Doellingeria (Eucephalus) tomentella

Brickellbush Aster

Doellingeria tomentella (Greene) Semple, Brouillet & G.A. Allen is native to open oak or coniferous woods, forest openings and rocky cliffs in the Siskiyou Mountains of southern Oregon and northern California (Allen 2006 FNA; Allen 2019).  The species is distinguished by its leaves that are abaxially moderately to densely hairy, but the upper surfaces glabrous or nearly so and by its heads with (0–)1–3(–6) violet-purple rays.

The species has been treated under the following names: Sericocarpus tomentellus Greene, Aster brickellioides Greene, A. tomentellus(Greene) Frye & Rigg, Eucephalus bicolor Eastwood, E. brickellioides(Greene) G. L. Nesom

Eucephalus tomentellus can be similar to D. breweri and D. glabrata.

Revised 30 April 2021 by J.C. Semple

© 2021 J.C. Semple, including all photographs unless otherwise indicated

Allen, G.A., L. Brouillet, J.C. Semple, H.J. Guest, and R. Underhill. 2019. Diversification of the North American Doellingeria-EucephalusClade (Astereae: Asteraceae) as inferred from molecular and morphological evidence.  Syst. Bot. 44(4): 930-942.