CDW3 Schedule

A tentative schedule of CDW3 is shown below, for planning purposes. More details will be added to each block, as the schedule is finalized.

Thursday, December 12

9am - 9:30am Arrival, coffee and breakfast bites
9:30am-10am Introduction to CDW3
10am - 11:30am Workshop 1:  Exploring opportunities and challenges of using LLMs and AI in design
11:30am - 1:30pm Lunch and Marketplace 1
1:30pm - 3:30pm Workshop 2: Sustainability and design
3:30pm - 5:30pm Workshop 3: Interdisciplinary design education through campus-wide student projects: Its value and models for operationalization
5:30pm - 9pm 

Conference dinner & Keynote Address

Friday, December 13

9am - 9:30am Arrival, coffee and breakfast bites
9:30am - 11:30am Workshop 4: Designing design research: Lessons from design researchers
11:30am - 12pm Spotlight on Design Education in Ontario K-8
12pm - 2pm Lunch and Marketplace 2
2pm - 4pm Workshop 5: Advancing design using pedagogical frameworks in co/extra curricular and curricular settings
4pm - 4:30pm CDW3 Closing