Future of work and WIL

The International Research Symposium (IRS) is an international conference organized by the World Association for Cooperative Education (WACE), where leaders in industry, government and academia, as well as experts in work-integrated education gather from around the world to present research and case studies, exchange information and know-how, and build human networks.

The focus of the project is on an intervention recently introduced by Co-operative & Experiential Education, called (WE) Accelerate, which aims to upwardly “accelerate” first work-term students from unemployment to meaningful employment in future work terms. 

COVID-19 has had a large impact on post-secondary work-integrated learning opportunities. It has affected both the setting in which students work (working from home) and the availability of work placement jobs and future work placement jobs. 

Work-integrated learning (WIL) programs often partner with career services centers to support WIL students throughout the job search process, and résumé critiques are among the most popular career services that WIL students might access. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Future Ready Talent Framework (FRTF)

The Future Ready Talent Framework (FRTF) is a research-backed tool to help students, employers and educators understand the key competencies we all need to navigate the future of work and learning. The FRTF is a competency framework that was developed through extensive research into existing frameworks, studies and reports, and validated through our network of employers, students and fellow educators.