Grass-leaved Goldenasters
Pityopsis Nutt. includes the Grass-leaved Goldenasters. A small genus of seven herbaceous perennial species native to the southeastern United States and northern Central America. (see Semple 2006 FNA)

The most widely distributed species is Pityopsis graminifolia. Other species have much narrower distributions. Pityopsis pinifolia occurs along the fall-line counties in North and South Carolina in a few locations. Pityopsis ruthii is restricted to a small area in southeastern Tennessee and is a protected species.
The genus is distinguished from other goldenasters by its long flattened hairs that form a silvery interconnected mat on the stems and usually on the leaf surfaces, when the hairs are present in high numbers.
The fruit body (cypsela) tends to be fusiform and more elongated than fruits of other goldenaster genera.
Pityopsis sect. Pityopsis
Pityopsis sect. Graminifoliae
Last update 23 May 2023 by J.C. Semple
© 2023 J.C. Semple, including all photographs unless otherwise indicated