Project Objectives
The primary purpose of the project is to improve the experience of arriving and navigating in and around our campuses. Aspects such as functionality, visibility, legibility, accessibility, branding, visual attractiveness, consistency, ease of maintenance, cost and adaptability to accommodate an evolving campus, are considered.
Although the primary focus of this work was on developing pedestrian wayfinding on campus, the full strategy addresses and provides guidance towards how pedestrian wayfinding is to be integrated with vehicular wayfinding, including public transit (including bus and ION, the region’s light rail transit system), cycling and public parking wayfinding.
Project governance and campus consultation
Waterloo's President and Vice Presidents formed the project Steering Group and is providing ongoing input, review and sponsorship for key project deliverables.
Deans' Council also provided counsel and input for each of the project’s initial phases.
Member | Position |
Sandra Banks | Vice-President, University Relations |
Michael Dorr | Associate Vice-President, Marketing and Brand Strategy |
Jacinda Reitsma | Vice-President, Administration and Finance |
Project advisory group (CWAG)
Consisting of cross-campus colleagues, the Campus Wayfinding Advisory Group (CWAG) is helping guide the development and delivery of the campus wayfinding system.
Members | Position |
Joyce Barlow | Associate Director, Disability Inclusion, Human Resources |
Alison Boyd | Senior Director, Alumni Relations |
Emily Burnell | Associate Director, Equity, Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion |
Michael Dorr | Associate Vice-President, Marketing and Brand Strategy |
Kevin George | Indigenous Special Projects Coordinator, Office of Indigenous Relations |
Rick Haldenby | Professor (Architecture) |
Nancy Heide | Director, Student Service Centre |
Oanh Kasperski | Director, Marketing and Brand |
Kathryn MacDonald | Executive Officer (Arts) |
Andrew McAlorum | Director, Client Services, IST |
David McKinnon | Professor and Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies (Mathematics) |
Melissa Moogk-Soulis | Facilities Technologist/Designer, Plant Operations |
Scott Nicoll | Manager, Space Planning, Student Service Transformation |
Jonathan Witt | Associate Professor and Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies (Biology) |
Campus engagement
As the Campus Wayfinding Project progresses, engagement with varied stakeholders (e.g., students, faculty, staff, alumni) takes place to ensure the initiative considers and meets the needs of these varied audiences.
Stakeholder groups and meetings
Presentations and discussions take place with key University stakeholders to ensure they are aware of the project and have an opportunity to participate in the process.
External agency partner

Waterloo has partnered with Entro Communications, a firm with global experience in wayfinding design. Their client list includes: The ROM, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and MOMA; London’s Canary Wharf and Toronto PATH; and in the University sector the University of Calgary, Ryerson, OCAD. They have also done work on Waterloo’s Pharmacy building.