Friday, October 30, 2015

The Waterloo Public Transportation Initiative (WPTI) travelled to Germany to participate in the "Hands on Sustainable Mobility" co-operative workshop from October 18 - 23. WPTI worked with professors and students from Hochschule Karlsruhe - Technik und Wirtschaft (HsKA) Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences to visit Stuttgart, Freiburg and Karlsruhe in Germany. This exciting trip involved:
- Sunday, October 18: Exploring Stuttgart to see the Mercedes-Benz Museum, Stuttgart 21 and transportation construction sites
- Monday, October 19: Starting the workshop in Karlsruhe and recieve 'Nextbikes" to travel around town
- Tuesday, October 20: Workshop briefing on the HsKA campus with Professor Markus Stöckner and Professor Christoph Hupfer.
- Wednesday, October 21: Learn about cycling in Germany and go on a guided bike tour in Freiburg to experience the Historic City, GreenCity Vauban and bicycle expressways
- Thursday, October 22: Visit AVG headquaters (non-state-owned railway company) in Tullastraße
- Friday, October 23: Workshop presentations on HsKA campus and end off the week with a brewery tour in Karlsruhe