Student Life

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The academic program within Architectural Engineering is both stimulating and demanding, but we offer a lot more than just a challenging course load. As a student at the University of Waterloo, you’ll have access to fun and interesting people and places within the department and faculty, the university as a whole and broader Waterloo area

As a student in Architectural Engineering, you'll be:

  • Right at home – The Student Success Office offers programs to new students teaching them everything they need to get acquainted with academic and social life here. There’s even a separate program to help parents with the transition!
  • Engaged and entertained - There are endless ways for you to get involved in campus life. Check out the Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association (WUSA) and UW Campus Rec for more than 200 academic, social and sports clubs. Whether you’re looking to play Ultimate Frisbee or want to sing in one of our a capella clubs, the University of Waterloo offers something for everyone.
  • Fit - As a student at UW you have free unlimited access to our gyms along with a huge selection of intramural activities. For those of you who love nature, you're probably well aware of how beautiful our campus is but you may not know that in less than a 10-minute walk you can find yourself strolling through Waterloo Park.
  • Well prepared – In addition to the challenging, innovative coursework and people you’ll find within our department, it’s our mission to set you up for success well beyond your time at Waterloo. The Centre for Career Action offers career counselling services, job fairs and more, while our co-op program gives you unparalleled real-life work experiences.

Want to experience campus for yourself? Book a campus tour or if can't make it out to visit our campus, take a virtual guided tour