Panel Discussion: Education for ethical design thinking
Panel Discussion: Education for ethical design thinking
Panelists are Grant Hutchison, Mariel García Montes, Paul Heidebrecht and Scott Campbell.
Panelists are Grant Hutchison, Mariel García Montes, Paul Heidebrecht and Scott Campbell.
Join us on October 28 at 4pm, in-person or virtually via livestream, for Critical Tech Talk 4: Batya Friedman!
This discussion of ethical decision making when building technologies in a ‘Good Way’ includes two examples. First, I illustrate how the protocol for building a Lakota sweat lodge can act as a framework for building a physical computing device. Next, I provide an example of how multiple streams of protocol are necessary to build an AI system as a confluence of ethics. Some ideas proposed here are not currently possible, some are possible if investment is made in the necessary research, and some are possible but only through a radical change in the way technology companies are run and the pyramid of compensation for the exploitation of resources is reversed.
Join via this Zoom link, passcode 756099.
Suzanne Kite is an award-winning Oglála Lakȟóta artist, composer, and academic. Her scholarship and practice explore contemporary Lakȟóta ontology (the study of beinghood in Lakȟóta), artificial intelligence, and contemporary art and performance. She creates interfaces and arranges software systems that engage the whole body, in order to imagine new ethical AI protocols that interrogate past, present, and future Lakȟóta philosophies.
TAWAW is a design-research firm dedicated to advancing Indigenous architecture. Our current research centres on the meaning found in original structures – the tipi, hogan, longhouse or wigwam - which we have come to understand as a microcosm of a larger world. Each project we undertake, offers behavioural, social and ideological meanings, that we integrate into contemporary form. Our work is not about replicating traditional designs but about understanding the meanings they hold, to bring meanings forward, making culture visible, but also stable. Join us as we explore the work of encoding and decoding Indigenous environments.
United College GreenHouse is excited and proud to be hosting the 32nd Social Impact Showcase. Join us in celebrating youth-led social innovation, entrepreneurship and impact on Wednesday, November 20th | 4:00-5:30 pm at United College (Alumni Hall). The Showcase creates a unique and valuable opportunity for our students to connect with community members who may support them on their journey in refining their ideas.
We hope to see you there. Please register for this event here. Kindly forward this invite to those in your network.