AI and the Writing Process – Drafting
An Important Note on Academic Integrity
Academic and professional integrity are critical elements of student and professional conduct. Always be sure that the use of AI as a tool for your work is allowed and that you are clear about the parameters you need to follow and your responsibilities when you use it. Always document and cite your use of AI.
Without the explicit permission or instruction of your instructor, you should never submit work produced by ChatGPT or other AI. Doing so is an academic offense. From University of Waterloo guidelines: “Using ChatGPT (or similar tools that generate text, code, or visual images) for content generation and submitting it as one’s own original work is a violation of theUniversity of Waterloo’s Policy 71 (Student Discipline).”
In the following examples, the 💬 symbol indicates the prompt entry into ChatGPT-3.5.
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Drafting a written assignment or a script for a spoken assignment is a messy process. You may not know where to start. You might start in the middle or leave large gaps and move around. This is totally normal and perfectly okay.
Writing is not the act of recording what you’ve already figured out. Writing is an active part of the process of figuring it out. You get ideas. You make connections and discoveries. You start to understand the topic better and this helps you fine tune or revise your argument. This might lead you to do more research. All of this is helpful and productive writing and learning work!
Even if permitted, using ChatGPT as a short-cut may not give you the outcome you want or serve your learning goals. That messy and hard process of fitting ideas and information together is an important and productive part of sharpening your critical thinking and writing skills.
1. Drafting with ChatGPT
If your instructor instructs you to use ChatGPT or other GenAI to produce a text for an assignment, it’s likely part of a longer process. Next, you may have to analyze the generated text critically, evaluate the strength of the technology’s output as writing, or revise the output by bringing your own research and ideas to the generated text.
🚩 Outside of assignments like the one described, it is risky to generate an outline or an assignment through GenAI. Even if your instructor allows GenAI use, you can jeopardize your academic integrity if you do not bring enough of your own ideas, research, and revision to the work. You may also be undermining your own writing and learning processes.