The Centre for Society, Technology and Values (CSTV) explores relationships among modern technology, culture and human values, and the structure of society.
CSTV was established in 1984 as an interdisciplinary teaching and research unit. Since 1991, it has been connected with the Department of Systems Design Engineering.
No matter where one looks, there is growing interest in the human context of science and technology. Courses in Society, Technology and Values (STV) are designed to help students come to grips with many of the major questions we face in a sophisticated technological society.
CSTV offers a six-course undergraduate option, which is open to students from all faculties. STV courses promote a critical awareness of the interactions of human values, modern technology and the structure of society. The STV option gives students a high degree of freedom in relating fundamental STV questions, ideas and issues to their own areas of interest.
The Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) now requires that all engineering undergraduates receive some instruction in the Impact of Technology on Society. Courses offered by the Centre for Society, Technology and Values are specifically designed to meet this requirement. CSTV is growing rapidly and now serves more than 600 undergraduate students from all faculties each year.