococcus iniae in Developmental and Comparative Immunology, co-authored by Brian Dixon.

Simulating thaw-induced land cover change in discontinuous permafrost landscapes in Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, co-authored by James R. Craig.

Upland reclamation promotes forest evaporative losses in the Boreal Plains of Canada: A comparison of carbon and water fluxes in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, co-authored by Rich Petrone.

Evaluation of baseflow separation methods with real and synthetic streamflow data from a watershed in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Waltr Illman.

The generation of linear and nonlinear internal waves forced by subinertial tides over the Yermak Plateau, Arctic Ocean in Journal of Physical Oceanography, co-authored by Kevin Lamb.

Tracking emergence and spread of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant in large and small communities by wastewater monitoring in Alberta, Canada in Emerging infectious diseases, co-authored by Mark Servos.

Efficient and durable anion exchange membrane water electrolysis for a commercially available electrolyzer stack using alkaline electrolyte in ACS Energy Letters, co-authored by Zhongwei Chen.

Assessment of mercury enrichment in lake sediment records from Alberta Oil Sands development via fluvial and atmospheric pathways in Frontiers in Environmental Science, co-authored by Roland Hall.

Denitrification-driven transcription and enzyme production at the river-groundwater interface: Insights from reactive-transport modeling in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen.

Evaluation of Microalgal Bacterial Dynamics in Pig-Farming Biogas Digestate under Impacts of Light Intensity and Nutrient Using Physicochemical Parameters in Water (Switzerland), co-authored by Anh Pham.

Sustainability assessment of strategic asset management decisions on municipal water infrastructure systems: Framework and application in AWWA Water Science, co-authored by Mark Knight.

Investigating the effect of lake ice properties on multifrequency backscatter using the snow microwave radiative transfer model in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, co-authored by Claude Duguay and Grant Gunn.

Climate change risk in the Swedish ski industry in Current Issues in Tourism, co-authored by Daniel Scott.

August 2022

What is the future of water quality trading? in Contemporary Economic Policy, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Can cash incentives modify groundwater pumping behaviors? Evidence from an experiment in Punjab in American Journal of Agricultural Economics, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Quantifying relative contributions of source waters from a subalpine wetland to downstream water bodies in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by Rebecca Rooney and Richard Petrone.

Diavik waste-rock project, Northwest Territories, Canada: Predicting field-scale waste-rock drainage quality from humidity-cell experiments in Economic Geology, co-authored by David Blowes.

Investigating the effect of lake ice properties on multifrequency backscatter using the snow microwave radiative Transfer (SMRT) model in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, co-authored by Claude R. Duguay and Grant Gunn.

Nickel-Catalyzed Urea Electrolysis: From Nitrite and Cyanate as Major Products to Nitrogen Evolution in Angewandte Chemie, co-authored by Anna Klinkova

Managed retreat from high-risk flood areas: exploring public attitudes and expectations about property buyouts in Environmental Hazards, co-authored by Daniel Henstra and Jason Thistlethwaite.

Global magnitude-frequency statistics of the failures and impacts of large water-retention dams and mine tailings impoundments in Earth-Science Reviews, co-authored by Stephen Evans.

Crisis and opportunity: the impacts of COVID-19 on water advocacy in Ontario, Canada in Journal of Community Practice, co-authored by Rob Case.

Sensitivity analysis of factors affecting fracture height and aperture in Upstream Oil and Gas Technology, co-authored by Maurice Dusseault.

Energy spectra and vorticity dynamics in a two-layer shallow water ocean model in Journal of Physical Oceanography, co-authored by Frances Poulin.

Salinization as a driver of eutrophication symptoms in an urban lake (Lake Wilcox, Ontario, Canada) in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Mahyar Shafii, Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Chris Parsons and Philippe Van Cappellen.

The Political Economy of Urban Water Security under Climate Change, co-edited by Larry Swatuk and Corrine Cash, part of the book series, International Political Economy Series, edited by T.M. Shaw.

Evolution of a stratigraphic model in a fluvial deltaic wedge: Implications for groundwater resource protection in an oil and gas-bearing region in the upper Cretaceous Dunvegan Formation, Northwest Territories, Canada in Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, co-authored by Colby Steelman.

Substrate-restricted methanogenesis and limited volatile organic compound degradation in highly diverse and heterogeneous municipal landfill microbial communities in ISME Communications, co-authored by Alexandra Sauk and Laura Hug.

July 2022

Efficient and durable anion exchange membrane water electrolysis for a commercially available electrolyzer stack using alkaline electrolyte in ACS Energy Letters, co-authored by Zhongwei Chen.

Living algae detection with a PDMS-liquid chlorophyll fluorescence microfluidic chip filter and a smartphone in Analyst, co-authored by Dongqing Li.

Field-scale compression of Sphagnum moss to improve water retention in a restored bog in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Tasha-Leigh Gauthier, James Elliott and Jonathan Price.

Numerical simulations of cross-boundary layer transport by head-on internal solitary wave collisions in Water Waves, co-authored by Marek Stastna.

Inertial instabilities of stratified jets: Linear stability theory in Physics of Fluids, co-authored by Michael Harris, Francis Poulin and Kevin Lamb.

Injection-induced fault slip assessment in Montney Formation in Western Canada in Scientific Reports, co-authored by Maurice Dusseault.

Portable rapid paper-based device for analysis of carbamates and organophosphates in water samples in ECS Meeting Abstracts, co-authored by Sushanta Mitra.

Development and potential for point-of-care heavy metal sensing using microfluidic systems: a brief review in Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, co-authored by Weijia Cui and Carolyn Ren.

Flow strength and bedload sediment travel distance in gravel bed rivers in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Elli Papangelakis, Bruce MacVicar and Asal Montakhab.

Beyond the cubic law: A finite volume method for convective and transient fracture flow in International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids, co-authored by Bruce Gee and Robert Gracie.

Co-production of knowledge and strategies to support climate resilient fisheries in ICES Journal of Marine Science, co-authored by Derek Armitage.

Indicators are relational: Navigating knowledge and power in the development and implementation of coastal-marine indicators in Environmental Management, co-authored by Ella-Kari Muhl and Derek Armitage.

Fish, people, and systems of power: Understanding and disrupting feedback between colonialism and fisheries science in The American Naturalist, co-authored by Derek Armitage, Steven Alexander and Ella-Kari Muhl.

Microbial community compositional stability in agricultural soils during freeze-thaw and fertilizer stress in Frontiers in Environmental Science, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Laura Hug.

Nitrogen leaching from agricultural soils under imposed freeze-thaw cycles: a column study with and without fertilizer amendment in Frontiers in Environmental Science, co-authored by Laura Hug, David Rudolph, Philippe Van Cappellen, Fereidoun Rezanezhad.

June 2022

Current state of microplastic pollution research data: Trends in availability and sources of open data in Frontiers in Environmental Science, co-authored by Tia Jenkins, Bhaleka Persuad, Stephanie Slowinski, John Honek, Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Rodney Smith and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Spring freeze-thaw stimulates greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural soil in Frontiers in Environmental Science, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Maren Oelbermann.

The potential of peatlands as nature-based climate solutions in Current Climate Change Reports, co-authored by Maria Strack.

A review of research into tourism and climate change - Launching the annals of tourism research curated collection on tourism and climate change in Annals of Tourism Research, co-authored by Daniel Scott.

Mapping and assessing the knowledge base of ecological restoration in Resoration Ecology, co-authored by Stephen Murphy.

A benchmarking study of four numerical runout models for the simulation of tailings flows in Science of The Total Environment, co-authored by Stephen Evans.

Comprehension and appropriateness of complex mobile pictographs for crisis communication in Dalton Transactions, co-authored by Kevin Musse.

Synthesis and characterization of modified cellulose nanofibril organosilica aerogels for the removal of anionic dye in Journal of Polymer Research, co-authored by K.C. Michael Tam.

Exposure risk of fish downstream of a hydropower facility to supersaturated total dissolved gas in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Michael Power.

Using stable water isotopes to analyze spatiotemporal variability and hydrometeorological forcing in mountain valley wetlands in Water, co-authored by Julia Hathaway, Rich Petrone and Rebecca Rooney.

Mercury biomagnification in benthic, pelagic, and benthopelagic food webs in an Arctic marine ecosystem in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Heidi Swanson and Michael Power.

The generation of linear and nonlinear internal waves forced by sub-inertial tides over the Yermak Plateau, Arctic Ocean in Journal of Physical Oceanography, co-authored by Kevin Lamb.

Metagenomics of wastewater influent from wastewater treatment facilities across Ontario in the era of emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern in Environmental Microbiology, co-authored by Mark Servos.

Carbon and nutrient stoichiometric relationships in the soil–plant systems of disturbed boreal forest peatlands within Athabasca Oil Sands Region, Canada in Forests, co-authored by Felix Nwaishi, Matthew Morrison, Janina Plach, Merrin Macrae and Rich Petrone.

The critical need for WASH in emergency preparedness in health settings, the case of COVID-19 pandemic in Kisumu Kenya in Health & Place, co-authored by Thelma Zulfawu Abu and Susan Elliott.

May 2022

Round Goby (Neogobius melanostomus) impacts on benthic fish communities in two tributaries of the Great Lakes in Biological Invasions, co-authored by Keith McAllister and Michael Power.

Indicators are relational: Navigating knowledge and power in the development and implementation of coastal-marine indicators in Environmental Management, co-authored by Ella-Kari Muhl, Derek Armitage and T. Swerdfager.

Integrating hydraulic profiling tool pressure logs and hydraulic tomography for improved high-resolution characterization of subsurface heterogeneity in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Walter Illman.

Thermal degradation of emerging contaminants in municipal biosolids: The case of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in Chemosphere, co-authored by Edris Madadian and David Simakov.

Impacts on antioxidative enzymes and transcripts in darter (Etheostoma spp.) brains in the Grand River exposed to wastewater effluent in Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, co-authored by Nichole Gauvreau, Leslie Bragg, Hadi Dhiyebi, Mark Servos and Paul Craig.

Dissolved organic carbon affects the occurrence of deep chlorophyll peaks and zooplankton resource use and biomass in Freshwater Biology, co-authored by Sherry Schiff.

Effects of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) on phytoplankton community structure and water quality: a short-term mesocosm study in Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, co-authored by William Taylor.

The economic value of the Brazilian Amazon rainforest ecosystem services: A meta-analysis of the Brazilian literature in PLoS ONE, co-authored by Roy Brouwer and Rute Pinto.

The evolution of polycentric governance in the Galapagos small-scale fishing sector in Environmental Management, co-authored by Renato Cáceres, Jeremy Pittman and Peter Deadman.

Influence of climate, topography and soil type on soil extractable P in croplands of northern glacial‐derived landscapes in Journal of Environmental Quality, co-authored by Janina Plach, Merrin Macrae and Vivekananthan Kokulan.

Nuclear microRNAs may regulate mitochondrial gene expression following effluent exposure in darter (Etheostoma) species in Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, co-authored by Karyn Robichard and Paul Craig.

Marine plastic entrepreneurship; Exploring drivers, barriers and value creation in the blue economy in Sustainable Technology and Entrepreneurship, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Correlating forested green infrastructure to water rates and adverse water quality incidents: A spatial instrumental variable regression model in Forest Policy and Economics, co-authored by Roy Brouwer and Monica Emelko.

Diavik waste rock project: Simulation of the geochemical evolution of a large test pile using a scaled temperature and sulfide-content dependent reactive transport model in Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, co-authored by David Wilson and David Blowes.

Socio-metabolic risk and tipping points on islands in Environmental Research Letters, co-authored by Simron Jit Singh.

Protocol for the development of TFME-GC methods for analyzing multiclass organic constituents in water samples in Green Analytical Chemistry, co-authored by Khaled Murtada and Janusz Pawliszyn.

Temporal hierarchical reconciliation for consistent water resources forecasting across multiple timescales: An application to precipitation forecasting in Water Resources Research, co-authored by John Quilty.

Women's experiences in influencing and shaping small-scale fisheries governance in Fish and Fisheries, co-authored by Madu Galappaththi, Derek Armitage and Andrea Collins.

Lessons from bright-spots for advancing knowledge exchange at the interface of Marine Science and policy in Journal of Environmental Management, co-authored by Derek Armitage.

Large-scale three-dimensional hydraulic tomography analyses of long-term municipal wellfield operations in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Ning Luo and Walter Illman.

Fishing during the “new normality”: social and economic changes in Galapagos small-scale fisheries due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Maritime Studies, co-authored by Jeremy Pittman.

Evidence of precipitate formation and byproduct transfer to nonaqueous phase liquids as a result of persulfate exposure in Remediation, co-authored by Saeid Shafieiyoun, Anh Pham and Neil Thomson.

How mounds are made matters: Seismic line restoration techniques affect peat physical and chemical properties throughout the peat profile in Canadian Journal of Forest Research, co-authored by Kimberly Kleinke, Scott Davidson, Megan Schmidt and Maria Strack.

An assessment tool for estimating effects of entrainment at hydropower facilities on adfluvial fish populations in Environmental Systems and Decisions, co-authored by Michael Power.

Diavik waste rock project: Geostatistical analysis of sulfur, carbon, and hydraulic conductivity distribution in a large-scale experimental waste rock pile in Minerals, co-authored by David Wilson, Colleen Atherton, Lianna Smith and David Blowes.

Uncovering well-being ecosystem services bundles (WEBs) under conditions of social-ecological change in Brazil in Ecology and Society, co-authored by Ana Carolina Esteves Dias, Derek Armitage and Andrew Trant.

Reestablishment of peatland vegetation following surface levelling of decommissioned in situ oil mining infrastructures in Restorative Ecology, co-authored by Maria Strack.

Forest fire effects on stream water quality at continental scales: a meta-analysis in Environmental Research Letters, co-authored by Tyler Hampton, Simon Lin and Nandita Basu.

Oil spill candidate detection using a conditional random field model on simulated compact polarimetric imagery in Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, co-authored by David Clausi.

Assessing policy robustness under the COVID-19 crisis: an empirical study of the environmental policymaking system in Ontario, Canada in Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, co-authored by Simone Philpot and Keith Hipel.

April 2022

Seasonality of inundation in geographically isolated wetlands across the United States in Environmental Research, co-authored by Nandita Basu.

Spatial patterns and mass balance of sodium in near-surface peat of a constructed fen in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Suyuan Yang, Owen Sutton and Jonathan Price.

A temporal snapshot of ecosystem functionality during the initial stages of reclamation of an upland-fen complex in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Nataša Popović, Rich Petrone, Adam Green, Myroslava Khomik and Jonathan Price.

Beyond fill and spill: Hydrological connectivity in a sub-arctic bog-fen-tributary complex in the Hudson Bay Lowlands, Canada in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by N. Balliston and Jonathan Price.

Chloride-salinity as indicator of the chemical composition of groundwater: empirical predictive model based on aquifers in Southern Quebec, Canada in Environmental Science and Pollution Remediation, co-authored by Randy Stotler.

Vegetation-related influences on carbon and water dynamics of two temperate forage crops in Agronomy Journal, co-authored by Myroslava Khomik and Rich Petrone.

The unrecognized importance of carbon stocks and fluxes from swamps in Canada and the USA in Environmental Letters Research, co-authored by Scott Davidson and Maria Strack.

Fishing for litter: Creating an economic market for marine plastics in a sustainable fisheries model in Frontiers in Marine Science, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Estimating the total economic costs of nutrient emission reduction policies to halt eutrophication in the Great Lakes in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Jorge Garcia-Hernandez, Roy Brouwer and Rute Pinto.

Overwintering ecology and movement of anadromous Arctic Char (Salvelinus alpinus) in a large, ice-covered river in the Canadian Arctic in Fish Biology, co-authored by Ralph Smith and Heidi Swanson.

Tradeoffs and synergies across global climate change adaptations in the Food-Energy-Water nexus in Earth’s Future, co-authored by Abraham Nunbogu.

Uncovering well-being ecosystem services bundles (WEBs) under conditions of social-ecological change in Brazil in Ecology and Society, co-authored by Ana Carolina Esteves Dias, Derek Armitage and Andrew Trant.

The Great Lakes runoff intercomparison project phase 4: The Great Lakes (GRIP-GL) in Hydrology and Earth Systems Sciences, co-authored by Juliane Mai, Hongren Shen, Bryan Tolson and James Craig.

Comparing the applicability of hydro-economic modelling approaches for large-scale decision-making in multi-sectoral and multi-regional river basins in Environmental Modelling and Software, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Analysis of growing season carbon and water fluxes of a subalpine wetland in the Canadian Rocky Mountains: implications of shade on ecosystem water use efficiency in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by Dylan Hrach, Rich Petrone, Adam Green and Myroslava Khomik.

March 2022

Ensuring That Fundamentals of Quantitative Microbiology Are Reflected in Microbial Diversity Analyses Based on Next-Generation Sequencing in Frontiers in Microbiology, co-authored by Philip Schmidt, Kirsten Müller and Monica Emelko.

The phylogenetic and global distribution of bacterial polyhydroxyalkanoate bioplastic-degrading genes in Environmental Microbiology, co-authored by Laura Hug.

Environmental potential for microbial 1, 4-Dioxane degradation is sparse despite mobile elements playing a role in trait distribution in Applied and Environmental Microbiology, co-authored by Laura Hug.

Climate, land cover and topography: essential ingredients in predicting wetland permanence in Biogeosciences, co-authored by Jody Daniel, Rebecca Rooney and Derek Robinson.

Incentivizing the future adoption of best management practices on agricultural land to protect water resources: The role of past participation and experiences in Ecological Economics, co authored by Roy Brouwer.

Isotopic and traits-based trophic diversity of Canadian Beaufort Sea benthic communities in relation to food supply in Arctic Science, co-authored by Ashley Ehrman, Heidi Swanson and Michael Power.

Sometimes you can add a bit of salt: Additional freshwater insect species in Canadian estuaries in BioOne, co-authored by Mark Saunders and Simon Courtenay.

Mapping and assessing the knowledge base of ecological restoration in Restoration Ecology, co-authored by Stephen Murphy.

Disaster risk reduction and climate policy implementation challenges in Canada and Australia in Climate Policy, co-authored by Daniel Henstra.

Assessing policy robustness under the COVID-19 crisis: an empirical study of the environmental policymaking system in Ontario, Canada in Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, co-authored by Nayyer Mirnasi, Simone Philpot and Keith Hipel.

Modeling of thermo-responsive stiffening of poly (oligo (ethylene glycol) methacrylate)–cellulose nanocrystal hydrogels in ACS Applied Polymer Materials, co-authored by KC Michael Tam.

Drinking water perception and consumption in Canadian subarctic Indigenous communities and the importance for public health in FACETS, co-authored by Mylène Ratelle, Brian Laird and Kelly Skinner.

Improving spatial characterization of buried bedrock valleys through airborne frequency-domain electromagnetic, residual magnetic, and surface resistivity measurements in Journal of Applied Geophysics, co-authored by Colby Steelman and Anthony Endres.

Evaluation of satellite-derived estimates of lake ice cover timing on Linnévatnet, Kapp Linné, Svalbard using in-situ data in Remote Sensing, co-authored by Grant Gunn.

Making sense of multidimensional injustice for creating viable small-scale fisheries in Chilika Lagoon, Bay of Bengal, Chapter authored by Prateep Nayak. In: Jentoft et al. (eds) Blue Justice, Springer, pp. 199-212.

Incorporating the effect of gravity into image-based drainage simulations on volumetric images of porous media in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Marios Ioannidis.

The human factor in seasonal streamflows across natural and managed watersheds of North America in Nature Sustainability, co-authored by Natin Singh and Nandita Basu.

Time to update the split-sample approach in hydrological model calibration in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Hongren Shen, Bryan Tolson and Juliane Mai.

The definition of the non-growing season matters: a case study of net ecosystem carbon exchange from a Canadian peatland in Environmental Letters Communications, co-authored by Arash Rafat, Eunji Byun, Fereidoun Rezanezhad, and Philippe Van Cappellen.

A benchmarking study of four numerical runout models for the simulation of tailings flows in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Stephen Evans.

A novel Budyko-based approach to quantify post-forest-fire streamflow response and recovery timescales in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Tyler Hampton and Nandita Basu.

Three-dimensional perspective on a convective instability and transition to turbulence in an internal solitary wave of depression shoaling over gentle slopes in Environmental Fluid Mechanics, co-authored by Kevin Lamb.

Flood risk management and governance: A bibliometric review of the literature in Journal of Flood Risk Management, co-authored by Daniel Henstra and Jason Thistlethwaite.

A hybrid analytical-numerical technique for solving soil temperature during the freezing process in Advances in Water Resources, co-authored by Xiang Huang and Dave Rudolph.

Trends and predictors of wetland conversion in urbanizing environments in Journal of Environmental Management, co-authored by Jeremy and Pittman and Rebecca Rooney.

Exploring spatial heterogeneity and environmental injustices in exposure to flood hazards using geographically weighted regression in Environmental Research, co-authored by Horatiu Rus, Daniel Henstra, Jason Thistlethwaite and Daniel Scott.

Non-water factors in water governance and their implications for water sustainability: The case of Ontario's water use reduction policy in Journal of Great Lakes Research, co-authored by Fabiolla Alvarado-Revilla and Rob de Loë.

Modeling the deformation regime of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica, using a simple flow relation for ice anisotropy (ESTAR) in Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR) Earth Surface, co-authored by Christine Dow.

A social-ecological systems perspective on dried fish value change in Current Research in Environmental Sustainability, co-authored by Sisir Pradhan, Prateep Nayak and Derek Armitage.

February 2022

Quantifying streamflow depletion from groundwater pumping: A practical review of past and emerging approaches for water management in Journal of American Water Resources Association, co-authored by Andrea Brookfield.

Economic Analysis of Resource Recovery. Chapter 14 authored by Roy Brouwer, In: Pikaar et al. (eds). Resource Recovery from Water: Principles and Application. IWA Publishing: London.

3D numerical simulation on drilling fluid invasion into natural gas hydrate reservoirs in Energy, co-authored by Yuri Leonenko.

Global patterns and controls of nutrient immobilization on decomposing cellulose in riverine ecosystems in Global Biogeochemical Cycles, co-authored by Adam Yates.

Groundwater recharge over the past 100 years: regional spatiotemporal assessment and climate change impact over the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region, Canada in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by Andrea Brookfield.

Intensive agriculture, nitrogen legacies, and water quality: intersections and implications in Environmental Research Letters, co-authored by Idhayachandhiran Ilampooranan and Nandita Basu.

Effect of oil phase transition on the stability of pickering emulsions stabilized by cellulose nanocrystals in Langmuir, co-authored by K.C. Michael Tam.

Managing nitrogen legacies to accelerate water quality improvement in Nature Geoscience, co-authored by Nandita Basu, Danyka Byrnes, Philippe Van Cappellen, Roy Brouwer and David Rudolph.

A perspective of active microfluidic platforms as an enabling tool for applications in other fields in Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, co-authored by Marie Hebert, Jan Huissoon and Carolyn Ren.

The definition of the non-growing season matters: a case study of net ecosystem carbon exchange from a Canadian peatland in Environmental Communications, co-authored by Arash Rafat, Eunji Byun, Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Changes to the hydrology of a boreal fen following the placement of an access road and below ground pipeline in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Rich Petrone and Jonathan Price.

Numerical simulations of the three-dimensionalization of a shear flow in radiatively forced cold water below the density maximum in Physical Review Fluids, co-authored by Andrew Grace, Marek Stastna, Kevin Lamb and Andrea Scott.

Water-enabled electricity generation: A perspective in Advanced Energy & Sustainability Research, co-authored by Norman Zhou.

Improvement of field fluorometry estimates of chlorophyll a concentration in a cyanobacteria‐rich eutrophic lake in Limnology and Oceanography Methods, co-authored by Claude Duguay.

Surface plasmon resonance biosensor based on graphene layer for the detection of waterborne bacteria in Journal of Biophotonics, co-authored by Melad Olaimat and Omar Ramahi.

An assessment of the net fluid balance in the Alberta Basin in Energies, co-authored by Maurice Dusseault.

Adsorption of linear and spherical DNA oligonucleotides onto microplastics in Langmuir, co-authored by Juewen Liu.

Incorporating aleatoric uncertainties in lake ice mapping using RADARSAT-2 SAR images and CNNs in Remote Sensing, co-authored by Andrea Scott, and Claude Duguay.

Validation of Pan-Arctic soil temperatures in modern reanalysis and data assimilation systems in The Cryosphere, co-authored by Chris Fletcher.

January 2022

From Groundwater to Drinking Water – Current Approaches for Microbial Monitoring and Risk Assessment in Porous Aquifers in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences Reference Module, In: Encyclopedia of Inland Waters, 2nd ed, co-authored by Monica Emelko and Philip Schmidt.

Public perceptions of marine plastic litter: A comparative study across European countries and seas, in Frontiers in Marine Science, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

The sensitivity of simulated streamflow to individual hydrological processes across North America, in Nature Communications, co-authored by Juliane Mai, James Craig and Bryan Tolson.

Economic valuation of suspended sediment and phosphorus filtration services by four different wetland types: A preliminary assessment for southern Ontario, Canada in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by Tariq Aziz and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Application of telemetry and stable isotope analyses to inform the resource ecology and management of a marine fish in Journal of Applied Ecology, co-authored by Michael Power.

Content, composition, and transfer of polyunsaturated fatty acids in an Arctic lake food web in Ecosyphere, co-authored by Michael Power.

Windows into the past: lake sediment phosphorus trajectories act as integrated archives of watershed disturbance legacies over centennial scales in Environmental Research Letters, co-authored by Nandita Basu.

Disproportionate contribution of vegetated habitats to the CH4 and CO2 budgets of a boreal lake in Ecosystems, co-authored by Tonya DelSontro.

A stochastic conceptual-data-driven approach for improved hydrological simulations in Environmental Modelling & Software, co-authored by John Quilty.

Experimental study on the role of water and kinetic enhancement in the one-step synthesis of methyl isobutyl ketone via catalytic distillation in Catalysis Today, co-authored by Flora Ng and Garry Rempel.

Occurrence of slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) on southern Victoria Island, Nunavut in Polar Biology, co-authored by Michael Power.

The pie sharing problem: Unbiased sampling of N+1 summative weights in Environmental Modelling & Software, co-authored by Juliane Mai, James Craig and Bryan Tolson.

Temporally consistent predominance and distribution of secondary malaria vectors in the Anopheles community of the upper Zambezi floodplain in Scientific Reports, co-authored by Douglas Singini.

Ground state of asymmetric tops with DMRG: water in one dimension in The Journal of Chemical Physics, co-authored by Pierre-Nicholas Roy.

Tracking the hydrologic response of agricultural tile outlet terraces to storm events in Agricultural Water Management, co-authored by Andrea Brookfield.

Numerical groundwater flow modelling under changing climate in Abaya–Chamo lakes basin, Rift Valley, Southern Ethiopia in Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, co-authored by Chris Fletcher.

Identifying stakeholders and discussing a strategy for the participatory management of a protected area: the case of Engenho Pequeno, in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil in Environment, Development and Sustainability, co-authored by Larry Swatuk.

The ambiguous impacts of alternative livelihoods on fisher wellbeing in a closed access fish sanctuary in Port Antonio, Jamaica in Coastal Studies and Society, co-authored by Graham Epstein and Derek Armitage.

Transdisciplinary partnerships for sustainability: an evaluation guide in Sustainability Science, co-authored by Derek Armitage.

December 2021

Lensless imaging for droplet identification towards visual feedback-based pressure controlled droplet microfluidic platforms in Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, co-authored by Jan Huissoon and Carolyn Ren.

Hydrogeochemical response of a variably saturated sulfide-bearing mine waste-rock pile to precipitation: A field-scale study in the discontinuous permafrost region of Northern Canada in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Zhongwen Bao, Jeff Bain, Steven Holland, David Wilson, Carol Ptacek and David Blowes.

Thin film polyamide nanocomposite membrane decorated by polyphenol-assisted Ti3C2Tx MXene nanosheets for reverse osmosis in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, co-authored by Aiping Yu and Zhongwei Chen.

Sustainable superhydrophobic surface with tunable nanoscale hydrophilicity for water harvesting in Angewandte Chemie, co-authored by Yi Wang, Weinan Zhao, Mei Han, Lian Han, Afraz Hemraj and Michael Tam.

Path integral simulations of confined parahydrogen molecules within clathrate hydrates: merging low temperature dynamics with the zero temperature limit in The Journal of Chemical Physics, co-authored by Matthew Schmidt, Jayme Millar and Pierre-Nicholas Roy.

Effects of pH and dissolved silicate on phosphate mineral-water partitioning with goethite in ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, co-authored by Md Abdus Sabur, Chris Parsons, Taylor Maavara and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Effects of an along-shelf current on the generation of internal tides near the critical latitude in Journal of Fluid Mechanics, co-authored by Kevin Lamb.

Chlorophyll-a growth rates and related environmental variables in global temperate and cold-temperate lakes in Earth System Science Data, co-authored by Hannah Adams, Jane Ye, Bhaleka Persuad, Stephanie Slowinski and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Paleolimnological assessment of past hydro-ecological variation at a shallow hardwater lake in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region before potential onset of industrial development in Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, co-authored by Nelson Zabel, Amanda Soliguin, Johan Wiklund and Roland Hall.

A new lake classification scheme for the Peace-Athabasca Delta (Canada) characterizes hydrological processes that cause lake-level variation in Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, co-authored by Laura Neary, Casey Remmer and Roland Hall.

Dissolution and remobilization of NAPL in surfactant-enhanced aquifer remediation from microscopic scale simulations in Chemosphere, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad.

Effect of upstream dam geometry on peak discharge during overtopping breach in noncohesive homogenous embankment dams; Implications for tailings dams in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Stephen Evans.

Simulated impacts of climate change on Lake Simcoe water quality in Inland Waters, co-authored by Ralph Smith.

River ice phenology and thickness from satellite altimetry: potential for ice bridge road operation and climate studies in The Cryosphere, co-authored by Claude Duguay.

Cutover peat limits methane production causing low emission at a restored peatland in Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, co-authored by Maria Strack.

Phosphorus retention and transformation in a dammed reservoir of the Thames River, Ontario: Impacts on phosphorus load and speciation in Journal of Great Lakes Research, co-authored by N. Kao, A. Niederkorn and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Integrity and wound healing of rainbow trout intestinal epithelial cell sheets at hypo-, normo-, and hyper-thermic temperatures in Journal of Thermal Biology, co-authored by Vivian Dayeh and Niels Bols.

November 2021

Anthropogenic and climate-exacerbated landscape disturbances converge to alter phosphorus bioavailability in an oligotrophic river in Water, co-authored by Caitlin Watt, Monica Emelko and Michael Stone.

Understanding the determinants of biodiversity non-use values in the context of climate change: Stated preferences for the Hawaiian coral reefs in Ecosystem Services, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Effects of solid manure particle fractionation on transport, retention, and release of Escherichia coli in Environmental Technology & Innovation, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad.

Temperature, moisture and freeze–thaw controls on CO2 production in soil incubations from northern peatlands in Scientific Reports, co-authored by Eunji Byun, Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Linden Fairbairn, Stephanie Slowinski, Jonathan Price and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Ten best practices to strengthen stewardship and sharing of water science data in Canada in hydrological processes in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by Bhaleka Persaud, Julianne Mai, Philippe Van Cappellen and Jimmy Lin.

Economic valuation of suspended sediment and phosphorus filtration services by four different wetland types: A preliminary assessment for southern Ontario, Canada in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by Tariq Aziz and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Nitrogen legacies in anthropogenic landscapes: a case study in the Mondego Basin in Portugal in Environmental Sciences and Pollution Research, co-authored by Joy Liu and Nandita Basu.

Warming combined with experimental eutrophication intensifies lake phytoplankton blooms in Limnology and Oceanography, co-authored by Sherry Schiff.

Dip-and-fold device: A paper-based testing platform for rapid assessment of insecticides in water samples in ACS Applied Bio Materials, co-authored by Sushanta Mitra.

Natural and anthropogenic impacts on the geochemical composition and metal speciation of fine sediment in a glacier-fed Canadian river basin in Journal of Soils and Sediments, co-authored by Michael Stone.

Isotopic evidence of increasing water abundance and lake hydrological change in Old Crow Flats, Yukon, Canada in Environmental Research Letters, co-authored by Lauren MacDonald, Mitchell Kay and Roland Hall.

Treatment of electrochemical plating wastewater by heterogeneous photocatalysis: the simultaneous removal of 6: 2 fluorotelomer sulfonate and hexavalent chromium in RSC Advances, co-authored by Anh Pham.

Modeling the dynamics of supraglacial rivers and distributed meltwater flow with the Subaerial Drainage System (SaDS) model in Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, co-authored by Christine Dow.

Deep convolutional neural network with random field model for lake ice mapping from Sentinel-1 imagery in International Journal of Remote Sensing, co-authored by Claude Duguay.

Agricultural phosphorus surplus trajectories for Ontario, Canada (1961–2016), and erosional export risk in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Tamara Van Staden, Nandita Basu, Chris Parsons, Zahra Akbarzadeh, and Philippe Van Cappellen.

A synoptic history of the development, production and environmental oversight of hydropower in Brazil, Canada, and Norway in Hydrobiologia, co-authored by Michael Power.

Numerical simulations of flow through a variable permeability circular cylinder in Physics of Fluids, co-authored by Marek Stastna.

Influence of nutrient enrichment on temporal and spatial dynamics of dissolved oxygen within northern temperate estuaries in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, co-authored by Simon Courtenay.

The essential carbon service provided by northern peatlands in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, co-authored by Scott Davidson and Maria Strack.

Organic matter degradation in energy-limited subsurface environments—A bioenergetics-informed modeling approach in Geomicrobiology, co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen. 

The Boreal-Arctic Wetland and Lake Dataset (BAWLD) in Earth System Science Data, co-authored by Ryan Nutchins and Maria Strack.

A cross disciplinary framework for cost-benefit optimization of marine litter cleanup at regional scale In Frontiers in Marine Science, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Double-diffusive instability in a thin vertical channel in Physics of Fluids, co-authored by Sierra Legare, Andrew Grace and Marek Stastna.

Gear selectivity of functional traits in coral reef fisheries in Brazil in Coral Reefs, co-authored by Michael Power.

Preferential recharge in a reclaimed tailings sand upland: Implications on solute flushing in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Eric Kessel, Owen Sutton and Jonathan Price.

The impact of variable horizon shade on the growing season energy budget of a subalpine headwater wetland in Atmosphere, co-authored by Dylan Hrach, Rich Petrone, Brandon Van Huizen, Adam Green and Myroslava Khomik.

Microbiology of a multi-layer biosolid/desulfurized tailings cover on a mill tailings impoundment in Journal of Environmental Management, co-authored by Eva Pakostova, Mason McAlary, Carol Ptacek and David Blowes.

Checkered landscapes: hydrologic and biogeochemical nitrogen legacies along the river continuum in Environmental Research Letters, co-authored by Joy Liu and Nandita Basu.

A theoretical modeling framework to support investment decisions in green and grey infrastructure under risk and uncertainty in Journal of Forest Economics, co-authored by Zehua Pan and Roy Brouwer.

October 2021

Impact of land management on available water capacity and water storage of peat soils in Geoderma, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad.

In vivo solid-phase microextraction and applications in environmental sciences in ACS Environmental AU, co-authored by Janusz Pawliszyn.

Effect of composting and amendment with biochar and woodchips on the fate and leachability of pharmaceuticals in biosolids destined for land application in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by YingYing Liu, Carol Ptacek and David Blowes.

Accelerating groundwater data assimilation with a gradient‐free active subspace method in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Walter Illman. 

Effects of riboflavin and desferrioxamine B on Fe (II) oxidation by O2 in Fundamental Research, co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen and Kunfu Pi.

A new lake classification scheme for the Peace-Athabasca Delta (Canada) characterizes hydrological processes that cause lake-level variation in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Laura Neary, Casey Remmer, Jadine Krist and Roland Hall.

Modulation of DNAzyme activity via butanol dehydration in Chemistry An Asian Journal, co-authored by Juewen Liu.

Leveraging ensemble meteorological forcing data to improve parameter estimation of hydrologic models in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by Bryan Tolson.

Informality within Indigenous land management: A land-use study at Curve Lake First Nation, Canada in Land Use Policy, co-authored by Robert Fligg, Brian Ballantyne and Derek Robinson.

Estimating anthropogenic effects on a highly-controlled basin with an integrated surface-subsurface model in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Ed Sudicky.

Impact of spectral resolution on quantifying cyanobacteria in lakes and reservoirs: A machine-learning assessment in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, co-authored by Kiana Zolfaghari and Claude Duguay.

Mechanisms of discontinuous permafrost thaw in peatlands in Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, co-authored by Elise Devoie and James Craig.

From hillslopes to watersheds: Variability in model outcomes with the USLE in Environmental Modelling & Software, co-authored by Benjamin Meinen and Derek Robinson.

Lost and found: maximizing the information from a series of bedload tracer surveys in Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, co-authored by Bruce MacVicar and Eli Papangelakis.

Evaluating landscape influences on hydrologic behavior with a fully-integrated groundwater-surface water model in Journal of Hydology, co-authored by Ed Sudicky.

Floodwater farming and quarrying at Jabal Hamra Arlbieg in the Jordanian desert: Economic support for the classical period Faynan Orefield in Journal of Archeological Sciences: Reports, co-authored by Russell Adams.

Linking social wellbeing and intersectionality to understand gender relations in dried fish value chains in Maritime Studies, co-authored by Derek Armitage and Prateep Kumar Nayak.

Removal of arsenic and metals from groundwater impacted by mine waste using zero-valent iron and organic carbon: Laboratory column experiments in Journal of Hazardous Materials, co-authored by Carol Ptacek, Jeff Bain, David Blowes.

Ten best practices to strengthen stewardship and sharing of water science data in Canada in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by Bhaleka Persaud, Julianne Mai, and Philippe Van Cappellen.

How much are Canadians willing to pay for clean surface and ground water? A meta-analysis of the Canadian non-market valuation literature in Canadian Water Resources Journal, co-authored by Roy Brouwer and Rute Pinto.

Simulating the cumulative effects of potential open-pit mining and climate change on streamflow and water quality in a mountainous watershed in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by James Craig.

Approaches and research needs for advancing the protection and recovery of imperilled freshwater fishes and mussels in Canada in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, co-authored by Kim Cuddington and Michael Power.

The Food Equity and Environmental Data Sovereignty (FEEDS) Project: Protocol for a quasi-experimental study evaluating a digital platform for climate change preparedness in JMIR Research Protocols, co-authored by Kelly Skinner.

Laboratory experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of persulfate to oxidize BTEX in saline environment and at elevated temperature using stable isotopes in Hydrology, co-authored by Jim Barker and Neil Thomson.

Trace-water-induced competitive coordination synthesis and functionalization of porphyrinic metal–organic framework nanoparticles for treatment of hypoxic tumors in ACS Applied Bio Materials, co-authored by Juewen Liu.

A meta-collection of nitrogen stable isotope data measured in Arctic marine organisms from the Canadian Beaufort Sea, 1983–2013 in BMC Research Notes, co-authored by Michael Power and Heidi Swanson.

An elicitation process to quantify Bayesian networks for dam failure analysis in Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, co-authored by Kumaraswamy Ponnambalam.

September 2021

Biological albedo reduction on ice sheets, glaciers, and snowfields in Earth-Science Reviews, co-authored by Jenine McCutcheon.

Advancing on the promises of techno-ecological nature-based solutions: A framework for green technology in water supply and Treatment in Blue-Green Systems, co-authored by Emma Blackburn, Monica Emelko and Michael Stone.

Dense point cloud completion based on generative adversarial network in EEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, co-authored by Jonathan Li.

Drivers, pressures, and state responses to inform long-term oil sands wetland monitoring program objectives in Wetlands Ecology and Management, co-authored by Rebecca Rooney.

Stream power index for networks (SPIN) toolbox for decision support in urbanizing watersheds in Environmental Modelling and Software, co-authored by Bruce MacVicar.

Estimating wind slab thickness in a tundra snowpack using Ku-band scatterometer observations in Remote Sensing Letters, co-authored by Aaron Thompson and Richard Kelly.

Using CloudSat‐derived snow accumulation estimates to constrain gridded snow water equivalent products in Earth and Space Science, co-authored by Fraser King and Chris Fletcher.

Kinetic energy cascade in stably stratified open-channel flows in Journal of Fluid Mechanics, co-authored by Andrea Scott and Michael Waite.

Batch test to evaluate microbial disinfectant decay and the onset of nitrification in Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology, co-authored by Daniel Scott, Michele Van Dyke, William B. Anderson, Patrick King and Peter Huck.

Contribution of bunker silo effluent discharged via a riparian zone to watershed phosphorus loads in Journal of Great Lakes Research, co-authored by Dylan Price, Janina Plach, Helen Jarvie and Merrin Macrae.

Selective photocatalytic reduction of selenate over TiO2 in the presence of nitrate and sulfate in mine-impacted water in Chemosphere, co-authored by Andrew Holmes and Frank Gu.

Do greener funds perform better? An analysis of open-end equity funds in China in Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, co-authored by Olaf Weber.

Large‐scale particle image velocimetry reveals pulsing of incoming flow at a stream confluence in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Quinn Lewis.

A quantitative method for deriving salinity of subglacial water using ground-based transient electromagnetics in Journal of Glaciology, co-authored by Christine Dow.

Distribution, abundance and spatial variability of microplastic pollution on the surface of Lake Superior in Journal of Great Lakes Research, co-authored by Kara Cox and Simon Courtenay.

Elevated carbon dioxide and temperature effects on soil properties from sole crops and intercrops in Soil Use and Management, co-authored by Maren Oelbermann and Svenja Morgan.

Measuring the incremental impact of payments for watershed services on water quality in a transboundary river basin in China in Ecosystem Services, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

August 2021

Evaluating Lower Athabasca River sediment metal concentrations from Alberta oil sands monitoring programs using predevelopment baselines in Environmental Science & Technology, co-authored by Wynona Klemt and Roland Hall.

Assessment of effective LAI and water use efficiency using eddy covariance data in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Mazda Kompanizare, Rich Petrone, Merrin Macrae, Kevin De Haan and Myroslava Khomik.

Biochar in temperate soils: Opportunities and challenges in Canadian Journal of Soil Sciences, co-authored by Maren Oelbermann.

Measuring the economic value of river restoration in Ecological Economics, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

The impact of water conservation regulations on mining firms: A stochastic control approach in Water Resources and Economics, co-authored by Margaret Insley.

Towards an integrated theoretical framework for understanding water insecurity and gender-based violence in Low-and middle-income countries (LMICs) in Health & Place, co-authored by Abraham Numbogu and Susan Elliott.

Integrated modelling to assess the impacts of water stress in a transboundary river basin: Bridging local-scale water resource operations to river basin economy in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Microclimatic effects of a perched peatland forest gap in Boundary-Layer Meteorology, co-authored by Rich Petrone.

Stratified shear instability in the cabbeling regime in Physical Review Fluids, co-authored by Marek Stastna and Aaron Coutino.

Incentivizing stewardship in a biodiversity hot spot: land managers in the grasslands in FACETS, co-authored by Jeremy Pittman.

Assessment of different water use efficiency calculations for dominant forage crops in the Great Lakes Basin in Agriculture, co-authored by Kevin De Haan, Myroslava Khomik, Adam Green, Merrin Macrae, Mazda Kompanizare and Rich Petrone.

Small‐scale topographic effects on the generation of along‐shelf propagating internal solitary waves on the Amazon Shelf in Journal of Geophysical Research, co-authored by Xiaolin Bai and Kevin Lamb.

Data-limited models to predict river temperatures for aquatic species at risk in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, co-authored by Jordan Rosencranz, Kim Cuddington and Madison Brook.

Dynamics of shallow wakes on gravel-bed floodplains: Dataset from field experiments in Earth System Science Data, co-authored by Bruce MacVicar.

“Disasters threaten livelihoods, and people cope, adapt and make transformational changes”: Community resilience and livelihoods reconstruction in coastal communities in Bangladesh in International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, co-authored by Brent Doberstein.

Geochemical and isotopic evidence for pumping-induced impacts to bedrock groundwater quality in the City of Guelph, Canada in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Ramon Aravena.

Restoration of a boreal peatland impacted by an in‐situ oil sands well‐pad: 1. Vegetation response in Restoration Ecology, co-authored by Maria Strack.

Restoration of a boreal peatland impacted by an in‐situ oil sands well‐pad 2. Greenhouse gas exchange dynamics in Restoration Ecology, co-authored by Scott Davidson and Maria Strack.

Ecohydrological interactions in a boreal fen‐swamp complex, Alberta, Canada in Ecohydrology, co-authored by Scott Davidson and Jonathan Price.

A systematic review of integrated coastal and marine management progress reveals core governance characteristics for successful implementation in Marine Policy, co-authored by Sondra Eger, Rob de Loë, Jeremy Pittman, Graham Epstein and Simon Courtenay.

The Canadian Beaufort Shelf trophic structure: evaluating an ecosystem modelling approach by comparison with observed stable isotopic structure in Arctic Science, co-authored by Michael Power, Heidi Swanson.

Sticky hydrogels from hydrazide-functionalized poly (oligo (ethylene glycol) methacrylate) and dialdehyde cellulose nanocrystals with tunable thermal and strain-hardening characteristics  in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, co-authored by Michael K.C. Tam.

Metal-doped polydopamine nanoparticles for highly robust and efficient DNA adsorption and sensing in Langmuir, co-authored by Juewen Liu.

Biodiversity needs every tool in the box: use OECMs in Nature Briefing, co-authored by Graham Epstein and Derek Armitage.

Deep learning approaches to spatial downscaling of GRACE terrestrial water storage products using EALCO model over Canada in Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, co-authored by Jonathan Li.

Evaluating spatiotemporal patterns of arsenic, antimony, and lead deposition from legacy gold mine emissions using lake sediment records in Applied Geochemistry, co-authored by Izabela Jasiak, Johan Wiklund and Roland Hall.

Use of artificial-substrate samplers to identify relations between periphytic diatom community composition and hydro-limnological conditions in shallow lakes of Old Crow Flats, Yukon Territory, Canada in Hydrobiologia, co-authored by Wathiq Mohammed, Lauren MacDonald and Roland Hall.

July 2021

Linear disturbances shift boreal peatland plant communities toward earlier peak greenness in Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences, co-authored by Scott Davidson and Maria Strack.

Can philanthropy enable collective action to conserve rivers? Insights from a decade of collaboration in the Colorado River Basin in Conservation and Society, co-authored by Dustin Garrick.

“Disasters threaten livelihoods, and people cope, adapt and make transformational changes”: Community resilience and livelihoods reconstruction in coastal communities in Bangladesh in International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, co-authored by Brent Doberstein.

The influence of tree transmissivity variations in winter on satellite snow parameter observations in International Journal of Digital Earth, co-authored by Richard Kelly.

Low-strain dynamic characterization of undisturbed Leda clay in Canadian Geotechnical Journal, co-authored by Giovanni Cascante.

A Bayesian mixing model framework for quantifying temporal variation in source of sediment to lakes across broad hydrological gradients of floodplains in Limnology and Ocean Methods, co-authored by Mitchell Kay, Heidi Swanson, Lauren MacDonald, Cory Savage, Casey Remmer, Laura Neary, Johan Wiklund and Roland Hall.

Field testing cellulose-water oxygen isotope relations in periphyton for paleohydrological reconstructions in Journal of Paleolimnology, co-authored by Cory Savage, Casey Remmer, Mitchell Kay, Eva Mehler and Roland Hall.

Trophic niche segregation among native whitefish and invasive vendace in a north Norwegian lake system in Theoretical Ecology, co-authored by Michael Power.

Catastrophic mass flows resulting from tailings impoundment failures in Engineering Geology, co-authored by Nahyan Rana and Stephen Evans.

Quantifying arsenic post-depositional mobility in lake sediments impacted by gold ore roasting in sub-arctic Canada using inverse diagenetic modelling in Environmental Pollution, co-authored by Izabela Jasiak and Roland Hall.

Exploring the influence of agricultural actors on water quality policy: the role of discourse and framing in Environmental Politics, co-authored by Bereket Isaac and Rob de Loë.

Evidence for microbial rather than aggregate origin of substrates fueling freeze-thaw induced N2O emissions in Soil Biology and Biochemistry, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad.

Catchments affect growth rate of Northern Pike, Esox lucius, in subarctic lakes in Aquatic Sciences, co-authored by Mehdi Moslemi-Aqdam and Heidi Swanson.

Leaving your tailings behind: Environmental bonds, bankruptcy and waste cleanup in Resource and Energy Economics, co-authored by Sara Aghakazemjourabbaf and Margaret Insley.

Great Lakes Runoff Intercomparison Project Phase 3: Lake Erie (GRIP-E) in Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, co-authored by Julianne Mai, Bryan Tolson and Hongren Shen.

The cold region critical zone in transition: Responses to climate warming and land use change in Annual Review of Environment and Resources, co-authored by Kunfu Pi, Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Covalent organic framework sponges for efficient solar desalination and selective uranium recovery in ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, co-authored by Juewen Liu.

Correction: Limnological evolution of Zelma Lake, a recently drained thermokarst lake in Old Crow Flats (Yukon, Canada) in Arctic Science, co-authored by Roland Hall.

Steady and ebullitive methane fluxes from active, restored and unrestored horticultural peatlands in Ecological Engineering, co-authored by Maria Strack.

Chesapeake legacies: The importance of legacy nitrogen to improving Chesapeake Bay water quality in Environmental Research Letters, co-authored by Danyka Byrnes and Nandita Basu.

June 2021

Nature-inspired robust hydrochromic film for dual anticounterfeiting in iScience, co-authored by Boxin Zhao.

Adoption and diffusion of marine litter clean-up technologies across European seas: Legal, institutional and financial drivers and barriers in Marine Pollution Bulletin, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Evaluating property buyouts and disaster recovery assistance (rebuild) options in Canada: A comparative analysis of Constance Bay, Ontario and Pointe Gatineau, Quebec in Natural Hazards, co-authored by Shaieree Cottar, Brent Doberstein, Daniel Henstra and Johanna Wandel.

Ontario conservation authorities - end, evolve, interlude or epiphany? in Canadian Water Resources Journal, co-authored by Bruce Mitchell.

Non-growing season carbon emissions in a northern peatland are projected to increase under global warming in Nature Communications Earth & Environment, co-authored by Arash Rafat, Fereidoun Rezanezahad and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Evaluating lower Athabasca River sediment metal concentrations from Alberta oil sands monitoring programs using predevelopment baselines in Environmental Science and Technology, co-authored by Wynona Klemt and Roland Hall.

Building social-ecological system resilience to tackle antimicrobial resistance across the One Health Spectrum: Protocol for a mixed methods study in JMIR Research Protocols, co-authored by Shannon Majowicz.

Enhancing the sensitivity of DNA and aptamer probes in the dextran/PEG aqueous two-phase system in Analytical Chemistry, co-authored by Juewen Liu.

Marine habitat use and feeding ecology of introduced anadromous brown trout at the colonization front of the sub-Antarctic Kerguelen archipelago in Scientific Reports, co-authored by Michael Power.

Feeding habitat and silvering stage affect lipid content and fatty acid composition of European Eel Anguilla anguilla Tissues in Fish Biology, co-authored by Michael Power.

Incorporating flood hazards into pavement sustainability assessment in Transportation Research Record, co-authored by Rebecca Saari.

On tidal modulation of the evolution of internal solitary-like waves passing through a critical point in Journal of Physical Oceanography, co-authored by Kevin Lamb.

Consecutive Fe redox cycles decrease bioreducible Fe (III) and Fe isotope fractionations by eliminating small clay particles in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, co-authored by Bingji Shi, Christina Smeaton, Kai Liu, Brian Kendall, Chris Parsons, and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Phosphorus-only fertilization rapidly initiates large nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria blooms in two oligotrophic lakes in Environmental Research Letters, co-authored by Sherry Schiff.

High sulfate concentrations maintain low methane emissions at a constructed fen over the first seven years of ecosystem development in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Scott Davidson, Mariah Smith, Emily Prystupa, Kimberley Murray, Richard Petrone and Maria Strack.

Temporal variability in water and nutrient movement through vertisols into agricultural tile drains in the northern Great Plains in Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, co-authored by V. Kokulan, Merrin Macrae and M. Morison.

Species at risk habitat conservation on private land: the perspective of cattle ranchers in Biodiversity and Conservation, co-authored by Jeremy Pittman.

Trophic ecology of the European Eel (Anguilla anguilla) across different salinity habitats inferred from fatty acid and stable isotope analysis in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, co-authored by Michael Power.

Greenhouse gas emissions from riparian zones are related to vegetation type and environmental factors in Journal of Environmental Quality, co-authored by Maren Oelbermann.

Linking water (in) security and wellbeing in low-and middle-income countries in Water Security, co-authored by Susan Elliott.

Conflict resolution using the Graph model: Matrices, uncertainty, and systems perspectives, co-authored by Keith Hipel, in Handbook in Group Decision and Negotiation, D.M. Kilgour and C. Eden (eds).

Looking back on decision-making under conditions of conflict co-authored by Keith Hipel, in Handbook in Group Decision and Negotiation, D.M. Kilgour and C. Eden (eds).

When you preach water and you drink wine’: WASH in healthcare facilities in Kenya in Journal of Water, Sanitation & Hygiene, co-authored by Thelma Zulfawu Abu and Susan Elliott.

May 2021

Simultaneous calibration of hydrologic model structure and parameters using a blended model in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Robert Chlumsky, Juliane Mai, James Craig and Bryan Tolson.

Asymmetries in gravity currents attributed to the nonlinear equation of state in Journal of Fluid Mechanics, co-authored by Andrew Grace, Marek Stastna, Kevin Lamb and Andrea Scott.

Evidence of eutrophication in Arctic lakes in Arctic Science, co-authored by Michael Power.

Operating bicarbonate-form versus chloride-form ion exchange resins without regeneration for natural organic matter removal in ACS EST Water, co-authored by Sigrid Peldszus.

Regional studies and conceptual fuzziness: A critical review in Resources and Environmental Economics, co-authored by Olaf Weber.

Lipid bound phosphorus in the seston of Lake Erie and its tributaries and its use as an indicator of algal P-limitation in Aquatic Sciences, co-authored by Susan Watson.

Tracking petrogenic hydrocarbons in lakes of the Peace-Athabasca Delta in Alberta, Canada using petroleum biomarkers in Environmental Pollution, co-authored by Roland Hall.

Prediction, enrichment and isolation identify a responsive, competitive community of cellulolytic microorganisms from a municipal landfill in FEMS Microbiology Ecology, co-authored by Rebecca Co and Laura Hug.

Biogeochemical and climate drivers of wetland phosphorus and nitrogen release: Implications for nutrient legacies and eutrophication risk in Journal of Environmental Quality, co-authored by Helen Jarvie and Merrin Macrae.

Effect of background water matrices on pharmaceutical and personal care product removal by UV-LED/TiO2 in Catalysts, co-authored by Nivetha Srikanthan, Leslie Bragg, Robert Liang, Norman Zhou and Mark Servos.

Nevertheless, they persisted: Can hyporheic zones increase the persistence of estrogens in streams? in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Frederick Chang and Nandita Basu.

Air‐breathing ecology of Arapaima sp.: Conservation implications for an imperilled fish in Aquatic Conservation, co-authored by Michael Power. 

Inland tidal oscillations within the Yucatan Peninsula in Geophysical Research Letters, co-authored by Aaron Coutino and Marek Stastna.

Removal of polystyrene microplastic spheres by alum-based coagulation-flocculation-sedimentation (CFS) treatment of surface waters in Chemical Engineering Journal, co-authored by Sigrid Peldszus, Michele Van Dyke and Peter Huck.

Mimicry of a conceptual hydrological model (HBV): What's in a name? in Water Resources Research, co-authored by James Craig.

April 2021

On the criteria of large cavitation bubbles in a tube during a transient process in Journal of Fluid Mechanics, co-authored by Zhao Pan.

Chemical evolution of an inland Sabkha: A case study from Sabkha Matti, Saudi Arabia in Hydrogeology Journal, co-authored by André Unger.

Biological responses fish exposed to municipal wastewater treatment plant effluent in situ in Water Quality Research Journal, co-authored by Leslie Bragg and Mark Servos.

Intra-and inter-annual variability in the dissolved inorganic nitrogen in an urbanized river before and after wastewater treatment plant upgrades: Case study in the Grand River (Southwestern Ontario) in Nitrogen, co-authored by Madeline Rosamond, Richard Elgood and Sherry Schiff.

Pilot-scale comparison of sodium silicates, orthophosphate and PH adjustment to reduce lead releases from lead service lines in Water Research, co-authored by Kimia Aghasadeghi, Sigrid Peldszus and Peter Huck.

Hydraulic tomography analysis of municipal-well operation data with geology-based groundwater models in Hydrogeology Journal, co-authored by Walter Illman.

Institutional contexts and policy discourses: A case of water quality governance in Lake Erie basin in International Journal of the Commons, co-authored by Bereket Isaac and Rob de Loë

Coupled hydrological and geochemical impacts of wildfire in peatland-dominated regions of discontinuous permafrost in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad.

Stable bromine isotopic composition of coal bed methane (CBM) produced water, the occurrence of enriched 81Br, and implications for fluid flow in the Midcontinent, USA in Minerals, co-authored by Randy Stotler and Shaun Frape.

Special issue on 3D sensing in intelligent transportation in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, co-authored by Jonathan Li.

Multi-isotopic regional-scale screening on drinking groundwater in Lombardy Region (Italy) in Italian Journal of Groundwater, co-authored by Ramon Aravena.

Melting of Himalayan glaciers and planetary health in Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, co-authored by Keith Hipel.

Multiscale short-circuiting mechanisms in multiple fracture enhanced geothermal systems in Geothermics, co-authored by Robert Gracie and Maurice Dusseault.

Beluga whale detection in the Cumberland Sound Bay using convolutional neural networks in Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, co-authored by David Clausi and Andrea Scott.

Endocrine disruptor impacts on fish from Chile: The influence of wastewaters in Frontiers in Endocrinology, co-authored by Mark Servos.

The need to integrate legacy nitrogen storage dynamics and time lags into policy and practicein Science and the Total Environment, co-authored by Nandita Basu.

Isotopically enriched geogenic δ81Br and δ37Cl: Primary evidence for the ascending brine model in Groundwater, co-authored by Shaun Frape.

March 2021

..One size does not fit all: towards regional conservation practice guidance to reduce phosphorus loss risk in the lake erie watershed in Journal of Environmental Quality, co-authored by Merrin Macrae, Helen Jarvie, Roy Brouwer, Grant Gunn

The physical and chemical limnology of Yukon’s largest lake, Lhù’ààn Mân’ (Kluane Lake), prior to the 2016 ‘A’ą̈y Chù’ diversion in Arctic Science, co-authored by Heidi Swanson.

Isotopic characterization of sulfate in a shallow aquifer impacted by agricultural fertilizer in Groundwater, co-authored by John Spoelstra and Sherry Schiff.

Size‐based characterization of freshwater dissolved organic matter finds similarities within a waterbody type across different Canadian ecozones in Limnology and Oceanography Letters, co-authored by Sherry Schiff, Richard Elgood and John Spoelstra. 

Replication of an agent-based model using the Replication Standard in Environmental Modelling and Software, co-authored by Derek Robinson.

Agricultural erosion modelling: evaluating USLE and WEPP field-scale erosion estimates using UAV time-series data in Environmental Modelling and Software, co-authored by Derek Robinson.

Characterization and modelling of soluble microbial products in activated sludge systems treating municipal wastewater with special emphasis on temperature effect in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Wayne Parker.

Regulation of peatland evaporation following wildfire; the complex control of soil tension under dynamic evaporation demand in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by Rich Petrone.

Soil respiration and litter decomposition along a salinity gradient in a saline boreal fen in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region in Geoderma, co-authored by Rich Petrone and Jonathan Price.

Use of an efficient proxy solution for the hillslope‐storage Boussinesq problem in upscaling of subsurface stormflow in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Mark Ranjram and James Craig. 

Trend detection in the presence of positive and negative serial correlation: A comparison of block maxima and peaks‐overthreshold data in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Nicole O’Brien, Don Burn and Bill Annable. 

Polymer binders: Characterization and development toward aqueous electrode fabrication for sustainability in Polymers, co-authored by Boxin Zhao.

Ecological Diversity, Chapter co-authored by Heidi Swanson, in The Lake Charr Salvelinus namaycush: Biology, Ecology, Distribution, and Managent, A.M. Muir et al. (Eds.)

Preparative isolation, fractionation and chemical characterization of dissolved organics from natural and industrially derived bitumen-influenced groundwaters from the Athabasca River watershed in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by George Dixon.

Benchmarking a reduced order finite element method for multiphase carbon sequestration models in International Journal of Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, co-authored by Robert Gracie.

Assessing the capacity for adaptation and collaboration in the context of freshwater pollution management in Dhaka, Bangladesh in Environmental Science and Policy, co-authored by Derek Armitage, Roy Brouwer, Susan Elliott, Dilruba Fatima Sharmin, Jennifer Liu and Danielle Lindamood.

Comparison of approaches to quantify SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater using RT-qPCR: Results and implications from a collaborative inter-laboratory study in Canada in Journal of Environmental Science, co-authored by Mark Servos.

Soybean and soil responses to biochar amendment in controlled environments with elevated temperature and carbon dioxide in Canadian Journal of Soil Science, co-authored by Maren Oelbermann.

The differential effects of salinity level on chlorpyrifos and imidacloprid toxicity to an estuarine amphipod in Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, co-authored by Simon Courtenay.

Temporal changes in the relative abundance of anadromous Arctic charr, brown trout, and Atlantic salmon in northern Europe: Do they reflect changing climates? in Freshwater Biology, co-authored by Michael Power.

Removal of chromium (VI) from contaminated water using untreated moringa leaves as biosorbent in Pollutants, co-authored by Ali Elkamel.

Validation of CloudSat-CPR derived precipitation occurrence and phase estimates across Canada in Atmosphere, co-authored by Christopher Fletcher.

Urbanization correlates with altered growth and reduced survival of a small‐bodied, imperilled freshwater fish in Ecology of Freshwater Fish, co-authored by Michael Power. 

Geospatial analysis of cholera patterns in Nigeria: findings from a cross-sectional study in BMC Infectious Diseases, co-authored by Susan Elliott.

Pilot-scale comparison of sodium silicates, orthophosphate and pH adjustment to reduce lead release from lead service lines in Water Research, co-authored by Sigrid Peldszus and Peter Huck.

Investigating groundwater-lake interactions in the Laurentian Great Lakes with a fully-integrated surface water-groundwater model in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Ed Sudicky.

Ensemble-based machine learning approach for improved leak detection in water mains in Hydroinformatics, co-authored by Kumaraswamy Ponnambalam.

February 2021

Climate Change and the Preparedness of 16 Major Canadian Cities to Limit Flood Risk, report prepared by the Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation, co-authored by Blair Feltmate.

Ecosystems, communities and canoes: Using photovoice to understand relationships among coastal environments and social wellbeing, co-authored by Derek Armitage, Chapter 8 in Researching People and the Sea: Methodologies and Traditions, M. Gustavsson et al.(eds.).

Organic matter decomposition at a constructed fen in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region: Effect of substrate type and environmental conditions in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Chris Parsons and Maria Strack.

Treatment of brackish water RO brine via bipolar membrane electrodialysis in Industrial and Chemical Engineering Research, co-authored by Xianshe Feng.

Reactive transport modelling of porewater geochemistry and sulfur isotope fractionation in organic carbon amended mine tailings in Applied Geochemistry, co-authored by David Blowes and Carol Ptacek.

Eutrophication management in a Great Lakes wetland: examination of the existence of alternative ecological states in Ecosphere, co-authored by Chris Parsons.

Welcome to Wellbeing, Space and Society: A new interdisciplinary journal, editorial in Wellbeing, Space and Society, co-authored by Susan Elliott.

Will peaceful waters flow again? A game-theoretic insight into a tripartite environmental conflict in the Middle East in Environmental Management, co-authored by Keith Hipel.

Responses of a small-scale shellfishery to climate change: Foundations for adaptive management, co-authored by Jeremy Pittman, Chapter 8 in Adaptive Management of Fisheries in Response to Climate Change, FOA Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper 667.

Trace elements in sulfides and release to porewater from sulfide oxidation in a historical waste-rock pile, Ontario, Canada in Applied Geochemistry, co-authored by David Blowes.

Integration of simulation and Markov chains to support bayesian networks for probabilistic failure analysis of complex systems in Reliability Engineering & System Safety, co-authored by Kumaraswamy Ponnambalam. 

Restoration approach influences carbon exchange at in-situ oil sands exploration sites in east-central Alberta in Wetlands Ecology and Management, co-authored by Maria Strack.

Determinants of wetland-bird community composition in agricultural marshes of the northern prairie and parkland region in Wetlands, co-authored by Rebecca Rooney.

Sediment phosphorus buffering in streams at baseflow: A meta‐analysis in Journal of Environmental Control, co-authored by Helen Jarvie.

WAMPUM Adaptation framework: eastern coastal Tribal Nations and sea level rise impacts on water security in Climate and Development, authored by Kelsey Leonard.

Biogeochemical and climate drivers of wetland phosphorus and nitrogen release: Implications for nutrient legacies and eutrophication risk in Journal of Environmental Quality, co-authored by Helen Jarvie.

Making Commons Dynamic: Understanding Change Through Commonisation and Decommonisation, edited by Prateep Nayak: Routledge.

Framing commons as a process: The rudiments of commonisation and decommonisation, co-authored by Prateep Nayak, Chapter 1 in Making Commons Dynamic: Understanding Change Through Commonisation and Decommonisation, edited by Prateep Nayak: Routledge.

The cascading effects of coastal commonisation and decommonisation, co-authored by Jeremy Pittman, Chapter 3 in Making Commons Dynamic: Understanding Change Through Commonisation and Decommonisation, edited by Prateep Nayak: Routledge.

Governance and the process of (de)commonisation, co-authored by Derek Armitage, Prateep Nayak, Jeremy Pittman and Sajida Sultana, Chapter 15 in Making Commons Dynamic: Understanding Change Through Commonisation and Decommonisation, edited by Prateep Nayak: Routledge.

Commonisation - decommonisation perspective: Lessons for practice, policy and theory, co-authored by Prateep Nayak, Chapter 16 in Making Commons Dynamic: Understanding Change Through Commonisation and Decommonisation, edited by Prateep Nayak: Routledge.

Mineral phosphorus drives glacier algal blooms on the Greenland Ice Sheet in Nature Communications, co-authored by Jenine McCutcheon.

Assessing benzene and toluene adsorption with peat depth: implications on their fate and transport in Environmental Pollution, co-authored by Jonathan Price.

Peatland-fire interactions: A review of wildland fire feedbacks and interactions in Canadian boreal peatlands in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Rich Petrone.

Monitoring microbial populations and antibiotic resistance gene enrichment associated with Arctic waste stabilization ponds in Applied and Environmental Microbiology, co-authored by Josh Neufeld.

Wetland hydroperiod predicts community structure, but not the magnitude of cross-community congruence in Scientific Reports, co-authored by Rebecca Rooney.

Effective suppression of established invasive Phragmites australis leads to secondary invasion in a coastal marsh in Invasive Plant Science and Management, co-authored by Courtney Robichaud and Rebecca Rooney.

Spatiotemporal geo-electrical sensing of a Pluronic-coated cobalt ferrite nanoparticle slug in natural sand flow-through columns in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Neil Thomson, Philippe Van Cappellen and Fereidoun Rezanezhad

January 2021

Distribution and structure of coastal ichthyoplankton communities of the Bay of Fundy in southern New Brunswick, Canada in Marine Biodiversity, co-authored by Simon Courtenay.

Immunogenetics special issue 2021: fish immunology in Immunogenetics, co-authored by Brian Dixon.

Deeper burning in a boreal fen peatland one‐year post‐wildfire accelerates recovery trajectory of carbon dioxide uptake in Ecohydrology, co-authored by Merrin Macrae and Rich Petrone.

Microwave heating induced on-demand droplet generation in microfluidic systems in Analytical Chemistry, co-authored by Carolyn Ren.

Adaptive capacity of ski resorts in Western Norway to projected changes in snow conditions in Current Issues in Tourism, co-authored by Daniel Scott.

Growing season evapotranspiration in boreal fens in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region: Variability and environmental controls in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by Rich Petrone and Jonathan Price.

Application of an improved surface energy balance model to two large valley glaciers in the St. Elias Mountains, Yukon in Glaciology, co-authored by Christine Dow.

The graph model for conflict resolution and decision support in IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, co-authored by Keith Hipel.

Microfluidic technology for antibacterial resistance study and antibiotic susceptibility testing: Review and perspective in ACS Sensors, co-authored by Carolyn Ren.

The influence of system heterogeneity on peat-surface temperature dynamics in Environmental Research Letter, co-authored by Rich Petrone.

Distinct intestinal microbial communities of two sympatric anadromous Arctic salmonids and the effects of migration and feeding in Canadian Science Publishing, co-authored by Josh Neufeld.

Maximizing US nitrate removal through wetland protection and restoration in Nature, co-authored by Frederick Cheng, Danyka Byrnes and Nandita Basu.

River ice phenology and thickness from satellite altimetry. Potential for ice bridge road operation in The Cryosphere, co-authored by Claude Duguay.

Assessing the potential of integrating distribution and structure of permanent open-water wetlandscapes in reclamation design: a case study of Alberta, Canada in Wetlands Ecology and Management, co-authored by Jennifer Ridge, Derek Robinson and Rebecca Rooney.

Nitrogen attenuation in septic system plumes in Groundwater, co-authored by Will Robertson and Sherry Schiff.

Toward SDG 6: Exploring the potential for wastewater reuse in Nairobi, Kenya, co-authored by Larry Swatuk. Chapter 11 in Water Reuse within a Circular Economy Context, a UNESCO Report by International Centre for Water Security and Sustainable Management.

December 2020

Bioconcentration of glyphosate in wetland biofilms, in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Laura Beecraft and Rebecca Rooney.

Assessing the potential of integrating distribution and structure of permanent open-water wetlandscapes in reclamation design: a case study of Alberta, Canada in Wetlands Ecology and Management, co-authored by Derek Robinson and Rebecca Rooney.

On the importance of considering specific storage heterogeneity in hydraulic tomography: Laboratory sandbox and synthetic studies in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Walter Illman.

Fisher behaviour in coastal and marine fisheries in Fish and Fisheries, co-authored by Jeremy Pittman and Derek Armitage.

Drygalski Ice Tongue stability influenced by rift formation and ice morphology in Journal of Glaciology, co-authored by Christine Dow.

Effect of molecular architecture and composition on the aggregation pathways of POEGMA random copolymers in water in Langmuir, co-authored by Michael K.C. Tam.

Evaluation of the stability of carbon conductor in the cathode of aqueous rechargeable lithium batteries against overcharging in Batteries, co-authored by Pu Chen.

Groundwater and solute budget (A case study from Sabkha Matti, Saudi Arabia) in Hydrology, co-authored by André Unger.

Under one umbrella: Practical approaches for reducing flood risk in Canada, co-authored by Blair Feltmate, published by Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation.

In-line coagulation assessment for ultrafiltration fouling reduction to treat secondary effluent for water reuse in Water Science and Technology, co-authored by William B. Anderson and Peter Huck.

Greenhouse gas emissions dynamics in restored fens after in-situ oil sands well pad disturbances of Canadian boreal peatlands in frontiers in Earth Science, co-authored by Maria Strack.

Use of fibroin polypeptide from silk processing waste as an effective biosorbent for heavy metal removal in the Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, co-authored by Xianshe Feng.

Previously unrecognized potential threat to children from manganese in groundwater in Rohingya refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh in Chemosphere, co-authored by William B. Anderson.

In the business of dirty oceans: Overview of startups and entrepreneurs managing marine plastic in Marine Pollution Bulletin, co-authored by Roy Brouwer

In-line Coagulation Assessment for Ultrafiltration Fouling Reduction to Treat Secondary Effluent for Water Reuse in Water Science & Technology, co-authored by Samia Aly, William B. Anderson, and Peter Huck

Comprehensive analysis of multiresidue pesticides from process water obtained from wastewater treatment facilities using solid-phase microextraction in Environmental Science and Technology, co-authored by Janusz Pawliszyn.

Social-psychological determinants of the implementation of green infrastructure for residential stormwater management in Environmental Management, co-authored by Michael Descher.

Comparison of fully-coupled and sequential solution methodologies for enhanced geothermal systems in Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, co-authored by Robert Gracie.

Environmental governance theories: a review and application to coastal systems in Ecology and Society, co-authored by Derek Armitage and Jeremy Pittman.

Durable poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) grafted PDMS micropillared surfaces for temperature-modulated wetting in Colloids and Surfaces A: Physiochemical and Engineering Aspects, co-authored by Boxin Zhao.

Assessing terrestrial carbon sink potential from vegetation under optimal land management in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Hyung-Sool Lee.

High sensitivity of lake hypoxia to air temperatures, winds and nutrient loading: Insights from a 3D lake model in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Kevin Lamb and Ralph Smith.

Moisture‐enabled electricity generation: From physics and materials to self‐powered applications in Advanced Materials, co-authored by Norman Zhou.

Flood Risk Management in the Era of Climate Change: A Case Study of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canadian Water Network Report, authored by Jason Thistlethwaite. 

Aggregation–decomposition-based multi-agent reinforcement learning for multi-reservoir operations optimization in Water, co-authored by Kumaraswamy Ponnambalam.

An elicitation process to quantify Bayesian networks for dam failure analysis in Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, co-authored by Kumaraswamy Ponnambalam.

November 2020

Low concentrations of glyphosate in water and sediment after direct over-water application to control an invasive aquatic plant, in Water Research, co-authored by Rebecca Rooney.

Moisture-enabled electricity generation: From physics and materials to self-powered applications in Advanced Materials, co-authored by Norman Zhou.

Molten-based defect engineering polymeric carbon nitride quantum dots with enhanced hole extraction: an efficient photoelectrochemical cell for water oxidation in Carbon, co-authored by Aiping Yu.

Valuation of Ontario's ecosystem services and relevance for decision-making, co-authored by Tariq Aziz and Phillippe Van Cappellen, Chapter 3 in Canada: Past, Present and Future Perspectives (Editor: S.A. Lund).

Sorption and desorption of the model aromatic hydrocarbons naphthalene and benzene: Effects of temperature and soil composition in Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry, co-authored by Bingjie Shi, Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Stephanie Slowinski and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Oxidation of Fe(II) by flavins under anoxic conditions in Environmental Science and Technology, co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen and Kunfu Pi.

Synthesis and modification of polyurethane foam doped with multi-walled carbon nanotubes for cleaning up spilled oil from water in Journal of Polymers and the Environment, co-authored by Xianshe Feng.

Anaerobic membrane bioreactors for wastewater treatment: challenges and opportunities in water environment research, co-authored by Hyung-Sool Lee.

Tracing recharge and groundwater evolution in a glaciated, regional-scale carbonate bedrock aquifer system, southern Ontario, Canada in Applied Geochemistry, co-authored by Shaun Frape and David Rudolph.

Controls of alluvial cover formation, morphology, and bedload transport in a sinuous channel with a non‐alluvial boundary in Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, co-authored by Bruce MacVicar.

Numerical investigation of delamination onset and propagation in catalyst layers of PEM fuel cells under hygrothermal cycles in International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, co-authored by Anna Klinkova.

Building upon open-barrel corer and sectioning systems to foster the continuing legacy of John Glew in Journal of Paleolimnology, co-authored by Mitchell Kay and Roland Hall.

A 50‐year record of nitrate concentrations in the Slapton Ley Catchment, Devon, United Kingdom in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by Helen Jarvie.

Host genetic variation explains reduced protection of commercial vaccines against Piscirickettsia salmonis in Atlantic salmon in Scientific Reports, co-authored by Brian Dixon.

Chronic exposure to anthropogenic and climate related stressors alters transcriptional responses in the liver of zebrafish (Danio rerio) across multiple generations in Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C: Toxicology and Pharmacy, co-authored by Paul Craig.

Thermoresponsive starch for the flocculation of oil sands mature fine tailings in Environmental Science and Technology, co-authored by Scott Taylor.

Underwater bubble detection and counting by a dynamic changing solid-liquid interfacial process in Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, co-authored by Jonathan Li.

The biology and feeding ecology of Arctic charr in the Kerguelen Islands in Journal of Fish Biology, co-authored by Michael Power

A Quantitative study of the dynamic response of soft tubing for pressure-driven flow in a microfluidics context in Microfluids and Nanofluids, co-authored by Jan Huissoon and Carolyn Ren.

Direct measurement of aqueous mercury (II): Combining DNA-based sensing with diffusive gradients in thin films in Environmental Science and Technology, co-authored by Kunfu Pi, Juewen Liu and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Stranded Kokanee salvaged from turbine intake infrastructure are at low risk for re‐entrainment: A telemetry study in a hydropower facility forebay in North American Journal of Fisheries Management, co-authored by Michael Power.

October 2020

Thinking outside the “water box” in the Detroit River Area of Concern in Journal of Great Lakes Research, co-authored by Rob de Loë.

Shifting culture towards endorsement and advocacy of outdoor play and learning: A collaborative case study with KidActive in Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, co-authored by Bryan Grimwood.

World Heritage Site inscription and waterfront heritage conservation: evidence from the Grand Canal historic districts in Hangzhou, China in Journal of Heritage Tourism, authored by Zhu Qian.

Modelling the impacts of climate and land use change on water security in a semi-arid forested watershed using InVEST in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Salmonid antibacterial immunity: An aquaculture perspective in Biology, co-authored by Brian Dixon.

Changes in land use and ecosystem services values in Pakistan, 1950–2050 in Environmental Development, authored by Tariq Aziz.

Crops as sensors: Using crop yield data to increase the robustness of hydrologic and biogeochemical modelsin Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Nandita Basu.

Modelling the impacts of climate and land use change on water security in a forested watershed using InVEST in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Roy Brouwer

Centennial‐scale shifts in hydro‐physical properties of peat induced by drainage in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Jonathan Price and Fereidoun Rezanezhad.

Towards reconciliation: 10 calls to action to natural scientists working in Canada in Facets, co-authored by Heidi Swanson.

Breathers in a three-layer fluid in Journal of Fluid Dynamics, co-authored by Kevin Lamb.

Mn2+ ions confined by electrode microskin for aqueous battery beyond intercalation capacity in Advanced Energy Materials, co-authored by Pu Chen.

Water-mediated through-space-conjugation of aromatic groups for stimuli-responsive photoluminescence in Giant, co-authored by Xiao-Song Wang.

Examination of tools associated with the evaluation of knowledge uptake and utilization: A scoping review in Evaluation and Program Planning, co-authored by Kelly Skinnner.

Biogeochemical and climate drivers of wetland phosphorus and nitrogen release: Implications for nutrient legacies and eutrophication risk in Journal of Environmental Quality, co-authored by Helen Jarvie and Merrin Macrae.

Estimation of phytoplankton chlorophyll-a concentrations in the western basin of Lake Erie using Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 data in Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, co-authored by Jonathan Li.

Microclimatic effects of a forest-to-peatland transition on aerodynamic resistance to water vapour transfer in the sub-humid Boreal Plains in Boundary-Layer Meteorology, co-authored by Rich Petrone.

Conditions and cautions for transforming ocean governance in Water Resilience, co-authored by Derek Armitage

The trajectory of landcover change in peatland complexes with discontinuous permafrost, northwestern Canada in Hydrology and Earth Systems, co-authored by James Craig and Élise Devoie.

Predation on planktonic ciliates in Kenyan soda lakes in Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, co-authored by William Taylor.

Epilithic algae from an urban river preferentially use ammonium over nitrate in International Aquatic Research, co-authored by William Taylor and Sherry Schiff.

Effects of crucian carp (Carassius auratus) on water quality in aquatic ecosystems: An experimental mesocosm study in Water, co-authored by William Taylor.

September 2020

Sediment source fingerprinting: benchmarking recent outputs, remaining challenges and emerging themes, in Advances in Sediment Science and Management, co-authored by Monica Emelko and Michael Stone.

Water freezing characteristics in granular soils: Insights from pore-scale simulations in Advances in Water Resources, co-authored by Behrad Gharedaghloo and Ed Sudicky.  

Inkjet-Printed CMUT humidity sensors with high sensitivity and low hysteresis in Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, co-authored by John Yeow

Stranded assets and the transition to low-carbon economy co-authored by Olaf Weber, in Migliorelli and Dessertine (eds), Sustainability and Financial Risks. Palgrave Studies in Impact Finance.

Dynamics of microbial populations and diversity in NAPL contaminated peat soil under varying water table conditions in Environmental Research, co-authored by Heidi Swanson, Trevor Charles and Jonathan Price.

Developing climate services for Caribbean tourism: a comparative analysis of climate push and pull influences using climate indices in Current Issues in Tourism, co-authored by Daniel Scott.

Current and future projections of glacier contribution to streamflow in the upper Athabasca River Basin in Canadian Water Resources Journal, co-authored by James Craig.

Impacts of reduced Lepidurus arcticus availability on brown trout life history traits in a mountain reservoir in Aquatic Sciences, co-authored by Michael Power.

Use of environmental isotopes to assess groundwater pollution caused by agricultural activities in Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, co-authored by Ramon Aravena.

Comparison of freshwater monitoring approaches: strengths, opportunities, and recommendations in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, co-authored by Elaine Ho, Andrew Trant, and Simon Courtenay.

Improved biodegradation of pharmaceuticals after mild photocatalytic pre‐treatment in Water and Environment Journal, co-authored by Maricor Arlos, Mark Servos and Wayne Parker.

Eutrophication and water quality policy discourse in the Lake Erie basin in Water Alternatives, co-authored by Bereket Isaac and Rob de Loë.

Experiments on restoring alluvial cover in straight and meandering rivers using gravel augmentation in River Research and Applications, co-authored by Elli Papangelakis and Bruce MacVicar.

Bulk water pricing policies and strategies for sustainable water management: The case of Ontario, Canada, co-authored by Guneet Sandhu, Michael Wood, Horatiu Rus and Olaf Weber, Chapter 5 in Environmental Policy: An Economic Perspective, Walker, Goubran and Sprung-Much (eds).

Development of a drone-based thin film solid phase microextraction water sampler to facilitate on-site screening for environmental pollutants in Analytical Chemistry, co-authored by Janusz Pawliszyn.

Long‐term shifts in US nitrogen sources and sinks revealed by the new TREND‐nitrogen dataset (1930‐2017) in Global Biogeochemical Cycles, co-authored by Nandita Basu.

Structural calibration of a semi-distributed hydrological model of the Liard River basin in Canadian Water Resources Journal, co-authored by Genevieve Brown and James Craig.

Chapter 12, Water, pages 385-426 in P. Dearden, B. Mitchell and E. O'Connell, 2020, Environmental Change and Challenge: A Canadian Perspective, Sixth edition, Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press, 586 pp

August 2020

Evaluation of the 50% infectious dose of human norovirus Cin-2 in gnotobiotic pigs: A comparison of classical and contemporary methods for endpoint estimation, in Viruses, co-authored by Monica Emelko and Philip J. Schmidt

Severe western Canadian wildfire affects water quality even at large basin scales, in Water Research, co-authored by Monica Emelko and Mike Stone

Describing water treatment process performance: Why average log-reduction can be a misleading statistic, inWater Research, co-authored by Monica Emelko and William B. Anderson.

A characteristic periglacial landform: Automated recognition and delineation of cryoplanation terraces in eastern Beringia in Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, co-authored by Grant Gunn.

A multiregional input–output optimization model to assess impacts of water supply disruptions under climate change on the Great Lakes economy in Economic Systems Research, co-authored by Jorge A. Garcia-Hernandez and Roy Brouwer,

Antimicrobial peptides of salmonid fish: From form to function in Biology, co-authored by Brian Dixon.

Rainbow darter (Etheostoma caeruleum) from a river impacted by municipal wastewater effluents have altered gut content microbiomes in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Mark Servos.

An anisotropic subgrid-scale parameterization for large-eddy simulations of stratified turbulence in Monthly Weather Review, co-authored by Michael Waite.

Application of parameter screening to derive optimal initial state adjustments for streamflow forecasting in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Juliane Mai and Bryan Tolson.

Application of biochar prepared from ethanol refinery by-products for Hg stabilization in floodplain soil: Impacts of drying and rewetting in Environmental Pollution, co-authored by Alana Wang, Carol Ptacek and David Blowes.

An analytical method to calculate groundwater released from an aquitard undergoing nonlinear consolidation in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Walter Illman.

Diversity of diatoms, benthic macroinvertebrates, and fish varies in response to different environmental correlates in Arctic rivers across North America in Freshwater Biology, co-authored by Michael Power and Heidi Swanson.

Variation in the diet of beluga whales in response to changes in prey availability: insights on changes in the Beaufort Sea ecosystem in Marine Ecology Progress Series, co-authored by Heidi Swanson and Michael Power.

A seasonal comparison of trace metal concentrations in the tissues of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) in Northern Québec, Canada in Ecotoxicology, co-authored by Michael Power.

Groundwater Elusimicrobia are metabolically diverse compared to gut microbiome Elusimicrobia and some have a novel nitrogenase paralog in The ISME Journal, co-authored by Laura Hug.

Automatic model structure identification for conceptual hydrologic models in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Juliane Mai, James Craig and Bryan Tolson.

Development of a reduced‐volume acute lethality toxicity test for Hyalella azteca in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, co-authored by George Dixon.

Human biomonitoring of metals in sub-Arctic Dene Communities of the Northwest Territories, Canada in Environmental Research, co-authored by Mylene Ratelle, Shannon Majowicz and Brian Laird.

Anoxygenic photosynthesis and iron–sulfur metabolic potential of Chlorobia populations from seasonally anoxic Boreal Shield lakes in The ISME Journal, co-authored by Sherry Schiff and Josh Neufeld.

Faro Waste Rock Project: Characterizing geochemical heterogeneity in sulfide-and carbonate-rich waste rock in Applied Geochemistry, co-authored by Jeff Bain, Steve Holland, Carol Ptacek and David Blowes.

Distribution and origin of potentially toxic elements in a multi-aquifer system in Environmental Science and Pollution Research, co-authored by Fereidoun Fezanezhad.

The biophysical climate mitigation potential of boreal peatlands during the growing season in Environmental Research Letters, co-authored by Richard Petrone.

Pairing soil sampling with very-high resolution UAV imagery: An examination of drivers of soil and nutrient movement and agricultural productivity in southern Ontario in Geoderma, co-authored by Derek Robinson and Merrin Macrae.

Managing urban flood risk: An expert assessment of economic policy instruments in Journal of Urban Affairs, co-authored by Daniel Henstra and Jason Thistlethwaite.

Aquatic virus culture collection: an absent (but necessary) safety net for environmental microbiologists in Applied Phycology, co-authored by Jozef Nissimov.

Enhancement of naphthalene degradation by a sequential sulfate injection scenario in a (semi)-arid coastal soil: A flow-through reactor experiment in Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Data recovery from old filing cabinets: Seasonal diets of the most common demersal fishes in the Miramichi River Estuary (Atlantic Canada), 1991–1993 in Northeastern Naturalist, co-authored by Simon Courtenay.

Ipact of multiple drying and rewetting events on biochar amendments for Hg stabilization in floodplain soil from South River, VA in Chemosphere, co-authored by Alana Wang, Carol Ptacek and David Blowes.

Sentinel-1 additive noise removal from cross-polarization extra-wide TOPSAR with dynamic least-squares in Remote Sensing of Environment, co-authored by David Clausi.

Evaluation of Groundwater Bacterial Community Composition to Inform Waterborne Pathogen Vulnerability Assessments, in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Monica Emelko and William B. Anderson, and Alex HS Chik.

July 2020

A new inverse modeling approach for hydraulic conductivity estimation based on Gaussian Mixtures in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Walter Illman.

Tailings-flow runout analysis: Examining the applicability of a semi-physical area–volume relationship using a novel database in Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, co-authored by Stephen Evans.

Simultaneously determining global sensitivities of model parameters and model structure in Hydrology and Earth Science Systems, co-authored by Juliane Mai, James Craig and Bryan Tolson.

Evaluating phosphorous from vehicular emissions as a potential source of contamination to ground and surface water in Cogent Environmental Science, co-authored by David Rudolph and Philippe Van Cappellen.

A GIS‐based multi‐proxy analysis of the evolution of subglacial dynamics of the Quebec‐Labrador ice dome, northeastern Quebec, Canada in Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, co-authored by Martin Ross.

Global dam‐driven changes to riverine N: P: Si ratios delivered to the coastal ocean in Geophysical Research Letter, co-authored by Taylor Maavara, Zahra Akbarzadeh and Philippe Van Cappellen.

A semi‐analytical interface model of soil freeze/thaw and permafrost evolution in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Elise Devoie and James Craig.

A high-performance CMUT humidity sensor based on cellulose nanocrystal sensing film in Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, co-authored by John Yeow.

Phosphorus binding to soil organic matter via ternary complexes with calcium in Chemosphere, co-authored by Christopher Parsons, Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Correction: Cultivation and characterization of Candidatus Nitrosocosmicus exaquare, an ammonia-oxidizing archaeon from a municipal wastewater treatment system in The ISME Journal, co-authored by Laura Sauder, Katja Engel and Josh Neufeld.

Ecological research should consider Indigenous peoples and stewardship in Facets, co-authored by Andrew Trant.

An interesting oddity in the theory of large amplitude internal solitary waves in Russian Journal of Earth Sciences, co-authored by Marek Stastna and Kevin Lamb.

Scoping the evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) research in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) era in Sustainability, co-authored by Olaf Weber.

Field-based oxygen isotope fractionation for the conservation of imperilled fishes: an application with the threatened silver shiner Notropis photogenis in Endangered Species Research, co-authored by Michael Power.

Composition of the North American wood frog (Rana sylvatica) bacterial skin microbiome and seasonal variation in community structure in Microbial Ecology, co-authored by Laura Hug and Barb Katzenback.

Evaluation of a neural network with uncertainty for detection of ice and water in SAR imagery in IEEE Transactions of Geoscience and Remote Sensing, co-authored by Andrea Scott and David Clausi.

Variable persistence of artificial sweeteners during wastewater treatment: Implications for future use as tracers in Water Research, co-authored by Dorothy Garda and Will Robertson.

Contribution of preferential flow to tile drainage varies spatially and temporally in Vadose Zone Journal, co-authored by Merrin Macrae.

Compensatory payment to hunters to protect biodiversity of the Fereydun'Kenar wetland in Applied Economics Studies, Iran, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Are biodiversity losses valued differently when they are caused by human activities? A meta-analysis of the non-use valuation literature in Environmental Research Letters, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

June 2020

Identifying groundwater discharge zones in the central Mackenzie valley using remotely sensed optical and thermal imagery in Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, co-authored by Brittney Glass, David Rudolph and Claude Duguay.

Corporations and sustainable development goals communication on social media: Corporate social responsibility or just another buzzword? In Sustainable Development, co-authored by Olaf Weber.

Utility of a multi-tracer approach as a component of adaptive monitoring for municipal wastewater impacts in Water Quality Research Journal, co-authored by Carol Ptacek.

CHNS modeling for study and management of human–water interactions at multiple scales in Water, co-authored by Kumaraswamy Ponnambalam.

A century of high elevation ecosystem change in the Canadian Rocky Mountains in Scientific Reports, co-authored by Andrew Trant.

Treatment of sulfolane in groundwater: A critical review in Journal of Environmental Management, co-authored by Anh Pham

Reply to: In defence of simplified PES project designs in Nature Sustainability, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Assessing climate change adaptation progress in Canada's protected areas in The Canadian Geographer, co-authored by Stephanie Barr, Brendon Larson and Daniel Scott.

When screens replace backyards: strategies to connect digital-media-oriented young people to nature in Environmental Education Research, co-authored by Rachael Edwards and Brendon Larson.

Subwatershed-based lake and river routing products for hydrologic and land surface models applied over Canada in Canadian Water Resources Journal, co-authored by Ming Han, Julianne Mai, Bryan Tolson, James Craig, Hongli Liu and Konhee Lee.

Active acoustic leak detection in a pressurized PVC pipe in Urban Water Journal, co-authored by Sriram Narasimhan.

Predation on planktonic ciliates in Kenyan soda lakes in Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, co-authored by William Taylor.

Growing season CO2 exchange and evapotranspiration dynamics among thawing and intact permafrost landforms in the Western Hudson Bay lowlands in Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, co-authored by Matthew Morrison, Brandon Van Huizen, Myroslava Khomik, Richard Petrone and Merrin Macrae.

Quantifying the spatial variability of melting seasonal ground ice and its influence on potential evapotranspiration spatial variability in a boreal peatland in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by Richard Petrone.

Pore-scale controls on hydrological and geochemical processes in peat: Implications on interacting processes in Earth-Science Reviews, co-authored byFereidoun Rezanezhad, Jonathan Price and Philippe Van Cappellen.

May 2020

Illuminating subsurface microbial water quality patterns using adenosine triphosphate and dynamic time warping approaches in Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, co-authored by Monica Emelko and Alex HS Chik.

The dependence of the northern extratropical climate response to external forcing on the phase of Atlantic Multidecadal Variability in Climate Dynamics, co-authored by Chris Fletcher.

Experimental investigation of erosion characteristics of fine-grained cohesive sediments in Water, co-authored by Mike Stone.

Roads impact tree and shrub productivity in adjacent boreal peatlands in Forests, co-authored by Andrew Trant and Maria Strack.

Impact of AnMBR operating conditions on anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge in Water Environment Research, co-authored by Wayne Parker.

Curbing the summer surge: Permanent outdoor water use restrictions in humid and semi‐arid cities in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Sara Finley and Nandita Basu.

Correlation between valley deformation and water level fluctuations in high arch dam in European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, co-authored by Wei-Chau Xie.

Effects of crucian carp (Carassius auratus) on water quality in aquatic ecosystems: An experimental mesocosm study in Water, co-authored by William Taylor.

Flexible watershed simulation with the Raven hydrological modelling framework in Environmental Modelling & Software, co-authored by James R. Craig, Genevieve Brown, Robert Chlumsky, Juliane Mai and Bryan A.Tolson.

Increasing contributions of peatlands to boreal evapotranspiration in a warming climate in Nature Climate Change, co-authored by Richard Petrone.

Coupling of various aqueous anodic reactions with direct and indirect electroreduction of CO2 in organic media in the Electrochemical Society, co-authored Anna Klinkova.

Food frequency questionnaire assessing traditional food consumption in Dene/Métis communities, Northwest Territories, Canada in International Journal of Circumpolar Health, co-authored by Kelly Skinner and Brian Laird.

Plant-based diets add to the wastewater phosphorus burden in Environmental Research Letters, co-authored by Helen Jarvie.

Extended categorical triple collocation for evaluating sea ice/open water data sets in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, authored by Andrea Scott.

A two-level hierarchical graph model for conflict resolution with application to international climate change negotiations in Journal of System Science and Systems Engineering, co-authored by Keith Hipel.

Rooting depth and below ground biomass in a freshwater coastal marsh invaded by European Reed (Phragmites australis) compared with remnant uninvaded sites at Long Point, Ontario in The Canadian Field-Naturalist, co-authored by Rebecca Rooney.

Governing offshore fish aggregating devices in the Eastern Caribbean: Exploring trade-offs using a qualitative network model in Ambio, co-authored by Jeremy Pittman and Derek Armitage.

Multiscale groundwater level forecasting: Coupling new machine learning approaches with wavelet transforms in Advances in Water Resources, co-authored by John Quilty.

Barriers to insurance as a flood risk management tool: Evidence from a survey of property owners in International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, co-authored by Jason Thistlethwaite, Daniel Henstra and Daniel Scott.

Evaluation of satellite-derived surface soil moisture products over agricultural regions of Canada in Remote Sensing, co-authored by Chris Fletcher.

Seasonal habitat drives intestinal microbiome composition in anadromous Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) in Environmental Microbiology, co-authored by Josh Neufeld.

Development of a thin-film solid-phase microextraction (TF-SPME) method coupled to liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry for high-throughput determination of steroid hormones in white sucker fish plasma in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, co-authored by Mark Servos and Janusz Pawliszyn.

Editorial: Wetland biogeochemistry: Response to environmental change in Frontiers in Environmental Science, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad.

Integrated modelling to assess climate change impacts on groundwater and surface water in the Great Lakes Basin using diverse climate forcing in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Ed Sudicky.

April 2020

Process‐based assessment of success and failure in a constructed riffle‐pool river restoration project in River Research and Applications, co-authored by Bruce MacVicar.

Lake ice-water classification of RADARSAT-2 images by integrating IRGS segmentation with pixel-based random forest labelingin Remote Sensing, co-authored by David Clausi and Claude Duguay.

Indigenous Reserve Lands in Canada Face High Flood Risk, Policy Brief No. 159, Centre for International Governance Innovation, co-authored by Jason Thistlethwaite, Daniel Henstra and Daniel Scott.

Managed Retreat from High-risk Flood Areas: Design Considerations for Effective Property Buyout Programs, Policy Brief No. 158, Centre for International Governance Innovation, co-authored by Jason Thistlethwaite, and Daniel Henstra.

Time series resolution of the fish necrobiome reveals a decomposer succession involving toxigenic bacterial pathogens in mSystems, co-authored by Trevor Charles, Josh Neufeld and Paul Craig.

A pathway to the automated global assessment of water level in reservoirs with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) in Remote Sensing, co-authored by Quinn Lewis.

Fluoride‐selective electrode as a tool to evaluate the degradation of PFAS in groundwater: A bench‐scale investigation in Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, co-authored by Neil Thomson and Carol Ptacek.

Factors affecting pluronic-coated iron oxide nanoparticle binding to petroleum hydrocarbon-impacted sediments in Chemosphere, co-authored by Neil Thomson. 

Treatment of municipal wastewater in AnMBRs with PAC addition under psychrophilic temperatures in Water Environment Research, co-authored by Wayne Parker.

Three-dimensional hydraulic tomography analysis of long-term municipal wellfield operations: Validation with synthetic flow and solute transport data in Earth and Space Science Open Archive, co-authored by Walter Illman.

Grey water footprint evaluation and driving force analysis of eight economic regions in China in Environmental Science and Pollution Research, co-authored by Jeffrey Wilson.

March 2020

Characterization of performance of full-scale tertiary membranes under stressed operating conditions in Water Science and Technology, co-authored by Wayne Parker.

Does attribute order influence attribute information processing in discrete choice experiments? in Resource and Energy Economics, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Business models for sustainable plastic management: A systematic review of the literature in Journal of Cleaner Production, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Carbon turnover and microbial activity in an artificial soil under imposed cyclic drainage and imbibition in Vadose Zone Journal, co-authored by Josh D. Neufeld, Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Is the river a chemostat?: Scale versus land use controls on nitrate concentration‐discharge dynamics in the Upper Mississippi River Basin in Geophysical Research Letters, co-authored by Nandita Basu.

Heterogeneity of the peat profile and its role in unsaturated sodium chloride rise at field and laboratory scales in Vadose Zone Journal, co-authored by Nicole Balliston and Jonathan Price.

Surface temperature as an indicator of plant species diversity and restoration in oak woodland in Ecological Indicators, co-authored by Derek Robinson, Andrew Trant and Stephen Murphy.

Barium isotopes track the source of dissolved solids in produced water from the unconventional Marcellus Shale gas play in Environmental Science and Technology, co-authored by Thai Phan.

Correction to: Patterns and controls of mercury accumulation in sediments from three thermokarst lakes on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska in Aquatic Sciences, co-authored by Heidi Swanson.

Testing hypothetical bias in a framed field experiment in Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Carbon release and transformation from coastal peat deposits controlled by submarine groundwater discharge: a column experiment study in Limnology and Oceanography, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad  and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Nutrient attenuation in a shallow, gravel-bed river. I. In-situ chamber experiments in New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, co-authored by Sherry Schiff.

Data assimilation for streamflow forecasting using Extreme Learning Machines and Multilayer Perceptrons in Water Resources Research, co-authored by John Quilty. 

Multi-year isoscapes of lake water balances across a dynamic northern freshwater delta in Earth and Space Science, co-authored by Casey Remmer, Laura Neary, Michell Kay and Roland Hall.

Anadromy and marine habitat use of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) from the central Canadian Arctic in Journal of Fish Biology, co-authored by Heidi Swanson. 

A multi-functional droplet microfluidic platform for rapid immobilization of oligonucleotides on semiconductor quantum dots in ACS Sensors, co-authored by Carolyn Ren.   

Robodrop: A multi-input-multi-output control system for on-demand manipulation of microfluidic droplets based on computer vision feedback in IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, co-authored by Carolyn Ren. 

February 2020

Topography scale effects on groundwater-surface water exchange fluxes in a Canadian Shield setting in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Jonathan Sykes and Stefano Normani.

Methane emissions from fens in Alberta's boreal region: reference data for functional evaluation of restoration outcomes in Wetlands Ecology and Management, co-authored by Jonathan Price and Maria Strack. 

Fate and transport of tritium in the Laurentian Great Lakes system in Journal of Great Lakes Research, co-authored by Shaun Frape.

Water in the star-forming region NGC 7129 FIRS 2 in The Astrophysical Journal, co-authored by Michel Fich.

Faro Waste Rock Project: Characterizing variably saturated flow behaviour through full‐scale waste‐rock dumps in the continental sub‐arctic region of Northern Canada using field measurements and stable isotopes of water in Water Resources Research, co-authored by David Blowes and Carol Ptacek.

Among-site variability in environmental and management characteristics: Effect on nutrient loss in agricultural tile drainage in Journal of Great Lakes Research, co-authored by Merrin Macrae.

Governance arrangements for integrated water resources management in Ontario, Canada, and Oregon, USA in Governing Integrated Water Resources Management: Mutual Learning and Policy Transfer, O. Fritsch and D Benson, chapter co-authored by Bruce Mitchell.

Formation of recirculating cores in convectively breaking internal solitary waves of depression shoaling over gentle slopes in the South China Sea in Journal of Physical Oceanography, co-authored by Kevin Lamb.

On the sensitivity of modelled groundwater recharge estimates to rain gauge network scale in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by David Rudolph.

Wetlands in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region: the nexus between wetland hydrological function and resource extraction in Environmental Reviews, co-authored by Rich Petrone and Jonathan Price.

The design of weather index insurance using principal component regression and partial least squares regression: The case of forage crops in North American Actuarial Journal, co-authored by Ken Seng Tan.

Remote sensing applications for insurance: A predictive model for pasture yield in the presence of systemic weather in North American Actuarial Journal, co-authored by Ken Seng Tan.

Life under an oil slick: response of a freshwater food web to simulated spills of diluted bitumen in field mesocosms in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, co-authored by Rebecca Rooney.

The 'boomerang effect': insights for improved climate action in Climate and Development, co-authored by Larry Swatuk.

High internal phase Pickering emulsions as templates for a cellulosic functional porous material in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, co-authored by Marios Ioannidis.

Composition of the North American wood frog (Rana sylvatica) skin microbiome and seasonal variation in community structure in bioRxiv, co-authored by Laura Hug and Barb Katzenback. 

Making Room for Nature? Applying the Dutch Room for the River Approach to Flood Risk Management in Alberta, Canada in International Journal of River Basin Management, co-authored by Eva Bogdan.

Compensatory indirect effects of an herbicide on wetland communities in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Leanne Baker. 

The economic impacts of water supply restrictions due to climate and policy change: A transboundary river basin supply-side input-output analysis in Ecological Economics, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Anthropocene Flooding: Challenges for Science and Society in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Performance of a geosynthetic clay-liner cover system at a Cu/Zn mine tailings impoundment: microbiological characterization in Applied and Environmental Microbiology, co-authored by Steven Holland, Carol Ptacek and David Blowes.

Atomic scale manipulation of sublayer with functional TiO2 nanofilm toward high-performance reverse osmosis membrane in Desalination, co-authored by Zhongwei Chen.

Spatiotemporal patterns in trophic niche overlap among five salmonines in Lake Michigan, USA in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, co-authored by Heidi Swanson.

Recognizing structural non-identifiability: When experiments don’t provide information about important parameters and misleading models can still have great fit, in Risk Analysis, co-authored by Monica Emelko and Philip J. Schmidt.

January 2020

'We are drinking diseases': Perception of water insecurity and emotional distress in urban slums in Accra, Ghana in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Heath, co-authored by Susan Elliott. 

Constraining reanalysis snowfall over the Arctic Ocean using CloudSat observations in Geophysical Research Letters, co-authored by Christopher Fletcher.

High-resolution, integrated hydrological modeling of climate change impacts on a semi-arid urban watershed in Niamey, Niger in Water, co-authored by Ed Sudicky.

Unique solid phase microextraction sampler reveals distinctive biogeochemical profiles among various deep-sea hydrothermal vents in Scientific Reports, co-authored by Janusz Pawliszyn.

Microbial community structure within a weathered waste-rock pile overlain by a monolayer soil cover in Applied Geochemistry, co-authored by Jeff Bain, Carol Ptacek and David Blowes. 

Interactive effects of vegetation and water table depth on belowground C and N mobilization and greenhouse gas emissions in a restored peatland in Plant and Soil, co-authored by Maria Strack.

Assessing the performance of methods for monitoring ice phenology of the world's largest high arctic lake using high-density time series analysis of Sentinel-1 data in Remote Sensing, co-authored by Claude Duguay.

Effects of dissolved organic phase composition and salinity on the engineered sulfate application in a flow-through system in Environmental Science and Pollution Research, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Marine trophic niche‐use and life history diversity among Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus in southwestern Greenland in Journal of Fish Biology, co-authored by Michael Power.

Batch adsorption study of ammonia removal from synthetic/real wastewater using ion exchange resins and zeolites in Separation Science and Technology, co-authored by Mark Pritzker and William A. Anderson.

A type‐curve method for the analysis of pumping tests with piecewise‐linear pumping rates in groundwater, co-authored by Walter Illman.

Modeling migration patterns in the USA under sea level rise in Plos One, co-authored by Juan Moreno-Cruz.

µPump: An open-source pressure pump for precision fluid handling in microfluidics in HardwareX, co-authored by Carolyn Ren.

'One size does not fit all': A roadmap of purpose-driven mixed-method pathways for sensitivity analysis of agent-based models in Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, co-authored by Derek Robinson.

Integrated UAS and lidar reveals the importance of land cover and flood magnitude on the formation of incipient chute holes and chute cutoff development in Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, co-authored by Quinn Lewis.

Use of pre-industrial baselines to monitor anthropogenic enrichment of metals concentrations in recently deposited sediment of floodplain lakes in the Peace-Athabasca Delta (Alberta, Canada) in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, co-authored by Mitchell Kay, Casey Remmer and Roland Hall.

Plant diversity and agroecosystem function in riparian agroforests: Providing ecosystem services and land-use transition in Sustainability, co-authored by Maren Oelbermann.

Diagnosis of sustainability of trans-boundary water governance in the Great Lakes basin in World Development, co-authored by Keith Hipel. 

Detecting leaks in water distribution pipes using a deep autoencoder and hydroacoustic spectrograms in Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, co-authored by Bryan Tolson.

Past variation in Lower Peace River ice-jam flood frequency in Environmental Reviews, co-authored by Roland Hall and Mitchell Kay.

Building resilience through flood risk reduction: The benefits of amphibious foundation retrofits to heritage structures in International Journal of Architectural Heritage, co-authored by Elizabeth English.

Evaluating the suitability of policy instruments for urban flood risk reduction in Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability, co-authored by Daniel Henstra and Jason Thistlethwaite.  

Characterization of groundwater–surface water interactions using high resolution integrated 3D hydrological model in semiarid urban watershed of Niamey, Niger in Journal of African Earth Sciences, co-authored by Ed Sudicky.

Legitimacy assessment throughout the life of collaborative water governance in Environment Policy and Governance, co-authored by Natalya Melnychuk and Robert de Loë.  


Use of hardwood and sulfurized-hardwood biochars as amendments to floodplain soil from South River, VA, USA: Impacts of drying-rewetting on Hg removal in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Alana Wang, Carol Ptacek and David Blowes.

The graph model for conflict resolution: Reflections on three decades of development in Group Decisions and Negotiations, co-authored by Keith Hipel.

The instability of liquid films with temperature-dependent properties flowing down a heated incline in AIMS Mathematics, co-authored by Serge D’Alessio.

Biodegradation kinetics of benzene and naphthalene in the vadose and saturated zones of a (semi)-arid saline coastal soil environment in Geofluids, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Sensitivity of Ku-and X-band radar observations to seasonal snow in Ontario, Canada in Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, co-authored by Aaron Thompson and Richard Kelly.

Backward probability model for identifying multiple contaminant source zones under transient variably‐saturated flow conditions in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Ed Sudicky. 

Ecosystem scale evapotranspiration and CO2 exchange in a burned and unburned peatland: implications for the ecohydrological resilience of carbon stocks to wildlife in Ecohydrology, co-authored by Rich Petrone. 

Challenges and opportunities from a paradigm shift in groundwater governance in Hydrogeology Journal, co-authored by Robert de Loë.

Coupling water column and sediment biogeochemical dynamics: Modeling internal phosphorus loading, climate change responses and mitigation measures in Lake Vansjø, Norway in JGR Biogeosciences, co-authored by Igor Markelov and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Modeling the exposure of wild fish to endocrine active chemicals: Potential linkages of total estrogenicity to field-observed intersex in Water Research, co-authored by Maricor Arlos, Wayne Parker, Keegan Hicks and Mark Servos.

Modeling hyperspectral response of water-stress induced lettuce plants using artificial neural networks in Remote Sensing, co-authored by Jonathan Li.

Identification of a preferred statistical distribution for at-site flood frequency analysis in Canada in Canadian Water Resources, co-authored by Donald Burn.

Policy framing in the press: analyzing media coverage of two flood disasters in Regional Environmental Change, co-authored by Jason Thistlethwaite and Daniel Henstra.

Quantification of toluene phytoextraction rates and microbial biodegradation functional profiles at a fractured bedrock phytoremediation site in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Ramon Aravena.

Nickel–Nickel oxide nanocomposite as a magnetically separable persulfate activator for the nonradical oxidation of organic contaminants in Journal of Hazardous Materials, co-authored by Anh Pham.

Reduction of chlorendic acid by zero-valent iron: Kinetics, products, and pathways in Journal of Hazardous Materials, co-authored by Anh Pham.

Heterogeneous method of chitosan film preparation: Effect of multifunctional acid on film properties in Journal of Applied Polymer Science, co-authored by Christine Moresoli.

Evaluation of nutrient beneficial management practices on nitrate loading to groundwater in a Southern Ontario agricultural landscape in Canadian Water Resources Journal, co-authored by Sara Esmaeili, Neil Thomson, and David Rudolph.

Soil moisture dynamics modelling of a reclaimed upland in the early post-construction period in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Owen Sutton and Jonathan Price.

The development of green finance by sector in Migliorelli, M, Dessertine, P. (eds) The Rise of Green Finance in Europe. Palgrave Studies in Impact Finance, chapter co-authored by Olaf Weber.

Use of steady-state hydraulic tomography to inform the selection of a chaotic advection system in Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, co-authored by M. Cho, Z. Zhao, Neil Thomson and Walter Illman.

Sulfate mobility in fen peat and its impact on the release of solutes in Frontiers in Environmental Science, co-authored by Heather Townsend and Fereidoun Rezanezhad.

A place-based socioeconomic status index: Measuring social vulnerability to flood hazards in the context of environmental justice in International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, co-authored by Liton Chakraborty, Horatiu Rus, Daniel Henstra, Jason Thistlethwaite and Daniel Scott.

Regulation of endogenous antigen presentation in response to suboptimal temperatures in a walleye skin fibroblast cell line in Fish & Shellfish Immunology, co-authored by Niels Bols, Barbara Katzenback and Brian Dixon.

Taliks: A tipping point in discontinuous permafrost degradation in peatlands in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Élise Devoie and James Craig.

Prompt active restoration of peatlands substantially reduces climate impact in Environmental Research Letters, co-authored by Maria Strack.

Bedload sediment transport regimes of semi‐alluvial rivers conditioned by urbanization and stormwater management in Water Resources Research, co-authored by E. Papangelakis and Bruce MacVicar.

Bulk water extraction charge calculator: a tool for sustainable water management in Ontario in Canadian Water Resources Journal, co-authored by Guneet Sandhu, Michael Wood, Horatiu Rus and Olaf Weber.

Combining risk attitudes in a lottery game and flood risk protection decisions in a discrete choice experiment in Environmental and Resource Economics, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

The Canadian Surface Prediction Archive (CaSPAr): A platform to enhance environmental modeling in Canada and globally in Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, co-authored by Julianne Mai and Bryan Tolson.

Impact of flooding and inundation on concrete pavement performance in International Journal of Pavement Engineering, co-authored by D. Lu and S.L. Tighe.

Neodymium isotopes track sources of rare earth elements in acidic mine waters in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, co-authored by Thai Phan.

Multiple stressors in the environment: The effects of exposure to an antidepressant (venlafaxine) and increased temperature on zebrafish metabolism in Frontiers in Physiology, co-authored by Leslie Bragg, Mark Servos and Paul Craig.

Chronic exposure to venlafaxine and increased water temperature reversibly alters microRNA in zebrafish gonads (Danio rerio) in Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and Proteomics, co-authored by Heather Ikert and Paul Craig.

A DNA-based biosensor for aqueous Hg (II): Performance under variable pH, temperature and competing ligand composition in Journal of Hazardous Materials, co-authored by Kunfu Pi, Juewen Liu and Philippe Van Cappellen. 

Seasonal nutrient export dynamics in a mixed land use subwatershed of the Grand River, Ontario, Canada in Journal of Great Lakes Research, co-authored by Cameron Irvine, Merrin Macrae, Matthew Morison and Richard Petrone.

Regional ski tourism risk to climate change: An inter-comparison of Eastern Canada and US Northeast markets in Journal of Sustainable Tourism, co-authored by Daniel Scott.

Water storage estimation in ungauged small reservoirs with the TanDEM-X DEM and multi-source satellite observations in Remote Sensing of Environment, co-authored by Victoria Vanthof and Richard Kelly.

Seasonal ground ice impacts on spring ecohydrological conditions in a western boreal plains peatland in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by Rich Petrone and Jonathan Price. 

Community-based social marketing—creating lasting, sustainable, environmental change: Case study of a household stormwater management program in the Region of Waterloo, Ontario in Social Marketing Quarterly, co-authored by Sarah Wolfe.

Marine temperature and depth use by anadromous Arctic Char correlates to body size and diel period in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, co-authored by Michael Power.

Effects of damming on river nitrogen fluxes: A global analysis in Global Biogeochemical Cycles, co-authored by Zahra Akbarzadeh, Taylor Maavara, Stepehanie Slowinski and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Widespread drying of European peatlands in recent centuries in Nature Geoscience, co-authored by Barry Warner.

Riverine transport and nutrient inputs affect phytoplankton communities in a coastal embayment in Freshwater Biology, co-authored by Ralph Smith.

The Canadian consortium for arctic data interoperability: an emerging polar information network in Lauda, co-authored by Claude Duguay.

Towards a climate-driven simulation of coupled surface-subsurface hydrology at the continental scale: a Canadian example in Canadian Water Resources Journal, co-authored by Ed Sudicky and Martin Ross.

Archaeal nitrification is constrained by copper complexation with organic matter in municipal wastewater treatment plants in The ISME Journal, co-authored by Josh Neufeld.

Accumulating mercury and methylmercury burdens in watersheds impacted by oil sands pollution in Environmental Science and Technology, co-authored by Rebecca Rooney.

Large loss of CO2 in winter observed across the northern permafrost region in Nature Climate Change, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad.

Effective removal of silica and sulfide from oil sands thermal in-situ produced water by electrocoagulation in Journal of Hazardous Materials, co-authored by Héline Chow and Anh Pham.

A multiplex analysis of potentially toxic cyanobacteria in Lake Winnipeg during the 2013 bloom season in Toxins, co-authored by Susan Watson.

Controls on soil carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) fluxes from a peat swamp vary by hydrogeomorphic setting in Ecohydrology, co-authored by S. Davidson and Maria Strack.

The governance of climate change adaptation: are networks to blame for the implementation deficit? in Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, co-authored by Daniel Henstra.

Freshwater microbial community diversity in a rapidly changing high arctic watershed in Microbiology Ecology, co-authored by K. Engel, Sherry Schiff and Josh Neufeld.

Influence of Pluronic coating formulation on iron oxide nanoparticle transport in natural and oil‐impacted sandy aquifer media in The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, co-authored by S. Linley and Neil Thomson.

A review of the influence of humidity on photocatalytic decomposition of gaseous pollutants on TiO2‐based catalysts in The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, co-authored by L. Zhang, C. Moralejo and William A. Anderson.

Shoaling mode-2 internal solitary-like waves in Journal of Fluid Mechanics, co-authored by Marek Stastna. 

Circumpolar patterns of Arctic freshwater fish biodiversity: A baseline for monitoring in Freshwater Biology, co-authored by Michael Power and Heidi Swanson.

Attending to spatial social–ecological sensitivities to improve trade‐off analysis in natural resource managementin Fish and Fisheries, co-authored by Derek Armitage.

Managing marine protected areas in remote areas: The case of the subantarctic Heard and McDonald Islands in Frontiers of Marine Science, co-authored by Graham Epstein.

Delineating extent and magnitude of river flooding to lakes across a northern delta using water isotope tracers in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by Roland Hall.

In-situ chemical oxidation of chlorendic acid by persulfate: Elucidation of the roles of adsorption and oxidation on chlorendic acid removal in Water Research, co-authored by Anh Pham.

microRNA-29b knocks down collagen type I production in cultured rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) cardiac fibroblasts in Journal of Experimental Biology, co-authored by Paul Craig. 

Assessment of categorical triple collocation for sea ice/open water observations: Application to the Gulf of Saint Lawrence in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, authored by K. Andrea Scott.

Data on removal kinetics of pharmaceutical compounds, artificial sweeteners, and perfluoroalkyl substances from water using a passive treatment system containing zero-valent iron and biochar in Data in Brief, co-authored by YingYing Liu, David Blowes and Carol Ptacek.

Bench-scale column evaluation of factors associated with changes in N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) precursor concentrations during drinking water biofiltration in Water Research, co-authored by K. Led, Michele Van Dyke, Sigrid Peldszus and Peter Huck.

Understanding and managing the re-eutrophication of Lake Erie: Knowledge gaps and research priorities in Freshwater Science, co-authored by Chris Parsons, William Taylor and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Selection and evaluation of water pretreatment technologies for managed aquifer recharge (MAR) with reclaimed water in Chemosphere, co-authored by J. Yuan, Michele Van Dyke and Peter Huck. 

Water-level change recorded in Lake Pac Chen Quintana Roo, Mexico infers connection with the aquifer and response to Holocene sea-level rise and Classic Maya droughts in Journal of Paleolimnology, co-authored by A. Coutino and Marek Stastna.

Effects of small molecules on DNA adsorption by gold nanoparticles and a case study of tris (2-carboxyethyl) phosphine (TCEP) in Landmuir, co-authored by Juewen Liu.

Ship detection using a fully convolutional network with compact polarimetric SAR images in Remote Sensing, co-authored by Jonathan Li.

A global assessment of structural change in development funding for fisheries in Marine Policy, co-authored by Jeremy Pittman.

Examining linkages between ecosystem services and social wellbeing to improve governance for coastal conservation in Jamaica in Ecosystem Services, co-authored by Derek Armitage.

The influence of Carex aquatilis and Juncus balticus on methane dynamics: A comparison with water sourced from a natural and a constructed fen in Ecological Engineering, co-authored by Maria Strack.

Transient hydraulic tomography analysis of fourteen pumping tests at a highly heterogeneous multiple aquifer–aquitard system in Water, co-authored by Walter Illman.

Review of snow water equivalent retrieval methods using spaceborne passive microwave radiometry in International Journal of Remote Sensing, co-authored by Richard Kelly.

Refining the ice flow chronology and subglacial dynamics across the migrating Labrador Divide of the Laurentide Ice Sheet with age constraints on deglaciation in Journal of Quaternary Science, co-authored by Martin Ross.

Efficient removal of naphthalene from aqueous solutions using a nanoporous kaolin/Fe3O4 composite in International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, co-authored by Pu Chen.

 Net Precipitation in Burned and Unburned Subalpine Forest Stands after Wildfire in the Northern Rocky Mountains. In International Journal of Wildland Fire, co-authored by Monica Emelko and Micheal Stone.

Long term impact of severe wildfire on macroinvertebrate assemblage structure in Alberta’s Rocky Mountains. In International Journal of Wildland Fire, co-authored by Monica Emelko and Micheal Stone. 

Substitution effects in spatial discrete choice experiments in Environmental and Resource Economics co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Snow and climate: Feedbacks, drivers, and indices of change in Current Climate Change Reports, co-authored by Christopher Fletcher.

Evaluating climate change impacts on soil moisture and groundwater resources within a lake‐affected region in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Edward Sudicky. 

Mainstreaming climate adaptation and mitigation policy: Towards multi-level climate governance in Melaka, Malaysia in Urban Climate, co-authored by Brent Doberstein. 

Unrestricted ramping rates and long‐term trends in the food web metrics of a boreal river in River Research and Applications, co-authored by Michael Power.

100 pressing questions on the future of global fish migration science, conservation, and policy in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, co-authored by Michael Power.

Proglacial freshwaters are significant and previously unrecognized sinks of atmospheric CO2in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A., co-authored by Sherry Schiff, Paul Dainard and Pieter Aukes.

Increased peatland nutrient availability following the Fort McMurray Horse River wildfire in Diversity, co-authored by Christine van Beest, Richard Petrone and Merrin Macrae.

Ammonia removal from real wastewater using a LEWATIT S 108 H resin: A batch process and fixed-bed column in Separation Science and Technology, co-authored by Mark Pritzker and William A. Anderson. 

Investigating the automatic classification of algae using the spectral and morphological characteristics via deep residual learning in Image Analysis and Recognition. ICIAR 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, co-authored by Jason Deglint, Chao Jin and Alexander Wong.

Development and application of DNA-aptamer-coupled magnetic beads and aptasensors for the detection of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in drinking and recreational water resources in Canadian Journal of Microbiology, co-authored by Juewen Liu.

Applying a “theory of change” process to facilitate transdisciplinary sustainability education in Ecology and Society, co-authored by Derek Armitage.

Wall turbulence response to surface cooling and formation of strongly stable stratified boundary layers in Physics of Fluids, co-authored by K. Andrea Scott and Michael Waite.

Carbon dioxide emissions: Spatiotemporal variation in a young and mature riparian forest in Ecological Engineering, co-authored by Maren Oelbermann.

Recognizing structural nonidentifiability: When experiments do not provide information about important parameters and misleading models can still have great fit in Risk Analysis, co-authored by Monica Emelko.

Synthesis and physicochemical properties of dual-responsive acrylic acid/butyl acrylate cross-linked nanogel systems in Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, co-authored by Michael K. C Tam. 

Substitution effects in spatial discrete choice experiments in Environmental and Resource Economics, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Spatial modelling of biodiversity conservation priorities in Portugal’s Montado ecosystem using Marxan with Zones in Environmental Conservation, co-authored by Rute Pinto and Roy Brouwer.

Transport, retention, and release of Escherichia coli and Rhodococcus erythropolis through dry natural soils as affected by water repellency in Science of The Total Environment, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad.

Impact of hydrofluoric acid treatment on humic acid properties extracted from organic soils and an organic amendment: A technical evaluation in Soil Science Society of America Journal, co-authored by, Yuki Audette, Christopher Parsons, Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Philippe Van Cappellen. 

Dynamics of nitrate degradation along an alternative latrine improved by a sawdust permeable reactive barrier (PRB) installed in an irregular settlement in the municipality of São Paulo (Brazil) in Ecological Engineering, co-authored by Ramon Aravena, Will Robertson and David Blowes.

Soil degradation determines release of nitrous oxide and dissolved organic carbon from peatlands in Environmental Research, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad.

Hydrogeologic setting overrides any influence of wildfire on pore water dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration and quality at a Boreal Fen in Ecohydrology, co-authored by Scott Davidson, Matthew Elmes, Hayley Rogers, Christine van Beest, Richard Petrone, Jonathan Price, Maria Strack. 

Alternatives to long distance resettlement for urban informal settlements affected by disaster and climate change in Equity, Equality, And Justice In Urban Housing Development, KnE Social Sciences, authored by Brent Doberstein.

Pickering emulsions stabilized by hydrophobically modified nanocellulose containing various structural characteristics in Cellulose, co-authored by Michael K.C. Tam.

Growing a nucleotide/ianthanide coordination polymer shell on liposomes in Langmuir, co-authored by Juewen Liu.

Bi-directional hydrological changes in perched basins of the Athabasca Delta (Canada) in recent decades caused by natural processes in Environmental Research Communications, co-authored by M.L. Kay, J.A. Wiklund, C.R. Remmer, L.K. Neary, K. Brown, A. Ghosh, E. MacDonald, J.M. Vuvic, K. Wesenberg and Roland Hall. 

The groundwater recovery paradox in south India in Geophysical Research Letters, co-authored by Tejasvi Hora and Nandita Basu.

Sulfamate in environmental waters in Science of The Total Environment, co-authored by J. Spoelstra and Will Robertson.

Field performance of two on-site wastewater treatment systems using reactive media layers for nutrient and pathogen removal in Journal of Water Process Engineering, co-authored by Will Robertson and David Blowes.

A critical review on regulatory sample preparation methods: Validating solid-phase microextraction techniques in TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, co-authored by Janusz Pawliszyn.

Differences exist in bird communities using restored and natural wetlands in the Parkland Region, Alberta, Canada in Restoration Ecology, co-authored by Rebecca Rooney.

Agricultural water quality in cold climates: Processes, drivers, management options, and research needs in Journal of Environmental Quality, co-authored by Merrin Macrae.

Bacterial Stern layer diffusion: experimental determination with spectral induced polarization and sensitivity to nitrite toxicity in Near Surface Geophysics, co-authored by Christina Smeaton, Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Philippe Van Cappellen.

The governance of climate change adaptation: Stormwater management policy and practice in Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, co-authored by Daniel Henstra and Jason Thistlethwaite.

A novel water-swelling sampling probe for in vivo detection of neonicotinoids in plants in Environmental Science and Technology, co-authored by Janusz Pawliszyn.

Contrasting biogeochemical processes revealed by stable isotopes of H2O, N, C and S in shallow aquifers underlying agricultural lowlands in Science of The Total Environment, co-authored by Ramon Aravena.

Better Flood Maps Are Required to Protect Canadians and Their Property, CIGI Policy Brief No. 154, co-authored by Daniel Henstra and Jason Thistlethwaite.

Is China affected by the resource curse? A critical review of the Chinese literature in Journal of Policy Modeling, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Ten tips for developing interdisciplinary socio-ecological researchers in Socio-Ecological Practice Research, co-authored by Derek Armitage.

A primer on choosing goals and indicators to evaluate ecological restoration success in Restoration Ecology, co-authored by Stephen Murphy.

Sustainability assessment of asset management decisions for wastewater infrastructure systems—Implementation of a system dynamics model in Systems, co-authored by Mark Knight and Andre Unger. 

Wildfire overrides hydrological controls on boreal peatland methane emissions in Biogeosciences, co-authored by Scott Davidson, Christine Van Beest, Richard  Petrone, and Maria Strack.

A trust region approach for numerical modeling of non-isothermal phase change in Computational Geosciences, co-authored by James Craig.

Simulated surface and shallow groundwater resources in the Abaya-Chamo Lake basin, Ethiopia using a spatially-distributed water balance model in Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, co-authored by Chris Fletcher.

Comparative valuation of potential and realized ecosystem services in Southern Ontario, Canada in Environmental Science & Policy, co-authored by Tariq Aziz and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Contextual classification of sea-ice types using compact polarimetric SAR data in IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, co-authored by David Clausi.

Key species superpose the effect of species richness and species interaction on carbon fluxes in a restored minerotrophic peatland in Wetlands, co-authored by Maria Strack.

Petroleum exploration increases methane emissions from northern peatlands in Nature Communications, co-authored by Maria Strack.

Quantifying topographic characteristics of wetlandscapes in Wetlands, co-authored by Collin Branton and Derek Robinson.

Effect of suboptimal temperature on the regulation of endogenous antigen presentation in a rainbow trout hypodermal fibroblast cell line in Developmental & Comparative Immunology, co-authored by Niels Bols, Barbara Katzenback and Brian Dixon.

Reactive transport of manure-derived nitrogen in the vadose zone: Consideration of macropore connectivity to subsurface receptors in Vadose Zone Journal, co-authored by Steven Frey, David Blowes, Carol Ptacek and David Wilson.

Adaptive forecast-based real-time optimal reservoir operations: application to lake Urmia in Journal of Hydroinformatics, co-authored by Kumaraswamy Ponnambalam.

Coastal migration patterns of the four largest Barents Sea Atlantic salmon stocks inferred using genetic stock identification methods in ICES Journal of Marine Science, co-authored by Michael Power.

Impact of anaerobically digested biosolids characteristics and handling conditions on dewatering performance at multiple facilities in Water Environment Research, co-authored by Wayne Parker.

Bubble migration velocity in a uniform pore network in Transport in Porous Media, co-authored by Ioannis Chatzis.

Water risk perceptions across the life-course of women in Kenya in Health Promotion International, co-authored by Susan Elliott.

Time and length scales in governing equations and boundary conditions for on-chip electrophoretic sample separation in Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, co-authored by Carolyn Ren.

Integrating governance and quantitative evaluation of resource management strategies to improve social and ecological outcomes in BioScience, co-authored by Derek Armitage.

Internal solitary waves with subsurface cores in Journal of Fluid Mechanics, co-authored by Kevin Lamb.

Streamflow regionalization using a similarity approach in ungauged basins: Application of the geo-environmental signatures in the Karkheh River Basin, Iran in Catena, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad.

Assessment of the use of mainstream iron addition for phosphorous control on H2S content of biogas from anaerobic digestion of sludges in Water Environment Research, co-authored by Wayne Parker.

Applying biotechnology for drinking water biofiltration: advancing science and practice in Current Opinion in Biotechnology, co-authored by Monica Emelko.

Comparing single and multi-objective hydrologic model calibration considering reservoir inflow and streamflow observations in Canadian Water Resources Journal, co-authored by Bryan Tolson and Nicholas Kouwan.

Assessing the impact of porosity variations on the reflectance and transmittance of natural sands in Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, co-authored by Gladimir Baranoski.

Hydraulic redistribution and hydrological controls on aspen transpiration and establishment in peatlands following wildfire in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by M. Depante, M. Morison, and Rich Petrone.

Introducing a mechanically robust SPME sampler for the on-site sampling and extraction of a wide range of untargeted pollutants in environmental waters in Environmental Pollution, co-authored by Jonathan Grandy, Maryam  Lashgari, Harmen Vander Heide, Justen Poole and Janusz Pawliszyn.

Geophysical response to simulated methane migration in groundwater based on a controlled injection experiment in a sandy unconfined aquifer in Journal of Applied Geochemistry, co-authored by Dylan Klazinga, Colby Steelman and Anthony Endres.

Response of sulfate-reducing bacteria and supporting microbial community to persulfate exposure in a continuous flow system in Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, co-authored by Neil Thomson.

The role of ecological drift in structuring periphytic diatom communities in Journal of Freshwater Ecology, co-authored by Casey Remmer, Courtney Robichard, Heather Polowyk and Rebecca Rooney.

Concordance in wetland physicochemical conditions, vegetation, and surrounding land cover is robust to data extraction approach in Plos One, co-authored by Adam Kraft, Derek Robinson, Ian Evans and Rebecca Rooney.

Passive microwave melt onset retrieval based on a variable threshold: Assessment in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago in Remote Sensing, co-authored by K. Andrea Scott.

Methane gas transport in unconfined aquifers: A numerical sensitivity study of a controlled release experiment at CFB Borden in Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, co-authored by Anthony Endres.

An investigation of the effects of conservation incentive programs on management of invasive species by private landowners in Conservation Science and Practice, co-authored by Rebecca Rooney.

Changes to the hydrophysical properties of upland and riparian soils in a burned fen watershed in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region, northern Alberta, Canada in Catena, co-authored by Jonathan Price.

An advective-dispersive transport model for residential water consumption in Journal of Hydroinformatics, co-authored by Andre Unger.

Individual differences exceed species differences in the movements of a river fish community in Behavioral Ecology, co-authored by Michael Power.

Surfactant foam selection for enhanced light non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPL) recovery in contaminated aquifers in Transport in Porous Media, co-authored by Neil Thomson.

Theory and implementation of sensitivity analyses based on their algebraic representation in the graph model in Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, co-authored by Keith Hipel.

Effects of shoreline permafrost thaw on nutrient dynamics and diatom ecology in a subarctic tundra pond in Journal of Paleolimnology, co-authored by M. Morrison, O. Volik, Roland Hall, J. Wiklund, Merrin Macrae and Richard Petrone.

What if your husband doesn't feel the pressure? An exploration of women's involvement in WaSH decision making in Nyanchwa, Kenya in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, co-authored by Thelma Abu and Susan Elliott.

Contrasting patterns in trophic niche evolution of polymorphic Arctic charr populations in two subarctic Norwegian lakes in Hydrobiologia, co-authored by Michael Power.

Transport of chloride and deuterated water in peat: The role of anion exclusion, diffusion, and anion adsorption in a dual porosity organic media in Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, co-authored by Colin McCarter, Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Behrad Gharedaghloo, Jonathan Price, and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Evolution of dissolved organic matter along a septic system plume: Evidence of sustained biogeochemical activity in the groundwater zone in JGR Biogeosciences, co-authored by Peter Aukes, Sherry Schiff and Will Robertson.

The subglacial mosaic of the Laurentide Ice Sheet; a study of the interior region of southwestern Hudson Bay in Quaternary Science Reviews, co-authored by Martin Ross.

Confirming the Need for Virus Disinfection in Municipal Subsurface Drinking Water Supplies. In Water Research, co-authored by Monica Emelko and Philip Schmidt. 

A regional-scale index for assessing the exposure of drinking-water sources to wildfires in Forests, co-authored by Monica Emelko.

Shrub abundance contributes to shifts in dissolved organic carbon concentration and chemistry in a continental bog exposed to drainage and warming in Ecohydrology, co-authored by Maria Strack.

A mechanistic model for gas‐liquid mass transfer prediction in a rocking disposable bioreactor in Biotechnology and Bioengineering, co-authored by William A. Anderson.

Pressure‐driven solvent transport and complex ion permeation through graphene oxide membranes in Advanced Materials Interfaces, co-authored by Xiaowu (Shirley) Tang.

Climate change and the future of the Norwegian alpine ski industry in Current Issues in Tourism, co-authored by Daniel Scott.

It's time to learn about learning: Where should the environmental and natural resource governance field go next? in Society & Natural Resources, co-authored by Derek Armitage.

Analysis of a below-water aggregate mining case study in Ontario, Canada using values-centric online citizen participation in Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, co-authored by Simone Philpot, Peter Johnson and Keith Hipel.

A particle tracking algorithm for arbitrary unstructured grids in Groundwater, co-authored by James Craig and M. Ramadhan.

Long-term monitoring for leaks in water distribution networks using association rules mining in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, co-authored by Sriran Narasimhan.

A synthesis of three decades of hydrological research at Scotty Creek, NWT, Canada in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, co-authored by James Craig, Fereidoun Rezanezhad.

A framework for conceptualizing groundwater-surface water interactions and identifying potential impacts on water quality, water quantity, and ecosystems in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Brewster Conant Jr.

PACAP is lethal to Flavobacterium psychrophilum through either direct membrane permeabilization or indirectly, by priming the immune response in rainbow trout macrophages in Frontiers in Immunology, co-authored by Brian Dixon.

Current and emerging statistical techniques for aquatic telemetry data: A guide to analyzing spatially discrete animal detections in Methods in Ecology and Evolution, co-authored by Michael Power.

A hybrid partial and general equilibrium modeling approach to assess the hydro-economic impacts of large dams–the case of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam in the Eastern Nile River basin in Environmental Modelling and Software, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Differences in preferential flow with antecedent moisture conditions and soil texture: implications for subsurface P transport in Hydrological Processes co-authored by Merrin Macrae.

Pooled frequency analysis for intensity‐duration‐frequency (IDF) curve estimation in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by Donald Burn.

Efficient numerical incorporation of water management operations in integrated hydrosystem models: application to tile drainage and reservoir operating systems in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Edward Sudicky

Project portfolio selection and scheduling under a fuzzy environment in Memetic Computing, co-authored by Keith Hipel.

Governance arrangements for integrated water resources management in Ontario, Canada, and Oregon, USA: evolution and lessons in Water, co-authored by Bruce Mitchell, Dan Shrubsole, Nigel Watson.

Editors' choice—artificial intelligence based mobile application for water quality monitoring in Journal of the Electrochemical Society, co-authored by Sushanta Mitra.

Direct coupling of dispersive extractions with magnetic particles to mass spectrometry via microfluidic open interface in Analytical Chemistry, co-authored by Janusz Pawliszyn.

Post‐fire soil carbon accumulation does not recover boreal peatland combustion loss in some hydrogeological settings in JGR Biogeosciences, co-authored by Richard Petrone.

Semi-automated on-demand control of individual droplets with a sample application to a drug screening assay, in Royal Society of Chemistry, co-authored by Carolyn Ren.

Stochastic and deterministic processes drive wetland community assembly across a gradient of environmental filtering in Oikos, co-authored by Rebecca Rooney.

An electron‐balance based approach to predict the decreasing denitrification potential of an aquifer in Groundwater, co-authored by David Rudolph.

Phosphorus and nitrogen loading to Lake Huron from septic systems at Grand Bend, ON in Journal of Great Lakes Research, co-authored by Sherry Schiff, John Spoelstra, William Robertson and Simon Baer.

Contemporary limnology of the rapidly changing glacierized watershed of the world’s largest High Arctic lake in Scientific Reports, co-authored by Sherry Schiff.

Extreme rainfall drives early onset cyanobacterial bloom in FACETS, co-authored by Sherry Schiff.

Can improved flow partitioning in hydrologic models increase biogeochemical predictability? in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Mahyar Shafii, James Craig, Merrin Macrae, Sherry Schiff, Philippe Van Cappellen, Nandita Basu.

Model variable augmentation (MVA) for diagnostic assessment of sensitivity analysis results in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Bryan Tolson and Juliane Mai.

Interaction between lakes’ surface water and groundwater in the Pantanal wetland, Brazil in Environmental Earth Sciences, co-authored by Ramon Aravena.

Nutrient leaching in soil affected by fertilizer application and frozen ground in Vadose Zone Journal, co-authored by Kirsten Grant, Merrin Macrae, Fereidoun Rezanezhad and W. Vito Lam.

Evaluating the longevity of a PFAS in situ colloidal activated carbon remedy in Remediation, co-authored by Anh Pham.

A  super region approach to improve pooled flood frequency analysis in Canadian Water Resources Journal, co-authored by Donald Burn.

Valuing malaria morbidity: results from a global meta-analysis in Journal of Environmental Economics Policy, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Assessment of coupled CRCM5–FLake on the reproduction of wintertime lake-induced precipitation in the Great Lakes Basin in Theoretical and Applied Climatology, co-authored by Claude Duguay.

Impact of intermediate ice concentration training data on sea ice concentration estimates from a convolutional neural network in International Journal of Remote Sensing, co-authored by Andrea Scott.

A game‐theoretic model for resource allocation with deception and defense efforts in Systems Engineering, co-authored by Keith Hipel

Distributing water between competing users in the Netherlands in Economy-Wide Modeling of Water at Regional and Global Scales, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Pooled flood frequency analysis: a comparison based on peaks-over-threshold and annual maximum series in Hydrological Sciences Journal, co-authored by Shabnam Mostofi Zadeh, Martin Durocher and Donald H. Burn.

Strategic analyses of the hydropolitical conflicts surrounding the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam in Group Decision and Negotiation, co-authored by Yasir Aljefri, Liping Fang and Keith Hipel.

Integrated modelling of the impacts of hydropower projects on the water-food-energy nexus in a transboundary Himalayan river basin in Applied Energy, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Winter phosphorus release from cover crops and linkages with runoff chemistry in Journal of Environmental Quality, co-authored by James Cober and Merrin Macrae.

Comammox bacteria are dominant ammonia oxidizers in rotating biological contactors of a municipal wastewater treatment plant in bioRxiv, co-authored by Emilie Spasov, Jackson Tsuji, Laura Hug, Andrew Doxey, Laura Sauder, Wayne Parker and Josh D. Neufeld.

Variation in juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) transcription profiles among and within eight population crosses from British Columbia, Canada in Molecular Ecology, co-authored by Brian Dixon.

Hydrologic function of a moderate-rich fen watershed in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region of the Western Boreal Plain, northern Alberta in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Matthew Elmes and Jonathan Price.

Detection of marginal ice zone in Synthetic Aperture Radar imagery using curvelet-based features: a case study on the Canadian East Coast in Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, co-authored by Katharine Andrea Scott and Paul Fieguth.

Anatoxin‐a adsorption by virgin and preloaded granular activated carbon in AWWA Water Science, co-authored by Silvia Vlad, Sigrid Peldszus, William B. Anderson and Peter Huck.

Social capital and incremental transformative change: responding to climate change experts in Metro Manila in Climatic Change, co-authored by Katherine Laycock and Carrie Mitchell.

A review of economic approaches modeling the complex interactions between forest management and watershed services in Forest Policy and Economics, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Do the societal benefits of river restoration outweigh their costs? A cost-benefit analysis in Journal of Environmental Management, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.


Drivers of Mercury Cycling in the Rapidly Changing Glacierized Watershed of the High Arctic’s Largest Lake by Volume (Lake Hazen, Nunavut, Canada) in Environmental Science and Technology, co-authored by J.A. Wiklund.

Simulation of Longwave Enhancement in Borealand Montane Forests in Journal of Geophysical Research, co-authored by C.G. Fletcher.

DNA-Functionalized Nanoceria for Probing Oxidation of Phosphorus Compounds in Langmuir, co-authored by Xiuzhong Wang, Biwu Liu and Juewen Liu.

Anaerobic oxidation of methane coupled to denitrification: fundamentals, challenges, and potential in Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, co-authored by Hyung-Sool Lee.

Implementation of human biomonitoring in the Dehcho region of the Northwest
Territories, Canada (2016–2017)
 in Achives of Public Health, co-authored by Mylène Ratelle, Kelly Skinner, Matthew J. Laird, Shannon Majowicz, Danielle Brandow, Sara Packull-McCormick, Ken Stark, Juan Jose Aristizabal Henao, Rhona Hanning and Brian Laird.

A global meta-analysis of groundwater quality valuation studies in European Review of Agricultural Economics, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Simulating climate change impacts on surface water resources within a lake affected region using regional climate projections in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Steven K. Frey, Young‐Jin Park, Hyoun‐Tae Hwang and Edward A. Sudicky.

Sensing coated iron-oxide nanoparticles with Spectral Induced Polarization (SIP): Experiments in natural sand packed flow-through columns in Environmental Science & Technology, co-authored by Adrian Mellage, Andrew Holmes, Stuart Linley, Laureline Vallee, Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Neil Thomson, Frank Gu and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Discussion of “Frequency of ice-jam flooding of Peace-Athabasca Delta” in the Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering co-authored by Roland I. Hall and Johan A. Wiklunda.

Inconsequential effects of flooding in 2014: a new era of long-term drying at the Peace-Athabasca Delta, Alberta, Canada in Limnology & Oceanography, co-authored by Casey Remmer,  Wynona Klemt and Roland Hall.

Assessing the impact of fertilizer application on net soil-derived emission budgets from a temperate willow (Salix miyabeana) short rotation coppice system in Biomass and Bioenergy, co-authored by M. Oelbermann.

Protect, accommodate, retreat or avoid (PARA): Canadian community options for flood disaster risk reduction and flood resilience in Natural Hazards, co-authored by Brent Doberstein, Joanne Fitzgibbons and Carrie Mitchell.

The effects of inter- and intra-population variability on the use of adipose fin-muscle tissue comparisons for stable isotope studies of sockeye salmon in Fisheries Research, co-authored by Eduardo G. Martins and Michael Power.

Hydroclimatic controls on runoff activation in an artificially drained, near‐level vertisolic clay landscape in a Prairie climate in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by Vivekananthan Kokulan and M.L. Macrae.

Influences of environmental variation on anadromous Arctic charr from the Hornaday River, NWT in Hydrobiologia, co-authored by L. Chavarie and M. Power.

Delineating boreal plains bog margin ecotones across hydrogeological settings for wildfire risk management in Wetlands Ecology and Management, co-authored by Richard Petrone.

Natural stimuli calibration with fining direction regularization in an integrated hydrologic model in Groundwater, co-authored by Steven J. Berg, Hyoun-Tae Hwang, Young-Jin Park and Edward Sudicky

Integrated deep soil N and groundwater isotope investigation of N sources captured by municipal wells in Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation, co-authored by Ramon Aravena.

Role of communities in fisheries management: “one would first need to imagine it” in Maritime Studies, co-authored by Prateep Kumar Nayak.

Highly efficient removal of suspended solid pollutants from wastewater by magnetic Fe3O4‐graphene oxides nanocomposite in Chemistry Select, co-authored by Zhongwei Chen.

Sorption of benzene and naphthalene on (semi)-arid coastal soil as a function of salinity and temperature in Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, co-authored by Stephane K. Ngueleu, Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Long-term changes in nutrient dynamics and plankton communities following the creation of a new reservoir in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, co-authored by Sherry Schiff.

Criteria-based ranking (CBR): A comprehensive process for selecting and prioritizing monitoring indicators in MethodsX by Elaine Ho.

The principles of transdisciplinary research in small-scale fisheries in Transdisciplinarity for Small-Scale Fisheries Governance, co-authored by Prateep K. Nayak.

Application of hardwood biochar as a reactive capping mat to stabilize mercury derived from contaminated floodplain soil and riverbank sediments in Science of The Total Environment, co-authored by Alana Wang, Carol Ptacek, David Blowes and Blair Gibson.

Research Update: Liquid gated membrane filtration performance with inorganic particle suspensions in APL Materials, co-authored by Chris Williams and Aubrey Maltz.

Spawning‐strategy‐dependent diets in two North American populations of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in Journal of Fish Biology, co-authored by B. Kelly and Michael Power.

SHMIP the subglacial hydrology model intercomparison project in Journal of Glaciology, co-authored by Christine Dow.

Changes in flood events inferred from centennial length streamflow data records in Advances in Water Resources, co-authored by Donald H. Burn.

Evaluating the quality of municipal climate change plans in Canada in Climatic Change, co-authored by Jason Thistlethwaite and Daniel Henstra.

Leak detection in water distribution pipes using singular spectrum analysis in Urban Water Journal, co-authored by Roya Cody, Jinane Harmouche and Sriram Narasimhan.

Climate-induced changes in nutrient transformations across landscape units in a thermokarst subarctic peatland in Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, co-authored by Matthew Q. Morison, Merrin L. Macrae and Richard M. Petrone.

Tuning microstructures of graphene to improve power capability of rechargeable hybrid aqueous batteries in Applied Materials and Interfaces, co-authored by Xiao Zhu and Pu Chen.

Nitrogen isotope fractionation factors (α) measured and estimated from the volatilisation of ammonia from water at pH 9.2 and pH 8.5 in Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, co-authored by Eduardo Cejudo and Sherry Schiff.

Centralized and decentralized approaches to water demand management in Sustainability, co-authored by Yi Xiao, Liping Fang and Keith Hipel.

A nationwide regional flood frequency analysis at ungauged sites using ROI/GLS with copulas and super regions in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Martin Durocher, Donald H. Burn and Shabnam Mostofi Zadeha.

Applying a typology of governance modes to climate change adaptation in Politics and Governance, co-authored by Daniel Henstra.

The spatial and temporal distribution of metals in an urban stream: A case study of the Don River in Toronto, Canada in Journal of Great Lakes Research, co-authored by Sannan Zahid Mansoor, Sana Louie, Ana T. Lima, Philippe Van Cappellenc and Bruce MacVicar.

Understanding the coastal ecocline: Sea-land-interactions in non-tidal, low-gradient systems in Frontiers in Marine Science, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad.

Deconstructing the redox cascade: what role do microbial exudates (flavins) play? in Environmental Chemistry, co-authored by Ekaterina Markelov, Christopher T. Parsons, Raoul-Marie Couture, Christina M. Smeaton, Laurent Charlet and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Effect of climate change and mining on hydrological connectivity of surficial layers in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by Richard Petrone, Mahyar Shafii, Derek Robinson, Rebeca Rooney

Women’s perspectives of small-scale fisheries and environmental change in Chilika lagoon, India in Maritime Studies, co-authored by Fatima Noor Khan, Andrea Collins, Prateep Kumar Nayak and Derek Armitage

Impact of biochar on soil characteristics and temporal greenhouse gas emissions: A field study from southern Canada in Biomass and Bioenergy, co-authored by M.A.A. Mechler, R. W. Jiang, T.K. Silverthorn and M. Oelbermann

Low cost media can filter particulate phosphorus from turbid stream water under short retention times in Ecological Engineering, co-authored by William D. Robertson, Denghui Feng, Stephanie Kobylinski and Sherry L. Schiff

Impact of liquid metal embrittlement cracks on resistance spot weld static strength in Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, co-authored by Christopher Di Giovanni, Elliot Biro and Norman Zhou

Seasonal variation in resource overlap of invasive and native fishes revealed by stable isotopes in Biological Invasions, co-authored by Alison Coulter, Heidi Swanson and Reuben Goforth.

Choice certainty, consistency, and monotonicity in discrete choice experiments in Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, co-authored by Roy Brouwer

Assessing current monitoring indicators and reporting for cumulative effects integration: A case study in Muskoka, Ontario, Canada in Ecological Indicators, co-authored by Elaine Ho, Sondra Eger and Simon Courtenay

Retention modes of manure-fecal coliforms in soil under saturated hydraulic condition in Journal of Environmental Management, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad.

Design of a human biomonitoring community-based project in the Northwest Territories Mackenzie Valley, Canada, to investigate the links between nutrition, contaminants and country foods in International Journal of Circumpolar Health, co-authored by Mylene Ratelle, Matthew Laird, Shannon Majowicz, Kelly Skinner, Heidi Swanson and Brian Laird.

No access assimilation of Argo temperature and salinity profiles using a bias-aware EnOI scheme for the Labrador Sea in Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, co-authored by Andrea Scott and Changheng Chen.

Bioretention cells under cold climate conditions: Effects of freezing and thawing on water infiltration, soil structure, and nutrient removal in Science of The Total Environment, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Behrad Gharedaghloo and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Access roads impact enzyme activities in boreal forested peatlands in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Saraswati Saraswati, Christopher T Parsons and Maria Strack.

The composition of particulate phosphorus: A case study of the Grand River, Canada in the Journal of Great Lakes Research, co-authored by Chris T. Parsons.

Sub-national government efforts to activate and motivate local climate change adaptation: Nova Scotia, Canada in Environment, Development and Sustainability, co-authored by Daniel Henstra.

Assessing current monitoring indicators and reporting for cumulative effects integration: A case study in Muskoka, Ontario, Canada in Ecological Indicators, co-authored by Elaine Ho, Sondra Eger and Simon Courtenay.

Impact of flood hazards on pavement performance in International Journal of Pavement Engineering, co-authored by Donghui Lu, Susan Tighe and Wei-Chau Xie

Elements of indigenous socio-ecological knowledge show resilience despite ecosystem changes in the forest-grassland mosaics of the Nilgiri Hills, India in Palgrave Communications, co-authored by Chris Bauch.

Managing conflict in aquaculture in Marine Economics and Management, co-authored by Keith Hipel, Liping Fang and Yi Xiao.

Using the δ15N of submerged biomass for assessing changes in the nitrogen cycling in a river receiving wastewater treated effluent in Ecological Indicators, co-authored by Eduardo Cejudo, Jennifer Hood, Sherry Schiff and Ramon Aravena.

Introduced European smelt (Osmerus eperlanus) affects food web and fish community in a large Norwegian lake in Biological Invasions, co-authored by Michael Power.

Water, Climate Change and the Boomerang Effect: Unintentional Consequences for Resource Insecurity, published by Routledge, co-edited by Larry Swatuk.

Modelling farmer choices for water security measures in the Litani river basin in Lebanon in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Artificial intelligence for water quality monitoring in Advancing Solid State and Electrochemical Science and Technology, co-authored by Naga Siva Gunda and Sushanta Mitra.

Removal of micropollutants by fresh and colonized magnetic powdered activated carbon in Journal of Hazardous Materials, co-authored by Sigrid Peldszus.

Effect of selenomethionine on cell viability and heat shock protein 70 levels in rainbow trout intestinal epithelial cells at hypo-, normo-, and hyper-thermic temperatures in Journal of Thermal Biology, co-authored by John Kim, Phuc Pham, Mark Hamilton and Niels Bols.

Integrated Water Management in Canada: The Experience of Watershed Agencies, published by Routledge, co-edited by Dan Shrubsole, Barbara Veale and Bruce Mitchell.

Do payments for forest ecosystem services generate double dividends? An integrated impact assessment of Vietnam’s PES program in PLOS ONE, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Policy mix: mess or merit? in Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Microtopographical and hydrophysical controls on subsurface flow and solute transport: a continuous solute release experiment in a sub‐arctic bog in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by Nicole Balliston, Colin Patrick Ross McCarter and Jonathan Price.

On nonequilibrium shrinkage of supercritical CO2 droplets in a water-carrier microflow in Applied Physics Letters, co-authored by Ning Qin, John Wen and Carolyn Ren.

Mercury complexation with dissolved organic matter released from thirty-six types of biochar in Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, co-authored by Peng Liu, Carol Ptacek and David Blowes.

A heuristic model of socially learned migration behaviour exhibits distinctive spatial and reproductive dynamics in ICES Journal of Marine Science, co-authored by Derek Armitage.

NiO nanoparticles for exceptionally stable DNA adsorption and its extraction from biological fluids in Langmuir, co-authored by Lei Chen, Biwu Liu and Juewen Liu.

Water management and corporate social performance in the food and beverage industry in Journal of Cleaner Production, co-authored by Olaf Weber and Grace Saunders-Hogberg.

The conservation authorities of Ontario, Canada as a social innovation: Applying the vision as a social construction model for describing social innovations in The Innovation Journal, co-authored by Dan McCarthy, Alexandrina Shannon, Erin Alexiuk, Ryan Ness, Meaghan Eastwood, Bruce Mitchell, and Frances Westley.

Cultivation and characterization of Candidatus Nitrosotenuis aquariensis, an ammonia-oxidizing archaeon from a freshwater aquarium biofilter in Applied Environmental Microbiology, co-authored by Laura A. Sauder, Katja Engel and Josh Neufeld

Metabolome Profiling of Fish Muscle Tissue Exposed to Benzo[a]pyrene Using in Vivo Solid-Phase Microextraction in Environmental Science and Technology Letters, co-authored by Anna Roszkowska, Miao Yu, Vincent Bessonneau, Leslie Bragg, Mark Servos, and Janusz Pawliszyn

Modelling feedbacks between human and natural processes in the land system in Earth System Dynamics, co-authored by Derek Robinson.

Chapter 2: “Taking it global: Toward an index of wellbeing for low- to middle-income countries,” in Public Health, Disease and Development in Africa, co-authored by Susan Elliott, Jenna Dixon and Elijah Bisung.

Characterizing the stimulated reservoir volume during hydraulic fracturing-connecting the pressure fall-off phase to the geomechanics of fracturing in Journal of Applied Mechanics, co-authored by Erfan Sarvaramini, Maurice Dusseault, and Robert Gracie

Adsorption of phosphate and polyphosphate on nanoceria probed by DNA oligonucleotides in Langmuir, co-authored by Xiuzhong Wang, Anand Lopez, and Juewen Liu

Quantification of cyanobacterial cells via a novel imaging-driven technique with an integrated fluorescence signature in Scientific Reports, co-authored by Chao Jin, Maria Mesquita, Jason Deglint, Monica Emelko, and Alexander Wong 

The impact of green lending on credit risk in China in Sustainability, co-authored by Yujun Cui, Sean Geobey, and Olaf Weber

Layer-by-layer self-assembled chitosan/PAA nanofiltration membranes in Separation and Purification Technology, co-authored by Yifeng Huang, Jingjing Sun, Dihua Wu, and Xianshe Feng

Monitoring ecosystem reclamation recovery using optical remote sensing: Comparison with field measurements and eddy covariance in Science of The Total Environment, co-authored by Richard Petone

Phylogeny of the egg-loving green alga Oophila amblystomatis (Chlamydomonadales) and its response to the herbicides atrazine and 2,4-D in Symbiosis, co-authored by Mohini Nema and Kirsten Müller 

Synthesis of polyurethane foams loaded with TiO2 nanoparticles and their modification for enhanced performance in Oil Spill Cleanup in Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, co-authored by Xianshe Feng and Garry Rempel

Tests of size and growth effects on Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) otolith δ18O and δ13C values in Rapid Communications in Mass Spectometry, co-authored by J. Burbank and Michael Power.

Petroleomic analysis of the treatment of naphthenic organics in oil sands process-affected water with buoyant photocatalysts in Water Research, co-authored by Tim Leshuk, Diogode Oliveira Livera, Austin Tripp, Patrick Bardo, and Frank Gu

Influence of colloids on metal concentrations and radiogenic strontium isotopes in groundwater and oil and gas-produced waters in Applied Geochemistry, co-authored by Thai Phan

Event-based model calibration approaches for selecting representative distributed parameters in semi-urban watersheds in Advances in Water Resources, co-authored by Bryan Tolson

Mercury and omega-3 fatty acid profiles in freshwater fish of the Dehcho Region, Northwest Territories: Informing risk benefit assessments in Science of The Total Environment, co-authored by Matthew Laird, Juan Aristizabal Henao, Ellen Reyes, Ken Stark, George Low, Heidi Swanson, Brian Laird

When are estimates of spawning stock biomass for small pelagic fishes improved by taking spatial structure into account? in Fisheries Research, co-authored by Derek R. Armitage

Chapter 4: Changing land-, sea- and airscapes: Sources of nutrient pollution affecting habitat suitability for harmful algae in Global Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms, co-authored by Hans H Dürr

Buyer beware: evaluating property disclosure as a tool to support flood risk management in CIGI Policy Brief No. 131, co-authored by Daniel Henstra and Jason Thistlethwaite

Upflow anaerobic-microaerobic fixed biofilm reactor integrating methanogenesis with partial nitrification in Chemical Engineering Journal, co-authored by Abid Hussain, Jangho Lee, Robertson Reid, and Hyung-Sool Lee

Petroleomic analysis of the treatment of naphthenic organics in oil sands process-affected water with buoyant photocatalysts in Water Research, co-authored by Tim Leshuk, Diogo de Oliveira Livera, Austin Tripp, Patrick Bardo, and Frank Gu

A nonstationary peaks-over-threshold approach for modelling daily precipitation with covariate-dependent thresholds in Canadian Water Resources Journal, co-authored by Nicole L. O’Brien and Donald H. Burn

Hypoxic methane oxidation coupled to denitrification in a membrane biofilm in Chemical Engineering Journal, co-authored by Wael Alrashed, Jangho Lee, Youneng Tang, Josh D. Neufeld, Hyung-Sool Lee

Modeling the exposure of wild fish to endocrine active chemicals: Potential linkages of total estrogenicity to field-observed intersex in Water Research, co-authored by Maricor J. Arlos, Wayne J. Parker, Keegan A. Hicks, and Mark R. Servos

Assessing the accuracy of vegetative roughness estimates using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in Ecological Engineering co-authored by Lorenzo Brignoli, William Kenneth Annable, and Benjamin Douglas Plumb

Exploring the ebbs and flows of community engagement: The pyramid of engagement and water activism in two Canadian communities in Journal of Community Practice, co-authored by Robert A. Case and Laura Zeglen

Organic matter accumulation and salinity change in open water areas within a saline boreal fen in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region, Canada in CATENA, co-authored by Olena Volik, Rich Petrone, Roland Hall, Merrin Macraea, Corey Wells, and Jonathan Price.

Evaluating the hydraulic and transport properties of peat soil using pore network modeling and X-ray micro computed tomography in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Behrad Gharedaghloo, Jonathan S. Price, and Fereidoun Rezanezhad

From principles to practice in paying for nature’s services in Nature Sustainability, co-authored by Roy Brouwer and R. Pinto.

Accounting for implicit and explicit payment vehicles in a discrete choice experiment in Journal of Environment Economics and Policy, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Short-term exposure to Oil Sand Process-Affected Water does not reduce microbial potential activity in three contrasting peatland types in Wetlands, co-authored by Vinay Daté, Felix Nwaishi, Jonathan Price, and Roxane Andersen.

Dynamics of active subglacial lakes in recovery ice stream in Journal of Geophysical Research, co-authored by Christine Dow.

Overwinter thermal habitat use in lakes by anadromous Arctic charr in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, co-authored by Ingeborg Mulder and Michael Power.

Representing a large region with few sites: The Quality Index approach for field studies in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Madeline Rosamonda, Meguel Yousifc, and William Taylor.

Nitrate attenuation in degraded peat soil-based constructed wetlands in Water, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad.

The world’s largest High Arctic lake responds rapidly to climate warming in Nature Communications, co-authored by Sherry Schiff.

Relationships between depth and δ15N of Arctic benthos vary among regions and trophic functional groups in Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, co-authored by Ashley Stasko, Heidi Swanson, and Michael Power.

Impacts on sea ice analyses from the assumption of uncorrelated ice thickness observation errors: Experiments using a 1D toy model in Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, co-authored by Graham Stonebridge and K. Andrea Scott.

Cellulose nanomaterials: promising sustainable nanomaterials for application in water/wastewater treatment processes in Environmental Sciences Nano, co-authored by Nishil Mohammed, Nathan Grishkewich and Michael Tam.

Benthic nitrite exchanges in the Seine River (France): An early diagenetic modeling analysis in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Zahra Akbarzadeh, Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Philippe Van Cappellen.

Economic valuation of groundwater protection using a groundwater quality ladder based on chemical threshold levels in Ecological Indicators, co-authored by Roy Brouwer and R. Pinto.

The transboundary impacts of trade liberalization and climate change on the Nile Basin economies and water resource availability in Water Resources Management, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Public preferences for improved urban waste management: a choice experiment in Environment and Development Economics, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Draining us dry: scarcity discourses in contention over bottled water extraction in Local Environment, co-authored by Robert Case.

Limited impact of subglacial supercooling freeze-on for Greenland Ice Sheet stratigraphy in Geophysical Research Letters, co-authored by Christine Dow.

Natural fractures characterization and in situ stresses inference in a carbonate reservoir — an integrated approach in Energies, co-authored by Maurice Dusseault.

Data analytics techniques for performance prediction of steamflooding in naturally fractured carbonate reservoirs in Energies, co-authored by Maurice Dusseault.

Issues and options in the delineation of well capture zones under uncertainty in Groundwater, co-authored by Emil Frind.

Advanced treatment of biologically pretreated coal chemical industry wastewater using the catalytic ozonation process combined with the gas-liquid-solid internal circulating fluidized bed reactor in Water Science & Technology, co-authored by Chao Jin.

Neural networks for dimensionality reduction of fluorescence spectra and prediction of drinking water disinfection by-products in Water Research, co-authored by Raymond Legge.

Control of mercury and methylmercury in contaminated sediments using biochars: A long-term microcosm study in Applied Geochemistry, co-authored by Carol Ptacek, David Blowes, and W. Douglas Gould.

Linking spectral induced polarization (SIP) and subsurface microbial processes: Results from sand column incubation experiments in Environment Science and Technology, co-authored by Adrian Mellage, Christina Smeaton, Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Philippe Van Cappellen.

​​Coastal and ocean tourism in Handbook on Marine Environment Protection, co-authored by Daniel Scott.

The impact of a black spruce (Picea mariana) plantation on carbon exchange in a cutover peatland in Western Canada in Canadian Journal of Forest Research, co-authored by Maria Strack.

Understanding the water balance paradox in the Athabasca River Basin, Canada in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by Edward Sudicky.

A global review of the impact of basis risk on the functioning of and demand for index insurance in International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

​​Coinfection takes its toll: Sea lice override the protective effects of vaccination against a bacterial pathogen in Atlantic salmon in Scientific Reports, co-authored by Brian Dixon.

Improvement in access to safe water, household water insecurity, and time savings: A cross-sectional retrospective study in Kenya in Social Science and Medicine, co-authored by Susan Elliott.

Assessing water contamination risk from vegetation fires: challenges, opportunities and a framework for progress in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by Monica Emelko.

Massive collapse of two glaciers in western Tibet in 2016 after surge-like instability in Nature Geoscience, co-authored by Stephen Evans.

Wetland microhabitats support distinct communities of aquatic macroinvertebrates in Journal of Freshwater Ecology, co-authored by Jennifer Gleason, Jaimie Bortolotti, Rebecca Rooney.

Linking spectral induced polarization (SIP) and subsurface microbial processes: Results from sand column incubation experiments in Environmental Science and Technology, co-authored by Adrian Mellage, Christina Smeaton, Estella Atekwana, Fereidoun Rezanezhad, and Philippe Van Cappellen.

Characterization of hydrolysis kinetics in staged anaerobic digestion of wastewater treatment sludge in Water Environment Research, co-authored by Wayne Parker .

Winter movement activity patterns of anadromous Arctic charr in two Labrador lakes in Ecology of Freshwater Fish, co-authored by Michael Power.

Hydrodynamic shrinkage of liquid CO2 Taylor drops in a straight microchannel in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, co-authored by Carolyn Ren.

Full coupling between the atmosphere, surface, and subsurface for integrated hydrologic simulation in Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, co-authored by Edward Sudicky.

Observations on the dynamics and fate of dissolved organic phosphorus in lake water and a new model of eplimnetic P cycling in Aquatic Sciences, co-authored by William Taylor.

On the interaction of short linear internal waves with internal solitary waves in Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, co-authored by Chengzhu Xu, Marek Stastna.


Efficient semi-distributed hydrological modelling workflow for simulating streamflow and characterizing hydrologic processes in Confluence Journal of Watershed Science and Management, co-authored by Matthew Chernos, Ryan MacDonald, James Craig.

Evidence of mortality salience and psychological defenses in bottled water campaigns in Applied Environmental Education & Communication, co-authored by Stephanie Cote, Sarah Wolfe.

How flood experience and risk perception influences protective actions and behaviours among Canadian homeowners in Environmental Management, co-authored by Daniel Henstra, Daniel Scott.

The role of groundwater discharge fluxes on Si:P ratios in a major tributary to Lake Erie in Science of The Total Environment, co-authored by Taylor Maavara, Stephanie Slowinski, Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Kimberly Van Meter, Philippe Van Cappellen.

Capturing temporal and spatial variability in the chemistry of shallow permafrost ponds in Biogeosciences, co-authored by Matthew Morison, Merrin Macrae, Richard Petrone.

Planning for adaptation to climate change: exploring the climate science-to-practice disconnect in Climate and Development, co-authored by Carrie Mitchell.

Evidence-based advocacy for municipal climate change action in Journal of Planning Education and Research, co-authored by Carrie Mitchell.

Ecological surprise: concept, synthesis, and social dimensions in Ecosphere, co-authored by Jeremy Pittman.

A critical review of climate change risk for ski tourism in Current Issues in Tourism, co-authored by Daniel Scott.

A theoretical extension of the soil freezing curve paradigm in Advances in Water Resources, co-authored by Erfan Amiri, James Craig.

The transboundary impacts of liberalization and climate change on the Nile Basin economies and water resource availability in Water Resources Management, co-authored by Roy Brouwer .

Choice consistency and preference stability in test-retests of discrete choice experiment and open-ended willingness to pay elicitation formats in Environmental and Resource Economics, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Determining ice-sheet uplift surrounding subglacial lakes with a viscous plate model in Frontiers in Earth Sciences, co-authored by Christine Dow.

Investigating the influence of variable freshwater ice types on passive and active microwave observations in Remote Sensing, co-authored by Claude Duguay, David Clausi.

Pond permanence is a key determinant of aquatic macroinvertebrate community structure in wetlands in Freshwater Biology, co-authored by Jennifer Gleason, Rebecca Rooney.

An analysis of influencing factors on municipal solid waste source-separated collection behavior in Guilin, China by using the Theory of Planned Behavior in Sustainable Cities and Society, co-authored by Keith Hipel.

Developing composite indicators for agricultural sustainability assessment: Effect of normalization and aggregation techniques in Resources, co-authored by Keith Hipel.

Integrated Water Resources Management in Canada: the experience of watershed agencies in International Journal of Water Resources Development, co-authored by Bruce Mitchell.

Fisher communities in transition: understanding change from a livelihood perspective in Chilika Lagoon, India in Maritime Studies, authored by Prateep Nayak.

Local food production in a subarctic Indigenous community: the use of willow (Salix spp.) windbreaks to increase the yield of intercropped potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) and bush beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) in International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, co-authored by Maren Oelbermann.

Hydropower impacts on reservoir fish populations are modified by environmental variation in Science of the Total Environment, co-authored by Michael Power.

Enhancing the spatial coverage of a regional high-quality hydraulic conductivity dataset with estimates made from domestic water-well specific-capacity tests in Hydrogeology Journal, co-authored by David Rudolph.

Storage and preservation of artificial sweeteners in groundwater samples in Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation, co-authored by Emily Saurette, Laura Groza, David Blowes, Carol Ptacek.

The optical, chemical, and molecular dissolved organic matter succession along a boreal soil-stream-river continuum in Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences, co-authored by Sherry Schiff, Pieter Aukes.

The differential futures of ski tourism in Ontario (Canada) under climate change: the limits of snowmaking adaptation in Current Issues in Tourism, co-authored by Daniel Scott, Peter Johnson.

Simulating canopy conductance of the Haloxylon ammodendronshrubland in an arid inland river basin of northwest China in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, co-authored by Edward Sudicky.

Impact of salinity, hydrology and vegetation on long-term carbon accumulation in a saline boreal peatland and its implication for peatland reclamation in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region in Wetlands, co-authored by Olena Volik, Richard Petrone, Corey Wells, Jonathan Price.

Do green buildings capture higher market-valuations and lower vacancy-rates? A Canadian case-study of LEED and BOMA-BEST properties in Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, co-authored by Olaf Weber.

Photocatalysis with easily recoverable linear engineered TiOnanomaterials to prevent the formation of disinfection byproducts in drinking water in Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, co-authored by Norman Zhou.

Enhancing protection for vulnerable waters in Nature Geoscience, co-authored by Nandita Basu.

The effect of risk communication on choice behaviour and choice certainty in Water Resources and Economics, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

A methodology for relating wetland configuration to human disturbance in Alberta in Landscape Ecology, co-authored by Ian Evans, Derek Robinson, Rebecca Rooney.

Molecular level-based analysis of Organosolv wastewater in Current Chromatography, co-authored by Tadeusz Gorecki.

Effective removal of ammonia nitrogen from waste seawater using crystal seed enhanced struvite precipitation technology with response surface methodology for process optimization in Environmental Science and Pollution Research, co-authored by Chao Jin.

Feathered roots and migratory routes: Immigrants and birds in the Anthropocene in Nature and Culture, co-authored by Brendon Larson.

Surface-conduction enhanced dielectrophoretic-like particle migration in electric-field driven fluid flow through a straight rectangular microchannel in Physics of Fluid, co-authored by Dongqing Li.

Evaluating an agri-environmental network and its role in collaborative problem-solving in Water, Energy, Food and People Across the Global South, co-authored by Rob de Loë, David Rudolph, Hugh Simpson.

Boundary judgments in water governance: Diagnosing internal and external factors that matter in a complex world in Water Resources Management, co-authored by Rob de Loë.

Weathering the storm: The politics of urban climate change adaptation planning in Environment and Planning, co-authored by Carrie Mitchell.

Development of a microbial test suite and data integration method for assessing microbial health of contaminated soil in Journal of Microbiological Methods, co-authored by Josh Neufeld, Katja Engel.

Co-benefits of integrating climate change adaptation and mitigation in the Canadian energy sector in Energy Policy, co-authored by Jeremy Pittman.

How does network governance affect social-ecological fit across the land–sea interface? An empirical assessment from the Lesser Antilles in Ecology and Society, co-authored by Jeremy Pittman and Derek Armitage .

The agricultural community as a social network in a collaborative, multi-stakeholder problem-solving process in Water, co-authored by Rob de Loë, Hugh Simpson.

Influence of pore structure on solute transport in degraded and undegraded fen peat soils in Mires and Peat, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Philippe Van Cappellen.

Efficient uncertainty quantification in fully-integrated surface and subsurface hydrologic simulations in Advances in Water Resources, co-authored by Edward Sudicky, Peter Forsyth, Steve Berg.

The social flows of water in the global South: Recognizing the water-gender-health ‘Nexus’ in Water, Energy, Food and People Across the Global South, co-authored by Amanda Leo, Elizabeth Lougheed, Larry Swatuk.

A hydrological prediction system based on the SVS land-surface scheme: Efficient calibration of GEM-Hydro for streamflow simulation over the Lake Ontario basin in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, co-authored by Bryan Tolson, Xiaoyong Xu.

Fear, anger and responsibility: the emotional content of historical speeches about water and water policy in Water History, authored by Sarah Wolfe.

Manipulation and separation of oil droplets by using asymmetric nano-orifice induced DC dielectrophoretic method in Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, co-authored by Kai Zhao, Dongqing Li.

Settleable engineered titanium dioxide nanomaterials for the removal of natural organic matter from drinking water in Chemical Engineering Journal, co-authored by Norman Zhou, Robert Liang.

Multi-year prediction of estrogenicity in municipal wastewater effluents in Science of The Total Environment co-authored by Maricor Jane Arlos, Wayne Parker, José Bicudo, Patricija Marjan, Mark Servos.

Using tree ring analysis to determine impacts of a road on a boreal peatland in Forest and Ecology Management, co-authored by Matthew Elmes, James Sherwood, Emma Bocking, Jonathan Price.

Ethyl cellulose nanoparticles at the alkane-water interface and the making of Pickering emulsions in Langmuir, co-authored by Navid Bizmark and Marios Ioannidis.

Delineation of precipitation regions in two Canadian study areas: the role of the temporal resolution of the precipitation data in Hydrological Sciences Journal, co-authored by Donald Burn .

A modelling approach for estimating suspended sediment concentrations for multiple rivers influenced by agriculture in Hydrological Sciences Journal, co-authored by Simon Courtenay.

An evaluation toolkit for small NGOs in water-based development in Journal of International Development, co-authored by Susan Elliott, Shannon Majowicz, Stephanie Lu.

Monitoring the evolution and migration of a methane gas plume in an unconfined sandy aquifer using time-lapse GPR and ERT in Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, co-authored by Tony Endres.

Assessment of snow, sea ice, and related climate processes in Canada’s earth-system model and climate prediction system in The Cryosphere Discuss, co-authored by Chris Fletcher.

Performance of a novel hybrid membrane bioreactor for treating saline wastewater from mariculture: Assessment of pollutants removal and membrane filtration performance in Chemical Engineering Journal, co-authored by Chao Jin.

Internal solitary wave reflection near Dongsha Atoll, the South China Sea in Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, co-authored by Kevin Lamb .

Internal wave generation by tidal flow over a two-dimensional ridge: energy flux asymmetries induced by a steady surface trapped current in Journal of Fluid Dynamics, co-authored by Kevin Lamb.

Electrokinetic motion of a spherical polystyrene particle at a liquid-fluid interface in Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, co-authored by Dongqing Li.

Internal phosphorus loading in Canadian fresh waters: a critical review and data analysis in NRC Research Press, co-authored by Chris Parsons.

Hydrometeorological conditions preceding wildfire, and the subsequent burning of a fen watershed in Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada in Natural Hazards and Earth Systems Sciences, co-authored by Jonathan Price.

Peatland water repellency: Importance of soil water content, moss species, and burn severity in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Richard Petrone.

Concentrations of Artificial Sweeteners and Their Ratios with Nutrients in Septic System Wastewater in Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, co-authored by William Robertson, Dorothy Garda.

Contribution of phosphorus to Georgian Bay from groundwater of a coastal beach town with decommissioned septic systems in Journal of Great Lakes Research, co-authored by William Robertson, Wynona Klemt, Sherry Schiff.

Herbivorous snails can increase water clarity by stimulating growth of benthic algae, in Environmental Science and Pollution Research, co-authored by William Taylor.

Artificial solid electrolyte interphase for aqueous lithium energy storage systems in Science Advances, co-authored by Jian Zhi, Alireza Zehtab Yazdi, Gayathri Valappil, Jessica Haime, Pu Chen.

Integrating geographically isolated wetlands into land management decisions in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, co-authored by Nandita Basu.

Informing water harvesting technology contract design using choice experiments in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

The effects of water management on the CO2 uptake of Sphagnum moss in a reclaimed peatland in Mires and Peat, co-authored by Catherine Brown, Maria Strack, Jonathan Price.

Linking zooplankton assemblages with oceanographic zones in an Atlantic coastal ecosystem in Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, co-authored by Simon Courtenay.

Nutrient and mercury transport in a sub-arctic ladder fen peatland subjected to simulated wastewater discharges in Science of The Total Environment, co-authored by Jonathan Price, Colin McCarter.

Peat depth as a control on moss water availability under evaporative stress in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by Richard Petrone.

The role of pore structure on nitrate reduction in peat soil: A physical characterization of pore distribution and solute transport in Wetlands, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad.

Bacterial mobilization and transport through manure enriched soils: Experiment and modeling in Journal of Environmental Management, co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad.

Multiple sources and sinks of dissolved inorganic carbon across Swedish streams, refocusing the lens of stable C isotopes in Scientific Reports, co-authored by Sherry Schiff.

Differential temperature preferences and thresholds among summer campers in Ontario’s southern provincial parks: a Canadian case study in tourism climatology in Theoretical and Applied Climatology, co-authored by Daniel Scott.

Carbon and hydrogen isotope fractionation of benzene, toluene, and o-xylene during chemical oxidation by persulfate in Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, co-authored by Felipe M. Solano, Massimo Marchesi, Neil R. Thomson, Ramon Aravena.

Long-term decline in stream total phosphorus concentrations: A pervasive pattern in all watershed types in Ontario in Journal of Great Lakes Research, co-authored by Katie Stammler, William Taylor.

Mineral nitrogen and phosphorus pools affected by water-table lowering and warming in a boreal wooded bog in Ecohydrology co-authored by Maria Strack.

Wetlands as large-scale nature-based solutions: Status and challenges for research, engineering and management in Ecological Engineering, co-authored by Nandita Basu.

Cooperation in watershed management: A field experiment on location, trust, and enforcement in Resource and Energy Economics, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Designing a mixed-methods approach for collaborative local water security: Findings from a Kenyan case study in Exposure and Health, co-authored by Susan Elliott.

Aquatic macroinvertebrates are poor indicators of agricultural activity in northern prairie pothole wetlands in Ecological Indicators, co-authored by Jennifer Gleason, Rebecca Rooney.

Kinetic study on anaerobic oxidation of methane coupled to denitrification in Enzyme and Microbial Technology, co-authored by Hyung-Sool Lee.

Comprehensive study on hybrid anaerobic reactor built-in with sleeve type bioelectrocatalyzed modules in Chemical Engineering Journal, co-authored by Hyung-Sool Lee.

Potential phosphorus mobilization from above-soil winter vegetation assessed from laboratory water extractions following freeze–thaw cycles in Canadian Water Resources Journal, co-authored by Tatianna Lozier, Merrin Macrae.

Sediment phosphorus speciation and mobility under dynamic redox conditions in Biogeosciences, co-authored by Chris Parsons, Fereidoun Rezanezhad, David W. O'Connell, Philippe Van Cappellen.

Daily temperature experience and selection by adfluvial bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) in Environmental Biology of Fishes, co-authored by Michael Power.

Solute pools in Nikanotee Fen watershed in the Athabasca oil sands region in Environmental Pollution, co-authored by Reuven Simhayov, Jonathan rice, Christina Smeaton, Chris Parsons, Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Philippe Van Cappellen.

Time lags in watershed-scale nutrient transport: an exploration of dominant control in Environmental Research Letters, co-authored by Kimberly Van Meter, Nandita Basu.

Examining horizontal and vertical social ties to achieve social–ecological fit in an emerging marine reserve network in Aquatic Conservation, co-authored by Derek Armitage.

Biogeochemical hotspots: Role of small water bodies in landscape nutrient processing in Water Resources Research AGU Journal, co-authored by Frederick Cheng and Nandita Basu. 

Microfluidic and nanofluidic resistive pulse sensing: A review in Micromachines, co-authored by Dongqing Li.

The impact of coastal grabbing on community conservation – a global reconnaissance in Maritime Studies, co-authored by Ana Carolina Esteves Dias and Prateep Nayak.

The hydrological functioning of a constructed fen wetland watershed in Science of The Total Environment , co-authored by Scott J. Ketcheson, Jonathan Price, Owen Sutton, George Sutherland, Eric Kessel, Richard Petrone.

A novel Bayesian spatial-temporal random field model applied to cloud detection from remotely sensed imagery in IEEE, co-authored by Alexander Wong and David Clausi.

Towards a proportionality assessment of risk reduction measures aimed at restricting the use of persistent and bioaccumulative substances in Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, co-authored by Roy Brouwer.

Calcium chloride adsorption at liquid-liquid interfaces: A molecular dynamics simulation study in Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, co-authored by Pu Chen.

Mitigating wind and flood: The increased wind vulnerability of static elevation vs. amphibious retrofit in BBAA VIII, co-authored by Elizabeth EnglishBBAA VIII, co-authored by Elizabeth English

Downstream geomorphic response of the 2014 Mount Polley tailings dam failure, British Columbia in Advancing Culture of Living with Landslides, co-authored by Stephen Evans

Temporal dynamics and relationship between climate, limnological variables and zooplankton composition in climate-sensitive Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana in African Journal of Aquatic Science, co-authored by Roland Hall

Landscape controls on long-term runoff in sub-humid heterogeneous Boreal Plains catchments in Hydrological Processes, co-authored by Richard Petrone 

Spawning lake sturgeon and their habitat characteristics in Rainy River, Ontario and Minnesota in Journal of Applied Ichthyology, co-authored by A. Smith, K. E. Smokorowski, M. Power

Long-term effects of a Phragmites australis invasion on birds in a Lake Erie coastal marsh in Journal of Great Lakes Research, co-authored by Courtney Robichaud, Rebecca Rooney

Sea ice concentration estimation during freeze-up from SAR imagery using a convolutional neural network in Remote Sensing, co-authored by Lei Wang, Andrea Scott and David A. Clausi

Welfare values of sustained urban water flows for recreational and cultural amenities under climate change in Journal of Water and Climate Change, co-authored by Roy Brouwer

Changes in cold region flood regimes inferred from long-record reference gauging stations in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Don Burn

Hurricanes Ingrid and Manuel (2013) and their impact on the salinity of the Meteoric Water Mass, Quintana Roo, Mexico in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Aaron Coutino, Marek Stastna

Assessing the diet of North American Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) off the West Greenland coast using gut content and stable isotope analyses in Fisheries Oceanography, co-authored by Heather J. Dixon, Michael Power

Self-supported cobalt nickel nitride nanowires electrode for overall water splitting in Energy Technology, co-authored by Lei Han, Kun Feng, Zhongwei Chen

Cooperative survival principles for underground flooding: Vitae system based multi-agent simulation in Expert Systems with Applications, co-authored by Eishiro Higo, Keith Hipel

Towards improved objective analysis of lake surface water temperature in a NWP model: preliminary assessment of statistical properties in Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, co-authored by Homa Kheyrollah Pour, Feng Pan, Claude Duguay

Evaluability assessment of a small NGO in water-based development, in Sage Journals co-authored by Stephanie Lu, Susan Elliott, Christopher Perlman

Molecular and ecological characterization of toxic cyanobacteria from the Bay of Quinte (Lake Ontario) and Maumee Bay (Lake Erie) in Journal of Great Lakes Research, co-authored by Kirsten Müller, Aline Chhun, Stephanie Guildford, Sarah Yakobowski, Miroslava Jonlija

Millions of Boreal Shield Lakes can be used to Probe Archaean Ocean Biogeochemistry in Scientific Reports, co-authored by Sherry Schiff, J.Tsuji, L. Wu, J. J. Venkiteswaran, R. J. Elgood, Josh Neufeld

Scale of climate change and insurance sector risk management: Looking beyond the horizon in SSRN, co-authored by Jason Thistlethwaite and Michael Wood

Modeling controls on the chemical weathering of marine mudrocks from the Middle Jurassic in Southern Germany in Chemical Geology, co-authored by David Blowes

The economic value of river restoration in Water Resources and Economics, co-authored by Roy Brouwer

A comparative study of transaction costs of payments for forest ecosystem services in Vietnam in Forest Policy and Economics, co-authored by Roy Brouwer

The economy-wide impacts of climate change and irrigation development in the Nile Basin: A computable general equilibrium approach in Climate Change Economics, co-authored by Roy Brouwer

Are floating algal mats a refuge from hypoxia for estuarine invertebrates? in PeerJ, co authored by Simon Courtenay

Post-fire ecohydrological conditions at peatland margins in different hydrogeological settings of the Boreal Plain in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by, Richard Petrone

Development and use of an Arctic charr cell line to study antiviral responses at extremely low temperatures in Journal of Fish Disease, co-authored by S. Semple, N.T.K. Vo, A.R. Li, P.H. Pham, Niels Bols, Brian Dixon

Municipal wastewater treatment plant effluent-induced effects on freshwater mussel populations and the role of mussel refugia in recolonizing an extirpated reach in Environmental Pollution, co-authored by Mark Servos and Erin Leonard

Photocatalytic performances of ZnO nanoparticle film and vertically aligned nanorods in chamber-based microfluidic reactors: Reaction kinetics and flow effects in Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, co-authored by Pei Zhao, Ning Qin, John Wen, Carolyn Ren

Natural capital and the political economy of wetland governance in Alberta in Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, co-authored by Rebecca Rooney

A microfluidic chip integrated with droplet generation, pairing, trapping, merging, mixing and releasing in RSC Advances, co-authored by Carolyn Ren 

Impact of eliminating fracture intersection nodes in multiphase compositional flow simulation in Water Resources Research, co-authored by Andre Unger and Mario Ioannidis

Solute pools in Nikanotee Fen watershed in the Athabasca oil sands region in Environmental Pollution, co-authored by  Reuven B. Simhayov, Jonathan S. Price, Christina M. Smeaton, Chris Parsons,  Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Philippe Van Cappellen

Learning our way out of environmental policy problems: A review of the scholarship in Policy Sciences, co-authored by Derek Armitage

The potential of water markets to allocate water between industry, agriculture, and public water utilities as an adaptation mechanism to climate change in Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, co-authored by Roy Brouwer

Principles for climate-related resettlement of informal settlements in less developed nations: a review of resettlement literature and institutional guidelines in Climate and Development, co-authored by Brent Doberstein

Synergies of media surface roughness and ionic strength on particle deposition during filtration in Water Research, co-authored by Chao Jin, Stefano Normani, Monica Emelko

Biotic responses to multiple aquatic and terrestrial gradients in shallow subarctic lakes (Old Crow Flats, Yukon, Canada) in Arctic Science, co-authored by Roland Hall

Run-up of long waves in piecewise sloping u-shaped bays in Pure and Applied Geophysics, co-authored by Mathew Harris 

Application of long amplicon propidium monoazide-PCR to assess the effects of temperature and background microbiota on pathogens in river water in Journal of Water and Health, co-authored by  Avid Banihashemi, Michele Van Dyke, Peter Huck

Hydrology of a wetland-dominated headwater basin in the Boreal Plain, Alberta, Canada in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Corey Wells, Scott Ketcheson, Jonathan Price 

Adsorption of selenite and selenate by metal oxides studied with fluorescent DNA probes for analytical application in Journal of Analysis and Testing, co-authored by Tianmeng Yu,Biwu Liu, Juewen Liu

Effects of water level regulation in alpine hydropower reservoirs: an ecosystem perspective with a special emphasis on fish in Hydrobiologia, co-authored by Michael Power

A simple droplet merger design for controlled reaction volumes in Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, co-authored by Xiaoming Chen, Alexander Brukson, Carolyn Ren

Time-varying extreme rainfall intensity-duration-frequency curves in a changing climate in Geophysical Research Letters, co-authored by Ali Sarhadi, Eric Soulis

Hurricane Ingrid and Tropical Storm Hanna’s effects on the salinity of the coastal aquifer, Quintana Roo, Mexico in Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Aaron Coutino, Marek Stastna

A model for shear response in swimming plankton in Progress in Oceanography, co-authored by Justin Shaw, Marek Stastna

Colorimetric enumeration of bacterial contamination in water based on β-galactosidase gold nanoshell activity in Enzyme and Microbial Technology, co-authored by William A. Anderson

Emerging outcomes from a cross-disciplinary doctoral programme on water resource systems in Water Policy, co-authored by Roy Brouwer

The social costs of marine litter along European coasts in Ocean and Coastal Management in Ocean & Coastal Management, co-authored by Roy Brouwer

Satellite-derived light extinction coefficient and its impact on thermal structure simulations in a 1-D lake model in Hydrology and Earth Systems Sciences, co-authored by Claude Duguay, Homa Kheyrollah Pour and Kiana Zolfaghari

The evolution (2010–2015) and engineering mitigation of a rockslide-dammed lake (Hunza River, Pakistan); characterisation by analytical remote sensing in Engineering Geology, co-authored by Keith Delaney and Stephen Evans

The effects of near-bottom stratification on internal wave induced instabilities in the boundary layer, in AIP Physics of Fluids, co-authored by Sandhya Harnanan and Marek Stastna

Surface and subsurface phosphorus export from agricultural fields during peak flow events over the nongrowing season in regions with cool, temperate climates in Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, co-authored by Merrin Macrae

Trophic Ecology of Arapaima sp. in a ria lake—river–floodplain transition zone of the Amazon in Ecology of Freshwater Fish, co-authored by Michael Power

Is the future of large shallow lakes blue-green? Comparing the response of a catchment-lake model chain to climate predictions, in Climatic Change, co-authored by Raoul-Marie Couture

Returning to normal? Assessing transcriptome recovery over time in male rainbow darter (Etheostoma caeruleum) liver in response to wastewater treatment plant upgrades in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, co-authored by Mark Servos 

On the importance of geological data for three-dimensional steady-state hydraulic tomography analysis at a highly heterogeneous aquifer-aquitard system in the Journal of Hydrology, co-authored by Zhanfeng Zhao and Walter Illman

A joint analytic method for estimating aquitard hydraulic parameters in Groundwater, co-authored by Chao Zhuang and Walter Illman


Is the rapid initial performance loss of Fe/N/C non precious metal catalysts due to micropore flooding? in Energy and Environmental Science, co-authored by Ja-Yeon Choi and Zhongwei Chen

Delineating baseflow contribution areas for streams – A model and methods comparison in Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, co-authored by Reynold Chow, Michael Frind, Emil Frind, Jon Jones, Marcelo Sousa, and David Rudolph

Opinion: Taking phytoremediation from proven technology to accepted practice in Plant Science, co-authored by Karen Gerhardt and Bruce Greenberg

Reduction of intersex in a wild fish population in response to major municipal wastewater treatment plant upgrades in Environmental Science and Technology, co-authored by Keegan Hicks, Meghan Fuzzen, Emily McCann, Maricor Arlos, Leslie Bragg, Gerald Tetreault, Mark McMaster and Mark Servos

Response of periphytic diatom communities to multiple stressors influencing lakes in the Muskoka River Watershed, Ontario, Canada in Freshwater Science, co-authored by Mark MacDougall, Lillian Knopf, and Roland Hall

The quantification of short-chain chlorinated paraffins in sediment samples using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with μECD detection in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, co-authored by Alina Muscalu and Tadeusz Górecki

Controls on plot-scale evapotranspiration from a constructed fen in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region, Alberta, in Ecological Engineering, co-authored by S.J. Scarlett, R.M. Petrone and J.S. Price 

Great Lakes runoff inter-comparison project, phase 2: Lake Ontario (GRIP-O) in the Journal of Great Lakes Research, co-authored by Bryan Tolson

Identification of critical contaminants in wastewater effluent for managed aquifer recharge in Chemosphere, co-authored by Jie Yuan, Michele Van Dyke and Peter Huck

Two centuries of nitrogen dynamics: legacy sources and sinks in the Mississippi and Susquehanna River basins in Global Biogeochemical Cycles, authored by Kim Van Meter, Nandita Basu and Philippe Van Cappellen

Nitrogen and sulphur cycling in the saline coastal aquifer of Ferrara, Italy. A multi-isotope approach in Applied Geochemistry, co-authored by Ramon Aravena

Development and application of a multi-scalar, participant-driven water poverty index in post-tsunami India in International Journal of Water Resources Development, co-authored by Nandita B. Basu

Psychosocial impacts of the lack of access to water and sanitation in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review in Journal of Water Health, co-authored by Elijah Bisung and Susan J. Elliott

Lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) energy and nutrient partitioning in lakes Michigan, Erie and Superior in the Journal of Great Lakes Research, co-authored by Kelly-Anne Fagan and Michael Power

Group Decision Methodology to Support Watershed Committees in Choosing Among Combinations of Alternatives in Group Decision and Negotiation, co-authored by Keith W. Hipel

Governance across the land-sea interface: A systematic review in Environmental Science & Policy co-authored by Jeremy Pittman, Derek Armitage

Mortality awareness and water decisions: a social psychological analysis of supply-management, demand-management and soft-path paradigms in Water International, co-authored by Sarah Wolfe

Feb 16, 2023