Course-integrated Support - Winter 2023!

Friday, December 9, 2022

Have you heard of the WCC’s Course-integrated Support (CIS) program?

This program supports faculty, (student) associations, and research groups in writing and multimodal practices in their respective virtual and/or classroom learning environment by focusing on creating autonomy/agency in student writing, providing opportunity and resources for writing support , and by building rhetorical distance to check assumptions.

You can request a custom workshop or seminar by completing our request form, which you can find here: Support for Classes | Writing and Communication Centre (

This form is for faculty members/student association leaders/research groups who would like to report the reuse of an asynchronous workshop already in their possession, that would like to request a new asynchronous/synchronous/in-person workshop or seminar, or that would like to request modifications to an asynchronous/synchronous workshop or seminar they’ve used in the past. The form can also be used to make requests for moderated LEARN discussion posts as well as for a synchronous Q&A session.

Because we receive a large number of requests from faculty, student associations, and research groups, we can typically only deliver one workshop or seminar per request. To help us prioritize your request, please submit your request at least four weeks before the delivery date. 

The request form is now live for the winter 2023 term!