Deliverables and timeline

Timeline for Campus Wayfinding Project
  Timeline Phase objectives
Phase 1: 
Discovery, review and assessment
January-February 2018 Site survey and assessments, review contextual documents and data (e.g. campus master plan, traffic patterns); best practice review; Stakeholder discussions/workshops.
Phase 2: Strategy
and Design
March-May 2018

Distilled the research results, stakeholder feedback and University brand into a final design concept and comprehensive Wayfinding and Signage Guidelines.

Phase 3: Rollout September 2018 The implementation plan and system design completed. Communication of system and look communicated to campus. Planning began on fabrication/installation phase.
2019-2022 Staged fabrication and installation, began fall 2019 with a focus on pedestrian, parking and student residence signage, with completion in 2022.
Phase 4 March 2023 onwards Completion of additional scope including enhancements to the exterior wayfinding system; planning, fabrication and installation of exterior wayfinding at campuses in Cambridge, Kitchener and Stratford, and refinement and finalization of an interior wayfinding system.