We are NO LONGER RECRUITING for our FORTIFY Bones study.
As we age, we lose bone and muscle. Exercise helps keep people healthy and independent, but we still don’t know which types of exercise best prevent bone loss in people with osteoporosis or low bone mineral density. Additionally, the optimal intensity of exercise remains unclear. In this study, we compared three different types of exercise to help inform recommendations for individuals with osteoporosis or low bone mineral density.
For this study, we sought men and postmenopausal women who:
- Are aged 50 or over
- Have received two COVID-19 vaccines
- Have low bone density, osteopenia, or osteoporosis
- Were willing to participate in twice weekly exercise sessions for 12 months
Participants in the study engaged in either two weekly exercise sessions at a designated location or completed home-based exercises twice a week, supplemented by bi-monthly Zoom sessions. Participants did not choose which group they are in. They were randomly assigned to either the in-person or home-based exercise group.
The in-person sessions were held at:
- The Toby Jenkins Applied Health Research Building at the University of Waterloo for participants near Waterloo
- Kinnected Chain (250 Don Park Rd) for participants near Markham
- The University of Saskatchewan for participants near Saskatoon
Participants also attended three study visits: at the start of the study, after six months, and at the end of the study. At these visits, they:
- Filled out questionnaires about their background, medical history, and quality of life
- Completed physical performance assessments
- Provided blood samples (only at the beginning of the study and after six months, and only at the University of Waterloo site)
- Completed bone mineral density scans (only at the beginning and end of the study)
Although we are no longer recruiting for this study, if you are interested in learning more, please contact us at:
University of Waterloo site:
Phone: 519-904-0660, Ext. 4222
Markham/University of Toronto site:
Email: linda.dorado@uhnresearch.ca
Phone: 416-340-4800, Ext. 5718
University of Saskatchewan site:
Email: usask.fortify@usask.ca
Phone: 306-966-1305
Thank you for your interest in our work!
This study has been reviewed and received ethics clearance through a University of Waterloo Research Ethics Board.