Email frequently asked questions

The email frequently asked questions focus on the use and management of University of Waterloo email accounts. Every registered Faculty of Health student is provided with an email account; created automatically before their first term.

Quick facts about email

For more information, see the following Information Systems & Technology (IST) pages:

Frequently asked questions

What is my email password?

Email uses your WatIAM password for authentication.

How do I access my email?

Incoming students

Before you access your Microsoft 365 account for the first time you need to complete the steps on the accessing your Microsoft 365 account page. Once that has been done you can access your account the usual way, as described below.

Accessing your Microsoft 365 email account

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your email address as
  3. Tab or click out of that field. You will then be redirected to the University of Waterloo organizational sign-in page.
  4. Enter your WatIAM password.
  5. Click Sign in.

What are the limits on my email account?

  • 100GB mailbox quota
  • 25MB per email, unless attachments are linked from your OneDrive.

How do I setup my email on my mobile device or in an email client?

How do I lookup an email address at the University of Waterloo?

Can I forward my UWaterloo email to another account?

Though Health Computing recommends you use your provided UWaterloo email account, it is possible to forward it to an off-campus account. Create an inbox rule within Microsoft 365 to forward your email to your preferred email address.

Can I keep my UWaterloo email account after graduation?

You will keep your Microsoft 365 email account after you graduate. However, 16 months after your last registered term you will lose access to all other Microsoft 365 applications.