Can new vehicle technology prevent attacks like the one in Toronto? The experts aren't so sure

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Autonomous tech can slow down vehicle attacks, but won't stop them completely, professor says

White van in Toronto attack
The van attack that killed 10 people in north Toronto has some observers asking if there's a high-tech way to prevent similar assaults. But experts say technology won't be enough to stop people from using vehicles as weapons.

"Technology is not alone the answer to these issues," said Jez Littlewood, an assistant professor of international affairs at Carleton University, after a driver plowed through pedestrians on a busy stretch of Yonge Street on Monday. 

Alek Minassian, 25, has been charged with 10 counts of first-degree murder and 13 counts of attempted murder. Police have said a 14th count is expected. 

Toronto is now among several cities in Europe and North America where vehicles were recently used to kill pedestrians. In 2016 and 2017, drivers used that method of violence in Nice, Berlin, Paris, London, New York, Edmonton and other cities.

Littlewood compared the number of dead in the 2016 Berlin Christmas market attack, in which 12 people were killed, to the more than 80 victims of the attack in Nice, France.

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