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Robin Jardin
Staff representative - Student Relations Officer
519-888-4567 x38306
CPH 4371
Thiruni Thirimanne
Graduate student representative
Undergraduate WiE Directors
Undergraduate WiE representatives
Undergraduate WiE directors change each term.
Samantha White
Outreach Coordinator, Women in Engineering
Stephen Barratt
Residence Life Coordinator, United College - Women in Engineering Living Learning Community
Amy Charette
Alumni representative (BASc' 94, mechanical engineering)
Abby Edington
Undergrad MUR representative - Marketing and Undergraduate Recruitment Specialist
519-888-4567 x47062
CPH 3662
Georgia Graves
Administrative Assistant, Engineering Outreach
519-888-4567 x45239
E7 1326
Samantha Nicole Grieco
Undergraduate student representative (Fall 2024)
Yue Hu
Faculty representative - Assistant Professor
Isabelle Graansma
Staff representative - Technician - Structures, Materials, Concreate, and Fatigue
Contact for:
WiE Staff Initiatives
Mary Robinson
Chair, Women in Engineering - Associate Dean, Outreach, Equity, and Diversity
E7 7304
Emilie Mechler
Graduate Marketing and Recruitment representative - Graduate Studies Marketing and Recruitment Specialist
519-888-4567 x33330
EIT 3136