Administrative committees

Internal governance is the institution's set of structures, communication lines, consultation mechanisms, and procedures developed to support the President and Vice-Chancellor who is empowered to administer the management of the affairs of the University on behalf of the Board of Governors. 

The President has delegated authority for delivering operational mandates to Vice-Presidents, through the assignment of specific portfolios at the University of Waterloo. 

Vice-Presidents may choose to delegate some of their day-to-day responsibilities to other members of staff at the University. However, the President and Vice-Chancellor remains ultimately accountable for the actions and decisions made by the bodies or individuals they delegate to.



  • President and Vice-Presidents are the University's management committee that provides advice to the President and Vice-Chancellor on decision-related matters and the operations and strategic direction of the University.
  • This committee supports the decision-making of the President as they fulfill their responsibilities to the Board for the internal management of the University  and for the general administration of University business.
  • This committee may consult other management committees at the University on matters considered by this body


This committee shares and considers information and provides advice to the President and Vice-Chancellor, on:

  • Strategic matters, including alignment of objectives and initiatives across faculty and academic support units to achieve the institutional vision including oversight against outputs, milestones, timelines, budgets and risks
  • Defining, monitoring and reporting to the Board of Governors against key performance indicators
  • Integrated planning and budget strategies
  • Financial and academic sustainability, the safeguarding of digital and physical assets and human resources management
  • Regulatory compliance, internal controls and matters related to risk management
  • Matters requiring consultation, discussion, advice or endorsement priority to submission to governance committees as required
  • Endorsement of relevant University-wide policies
  • Fundraising and alumni relations processes, campaigns and opportunities ensuring they are aligned with strategic and cross-institutional priorities
  • Matters related to the protection and improvement of the public image and reputation of the University; and
  • Other matters referred to the President's Leadership Team by the President and Vice-Chancellor




President and Vice-Chancellor

Vivek Goel (chair)
Vice-President, Academic & Provost James Rush
Vice-President, Research & International Charmaine Dean
Vice-President, Administration & Finance Jacinda Reitsma
Vice-President, Advancement Nenone Donaldson
Vice-President, University Relations Nenone Donaldson (Interim)
Executive Director, Office of the President * Andrea Kelman
General Counsel * Nickola Voegelin
University Secretary * Genevieve Gauthier-Chalifour

* PVP plus members


Director, Strategic Initiatives, Office of the Provost Jenny Flagler-George
Senior Director, Strategy and Implementation, Office of the President Fayaz Noormohamed



The Vice-President, Academic and Provost is the chief academic and budget officer of the University responsible for the day-to-day operations of the University. Working closely with the President, the Provost leads and supports the efforts of the Deans, faculty, and staff in support of academic excellence.

Under the direction of the Provost, Deans Council (Plus) serves as the main executive consultative council on academic and operational matters.  Deans Council (Plus) addresses traditional academic and operational matters, and discussion of strategic and operational matters involving broad coordination across the university and for matters requiring full executive awareness and input.


  • To provide academic leadership on strategic and operational planning
  • To provide advice to the President and Vice-Presidents Committee on planning, policies, initiatives and directions affecting the University
  • To provide strategic enrolment management planning and advise on the implications for student experience and service supports, space planning, academic program development and resource allocation
  • To review the draft operating budget
  • To foster interdisciplinary and cross-functional collaboration
  • To share information and advice among members




Vice-President, Academic & Provost

James Rush (chair)

President and Vice-Chancellor

Vivek Goel

Dean of Arts

Alexie Tcheuyap

Dean of Engineering

Mary Wells

Dean of Environment

Johanna Wandel (Acting)

Dean of Health

Lili Liu

Dean of Mathematics

Mark Giesbrecht

Dean of Science

Chris Houser

Vice-President, Research & International

Charmaine Dean

Associate Vice-President, Academic

David DeVidi

co-Associate Vice-President, Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs

Justin Wan

Associate Vice-President, Faculty Planning & Policy

Christine McWebb

Associate Vice-President, Academic Operations

Paul Fieguth

Vice-President, Administration & Finance *

Jacinda Reitsma

Vice-President, Advancement *

Nenone Donaldson

Vice-President, University Relations * Nenone Donaldson (Interim)
General Counsel * Nickola Voegelin
University Secretary * Genevieve Gauthier Chalifour 
Director, Strategic Initiatives, Office of the Provost * Jenny Flagler-George

* Deans’ Council plus members  


Executive Director, Office of the President Andrea Kelman
Senior Director, Strategy and Implementation, Office of the President Fayaz Noormohamed




Under the direction of the President, the Executive Council serves as a body through which discussions on institutional strategic and operational priorities can be shared across the academic and administrative leadership, providing feedback and consideration of impacts on various portfolios.


  • Develop, review and connect individual unit plans ensuring coordination of cross institutional priorities
  • Monitor key performance indicators and other institutional indicators to identify progress and risks to achievement
  • Provide feedback to senior leadership on planning, policies and initiatives and directions affecting the University




President and Vice-Chancellor

Vivek Goel, chair

Vice-President, Academic & Provost

James Rush

Vice-President, Administration & Finance 

Jacinda Reitsma

Vice-President, Advancement

Nenone Donaldson

Vice-President, Research & International

Charmaine Dean

Vice-President, University Relations

Nenone Donaldson (Interim)

Dean of Arts

Alexie Tcheuyap

Dean of Engineering

Mary Wells

Dean of Environment

Bruce Frayne

Dean of Health

Lili Liu

Dean of Mathematics

Mark Giesbrecht

Dean of Science

Chris Houser

Executive Director, Office of the President 

Andrea Kelman

Senior Director, Strategy and Implementation, Office of the President

Fayaz Noormohamed

University Secretary

Genevieve Gauthier-Chalifour

Associate Vice-President, Advancement Services

Sean Thomas

Associate Vice-President, Academic

David DeVidi

Associate Vice-President, Academic Operations

Paul Fieguth

Associate Vice-President, Communications

Nick Manning

Associate Vice-President, Community Relations & Events

Kelly McManus

Associate Vice-President, Development Programs

Bridget McMahon

Associate Vice-President, Engagement

Salman Jivani

Associate Vice-President, Waterloo Ventures

Karim S. Karim

Associate Vice-President, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism

Christopher Taylor

Associate Vice-President, Faculty , Planning and Policy

Christine McWebb

Associate Vice-President, Government Relations & Economic Development


Co-Associate Vice-President, Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs

Justin Wan

Co-Associate Vice-President, Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs Clarence Woudsma

Associate Vice-President, Health Initiatives 

Catherine Burns

Associate Vice-President, Indigenous Relations

Jean Becker

Associate Vice-President, Innovation

Sanjeev Gill

Associate Vice-President, International 

Bessma Momani

Associate Vice-President, Research and International

Bernard Duncker

Associate Vice-President, Marketing and Brand Strategy

Michael Dorr

Associate Vice-President, Research Oversight and Analysis

Ian Milligan

Associate Vice-President, Research and International Management Services

Diane Johnston

Associate Provost, Campus Support and Accessibility

Jennifer Gillies

Associate Provost, Co-operative and Experiential Education

Norah McRae

Associate Provost, Institutional Data, Analysis & Planning

Allan Starr

Associate Provost, Integrated Planning and Budgeting

Jennifer Kieffer

Associate Provost, Students

Chris Read

Director, Strategic Initiatives, Office of the Vice-President, Academic & Provost

Jenny Flagler-George

Special Advisor to the Provost on Student Experience

Marlee Spafford

Special Advisor to the Provost on Leadership Strategy and Development

Mark Weber

Special Advisor to the Provost on Strategic Enrolment Management Ian VanderBurgh

Chair, Affiliated and Federated Institutions of Waterloo

Peter Meehan

Chief Information Officer

Greg Smith

Chief Human Resources Officer

Michelle Hollis

Chief Risk Officer

Jon Mason

Director of Sustainability

Mat Thijssen

Executive Director, Facilities

Stepanka Elias

Chief Financial Officer

Sarah Hadley

General Counsel

Nickola Voegelin

University Registrar

Cathy Newell Kelly

University Librarian

Beth Namachchivaya

Executive Officer, Faculty of Arts

Kathryn MacDonald

Executive Officer, Faculty of Engineering

Fred Zhu

Executive Officer, Faculty of Environment

Tara Charlton (interim)

Executive Officer, Faculty of Health

Bonnie Bishop

Executive Officer, Faculty of Mathematics

Jack Rehder

Executive Officer, Faculty of Science

Mona Skuterud


  • The Office of the President is administratively responsible for the operation of Executive Council including meeting coordination, issuing agendas and communication.
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