Heterotheca marginata

Heterotheca marginata Semple is a rare species found in Upper Sonoran desert in the Superstition Mts. and Pinal Mts. of southern Arizona.

Heterotheca marginata fig-32 semple 1996

Figure 32.  Morphology and distribution of Heterotheca marginata.  A. Habit.  B-C.  Lower stem leaf and upper stem leaf, respectively, adaxial surface.  D. Head with only some florets drawn.  E. Mid series phyllary with chlorophyllous zone dark; upper margins usually anthocyanotic.  F.  Mature achene with disc corolla attached.  G. Distribution in southern Arizona based on all collections seen.

Last update 19 May 2023 by J.C. Semple

© 2023 J.C. Semple, including all photographs unless otherwise indicated