Edited by: J. Lawrence, J. Pou, D.K. Low, E. Toyserkani, “Advances in Laser Materials Processing Technology, Research and Applications”, CRC Press and Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, UK, First Edition, ISBN: 1-84569-474-0, 2010.
M. Alimardani, C.P. Paul, E. Toyserkani, A. Khajepour, “Multi-physics modeling of laser solid freeform fabrication”, in Advances in Laser Materials Processing technology, Research and Applications, CRC Press and Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, UK, First Edition, ISBN: 1-84569-474-0, pp. 765-789, 2010.
E. Toyserkani, “Real-time control of laser solid freeform fabrication”, in Advances in Laser Materials Processing Research and Applications, Edited by Jonathan Lawrence and David K. Y. Low, Research Signpost, ISBN: 81-308-0078-0, pp. 1- 18, 2005.
E. Toyserkani, A. Khajepour, S.F. Corbin, “Laser cladding”, CRC Press, ISBN: 0-8493-2172-7, 2004.
E. Toyserkani, A. Khajepour, S.F. Corbin, “Vision-based feedback control of laser powder deposition”, A chapter of IEEE series on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice, Edited by John Billingsley, RSP Press, ISBN: 0-8638-0290-7, 2003.