Ideas Marketplace

Ideas Marketplace Contributions

Facilitator: Nancy Nelson (University of Waterloo/University of Calgary)

Thursday, Dec. 12
  Title and authors Institution

Practice based engineering design PhD’s

Gregory Litster

University of Toronto

Reflections on the pedagogical challenges of teaching design engineering

Robert Fleisig

McMaster University

Factors for consideration in capstone assessment schemas

Jackie Heitzner, Ken McKay, Ada Hurst

University of Waterloo

Engineering design self-efficacy: Do we need an expanded measurement tool?

Liz DaMaren

University of Toronto


Fostering entrepreneurial mindset development through design thinking in university entrepreneurship co-op program

Kailimi Li, Arsen Stepanyan, Wayne Chang

University of Waterloo

Learning from design project experiences… through critical reflection

Stephen Mattucci

University of Guelph

Indigenous design annotated bibliography

Sean Maw, Darryl Isbister

University of Saskatchewan

Assessment in hands-on design: Promoting creativity and risk-taking while keeping expectations clear

Morgan Hooper, Philip Asare

University of Toronto
Friday, Dec. 13
  Title and authors Institution

Managing software design: The challenge of design representation

Julie Johnson

University of Waterloo

Tracking the development of attitudes towards engineering design

Sean Maw, Glyn Kennell

University of Saskatchewan

Learning through experience, A practical approach

Ray Taheri

University of British Columbia

Design sprints to help first-year students explore engineering disciplines

Jeff Harris

York University

How to combine capstone design course with extra-curricular design competition in environmental engineering?

Tong Yu

University of Alberta

Designing playbook for interdisciplinary engineering capstone teams and entrepreneurship centred on Grand Challenges

Wayne Chang, Nadine Ibrahim, Jenn Coggan, Nada Basir, Cristen Brown

University of Waterloo

Design in Elementary Education: Challenges and Triumphs 

Hebron Gebre-Mariam, Whitney McKinley, Heather Isnor-Williams

Mary Robinson, Martin Scherer, Lyndia Littel

Waterloo Region District School Board

University of Waterloo