HJ Kwon, PEng

Associate Professor
Email: hjkwon@uwaterloo.ca
Location: E7 3304, E5 3049
Phone: 519-888-4567 x33427, 519-888-4567 x31410
Status: Active
HJ Kwon is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering at the University of Waterloo.
His research interests include AI and machine learning, AI for manufacturing, ultrasound nondestructive testing (NDT), on-board AI for NDT, biomedical therapeutic and diagnostic ultrasounds and Fatigue and Fracture.
His research group is actively developing various cutting-edge technologies that can make innovation and impact to manufacturing and biomedical sectors.
His research interests include AI and machine learning, AI for manufacturing, ultrasound nondestructive testing (NDT), on-board AI for NDT, biomedical therapeutic and diagnostic ultrasounds and Fatigue and Fracture.
His research group is actively developing various cutting-edge technologies that can make innovation and impact to manufacturing and biomedical sectors.
Research Interests
- AI and machine learning algorithms
- High Intensity Focused Ultrasound
- Application of AI to manufacturing
- Digital twin
- Non-destructive testing
- Therapeutic ultrasound (HIFU)
Scholarly Research
My research interests lie in the application of AI to practical manufacturing processes. My group is also developing non-invasive therapeutic technologies using focused ultrasound.
Industrial Research
We have been doing large-scale manufacturing AI projects in collaboration with Korean municipal governments.
- 2007, Doctorate Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta, Canada
- 2003, Master's Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta, Canada
- 1988, Master's Mechanical Engineering, KAIST, South Korea
- 1985, Bachelor's Mechanical and Design Engineering, Seoul Natiional University, South Korea
- ME 212 - Dynamics
- Taught in 2023, 2024
- ME 219 - Mechanics of Deformable Solids 1
- Taught in 2020, 2021, 2022
- ME 526 - Fatigue and Fracture Analysis
- Taught in 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025
* Only courses taught in the past 5 years are displayed.
Selected/Recent Publications
- Sadeghi-Goughari M., Han S.-W., and Kwon H.-J., Real-time monitoring of focused ultrasound therapy using intelligence-based thermography: A feasibility study, Ultrasonics, Volume 127, Canada, 2023.
- Xia Y., Han S.W., and Kwon H.J., Image Generation and Recognition for Railway Surface Defect Detection, Sensors, Volume 23, Canada, 2023.
- Han J.-W., Jeon S., and Kwon H.J., Hierarchical Topology Map with Explicit Corridor for global path planning of mobile robots, Intelligent Service Robotics, Volume 16, 195-212, Canada, 2023.
- Lobbezoo A., and Kwon H.-J., Simulated and Real Robotic Reach, Grasp, and Pick-and-Place Using Combined Reinforcement Learning and Traditional Controls, Robotics, Volume 12, Canada, 2023.
- Sadeghi-Goughari M., Rajabzadeh H., Han J.-W., and Kwon H.-J., Artificial intelligence-assisted ultrasound-guided focused ultrasound therapy: a feasibility study, International Journal of Hyperthermia, Volume 40, Canada, 2023.
- Rostamsowlat I., Evans B., and Kwon H.J., A review of the frictional contact in rock cutting with a PDC bit, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 127, Iran, 2022.
- Sadeghi-Goughari M., Jeon S., and Kwon H.-J., Carbon nanotube-mediated high intensity focused ultrasound, Nano Futures, Volume 5, Canada, 2021.
- Lari S., Qian Y., and Kwon H.-J., Assessment of Geometrical Features of Internal Flaws with Artificial Neural Network, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Volume 22, 777-789, Canada, 2021.
- Lobbezoo A., Qian Y., and Kwon H.-J., Reinforcement learning for pick and place operations in robotics: A survey, Robotics, Volume 10, Canada, 2021.
- Qian Y., Kim J., and Kwon H.-J., Development of Hybrid AI model for Car Steering Shaft Assembly by Combining Gaussian Process Regression and Artificial Neural Ne, Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Volume 127, Canada, 2021.
- Qian Y., Salehian A., Han S.-W., and Kwon H.-J., Design and analysis of an ultrasonic tactile sensor using electro-mechanical analogy, Ultrasonics, Volume 105, Canada, 2020.
- Sadeghi-Goughari M., Jeon S., and Kwon H.-J., Analytical and Numerical Model of High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Enhanced with Nanoparticles, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Volume 67, 3083-3093, Canada, 2020.
- Sadeghi-Goughari M., Jeon S., and Kwon H.-J., Fluid structure interaction of cantilever micro and nanotubes conveying magnetic fluid with small size effects under a transvers, Journal of Fluids and Structures, Volume 94, Canada, 2020.
- Sadeghi-Goughari M., Jeon S., and Kwon H.-J., Magnetic nanoparticles-enhanced focused ultrasound heating: Size effect, mechanism, and performance analysis, Nanotechnology, Volume 31, Canada, 2020.
- Sadeghi-Goughari M., Jeon S., and Kwon H.-J., Enhancing Thermal Effect of Focused Ultrasound Therapy Using Gold Nanoparticles, IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, Volume 18, 661-668, Canada, 2019.
- Qian Y., Han S.-W., and Kwon H.-J., Design of an Ultrasonic Concentrator for Vibro-Tactile Sensors Using Electro-Mechanical Analogy, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Volume 20, 1787-1800, Canada, 2019.
- Han J.-W., Jeon S., and Kwon H.-J., A new global path planning strategy for mobile robots using hierarchical topology map and safety-aware navigation speed, IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM, Volume 127, 1586-1591, Canada, 2019.
- Kwon H.J., and Shin B., Ultrasound elastography, Encyclopedia of Biomedical Engineering, Volume 1, 604-613, Canada, 2019.
- Sadeghi-Goughari M., Qian Y., Jeon S., Sadeghi S., and Kwon H.-J., An experimental and numerical study on tactile neuroimaging: A novel minimally invasive technique for intraoperative brain imagi, International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, Volume 14, Canada, 2018.
- Sadeghi-Goughari M., Jeon S., and Kwon H.-J., Flutter instability of cantilevered carbon nanotubes caused by magnetic fluid flow subjected to a longitudinal magnetic field, Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, Volume 98, 184-190, Canada, 2018.
- Shin B., Jeon S., Ryu J., and Kwon H.J., Elastography for portable ultrasound, Biomedical Engineering Letters, Volume 8, 101-116, Canada, 2018.
- Shin B., Jeon S., Ryu J., and Kwon H.J., Compressed Sensing for Elastography in Portable Ultrasound, Ultrasonic Imaging, Volume 39, 393-413, Canada, 2017.
- Sadeghi-Goughari M., Jeon S., and Kwon H.-J., Effects of magnetic-fluid flow on structural instability of a carbon nanotube conveying nanoflow under a longitudinal magnetic f, Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics, Volume 127, 2898-2905, Canada, 2017.
- Shin B., Jeon S., Ryu J., and Kwon H.J., Application of compressive sensing to portable ultrasound elastography, Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, 2992-2995, Canada, 2017.
- Rogalsky A., Kwon H.J., and Lee-Sullivan P., The rheological injectability of N-succinyl-chitosan solutions, Carbohydrate Polymers, Volume 127, 1082-1090, Canada, 2016.
- Shin B., Gopaul D., Fienberg S., and Kwon H.J., Application of Eshelby's Solution to Elastography for Diagnosis of Breast Cancer, Ultrasonic Imaging, Volume 38, 115-136, Canada, 2016.
- Joshi K., Jeon S., Kwon H.-J., and Tighe S., Braking availability tester for realistic assessment of aircraft landing distance on winter runways, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Volume 28, Canada, 2015.
- Molladavoodi S., Kwon H.-J., Medley J., and Gorbet M., Human corneal epithelial cell response to substrate stiffness, Acta Biomaterialia, Volume 11, 324-332, Canada, 2015.
- Shin B., Kwon H.-J., Han S.-W., and Im C.M., Fatigue life estimation of vertical probe needle for wafer probing, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Volume 16, 2509-2515, Canada, 2015.
- Shin B., Jeon S., Lee J., Han C.S., Im C.M., and Kwon H.-J., Controlled trigger and image restoration for high speed probe card analysis, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Volume 16, 661-667, Canada, 2015.
- Kwon H.-J., Lee J., Shin B., Jeon S., Han C.S., and Im C.M., Geometry design of vertical probe needle using mechanical testing and finite element analysis, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, Volume 15, 2335-2342, Canada, 2014.
- Kwon H.J., Shin B., Gopaul D., and Fienberg S., Strain ratio vs. modulus ratio for the diagnosis of breast cancer using elastography, Biomedical Engineering Letters, Volume 4, 292-300, Canada, 2014.
- Kwon H.-J., and Lee J., Low-cost quasi-real-time elastography using B-mode ultrasound images, Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, Volume 24, 1673-1692, Canada, 2014.
- Molladavoodi S., Medley J.B., Gorbet M., and Kwon H.J., Mechanotransduction in corneal epithelial cells, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), Volume 3, Canada, 2013.
- Molladavoodi S., Gorbet M., Medley J., and Kwon H.J., Investigation of microstructure, mechanical properties and cellular viability of poly(L-lactic acid) tissue engineering scaffold, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Volume 17, 186-197, Canada, 2013.
- Lee J., and Kwon H.J., Measurement of stress-strain behaviour of human hair fibres using optical techniques, International Journal of Cosmetic Science, Volume 35, 238-243, Canada, 2013.
- Han Y., Rogalsky A.D., Zhao B., and Kwon H.J., The application of digital image techniques to determine the large stress-strain behaviors of soft materials, Polymer Engineering and Science, Volume 52, 826-834, Canada, 2015.
- Han Y., Kim D.-W., and Kwon H.-J., Application of digital image cross-correlation and smoothing function to the diagnosis of breast cancer, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Volume 14, 7-18, Canada, 2012.
- Han Y., Kim D.-W., Zhao B., and Kwon H.J., Diagnosis of breast tumor using 2D and 3D ultrasound images, ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2011, Volume 2, 148-154, Canada, 2015.
- Rogalsky A.D., Kwon H.J., and Lee-Sullivan P., Compressive stress-strain response of covalently crosslinked oxidized-alginate/N-succinyl-chitosan hydrogels, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A, Volume 99, 367-375, Canada, 2011.
- Kwon H.J., Rogalsky A.D., and Kim D.-W., On the measurement of fracture toughness of soft biogel, Polymer Engineering and Science, Volume 51, 1078-1086, Canada, 2011.
- Zhao B., and Kwon H.J., Adhesion of polymers in paper products from the macroscopic to molecular level - An overview, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, Volume 25, 557-579, Canada, 2015.
- Kwon H.J., Zhao B., and Rao P.N.P., The application of digital volume collelation algorithm to cell mechanics, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings, Volume 11, 365-371, Canada, 2015.
- Kwon H.J., Rogalsky A.D., Kovalchick C., and Ravichandran G., Application of digital image correlation method to biogel, Polymer Engineering and Science, Volume 50, 1585-1593, Canada, 2010.
- Kwon H.J., and Jar P.-Y.B., On the application of FEM to deformation of high-density polyethylene, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Volume 45, 3521-3543, Canada, 2008.
- Kwon H.J., and Jar P.-Y.B., New energy partitioning approach to the measurement of plane-strain fracture toughness of high-density polyethylene based on the, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Volume 74, 2471-2480, Canada, 2007.
- Kwon H.J., and Jar P.-Y.B., Application of essential work of fracture concept to toughness characterization of high-density polyethylene, Polymer Engineering and Science, Volume 47, 1327-1337, Canada, 2007.
- Kwon H.J., and Jar P.-Y.B., Toughness of high-density polyethylene in plane-strain fracture, Polymer Engineering and Science, Volume 46, 1428-1432, Canada, 2006.
- Kwon H.J., and Jar P.-Y.B., Fracture toughness of polymers in shear mode, Polymer, Volume 46, 12480-12492, Canada, 2005.
- Kwon H.J., Jar P.-Y.B., and Xia Z., Characterization of Bi-axial fatigue resistance of polymer plates, Journal of Materials Science, Volume 40, 965-972, Canada, 2005.
- Rostamsowlat I., Evans B., Sarout J., Rostami J., and Kwon H.-J., Determination of Internal Friction Angle of Rocks Using Scratch Test with a Blunt PDC Cutter, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Volume 55, 7859-7880, Australia, 2022.
- Lari S., Han S.W., Kim J.U., and Kwon H.J., Design of HIFU Treatment Plans Using Thermodynamic Equilibrium Algorithm, Algorithms, Volume 15, Canada, 2022.
In The News
Graduate studies
- Currently considering applications from graduate students. A completed online application is required for admission; start the application process now.