Microbiome Research survey of Canada

MicrobiomeSupport is an EU-funded, international effort to coordinate microbiome research efforts and will impact standards, policies, funding and future international cooperation.

The first step (WP1) is to map the state of play in the field of microbiome-related research, throughout the food systems and beyond.

See survey results so far.

Help us map Canadian efforts by answering questions in our survey. Answers can consist of links.

Please widely share this survey with your colleagues familiar with the Canadian perspective to ensure we cover all of Canada's efforts.

What would best describe you?
What are Canada's key R&I agenda's, policies, and future strategies? Examples include Economic Strategy Tables, Canadian Microbiome Imitative 2, etc.
What are key white papers, policies, and future strategies for food and/or agriculture in your country?
What are the main national and regional funders that support microbiome activities? Examples include Genome Canada, NSERC, CIHR.
Do you know of any international funders of microbiome research?
Which programmes are funding microbiome research (between 2013-2027)? Examples include the Genome Canada LSARP in agriculture.
What are major support facilities for microbiome research (e.g. climate rooms, sequencing centres, databanks, microbiome centres, computation facilities, phenotyping platforms, bioinformatic support platforms)
What are the most important platforms for network activities related to microbiome research?