Clocking a personal best
University of Waterloo teammates top 150 mph with their autonomous race car in Las Vegas,
University of Waterloo teammates top 150 mph with their autonomous race car in Las Vegas,
For most of us, social interactions are taxing, tedious or time well spent. For the 1.5% of Canadian children and youth who have been diagnosed with autism, they can be inscrutable. With the rise of new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), however, facial expression classification (FEC) systems could help autistic and neurotypical people engage better.
Professor Jimmy Lin has been named a 2022 ACM Fellow for his contributions to question answering, information retrieval, and natural language processing.
Waterloo researchers use MRI data to further personalize cancer medicine.
A team of computer scientists at Waterloo is leading the $1.5 million multi-partner consortium.
Equipping today’s learners for tomorrow’s work.
Ribbit’s pilotless planes are set to make the future of air more inclusive and sustainable.
Academics and entrepreneurs invited by Canada’s top data steward to partner with government for future growth
University of Waterloo researchers take a novel approach to public health analysis
Professor's winning research photo of suspended droplets was inspired by a walk in the park