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Matthew Elmes

Postdoctoral Fellow

Matt’s primary research focuses on understanding the hydrogeology (specifically fen-upland hillslope connectivity) of base-rich fens, which are ubiquitous in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region, and are frequently affected by surface mining and in-situ oil extraction activities.

Pankaj Gupta

Adjunct Assistant Professor and Ramanujan Fellow at IIT Delhi

Pankaj received a Ph.D. in hydrology from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee, India. His current research involves investigating the behaviour of hydrocarbon pollutants in peatlands under dynamically fluctuating water tables. This research focuses on advancing the fundamental understanding and predictive capabilities of the multiphase flow in the peat subsurface.

Janet Hu

Master's student

Janet Hu is a first year Masters student in the Wetlands Hydrology Lab. She received her Bachelor of Environmental Studies in Geography, with a Geomatics specialization, from the University of Waterloo.

Jonathan leads the Wetlands Hydrology Research Laboratory as the primary investigator for several NSERC and industry funded projects. He teaching courses on hydrology supervises graduate and undergraduate level research into wetlands. Jon's academic interests specializes in the hydrology of peat dominated wetlands, with a focus on peatland restoration and most recently on creating peatlands following oil sands extraction.

Owen Sutton

Postdoctoral Fellow

Owen is a postdoctoral fellow from the University of Waterloo. His research interests include contaminant transport modelling, fractured rock hydrogeology, and multiphase flow.

Suyuan Yang

Research Associate and Laboratory Manager

Suyuan completed her masters within the lab University of Waterloo. Her research interests include groundwater hydrology, salinity and contaminant transport. Her master's work was focused on identifying and quantifying components of the salt budget in the unsaturated zone of the constructed Nikanotee fen, and to further investigate the hydrological processes governing the movement of salts.