

J. Choi, Kwon, W., Yoon, K., Yoon, S., Lee, Y. S., Jeon, S. and Han, S., "Suppressing Violent Sloshing Flow in Food Serving Robots," Robotics and Autonomous Systems, accepted.

Y. Jang, Baek, J., Jeon, S., and Han, S.,"Bridging the Simulation-to-Real Gap of Depth Images for Deep Reinforcement Learning," Expert Systems with Applications, accepted. 

J. Xu, and Jeon, S., "A New Tightly-Coupled Dual-VIO for a Mobile Manipulator with Dynamic Locomotion," IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (and IEEE/ASME AIM), accepted.

H. Jang, Kim, T., Ahn, K., Jeon, S., and Kang, Y., "Dynamic Occupancy Grid map with Sematic Information Using Deep Learning-Based BEVFusion Method with Camera and LiDAR Fusion," Sensors, 24 (9), 2024.

X. Fan, Fidan, B., and Jeon, S., "Occlusion-Aware Disparity-based Direct Visual Servoing of Mobile Robots," in Measurement and Instrumentation for Machine Vision, 1st Ed., CRC Press, 2024.

K. Jin Shin and Jeon, S., "Nonprehensile Manipulation for Rapid Object Spinning via Multisensory Learning from Demonstration," Sensors, 24 (2), 2024.

J. Baek, Lee, C., Lee, Y. Sam, Jeon, S., and Han, S., "Reinforcement Learning to Achieve Real-Time Control of Triple Inverted Pendulum," Engineering Application of Artificial Intelligence, 128, 2024.

J. Park, Jeon, S., and Han, S., "Model-based Reinforcement Learning with Probabilistic Ensemble Terminal Critics for data-efficient Control Applications," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 71 (8), 2024.


X. Fan, Amiri, A. Jahani, Fidan, B., and Jeon, S., "Unsupervised Stereo Matching with Surface Normal Assitance for Indoor Depth Estimation," Sensors, 23(24), 2023.

M. Nazarahari, Ajami, S., Jeon, S., and Arami, A., "Visual Feedback Decoding During Bimanual Circle Drawing," Journal of Neurophysiology,  130 (5), 2023. 

Han, J.-. W., Kwon, H.-. J., & Jeon, S. (2023). Hierarchical Topology Map with Explicit Corridor for Global Path Planning of Mobile RobotsIntelligent Service Robotics16, 195-212.

Cenerini, J., Mehrez, M. W., Han, J.-. W., Jeon, S., & Melek, W. (2023). Model Predictive Path Following Control without Terminal Constraints for Holonomic Mobile RobotsControl Engineering Practice132.

Han, J.-. W., Kwon, J., & Jeon, S. (2023). A New Local Planner Based on Pedestrian Model and Its Safety Guarantee with Collision Arc.


Sabry, M., Osman, M., Hussein, A., Mehrez, M. W., Jeon, S., & Melek, W. (2022). A Generic Image Processing Pipeline for Enhancing Accuracy and Robustness of Visual OdometrySensors22(8967).

Fan, X., Jeon, S., & Fidan, B. (2022). Occlusion-Aware Self-Supervised Stereo Matching with Confidence Guided Raw Disparity Fusionin Conference on Robot and Vision (CRV). Presented at the. Toronto, ON, Canada.


Sadeghi-Goughari, M., Jeon, S., & Kwon, H.-. J. (2021). Carbon Nanotube-Mediated Targeted Hyperthermia Using High Intensity Focused UltrasoundNano Futures5(2).

Ataei, M., Khajepour, A., & Jeon, S. (2021). Development of a Novel General Reconfigurable Vehicle Dynamics ModelMechanism and Machine Theory156.

Osman, M., Mehrez, M., Daoud, M., Hussein, A., Jeon, S., & Melek, W. (2021). A Generic Multi-Sensor Fusing Scheme for Localization of Autonomous Platforms Using Moving Horizon EstimationTransactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control43(15).


Ataei, M., Khajepour, A., & Jeon, S. (2020). Development of a Novel General Reconfigurable Vehicle Dynamics ModelAccepted to Mechanism and Machine Theory.

Sadeghi-Goughari, M., Jeon, S., & Kwon, H. J. (2020). Analytical and Numerical Model of High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Enhanced with NanoparticlesIEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering67(11), 3083-3093.

Sadeghi-Goughari, M., Jeon, S., & Kwon, H. J. (2020). Magnetic Nanoparticles-Enhanced Focused Ultrasound Heating: Size Effect, Mechanism, and Performance AnalysisNanotechnology31.

Yang, S., Jeon, S., & Choi, J. (2020). Efficient Sampling for Rapid Estimation of 3D Stiffness Distribution via Active Tactile ExplorationIEEE/ASME/Transactions/on/Mechatronics25, 1729-1738.

Ataei, M., Khajepour, A., & Jeon, S. (2020). Model Predictive Control for Integrated Lateral Stability, Traction/Braking Control, and Rollover Prevention of Electric VehiclesVehicle System Dynamics58, 49-73. Retrieved from

Osman, M., Mehrez, M. W., Yang, S., Jeon, S., & Melek, W. W. (2020). End-Effector Stabilization of a 10-DOF Mobile Manipulator Using Nonlinear Model Predictive ControlIFAC World Congress. Presented at the.

Mehrez, M. W., Worthmann, K., Cenerini, J. P. V., Osman, M., Melek, W. W., & Jeon, S. (2020). Model Predictive Control without Terminal Constraints or Costs for Holonomic Mobile RobotsRobotics and Autonomous Systems127.

Sadeghi-Goughari, M., Jeon, S., & Kwon, H.-J. (2020). Fluid Structure Interaction of Cantilever Micro and Nanotubes Conveying Magnetic Fluid with Small Size Effects Under a Transverse Magnetic FieldJournal of Fluids and Structures94.

Ataei, M., Khajepour, A., & Jeon, S. (2020). Model Predictive Rollover Prevention for Steer-by-wire Vehicles with a New Rollover IndexInternational Journal of Control93, 140-155.

Sayeed, A., Jeon, S., & Prybitkov, T. (2020). In-Motion Weight Sensor Array for Dynamic Weighing of Non-Singulated ObjectsIEEE Transactions on Instrumentation \& Measurement69, 2075-2083.

Ataei, M., Khajepour, A., & Jeon, S. (2020). Model Predictive Control for Integrated Lateral Stability, Traction/Braking Control, and Rollover Prevention of Electric VehiclesVehicle System Dynamics58, 49-73. Retrieved from

Osman, M., Mehrez, M. W., Yang, S., Jeon, S., & Melek, W. W. (2020). End-Effector Stabilization of a 10-DOF Mobile Manipulator Using Nonlinear Model Predictive ControlIFAC World Congress. Presented at the.


McMillan, R., Jeon, S., & Babakeshizadeh, V. (2019). Low power magnetic lock assembly.

Sadeghi-Goughari, M., Jeon, S., & Kwon, H.-J. (2019). Enhancing Thermal Effect of Focused Ultrasound Therapy Using Gold NanoparticlesIEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience18, 661-668.

Ataei, M., Khajepour, A., & Jeon, S. (2019). A General Rollover Index for Tripped and Un-tripped Rollovers on Flat and Sloped RoadsProceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: J. Of Automobile Engineering233, 304-316.

Jeong, J., Jeon, S., & Choi, J. (2019). Learning Hyperparameters in Efficient Spatial Model by Robotic Sensors.

Ataei, M., Tang, C., Khajepour, A., & Jeon, S. (2019). Active Camber System for Lateral Stability Improvement of Urban VehiclesProceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering233, 3824-3838.

Han, J. W., Jeon, S., & Kwon, H. J. (2019). A New Global Path Planning Strategy for Mobile Robots Using Hierarchical Topology Map and Safety-Aware Navigation Speed.

Jalalmaab, M., Pirani, M., Fidan, B., & Jeon, S. (2019). Cooperative Estimation of Road Condition Based on Dynamic Consensus and Vehicular CommunicationIEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles4, 90-100. Retrieved from

Yang, S., & Jeon, S. (2019). Recursive Path Planning and Wind Estimation for Precision AirdropAIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics42, 1429-1437. Retrieved from

Nouredanesh, M., Frazer, M., Tung, J., Jeon, S., & Arami, A. (2019). Effect of Visual Information on Dominant and Non-dominant Hands during a Bi-manual Drawing in a Robotic Platform.


Durali, L., Khajepour, A., & Jeon, S. (2018). Design and optimization of a cam-actuated electro-hydraulic brake systemProceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: J. Of Automobile Engineering232. Retrieved from

Kakogawa, A., Jeon, S., & Ma, S. (2018). Stiffness Design of a Resonance-Based Planar Snake Robot With Parallel Elastic ActuatorsIEEE Robotics and Automation Letters3, 1284-1291.

Shin, B., Jeon, S., Ryu, J., & Kwon, H.-J. (2018). Elastography for portable ultrasoundBiomedical Engineering Letters8, 101-116. Retrieved from

Sadeghi-Goughari, M., Qian, Y., Jeon, S., Sadeghi, S., & Kwon, H.-J. (2018). An experimental and numerical study on tactile neuroimaging: A novel minimally invasive technique for intraoperative brain imagingThe International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery14.

Sadeghi-Goughari, M., Jeon, S., & Kwon, H.-J. (2018). Flutter instability of cantilevered carbon nanotubes caused by magnetic fluid flow subjected to a longitudinal magnetic fieldPhysica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures98, 184-190.

Ataei, M., Khajepour, A., & Jeon, S. (2018). A Novel Reconfigurable Integrated Vehicle Stability Control with Omni Actuation SystemsIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology67, 2945-2957. Retrieved from

Ataei, M., Khajepour, A., & Jeon, S. (2018). Reconfigurable Integrated Stability Control for Four- and Three-wheeled Urban Vehicles with Flexible Combinations of Actuation SystemsIEEE/ASME/Transactions/on/Mechatronics23, 2031-2041. Retrieved from


Yang, S., Wei, N., Jeon, S., Bencatel, R., & Girard, A. (2017). Real-time optimal path planning and wind estimation using Gaussian process regression for precision airdrop.

Ataei, M., Khajepour, A., & Jeon, S. (2017). Rollover Stabilities of Three-Wheeled Vehicles Including Road Configuration EffectsProceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: J. Of Automobile Engineering231, 859-871.

Shin, B., Jeon, S., Ryu, J., & Kwon, H.-J. (2017). Application of compressive sensing to portable ultrasound elastography. IEEE.

Shin, B., Jeon, S., Ryu, J., & Kwon, H.-J. (2017). Compressed Sensing for Elastography in Portable UltrasoundUltrasonic Imaging39, 393-413.

Sadeghi-Goughari, M., Jeon, S., & Kwon, H.-J. (2017). Effects of magnetic-fluid flow on structural instability of a carbon nanotube conveying nanoflow under a longitudinal magnetic fieldPhysics Letters A381(35), 2898-2905.

Jalalmaab, M., Fidan, B., Jeon, S., & Falcone, P. (2017). Guaranteeing persistent feasibility of model predictive motion planning for autonomous vehicles. IEEE.


Yang, S., Jeon, S., & Choi, J. (2016). Level-set based greedy algorithm with sequential gaussian process regression for implicit surface estimation. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

Bae, H., Jeon, S., & Huissoon, J. P. (2016). Vision and force/torque integration for realtime estimation of fast-moving object under intermittent contactsRobomech3.

Jalalmaab, M., Pirani, M., Fidan, B., & Jeon, S. (2016). Cooperative least square parameter identification by consensus within the network of autonomous vehiclesSAE International Journal of Passenger Cars-Electronic and Electrical Systems9, 255-261.

Jalalmaab, M., Pirani, M., Fidan, B., & Jeon, S. (2016). Cooperative road condition estimation for an adaptive model predictive collision avoidance control strategy. IEEE.

Wei, N., & Jeon, S. (2016). On the gyroscopic force in mechanical manipulators and its artificial shaping for taskspace movement coordination.

Wei, N., & Jeon, S. (2016). Gyroscopic forces for mechanical manipulators. IEEE.


Chang, D. E., & Jeon, S. (2015). On the self-recovery phenomenon for a cylindrical rigid body rotating in an incompressible viscous fluidJournal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control137, 021005.

Shin, B., Jeon, S., Lee, J., Han, C. S., Im, C. M., & Kwon, H.-J. (2015). Controlled trigger and image restoration for high speed probe card analysisInternational Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing16, 661-667.

Jalalmaab, M., Fidan, B., Jeon, S., & Falcone, P. (2015). Model predictive path planning with time-varying safety constraints for highway autonomous driving. IEEE.


Jeon, S., Ahn, H.-J., & Choi, J. (2014). Scalar sensor-based adaptive manipulation for source seekingInternational Journal of Control, Automation and Systems12, 126-136.

Babakeshizadeh, V., Jeon, S., & McMillan, R. (2014). A self-sensing approach to the energy-saving operation of electromagnetic locking devicesSmart Materials and Structures23, 055022.

Kwon, H.-J., Lee, J., Shin, B., Jeon, S., Han, C. S., & Im, C. M. (2014). Geometry design of vertical probe needle using mechanical testing and finite element analysisInternational Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing15, 2335-2342.

Zhang, C., Tighe, S. L., Jeon, S., & Kwon, H. J. (2014). A mechanistic-empirical aircraft landing distance prediction method.

Bae, H., Jeon, S., & Huissoon, J. P. (2014). Multimodal sensory integration for estimating rigid body motion of a dynamically manipulated object.


Joshi, K., Jeon, S., Kwon, H.-J., & Tighe, S. (2013). Braking Availability Tester for Realistic Assessment of Aircraft Landing Distance on Winter RunwaysJournal of Aerospace Engineering28, 04014089.

Chang, D. E., & Jeon, S. (2013). Damping-induced self recovery phenomenon in mechanical systems with an unactuated cyclic variableASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control135.

Chang, D. E., & Jeon, S. (2013). On the damping-induced self-recovery phenomenon in mechanical systems with several unactuated cyclic variablesJournal of Nonlinear Science23, 1023-1038.

Choi, J., Jeon, S., Johnson, N. S., Brant, C. O., & Li, W. (2013). Odor-conditioned rheotaxis of the sea lamprey: modeling, analysis and validationBioinspiration & Biomimetics8, 046011.


Jeon, S. (2012). Integrator Leakage for Limit Cycle Suppression in Servo Mechanisms With StictionJournal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control134, 034502.

Jeon, S. (2012). Recursive field estimation and tracking for autonomous manipulationRobotica30, 743-753.

Chang, D. E., & Jeon, S. (2012). Self recovery phenomenon of mechanical systems with an unactuated cyclic variable. IEEE.

Bristow, M., Erkorkmaz, K., Huissoon, J. P., Jeon, S., Owen, W. S., Waslander, S. L., & Stubley, G. D. (2012). A control systems concept inventory test design and assessmentIEEE Transactions on Education55, 203-212.

Chang, D. E., & Jeon, S. (2012). Self Recovery Phenomenon of Mechanical Systems With Unactuated Cyclic Variables due to Damping-Like Forces. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

Jeon, S., & Choi, J. (2012). Cooperative Field Estimation and Tracking by Autonomous Manipulator and Mobile Robots. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

Ahn, H.-J., & Jeon, S. (2012). Error analysis of a new cylindrical capacitive sensor (CCS) for measuring five-dimensional motions of a rotorMechanical Systems and Signal Processing29, 148-163.


Ahn, H.-J., & Jeon, S. (2011). Effects of the rotor obliquity on the cylindrical capacitive sensorMeasurement Science and Technology22, 045207.

Park, S., Jeon, S., Tran, T. Q., Yang, J.-G., Liang, Q., & Lubomirsky, D. (2011). Remote plasma source seasoningPatent.

Jeon, S., & Ahn, H.-J. (2011). Autonomous manipulation combining task space control with recursive field estimation. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Chung, H., & Jeon, S. (2011). Collision-free trajectory generation of robotic manipulators using receding horizon strategy. IEEE.


Jeon, S. (2010). State estimation based on kinematic models considering characteristics of sensors.

Jeon, S. (2010). State Estimation for Kinematic Model Over Lossy Network. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.


Jeon, S., Tomizuka, M., & Katou, T. (2009). Kinematic Kalman filter (KKF) for robot end-effector sensingJournal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control131, 021010.


Jeon, S., & Tomizuka, M. (2008). Stability of a Class of Relay Feedback Systems Arising in Controlled Mechanical Systems with Ideal C.

Jeon, S., & Tomizuka, M. (2008). Stability of A Class of Relay Feedback Systems Arising in Controlled Mechanical Systems with Ideal Coulomb Friction. Elsevier.

Jeon, S., & Tomizuka, M. (2008). Stability of controlled mechanical systems with ideal coulomb frictionJournal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control130, 011013.


Jeon, S., & Tomizuka, M. (2007). Benefits of acceleration measurement in velocity estimation and motion controlControl Engineering Practice15, 325-332.

Jeon, S., Tomizuka, M., & Katou, T. (2007). A new kinematic Kalman filter (KKF) for end-effector sensing of robotic manipulators. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.


Jeon, S., & Tomizuka, M. (2005). Limit cycles due to friction forces in flexible joint mechanisms.


Jeon, S., & Tomizuka, M. (2004). Benefits of Acceleration Measurement in Velocity Estimation and Motion ControlIFAC Proceedings Volumes37, 217-222.


Jeon, S., Ahn, H.-J., & Han, D.-C. (2002). Model validation and controller design for vibration suppression of flexible rotor using AMBKSME International Journal16, 1583-1593.


Jeon, S., Ahn, H.-J., Han, D.-C., & Chang, I.-B. (2001). New design of cylindrical capacitive sensor for on-line precision control of AMB spindleIEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement50, 757-763.


Ahn, H.-J., Jeon, S., & Han, D.-C. (2000). Error analysis of the cylindrical capacitive sensor for active magnetic bearing spindlesJournal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control122, 102-107.