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Ahmad Lakhani
FYDP Student
Ala Eldin Omer Mohamed
PhD Student

3rd year PhD candidate, Centre for Intelligent Antenna and Radio Systems (CIARS), Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at University of Waterloo
Ala Eldin Omer received his primary and secondary education in Khartoum, Sudan. He was ranked as the third top student over whole Sudan ranking in the Sudanese High School Certificate (SHSC) with an average of (96.4%). He received the BSc degree (Magna Cum Laude), from University of Khartoum, Sudan, in 2013, in Electrical and Electronics Engineering with specialization in Communication Engineering. From 2013 to 2014, he worked as a Research and Development Communication Engineer with the Telecommunication Research Center (TRC) part of GIAD industrial group company in Khartoum, Sudan. He achieved his MSc degree (Summa Cum Laude) in 2016 in Electrical Engineering from the American University of Sharjah (AUS) where he was awarded a two-year Graduate Assistantship from the Department of Electrical Engineering. In addition, since 2014, he has been with the Department of Electrical Engineering in AUS as a Teaching and Research Assistant. He is currently working towards the PhD degree with the Centre for Intelligent Antenna and Radio Systems (CIARS), Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at University of Waterloo, Canada. His research interests include communication systems, wireless networks, video streaming, cognitive radio networks, signal processing, pattern classification, bio-sensors, bio-electromagnetics, millimeter wave circuits, antenna and radar systems, complex propagation and scattering phenomena, machine learning and artificial intelligence. During his PhD Ala has also been working as a Visiting Research Assistant at Sorbonne University with the Electronics and Electromagnetism Laboratory (L2E). He has been awarded many prestigious awards, Singapore International Pre-Graduate Award (SIPGA), IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Doctoral Research Grant, NSERC CREATE fellowship, Erasmus+ mobility grant, University of Waterloo Faculty of Engineering (FOE) awards. He has co-authored number of journal and conference papers presented in international conferences.
Ameneh Boroomand
Past Team Member
Clara Magnier
Undergraduate Co-op student

Biomedical engineering student in co-op thanks to the BIOMEDinnov project working on non-invasive sensors for health applications.
David Murdoch
Masters Student
Dhruvil Udaybhai Patel
Post-Doctoral Fellow & Research Associate
Diana Jokic
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Eniko Zsoldos
FYDP Student
George Shaker
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Engineering PhD, MASc, BASc, SMIEEE

Hajar Abedi
PhD Student
Jonathan Atkinson
PhD Student
Karly Smith
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Lei Zhu
Post-Doctoral Fellow & Research Associate
Levi Nathaniel Johnston
Masters Student
Mariam Laghi Mrabat
Undergraduate Co-op student

Biomedical engineering student in co-op thanks to the BIOMEDinnov project working on battery less sensors for health applications.
Martins Akhuokhale
Masters Student

Electrical/ hardware designer
Martins Alexander
Masters Student
Matthew William Pley
FYDP Student
Mavelyn Breiva
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Methely Sharma
FYDP Student
Michael Roy Bacani
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Mostafa Alizadeh
Masters Student
Nihit Gupta
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Nimesh Kotak
Graduate Research Assistant

High-speed, RF and Low Power Hardware Design Engineer
Oliver William Witham
Co-op Student
Peter Liu
Sahar Haider
Masters Student
Shaun Dylan Bradley
Electrical Engineering URA

Shaun is a third year Electrical Engineering student who is interested in all things electronic. His interests in electronics began while taking a course in high school where his teacher inspired him with the large amount of creativity required for electronics design. Shaun aspires to pursue further studies in Electrical Engineering. When he is not busy, he enjoys playing piano, reading historical fiction novels, and going to karaoke bars.
Sophy Li
Undergraduate Research Assistant

Mechatronics engineering student working on software and firmware development for a battery less IoT moisture sensor.