Sadeghi-Goughari, M. ., Jeon, S. ., & Kwon, H.-J. . (2019). Enhancing Thermal Effect of Focused Ultrasound Therapy Using Gold Nanoparticles. IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, 18, 661-668.
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Ataei, M. ., Khajepour, A. ., & Jeon, S. . (2019). A General Rollover Index for Tripped and Un-tripped Rollovers on Flat and Sloped Roads. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: J. Of Automobile Engineering, 233, 304-316.
McMillan, R. ., Jeon, S. ., & Babakeshizadeh, V. . (2019). Low power magnetic lock assembly.
Jeong, J. ., Jeon, S. ., & Choi, J. . (2019). Learning Hyperparameters in Efficient Spatial Model by Robotic Sensors.
Ataei, M. ., Tang, C. ., Khajepour, A. ., & Jeon, S. . (2019). Active Camber System for Lateral Stability Improvement of Urban Vehicles. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 233, 3824-3838.
Han, J. W., Jeon, S. ., & Kwon, H. J. (2019). A New Global Path Planning Strategy for Mobile Robots Using Hierarchical Topology Map and Safety-Aware Navigation Speed.
Jalalmaab, M. ., Pirani, M. ., Fidan, B. ., & Jeon, S. . (2019). Cooperative Estimation of Road Condition Based on Dynamic Consensus and Vehicular Communication. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 4, 90-100. Retrieved from
Yang, S. ., & Jeon, S. . (2019). Recursive Path Planning and Wind Estimation for Precision Airdrop. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 42, 1429-1437. Retrieved from
Nouredanesh, M. ., Frazer, M. ., Tung, J. ., Jeon, S. ., & Arami, A. . (2019). Effect of Visual Information on Dominant and Non-dominant Hands during a Bi-manual Drawing in a Robotic Platform.
Ataei, M. ., Khajepour, A. ., & Jeon, S. . (2018). Reconfigurable Integrated Stability Control for Four- and Three-wheeled Urban Vehicles with Flexible Combinations of Actuation Systems. IEEE/ASME/Transactions/on/Mechatronics, 23, 2031-2041. Retrieved from