Planning process

In May 2015, the Faculty of Engineering completed our new strategic plan, Vision 2015: Building on Excellence. Continuing from the success of Vision 2010, we have defined new aspiration and priorities that will guide us over the life of the plan.

Planning process

The Vision 2015 planning process has been highly integrated and consultative, developed by the Engineering Planning Committee in parallel with plans prepared by each of the eight academic units within the faculty. 

The planning process at the faculty and department levels has followed five general steps:

  1. Self study (November 2010 - February 2011)
  2. Draft plan (February - May 2011)
  3. External assessment (Departments: July - October 2011 | Faculty: April 2012)
  4. Final plan (May 2012)
  5. Implementation and annual review (2012-2015)


Waterloo Engineering aspires to be a truly world-class school of engineering. The programs we offer, the students we graduate, and the solutions we develop will be sought after by outstanding students, employers, employees and partners. 

Waterloo Engineering will be:

  • the top choice of outstanding high school students from Canada and abroad who are seeking a challenging academic program of the highest quality, fully integrated with real-world experience
  • in demand by excellent students, both domestic and international, seeking high-calibre graduate education and by working engineers seeking professional upgrading opportunities
  • the destination of choice among Canadian and global employers seeking co-op students or graduates at all levels for full-time employment
  • sought after by outstanding engineering faculty looking for a rewarding career that supports teaching and research excellence
  • the top choice of industry, government and community partners seeking to connect with outstanding researchers, students, entrepreneurs and innovators to solve local, national and global challenges

Key priorities

  1. Attracting, engaging, and retaining outstanding people: undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty and staff
  2. Committing to excellence in academic programs and services
  3. Undertaking high-impact research, both within and across the disciplines and spanning the theoretical to the practical
  4. Building connections and promoting collaboration
  5. Fostering innovation and entrepreneurship 
  6. Providing the world-class facilities required to support excellence in education and research