The future-ready workforce series: Research-based tips for supervising emerging talent

Wednesday, September 20, 2023 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)
Two students talking

Supervisors are key to successful co-operative education experiences. Their support enhances job satisfaction and promotes career development. Many supervisors are familiar with managing staff in general but are unaware of the specific opportunities that come with supervising student staff.

In this webinar, we share practical steps for supervising co-op students based on recent research.

Key takeaways from this session:

  • what students want from their supervisors
  • how those wants are different based on student demographics
  • how strong supervision will be beneficial to you and your student staff


Remote video URL


Anne-Marie Fannon

Anne-Marie Fannon

Director, Work-Learn Institute

University of Waterloo

Anne-Marie Fannon sets the research and innovation agenda for the WxL team.  Anne-Marie is passionate about leveraging WxL’s research insights to inform the practice and pedagogy of WIL.

Learn more about Anne-Marie 

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Dave Drewery

Dave Drewery

Associate Director, Work-Learn Institute

University of Waterloo

Dr. David Drewery's research explores various aspects of work-integrated learning (WIL), including how students and employers can co-create desirable outcomes of WIL experiences. He is also an associate editor of the International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning.

Learn more about Dave

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Simone Holligan

Simone Holligan

Research Associate, Work-Learn Institute

University of Waterloo

Dr. Simone Holligan is a Research Associate in the Work-Learn Institute where she focuses on the role of the student-supervisor relationship in experiential learning.

Connect with Simone on LinkedIn