Priyank Jaini receives prestigious 2019 Borealis AI Graduate Fellowship
PhD candidate Priyank Jaini is one of 10 recipients nationally to receive a Borealis AI 2019 Graduate Fellowship.
PhD candidate Priyank Jaini is one of 10 recipients nationally to receive a Borealis AI 2019 Graduate Fellowship.
Professor Robin Cohen is one of four faculty members to receive a 2019 Distinguished Teacher Award, the University of Waterloo’s most prestigious honour for teaching excellence. The Distinguished Teacher Awards will be presented by Mario Coniglio, associate vice-president, academic, at the June convocation ceremony.
Cheriton School of Computer Science Professor Shai Ben-David, his former PhD student Hassan Ashtiani, now an Assistant Professor at McMaster University, along with colleagues Christopher Liaw, Abbas Mehrabian and Yaniv Plan, have received a best paper award at NeurIPS 2018, the 32ndAnnual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems.
Professors Olga Veksler and Yuri Boykov joined the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science earlier this year. Previously, both were full professors in the Department of Computer Science at Western University, where they were faculty members for 14 years.
Their research interests are in the area of computer vision. In particular, Olga’s interests are in visual correspondence and image segmentation, and Yuri’s also include 3D reconstruction and biomedical image analysis.
Computer science doctoral student Mike Schaekermann, Dr. Joslin Goh and Schaekermann’s cosupervisors, Professors Kate Larson and Edith Law, have received a best paper award at CSCW 18, the 21stACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing.
Research Professor Maura Grossman has been named as a Leading Individual in Canada for her contributions to eDiscovery by Who’s Who Legal 2018.
The Vector Institute drives excellence and leadership in Canada’s knowledge, creation and use of artificial intelligence to foster economic growth and improve the lives of Canadians. The institute is dedicated to the transformative field of artificial intelligence, excelling in machine and deep learning research.
Professor Jeff Orchard and third-year undergraduate computer science student Louis Castricato received a best paper award at the 24th International Conference on Neural Informational Processing (ICONIP 2017) for their paper titled “Combating adversarial inputs using a predictive-estimator network.”
PhD candidate Mike Schaekermann is one of 39 recipients globally and the only candidate from Canada to receive a prestigious 2018 Google PhD Fellowship.
When an election is held we often employ a peculiar kind of logic. As we mull over the candidates we may have a top choice, but if we think our preferred candidate isn’t going to win we might vote for our second choice. Or maybe we cast a ballot for our second choice because we want to make sure that a frontrunner who doesn’t represent our view loses.